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Blue Light by Night

Page 9

by Gerald Lopez

  “You were saying that you weren’t exactly stood up, Alex. Was there no Mr. Bolton?”

  “Oh, there was but this wasn’t a date. It was more of a business meeting.”

  “In that case I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you.”

  “It’s not a complete loss. Are you expecting to see a blue light tonight?”

  “No. Not really. My first night here I saw it over the water, but I guess that was just pure luck. Have you seen it?”

  “No, but I’ve heard whispers about the blue light and maybe it’s a good thing if you don’t see it again.”

  “Maybe. So, what is your business, Alex?”

  “I’m a photographer. I’ve shown my work in Europe and just had a gallery show in New Orleans.”

  “Good for you. I hope Mr. Bolton wasn’t a gallery owner.” I popped a couple of shrimp into my mouth.

  “I was hoping Mr. Bolton would model for me tomorrow.”

  “Wow, dinner with a pretty boy model who probably had perfect abs and zero fat with chiseled cheekbones. And you got stuck with me.”

  “No, you’re wrong on all counts actually.” He stopped to eat a couple of shrimp. “He’s just a regular guy, I don’t like working with models.”

  “Well, hell in that case I could step in for him then,” I laughed at that, but noticed that Alex was checking me out and had a serious look on his face.

  “I agree and I accept your offer to step in.”

  “Whoa there. I was just kidding, I’m no model.”

  “You wouldn’t back out on me too, would you?”

  He looked me in the eyes and melted my soul. The moment made me believe again in something which I dared not put a name to for fear it might vanish just as quickly as it had come. I felt like I could be putty in his hands if I didn’t watch myself. But modeling for him would be an opportunity to question him some more and it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to spend tomorrow with a beauty like him.

  “Ok, you’re on, Alex. It’s the least I can do since I’m getting free drinks and dinner because of you. Hopefully you won’t be disappointed by my performance as a model.”

  “I’m sure I won’t be.”

  The menu on the deck of Cicero’s was much simpler than the menu inside. I recognized everything on it. Alex and I settled on steaks with garlic mashed potatoes. As I ate more shrimp I made a game of it. Reaching for one when I thought Alex would. Putting my fingers so close to his that they almost touched, which would send shivers up my spine. It was a silly game which just made me want to touch him more than ever so I stopped.

  “Alex, without seeming nosy, I’m really curious as to how your family and you relate to Shelby. I know your family founded it but you and your sisters don’t seem really attached to this place.”

  “This is more of a vacation home than anything else. We traveled a lot which is something I enjoyed and we went to school in other cities. I think my sisters and I feel more duty bound here than anything else.”

  “That’s sad,” I said.

  Our steaks arrived and the talking stopped until Anjelica had gone.

  “She’s nice,” Alex said. “She actually listened when I asked her to call me Alex. I should’ve come here sooner, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so lonely.”

  That explained the hint of sadness I’d seen in his eyes. His comment touched me to the point I felt like crying, but I kept my composure.

  “I guess it’s true what they say about all the money in the world not buying happiness,” I said.

  “Corny saying, but true enough,” Alex said. “It seems like having money means always watching your back.”

  “Didn’t you ever feel… I don’t know… free, Alex?”

  “Not really.”

  “Not even when you were traveling.”

  “Nope. I felt like I was always being watched.”

  “You can’t blame being watched only on the money. It could be because you’re easy on the eyes.” I tried my steak and shot Alex a flirty look.

  “Thanks, Layton. It was a pain that we always had bodyguards. Plus I had my sisters and sometimes they could be worse than any bodyguard.”

  “I don’t doubt that. I have a sister who can be a major pain in the ass.”

  “Imagine her plus one, and then Monique was, and is always around so I was surrounded by the enemy.”

  “Were they really that bad?” I said.

  “No, but they could be smothering the way they always watched out for me. Layton, they told us about your having been in the military and having lived on a ranch. We’re always given the backgrounds of people who come visit us. Sort of the same way you were given information about us. Anyway, you’re probably used to getting up early.”

  “Yes I am.”

  “Good because I want to start early tomorrow. How are you on a bike?”

  “A motorcycle?”

  “No, a dirt bike, the kind you pedal. I wanted to take pictures along the Kennedy nature park and bike trail tomorrow.

  “It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure I can keep up. Only I’ll need a bike.”

  “We’ve got extras on the old estate, I’ll bring you one when we meet in the morning.”

  Things went silent while we finished our dinner. I sat back in my chair satisfied and closed my eyes when a warm shiver went up and down my body. I unconsciously exhaled strongly. Alex’s bare foot was tracing along my ankle and making its way along my leg until it stopped on my crotch. Without opening my eyes I reached down and rubbed his foot. Things were starting to stir down below and it was taking a lot of will power to keep from jumping to attention. This guy was really getting me hot. I knew whatever happened wouldn’t affect the case, I wouldn’t let it. Still it wasn’t the most professional thing, so I gently lowered his foot with my hands and opened my eyes. He was staring straight at me with a smile on his face.

  “This is a business meeting, remember,” I said. “You just hired me to model for you, so you’re the boss now.”

  “I’ll have to make sure to enjoy being boss. Being the only male in an otherwise all female household means I’m rarely if ever the boss here. But as you said, Layton, tomorrow is a business day and we have to wake up early. I’m going to use the restroom really quick. Try and be good while I’m gone.”

  Being good was something I was definitely not going to be.

  Chapter 10

  Sneaky as a Snake

  As soon as Alex was out of sight I waved Anjelica over.

  “How can I help?” she said.

  “You can tell me where I can find a boat.”

  “If your gonna look for that blue light I can do you one better. Meet me back here at eleven and I’ll take you out on my motorboat.”

  “Thanks, but why the offer?”

  “My boat’s here, I live directly across the water and sometimes I drive it to work. Sophia’s leaving early, and if someone sent that blue light after Jimmy then I may be in danger too and I don’t plan to sit still and do nothing.”

  “I’ll be back at eleven, without Alex.”

  “Do you think he knows anything?” Anjelica said.

  “Hard to say, but I have a feeling he’s being kept in the dark for some reason.”

  “I think I agree with you on that point. I’ll see you at eleven, sneaky boy.”

  “It’s a date,” I said.

  * * * *

  Sophia wished Alex and me a good night as we exited the restaurant.

  “Layton,” Alex said, “why don’t we meet at the German bakery tomorrow around eight that way we can have some breakfast there?”

  “Sure. I love their cinnamon rolls.”

  “There’s my bike.”

  He was about to head toward his bicycle when I saw and recognized it with my trained eyes. Quickly I pushed Alex down on the ground to get him out of the way while I reached for the knife in my pocket with my free hand and threw it. Perfect shot—right in the center of his forehead before he knew what hit him. I looked aro
und and saw that it was clear so I went to Alex and helped him up. He just stared straight ahead at the dead man laying on the gravel whose gun had been previously aimed at him. I saw that his face was drained of color when he turned to me and I held him tight. He was shaken. Even though I was alert to my surroundings, the main thought I had was to hold him and keep him safe. It was then that I realized how dear to me he already was.

  Once we were back inside, Sophia called the police. They arrived after a few minutes and spoke to me and Alex as their people examined the scene outside. I’d pushed Alex out of the way too hard and his back and shoulder were hurting him. He didn’t complain but I knew he was in pain by the way he rubbed his shoulder.

  “Mr. Kennedy, do you have any idea who the dead man is?” a uniformed officer said.

  I didn’t recognize the officer, but my attention soon turned to the large Black man who’d entered the restaurant. He was over six feet tall, huge, and his head was shaven smooth. His tight black T-shirt highlighted his massive chest and arms. The blue jeans he was wearing were snug and showed that his legs were just as big as the rest of him.

  “Waapen, mon?” the man said in a deep voice which had a slight Jamaican accent. “Waddup, Alex! How yuh stay?”

  “Someone just made an attempt to do serious harm to Mr. Kennedy,” the police officer said. “Luckily for him, Mr. Shayne was there to protect him. Mr. Kennedy’s a little bruised from having been pushed out of the way of the gun that was aimed at him.”

  The officer was speaking awfully freely in front of the man. I wondered who he was.

  “I hurt a little and I was hoping to do some photography tomorrow, DeLonn,” Alex said. “How are you?”

  “Everytin is everytin.”

  I looked over at Sophia, who said, “DeLonn, this is Mr. Layton Shayne. Layton this is DeLonn, he’s the local massage therapist and a good one. I’d better phone the Kennedy home and let them know what happened.”

  “Waddup,” DeLonn said to me before turning his attention back to Alex. “I got me things in me car, lemme fix you up so you can work.”

  “That would be a real help,” Alex said. “Thanks. I guess we’d better go to my home and deal with my sisters.”

  “Why don’t you use my room at the motel?” I said. “It’s close by and you won’t be bothered by your sisters. If that’s alright with you, officer.” I turned to the police officer, who made no impression on me whatsoever—he was just a flunky.

  “That’s fine,” the officer said. “We know where to find Mr. Kennedy and DeLonn is well known around here.”

  The police worked very strangely in Shelby. They had my knife cleaned and handed back to me without even bothering to bag it. It probably had to do with Alex’s last name. This was all gonna be handled unofficially, I was sure of that much. I loaded Alex’s bicycle into the trunk of the Jag and then helped him into the passenger seat. DeLonn was going to follow behind in his car.

  “Do you trust this guy, Alex,” I said once we’d gotten on the road.

  “Yeah, DeLonn’s worked for my family for a few years now. Not jealous are you. You’re welcome to stay in the room and keep guard.”

  “I just might do that,” I said, not wanting to admit that I didn’t trust DeLonn. He’d turned up too conveniently.

  “Getting possessive, are you?” Alex said smiling. “Ouch, that bump hurt.”

  “Sorry,” I said. “About the bump in the road I mean.”

  “We’ll both be nude you know. That’s the way he does his massages.”

  I laughed inside but didn’t let it show. Alex was definitely trying to get my romantic attention and hadn’t realized he already had.

  “Doesn’t everyone get a massage in the nude from a nude masseur?” I said. “I know I did whenever I needed a massage.”

  Alex laughed loudly. “Layton, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Can I blame the attempt on my life for my stupidity? Shit! I didn’t even thank you for saving my life.”

  “You’re welcome. Remember that and be a kind boss tomorrow.”

  I pulled into the motel parking lot and Alex and I both looked at each other in silence for a moment before leaving the car. There was no doubt I’d be staying in the room while he got his massage.

  * * * *

  DeLonn entered the motel room right behind us with a large black carrying case that held his table in one hand and a small gray, plastic toolbox in the other. He looked straight at Alex and didn’t mince words.

  “You, hot shower for a long while, mon.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex said before disappearing into the bathroom.

  DeLonn set his table up in front of the bed, between it and the dresser which held one of my guns. The gun I’d moved to the closet would be harder to get to in an emergency.

  “I’m gonna go ahead and change, DeLonn,” I said, locking the front door before heading to the closet and hanging up my clothes. While I was undressing so was DeLonn. My nerves were working overtime, every warning system in my body was going off. Danger was in the air and my priority was to keep Alex safe above all else. Nothing else mattered except for him and I only mattered right now because I needed to keep him safe and protected. First, I needed to appear calm and relaxed. Breathing slowly I forced my body into a state of alert relaxation, putting the nerves to rest. By the time I finished hanging up my clothes Delonn was completely nude and I was in my underwear.

  “Shit, man you’ve really worked out,” I said, taking in the sight in front of me.

  The man really was humongous. Both his large nipples were pierced and he had a Prince Albert on his huge cock which was definitely a two-hander, and someone would have to be able to unhinge his mouth like a snake to handle that thing. Then they’d have to worry about that fat ring in his cock knocking their teeth out.

  “You can touch it, everyone wants to touch it,” DeLonn said, shaking his cock my way.

  He was flirting with me. I thought about it, then decided to try and see if I could win the guy over enough to find out what he was really up to. The sound of the shower coming on filled the air. Stepping up close to DeLonn I reached down and pulled on the ring that went through the head of his ebony cock. Then I cupped his bull balls, they were heavy. I found it interesting that he was completely smooth even down below.

  “The clients like me nice and smooth.”

  “Is that so, mon?” I said, noticing how his English had gotten better and his accent was all but gone.

  “These rich fucks like the Jamaican talk, so I play it up when need be.”

  He reached forward and cupped the front of my briefs before slipping his hand inside while locking eyes with me.

  “Nice, I like real men.”

  In one move he yanked down my briefs and squeezed my ass before he kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back. I didn’t enjoy it, but I knew his game. This was all a test and I was anxious to pass. He started kissing my neck and I let my body respond appropriately.

  “What do you think of these sad fuck of a people here?” He said, bending to give my cock a quick, brief taste before pulling my briefs back up.

  “I’m here to do a job and collect a check, that’s it,” I said. “I was anxious to leave my home, and some family problems. That’s how I got to this shit hole of a place.”

  I gave his cock a quick wank then walked to the dresser and grabbed a pair of gym shorts which I slipped on.

  “I know who you are, detective.”

  “It’s no secret,” I said.

  “You are in over your head with these folks. Their gods or goddesses—whatever the fuck—are too strong here.”

  He opened his toolbox and took out a bottle of oil which he spread on his chest, legs and cock then held the bottle out to me and motioned to his back. I took the bottle and began applying oil to his muscular back before making my way down to his big round ass.

  “How do you know I’m in over my head?” I said spreading the oil between his ass cheeks.

  “That fee
ls good. What do you really want to know, detective?”

  I put some more oil on my hands, reached around his waist and oiled up his massive tool, which grew even bigger in my hands. The guy was melting, the fact he was getting bigger meant he wasn’t holding back as much and that was good.

  “I want in whatever you’ve got going on here,” I said.

  DeLonn turned and kissed me again.

  “You want in me, boy,” DeLonn said. “No, you ain’t no boy, you’re a man. And being a man you’ll know what I’m here to do.”

  He turned me around so my back was to him and began rubbing his semi up and down against my ass while his hand in my briefs was busy stroking my cock.

  “What if I say that what I want is to be in that nice ass of yours, detective? Can you handle me inside you?”

  “I’m willing to take the chance on it,” I said, thinking that there was no way in hell I could take him inside me. I was trying to formulate a plan for how to deal with this giant should the need arise and I had a bad feeling it would arise.

  “You knew my sister, detective. Her name was Nia and the fuckers here killed her.”

  He pulled me in close before he continued. I remembered Monique referring to him as an ox and she was right. I also remembered her saying that he’d be out looking for revenge, but why against Alex?

  “Nia was a good girl—a Christian girl—but still a good girl. She didn’t believe in the island ways or our religion no more. But I told her that here in this place the gods of these people would give her god a run for his money. In the end their gods were stronger and they used them to kill her. I know you saw it, I know you tried to help her but no one would’ve been able to help her against that evil blue light.”

  “Why did they kill her?” I said.

  “Because they were afraid she’d talk to you. The horny bitch that worked in the office, snitched on her. She kept close tabs on all the guests that stayed here in this motel and made sure that her people were always well informed. The minute Nia went in your room she was dead. But that wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know.”


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