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Under the Seductive Lady's Charm: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 27

by Henrietta Harding

  Amanda giggled. “I must be losing my touch.”

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. Amanda let go of her shoulders and breathed in a deep breath. “Smell that? Henrietta has cooked those little cakes that she serves with honey. I love those.”

  “You love any food. It is a wonder that you fit in that dress still,” Charlotte tossed at her friend.

  Amanda threw her head back haughtily. “My darling, that is what corsets were made for.”

  “I almost despise asking, but where is your brother today?” Charlotte prepared herself for hearing about another trip that had taken Graham far from home.

  Amanda opened the dining hall door. “I do think he is sitting at the table.”

  Charlotte’s heart leapt against her chest as she hurried to catch up with Amanda. Just as Amanda had stated, Graham was seated at the head of the dining room table with a cup of coffee and some paper that he was reading. He looked up at her entrance and Charlotte felt her breath stick in her throat as his eyes locked on hers.

  Amanda went past her toward the table and Charlotte forced herself to at least put on a show of normality as she went to sit down. Graham stood up as they approached. He pulled out a chair to his left for his sister. Then he pulled out a chair to his right where he obviously intended Charlotte to sit.

  Charlotte made her way to the chair as he held it out for her. She whispered, “Thank you.” As soon as she was seated, Graham went back to his spot at the head of the table.

  He looked at them with a vaguely amused smile. “I heard you two talking of dresses.”

  Charlotte blushed deeply thinking of him overhearing them talking of how best to dress enticingly for him. Amanda shrugged. “Well, someone has to remind Charlotte that she can do a little shopping. I for one feel overdue for the matter.”

  “You always feel overdue for shopping,” Graham reminded his sister. He turned to Charlotte. ”But it might be a good adventure to keep your spirits up. I have noted that you seem a bit melancholy as of late.”

  Charlotte shook her head to deny his words. “I have not been melancholy. I have simply been disappointed with all the travelling you have had to do.”

  “I wish I could put off these trips, but it is better to do them before the wedding.” Graham reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I would rather do them now than have business intrude on our honeymoon.”

  Charlotte had not thought of that. She gave the man a smile. “That is a very good point. Perhaps I should have set the date out further to ensure you had time to complete your business affairs.”

  “I think the date is perfect as it is,” Graham said with a swift sternness that told Charlotte he was in as much of a hurry to get the wedding over with as she was.

  Amanda tittered with laughter. “You two are adorable.”

  “Speaking of business, have you two sorted out the maid situation?” Graham’s eyes shifted between them as he poured their tea for them.

  Amanda took her cup of tea with a grateful smile. “Talking to your bride-to-be about the matter has left my tongue tired.”

  “Charlotte,” Graham said as he set a cup of tea in front of Charlotte. “For once, my sister has a point.”

  “I resent that,” Amanda put in, but Graham ignored her.

  Charlotte sighed. “I know. I just find the task daunting.”

  “Let Amanda help you then.” Graham lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “She has had experience with this sort of thing, after all.”

  Amanda beamed. “Although my first choice of a lady’s maid did run off and get engaged to my brother.”

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes at Amanda which only caused the woman more merriment. “Your cakes are getting cold,” Charlotte said pointedly to her.

  Amanda nodded with a smile. She turned her attention to her cakes, but Charlotte saw the amusement on her face still. Charlotte noted then that Graham did not have any of the cakes, or any food at all in front of him. “Have you eaten already?”

  “No,” Graham replied as he looked back at his papers. “Those cakes are far too sweet for my taste, and I have an early luncheon with an associate.”

  Charlotte took a bite of her cake. It was very sweet, but warm and buttery too. She found on this matter she had to agree with Amanda. The cakes were quite delicious.

  “So, you will be travelling again today then?” Charlotte’s heart had been so hopeful that they might get to stroll in the garden, or at the very least talk some more.

  Graham nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “I will not be very far, though. I should be back by the evening meal.”

  “That is good,” Charlotte said. She could put up with a little absence, so long as he was not going to be gone for days at a time.

  Graham’s eyes met hers for a moment, but it was enough for Charlotte to see that he was not eager to be away either. A smile played over her lips as she ate her breakfast, content with catching Graham’s gaze off and on in a teasing manner. He seemed wise to her little game with the way the corner of his lips quirked up every time she gave him a sidelong glance.

  Amanda eventually grew tired of the quiet and began prattling on about who to invite to the wedding. Charlotte had only a very short list of people to invite, so she did not have much interest in the list of names that Amanda was going on about. Graham nodded along with her, dismissing a few names with varying reasons.

  “There is no need to invite all of London, Amanda.” Graham sighed at his sister as he folded his paper and laid it on the table. He had been very indulgent with her of late, Charlotte noted. But he gave her a disapproving look. “It is not normally custom for weddings to be large affairs.”

  Amanda brushed off her brother’s comment with a flip of her hand. “Yes, but you support this whole county. Certainly, people will want to celebrate with you, Graham.”

  “She does have a point,” Charlotte interjected, which caused Graham’s eyes to cut to her.

  He sighed. “Well, never let it be said that I do not know when to concede a battle.”

  Amanda clapped her hands together with glee. Graham raised a warning hand to her. “Do not invite the whole of your London society. The invites will be sent out based on my list. You can make a few suggestions, but that it is all.”

  “Fine,” Amanda said in a pout. She took a bite of her cake and stared grumpily at her brother.

  Charlotte assured Amanda, “I am sure you will have plenty of friends on the list. I will make sure of it.” Amanda gave her a smile.

  “If you two are done,” Graham said with an amused smile. “I need to be heading out.”

  Charlotte’s heart plummeted. Even though she knew it was coming, it was hard to convince her heart that the loss was not palpable. “Godspeed,” she told him.

  “Thank you.” He gave her a smile as he rose. “I shall see you this evening.” Charlotte nodded and returned his smile. Her eyes followed him as he left.

  Amanda snorted. “Still do not understand what you see in my brother.”

  “That is because he is your brother,” Charlotte explained. “Surely you know that more than a few ladies of society have an interest in him.”

  Amanda’s nose crinkled up. “Titles cannot buy one good sense.”

  “You are quite insulting today,” Charlotte said with a laugh.

  Amanda stuck her tongue out. “The wedding is nearing, and I think maybe I am just a little jealous.”

  Charlotte was struck by her frankness. Amanda was not usually one for such a straightforward comment. “Why would you be jealous?”

  Amanda fidgeted with her napkin. “There is a chance that I will not get married.”

  Charlotte reached across the table and Amanda reluctantly grasped her outstretched hand. She gave Amanda’s fingers a squeeze. “You? You have all the chances in the world to get married.”

  “What if Lord Stanhope besmirches my reputation?” Amanda had clearly been thinking about this for some time and Charlotte saw the worry in her eyes.

nbsp; Charlotte shook her head. “I do not think Lord Stanhope would cross your brother and earn his ire.”

  “Maybe,” Amanda whispered. She cleared her throat. “But what about my other suitors? I ignored them. Surely they will have taken offense. The more I think of it, the more I am likely to have a reputation as a flighty and undesirable sort.”

  Charlotte knew that the idea she might not marry had crossed Amanda’s mind, but she had no idea that the notion had taken such a hold. “Trust me when I say that you will be fine, Amanda. Your brother would see to your wellbeing in any case, and I know that you will find what you seek.”

  “I guess I shall have to just trust God. Perhaps there is a reason for all of this.” Amanda pulled her hand free of Charlotte’s grasp and sighed. She gave Charlotte a smile. “Thank you for listening to me babble. I am sure Katrina is quite tired of it.”

  Charlotte assured her, “I think Katrina adores you. If you need to talk, however, I am always here.”


  The day of the wedding came with looming clouds. Graham eyed the sky outside the church with a dubious eye. “It is good luck,” Victor assured him.

  “Yes,” Graham agreed. It was fitting really, since he and Charlotte had declared their love in the rain. But he could hardly tell Victor that particular tale.

  Victor cleared his throat. “I do think the whole county might be in attendance.” He nodded at the crowds gathering along the processional path outside the church.

  Graham chuckled. “I think you might be right. Come, let us make our way inside. It is almost time for the ceremony to begin.”

  The inside of the church was adorned with lilies and ribbons. Graham shook his head at the decorations. They were surely something his sister had thought of. Mr. Wilson gave him a nod as Graham took his spot in front of the man.

  A few minutes later everyone turned as Charlotte was led into the hall by a smiling Amanda. There was no one to give Charlotte away, and the women had thought it a lovely gesture to have Amanda do so. Graham had agreed out of amusement.

  Now though, he hardly cared who led Charlotte in. The woman shone with a delicate beauty that made his breath catch in his throat and his pulse quicken. The gown of pale blue she wore clung to her all too well, and Graham had to tear his eyes away.

  He met her gaze as Amanda held Charlotte’s hand out to him. Graham had never accepted a gift with more gratitude as he took Charlotte’s hand. His smile came without any effort at the woman before him.

  Charlotte looked up into his eyes and her warm brown eyes hid nothing. Graham turned with her to Mr. Wilson. The ceremony was a blur of the guests reciting the customary passages and repeating well-known oaths. It really did not last that long, but it was still torturously long for Graham.

  Finally, Mr. Wilson said the command that Graham had been waiting, “You may kiss your bride, Lord Easterly.”

  Graham drew Charlotte to him and kissed her softly. Her lips on his beckoned for him to continue and kiss her soundly, but he broke the kiss with reluctance. They shared a smile as Mr. Wilson told them to face the crowd.

  Mr. Wilson raised his voice to proclaim, “I present to you Lord and Lady Easterly!”

  There was a round of applause, but soon enough they were being escorted to sign the marriage lines and Graham exhaled a breath of relief.

  Those in attendance within the church gave them a polite round of applause as Graham escorted Charlotte outside. There were flowers and the such strewn on the processional path that led from the church.

  As an extra custom of the region, some of the lower classes even employed the act of whipping the couple as they fled straight to their home in an uproarious act that was meant to ensure fertility. Graham was glad at that moment that it was not customary to do so with his station as he walked out of the church with Charlotte on his arm.

  The crowds had doubled along the road in front of the church. Charlotte whispered, “There are so many people.”

  “I do think that Amanda’s prediction has turned out to be true. It looks as if the whole town, if not the county is out today.” Graham gave her a smile and led her down the church steps.

  As soon as the crowd saw them, they began to call out their good wishes and applaud. Graham spotted many familiar faces. The guests inside the church filed out behind them to witness the procession. Graham spied the carriage at the end of the short road and he smiled. Soon enough they would be away from all of this.

  Charlotte waved at someone behind them. Graham turned and saw Mrs. Wilson with her children in tow. He nodded his head and noticed then that Lord Allerton had been in attendance. How had Graham missed the man when he greeted the guests?

  He gave the man a nod of his head, which Lord Allerton returned with a smile. Graham turned his gaze forward and pondered the man’s presence. Quickly enough Charlotte had his attention again with light pressure on his arm.

  When they reached the carriage, he helped her up into the seat, and swiftly joined her. Charlotte leaned up and gave the crowd another wave before the carriage lurched forward. She turned to him as the carriage moved away.

  “Finally it is over,” she said with as much relief as Graham felt.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. “At last.”

  Charlotte leaned her head against his shoulder as she pressed against him in the carriage. “It is too bad that there is still so much of the daylight left.”

  Graham could not help the chuckle that her words brought on. “I have had the same thought myself.”

  When they reached the manor, Graham escorted Charlotte inside. They barely had time to get through the door before Amanda came in right behind them. “Brother,” she whispered. “Lord Allerton is here.”

  Graham sighed as he turned toward his sister. Charlotte was clinging to his arm, clearly still eager to get to their shared rooms, but Amanda did not seem to notice. “Yes. I saw him.”

  “No, brother, he asked to speak with me. I agreed for him to come here.”

  Graham groaned. “Today of all days?”

  “It could be important,” Charlotte said coaxingly.

  Graham breathed on a sigh and nodded. “I hope he is on his way.”

  They all turned at the sound of a carriage pulling up outside. “That will be him,” Amanda said as she wrung her hands.

  Charlotte came over to her and put her arm around Amanda’s shoulders. There was a knock at the door and Graham motioned for the doorman to open it.

  Lord Allerton stepped inside at the doorman’s urging and looked at the gathered family awaiting him. “Lord and Lady Easterly, my most heartfelt congratulations!” He gave Charlotte a bow and shook Graham’s hand.

  Graham returned the man’s firm handshake. “Thank you, Lord Allerton. I was surprised but pleased to see you in attendance. We had not heard if you would be able to make it.”

  “Forgive me my rudeness for not sending word. I was travelling when I received news of the invitation from my staff,” Lord Allerton said before he turned toward Amanda. “Miss Easterly, it is a delight to see you again.” He gave her a low, graceful bow.

  Amanda curtseyed before him, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. “The sight of you makes me very happy as well, Lord Allerton.”

  Graham cleared his throat. “What was it that you wished to speak with us about?”


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