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The Satanic Bible

Page 17

by Michael A Aquino

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  constitutionally an external field 102 , not a brain-

  internal electrochemical process.

  The Egyptians investigated not only the

  Thought-Field of the MindStar (hereinafter “MS”)

  but its eightfold composition through anamnesis,

  but that’s not needed to dispel the brain-materialism

  myth. For instance:

  1. Brain activity isn’t the same as thinking, feeling,

  or seeing.

  2. No one has remotely shown how molecules

  acquire the qualities of the mind.

  3. It is impossible to construct a theory of the mind

  based on material objects that somehow became


  4. When the brain lights up, its activity is like a radio

  lighting up when music is played. It is an obvious

  fallacy to say that the radio composed the music.

  What is being viewed is only a physical

  correlation, not a cause. 103

  The “soul” thus not really being all that difficult

  to discover and distinguish, it is somewhat

  surprising how little attention conventional religion

  has devoted to it, as now reviewed:

  102 Cf. MindStar & MindWar for a detailed discussion of Life-

  & Thought-Fields - again too extensive for this book. For

  instance physical sensory & body-functional mechanisms can

  be traced to specific sections of the brain, but thoughts and

  memories cannot be localized, nor measured in terms of access


  103 Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP, and Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi,

  Ph.D., Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy, Professor of Neurology,

  Harvard Medical School Director, Genetics and Aging at

  Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), “Good News: You Are

  Not Your Brain”, The Huffington Post, May 27, 2012.

  - 191 -

  B. Judæo/Christian Soul

  From Webster’s International Dictionary:


  (1) The immaterial essence or substance,

  animating principle, or actuating cause of

  life or of the individual life.

  (2a) The psychical or spiritual principle in

  general shared by or embodied in

  individual human beings or all beings

  having a rational and spiritual nature.

  (2b) The psychical or spiritual nature of the

  universe related to the physical world as

  the human soul to the human body ...

  While a superficially-impressive attempt, this

  definition finally falls back on empty circularity.

  What is an “animating principle”, and would the

  soul not exist if it did not animate externalities?

  What is meant by “psychical” and “spiritual”? As

  Robert Anton Wilson quipped in Schrödinger’s Cat:

  Theology was a system for explaining things

  by coining words which nobody could understand

  and then pretending that the words meant

  something. 104

  The Hebrews drew no distinction between

  human souls and the animating force common to all

  animals ( nephesh). Although some part of this force

  was thought to survive the destruction of the body, it

  was regarded with superstitious terror and referred

  to ambiguously by the terms elohim and rephaim.

  These shades drift forever in El’s [Mesopotamian]

  104 Wilson, Robert Anton, Schrödinger’s Cat. New York: Pocket

  Books, 1979, page #98.

  - 192 -

  underworld of Kur-nu-gi-a or Sheol, a dim, dismal


  As the dictionary definition implies, there has

  been relatively little Christian examination of the

  “soul” beyond the Jewish model. There have been

  some notable artistic speculations as to what a

  Christian Heaven or Hell might look like, per

  Michelangelo, Bosch, Blake, Goya - but “souls” just

  appear as humans, whether redeemed or roasted.

  One is tempted to conclude from this

  surprising absence of depiction or even curiosity

  that post-Enlightenment Christians, and probably

  Jews, don’t seriously believe in their own myths

  anymore - and upon death expect nothing but the

  Big Black Sack of oblivion.

  Indeed this supposition goes a long way toward

  explaining the conspicuous breakdown of traditional

  morality in modern Judæo/Christian cultures. If no

  one really believes in posthumous judgment and

  accountability anymore, there is no reason except

  the rather tenuous motive of “self-respect” to behave

  “morally” - assuming that all individuals and

  communities can even agree upon that concept.

  The result is a climate of anything-goes

  opportunism and licentiousness - not at all the

  reasoned Indulgence advocated by Anton LaVey in

  1966, but a brattishly vulgar descent to itch/scratch

  carelessness and gratification-tantrums.

  In Walt Disney’s Pinocchio (1940) a mysterious

  coachman entices delinquent boys (including the

  naïve puppet) to an anarchic “Pleasure Island”,

  wherein they can rampage like jackasses ... until

  they discover that, like Odysseus’ crew bewitched by

  Circe, they have become actual donkeys, to be sold

  into a life of slavery and humiliation.

  Look around; notice all the ears and tails.

  - 193 -

  C. Egyptian MindStar

  This is necessarily an introduction and a

  summary. A detailed explanation requires a book in

  itself. 105

  One of the more interesting secrets of Satanism

  is that bodily “death” does not mean personal

  o b l i t e r a t i o n , b u t s i m p l y t h e M S T - F i e l d

  relinquishing of a no-longer-needed OU sensory


  But also as previously discussed herein, this

  disconnection does not precipitate a posthumous

  “redemption/judgment/consequences scenario. It is

  rather “a first step into a larger universe”, or more

  precisely, any number of them.

  The Egyptians discovered that, unlike the

  Hebraic “amœbic lump of nephesh”, the MS

  manifests itself in one or more of eight

  concentrations or “emanations”.

  It is important to understand that this is not an

  “armchair” list, but the presentation of a box of tools

  for you to identify in your own self: familiarize,

  activate, extend, Xeper.

  Each emanation proceeds from the [more] OU-

  linked to the [more] SU-linked. Predictably this

  makes the more basic ones that much easier to

  identify based on their familiar, if subconscious OU-


  The Egyptian priesthoods knew that each living

  creature possesses several existence-emanations

  above and beyond the metabolic mind/body.

  All sentient beings possess the first four ( khat,

  ren, khabit, ab).

  105 Aquino, Michael A., MindStar. San Francisco: Barony of

  Rachane, 2nd Edition, 2018.

  - 194 -

  Beings endowed with the Gift of Set (awareness

  of isolate self-consciousness) the next two ( ba, ka)

  as well as in those of initiatory capac
ity and

  attainment the next one ( sekhem), and in unique

  instances the ultimate one ( akh).

  Upon being alerted to each emanation, simply

  redirect your thought “inward” until you find and

  recognize it in yourself. You may be surprised at how

  effortless this is. [As effortless and self-evident,

  indeed, as all of the “great truths” presented in

  “Lucifer”, each of which you find, perhaps to your

  surprise, that you “know already”. Welcome to


  The MS is a gateway, a map to your personal

  Grail Castle. Once you know that it exists and is

  there to be quested and found, you have only to

  enter freely and of your own will.



  The body-emanation. The khat is integral

  with the being’s physical body, and is the original of

  what later, lesser cultures would represent as the

  “energy body”, “body of light”, “astral body”, etc. In

  current field theory it constitutes the life-field of the

  person, controlling and directing its material

  counterpart’s organization, regeneration, and span

  of existence. During physical life it is coextensive

  with its material counterpart. After material death it

  may remain with the corpse to serve as a medium

  for the other emanations, or it may merely linger

  near its remains. Jungians perceived the khat as the

  “earthbound” anima, and in the oriental vision of

  the Golden Flower it was known as the kuei:

  Tao the undivided, Great One, gives rise to

  two opposite reality principles, Darkness and

  - 195 -

  Light, yin and yang. These are at first thought of

  only as forces of nature apart from man. Later the

  sexual polarities, and others as well, are derived

  from them. From yin comes K’un, the receptive

  feminine principle; from yang comes Ch’ien, the

  creative masculine principle. From yin comes

  ming (life); from yang comes hsing (essence).

  Each individual contains a central monad

  which, at the moment of conception, splits into life

  and essence ( ming and hsing). These two are

  super-individual principles and so can be related

  to eros and logos.

  In the personal bodily existence of the

  individual they are represented by two other

  polarities, a p’o soul (or anima) and a hun soul (or

  animus). All during the life of the individual these

  two are in conflict, each striving for mastery. At

  death they separate and go different ways. The

  anima sinks to earth as kuei, a ghost-being. 106

  It is the khat which is drawn into or activated

  from within a corpse in necromantic magical

  workings. As the reader may surmise, the khat is

  also the vehicle for the zombie practices of

  Voodoo. 107

  106 The Secret of the Golden Flower by Richard Wilhelm

  (Trans) (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1931. A classic

  of Chinese Taoism describing the process of the attainment of

  transcendental existence by the means of creating a mandala

  from the personal subconscious. A key influence in the magical

  philosophy of Golden Dawn Rosicrucian W.B. Yeats. Cf. also a

  more recent translation by Thomas Cleary (San Francisco:

  HarperSan Francisco, 1991).

  107 For details of zombification see Wade E. Davis , The Serpent

  and the Rainbow (New York: Warner Books, 1987), concerning

  Haitian Voodoo and actual zombie creation - not by

  supernatural means, but by the secret use of poisons. The book

  is based upon field research by the author, who holds

  undergraduate degrees from Harvard University in

  Ethnobotany and Biology, and a Ph.D. in Ethnobotany.

  - 196 -

  2. Ren

  The name-emanation. The Egyptians

  understood the power of names to identify, define,

  protect, and empower individuals - most

  conspicuously in the various names taken by each

  pharaoh. Collectively and separately each name

  affected the very essence of the person, and the

  greatest curse [as also illustrated in literature and

  film] was to be denied all names. 108 Externally a

  name can be used to summon or compel, whether

  physically incarnate or not. The neteru also have the

  power and the discretion to give names as well as

  take them, and through such names to take form

  and voice.

  3. Khabit

  The shadow-emanation. This is the

  connection of the still-incarnate khat with the life-

  forces of the natural neteru, enabling it to function

  as the organizing and controlling energy (the

  individual “life-field”). If the khabit is destroyed, the

  life-field de-energizes and the physical body expires.

  108 For example, in Bram Stoker’s The Jewel of Seven Stars,

  the Egyptian priests who sought to prevent the feared

  sorceress-Queen Tera from returning to incarnate life

  attempted to destroy all inscriptions of her name in her tomb,

  as well as in other references to her. [They failed.]

  In H.P. Lovecraft’s The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, the

  name and all references to the Colonial sorcerer Joseph

  Curwen were tracked down and obliterated by the vigilantes

  who murdered him.

  Elsewhere in exoteric history it was a common practice for

  Egyptian pharaohs and priesthoods to attempt to deface or

  erase the names, images, and monuments of feared or hated

  predecessors, such as the “heretic” Akhenaten.

  - 197 -

  In Black Magic the khabit can also be sent out by its

  owner as an instrument of influence upon others.

  After the physical body is destroyed or no

  longer needed, the khabit becomes an avatar of the

  neter Anubis, overseeing guidance of the

  [noninitiate] consciousness through the incoherence

  of the Tuat into the stabilization of Amenti. An

  initiated consciousness needs no such guidance.

  4. Ab

  The heart-emanation. The physical locus of

  individual identity and consciousness, hence the

  bridge between the OU of the neteru and the SU of

  the four metaphysical emanations. It is through the

  ab that an individual realizes and recognizes

  incarnate identity and uniqueness, and following

  destruction/expiration of one’s body it is through

  the ab that one can reenter the OU [as a “ghost”,

  through “possession” (more precisely merger with

  another, incarnate ab), or through thought-


  It is also in the ab that the strength and quality

  of one’s maat (inclination to “good” or “evil”)

  reposes. This is echoed in the later Indian

  mythologies of karma, and was the reason for the

  posthumous “weighing of the heart against a

  feather” in Egypt. After bodily death the maat

  within the ab overwhelms it completely, so that any

  subsequent manifestation in the OU is likely to be

  an extreme concentration of either beneficence or
/>   malevolence.

  - 198 -

  5. Ba

  The core-emanation. This is each sentient

  being’s sense of self-awareness, of unique and

  absolute distinction from everything else (both other

  sentient beings and the entire OU). Thus it is the

  manifestation, or Gift, of Set, the neter of non-

  nature, in each so-conscious entity.

  The ba becomes stronger through increased

  self-exploration and -realization: the initiatory

  process of Xeper. Unlike natural initiation, which

  draws the individual into alignment, harmony, and

  ultimately conscious absorption into and

  indistinction from one or more of the natural

  neteru, Xeper of the ba does not dissolve the self

  into Set, but attains and sustains a cohesive essence

  of its own.

  The anamnesis or “remembered knowledge”

  experienced by the slave boy in Plato’s Meno is

  perhaps more accurately described as the physical-

  process, stimulus/response brain reaching in to the

  ba for bits of its immortal, eternal wisdom. But this

  is akin to reaching for a coal in a hot fire. It is

  stressful to do, and the result can be held only for a

  fleeting moment without further stress. The

  superficial/physical “self”, which through material

  “hits” continuously reassures itself that it is the only

  self, is shaken by exposure to its falseness, its

  nothingness. It backs away from such “close

  encounters”, dismisses them as “illusions”,

  “fantasy”, “imagination”, etc., and hastens to rebuild

  its fortress of material-sensation walls.

  Absent Setian orientation and initiation, a ba

  simply continues as one’s sense of identity, thus the

  “essential self” around which all of the other souls

  coalesce and recognize themselves. Within

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  noninitiates this results in the ba being sensed as a

  dreamy, meditative “state of being” which, if

  indulged in with persistence and intensity, leads to

  its overwhelming the other souls, hence “nirvana”

  and similar states of ba-ecstasy.

  6. Ka

  The transmigration-emanation. The ka is

  the complete mirror-image of all eight natural and

  non-natural emanations, fused into an avatar,

  Doppelgänger, or Horla, a completely metaphysical

  remanifestation of oneself which can exist and

  displace without limit, both within the non-natural

  universe generated by one’s ba and within the


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