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Marked for Murder

Page 26

by Donna Raider

  Mika was talking with her children, her back to their bedroom door, when Leah made her appearance. The quick intake of breath from her children told Mika she was in the room. That and the ever-present tingling sensation in her body when Leah was near.

  Mika turned slowly to look at her. Leah stole away her breath. She had on the outfit she had worn when she’d stormed her way through hell to save Mika. Leather riding pants had been replaced by a long, flowing, black skirt that reached the floor. She was powerful, exciting, and terrifying. Mika so wanted to see if she could live through making love to Leah right now. Mika fought a battle with her mind and body to keep from pushing Leah back into the bedroom and ravishing her. Fortunately, her mind won. Her wife wasn’t the type of woman one could push around.

  “Mom,” both children chorused breathlessly. “You’re incredibly gorgeous.”

  Mika just stood, staring, her mouth hanging open. She couldn’t take her eyes off Leah. She was too beautiful to touch. Leah had killed her in another life, and Mika had still loved her. Mika knew she couldn’t get Leah out of her mind. The heat wave that swept through Mika was unbearable. Leah moistened her lips with her tongue then pressed them together. She tilted her head slightly, holding Mika’s gaze. Mika whimpered as Leah slowly walked toward her, swaying her hips like the seductress she was. She slapped her riding crop against the leather of her high-heeled boot.

  “You’re drooling, darling.” Leah dabbed the corner of Mika’s mouth with her handkerchief.

  Mika was mesmerized. “Darling.” Leah leaned slightly against her. “Our children are in the room.”

  “Yes.” Mika nodded, never taking her eyes from her. “We should go.”

  “James has pulled the car around,” Adam said, breaking the silence and leading the family to the elevator.

  “My, you all look so beautiful.” Leah smiled at her family. “Sara, you’re just gorgeous. Adam, the women are going to be all over you tonight. Beware,” she teased.

  “I heard Lady Asher is planning on spending six hours with Mika,” Sara informed her parents.

  “Oh!” Leah’s raised eyebrows told the children Lady Asher’s plan was only a silly fantasy.

  The children exited the elevator ahead of their parents and rushed to hold the lobby door open for them. Leah caught her wife’s hand and whispered in her ear, “See anything you like, Priest?”

  A soft moan escaped Mika’s lips as she mumbled, “Everything, My Queen.”


  By the time they arrived at the ball, Mika had gotten a modicum of control over herself and was almost able to converse intelligently. All four had donned their masks, so no one was certain who they were. Everyone was enthralled with the dark woman who was obviously a queen. She didn’t look like anyone they knew. Both men and women were writing down her number for the bidding later tonight.

  Sara and Adam spent a good deal of the night enjoying Mika’s infatuation with their gorgeous mother. “Did you see the look on Mika’s face?” Adam laughed for the tenth time.

  “No doubt about who the puppet master is in our family.” Sara giggled.

  “She certainly pulls Mika’s strings.” Adam grinned. “We’ve always known that.”

  “Where’s your lovely mother?” the archbishop asked as he staggered up to Adam.

  “She’s here somewhere.” Adam smiled. “My guess, she is in the middle of all those gawking men and women over there.”

  Pelosi stumbled off toward the crowd gathered around Leah. Everyone was trying to ascertain who she was.

  Father Darius was searching for Sara in the crowd of dancers. She had told him she was coming as Little Red Riding Hood. He was dressed as Zorro. He spotted her dancing with her brother.

  “May I cut in?” He tapped her partner’s shoulder. Sara nodded and her partner gallantly placed her hand into Darius’s.

  “I believe that leaves you for me.” Amber caught Adam’s hand. He smiled broadly as he realized who had slipped into his arms.

  “Are you going to bid on me?” he teased as they danced.

  “Depends,” she said, smiling.

  “On what?” He moved her gracefully around the dance floor, carefully avoiding other dancers.

  “Are you going to request a chaperone?” Her smile was enchanting, teasing.

  For the first time in his life, Adam Cross leaned down and gently kissed the woman. The woman he had called Aunt Amber all his life. Her name had been the first words he had uttered right after mama and Mika. “What do you think?” He grinned. He kissed her again. Despite her fears, she leaned into his lips, pressing hers tighter against his. His kiss was as sweet and passionate as she had always suspected it would be. She responded to him.

  Amber was stunned. She had been teasing the man she had known since the day he was born. His kiss had been soft and chaste, much like the time Mika had kissed her two thousand years ago.

  Adam pulled her closer against him. He had danced with her many times, but something felt different tonight.

  Amber Stone had loved and lost. She knew the pain and loneliness of unrequited love. She had been granted permission to go to Earth with Mika when God had granted the angel her reward. For two thousand years, she had followed Mika across the Earth. For two thousand years, she had loved her. Mika had always protected her. She drove away the loneliness. Mika had always been there for her. She loved her too, like a sister.

  Amber thought her world would end when Mika chose the witch as her wife. Amber knew the witch was the woman Mika had always wanted, the one for whom she had always searched.

  Amber recalled Mika’s joy when the witch had brought forth her firstborns, Adam and Sara. Mika had fought unholy battles for the witch and their children. She had defeated the dark forces of hell only to voluntarily sacrifice herself for the witch and their babies.

  Only then did Amber understand Mika’s powerful attraction to the woman. The witch had ridden into hell, confronted Lucifer, and demanded the return of her wife. She had been magnificent, a queen among queens. She had brought Mika home and nursed her back to her original glory. For this, Amber loved her too. God had been right to give the priest to Leah.

  An immortal, Amber had reconciled herself to an eternity without love. She would be eternally thirty-four and alone.

  As she pressed her body against Adam, Amber fleetingly wondered if she was leaving herself open for another heartache.

  Across the room, Mika held her wife close, whispering words of love and adoration in her ear. Leah loved Mika when she was like this. Mika always adored her, but tonight she was like a teenage boy desperately trying to get to first base. Leah refused to kiss her, saying she didn’t want to ruin her makeup. Truth was she loved to hear her beg. As they danced, she rubbed the handle of her riding crop up and down Mika’s leg. She moaned loudly. “Hush,” Leah hissed. “If you can’t be a good girl, I will have to stop dancing with you.”

  Mika gripped her tightly. “Don’t go that far,” she warned.

  Leah knew the outfit she was wearing was driving Mika crazy. While it plunged low in the front, revealing ample breasts, it covered her from head to foot. There was no place Mika could touch Leah’s skin without fondling her breasts. She knew Mika wouldn’t do that in public, so she teased her mercilessly.

  “I would give anything to kiss the top of your breasts,” Mika whispered in her ear. Mika’s warm lips stirred Leah’s desire for her. She knew they were working themselves into a frantic state of lust for each other.

  “Shouldn’t we cool this down?” Leah kissed her neck.

  “I honestly can’t, darling,” Mika whispered again. “You ignited this flame. You have to be the one to control it.”

  The band ended the song and a man took the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen. The time has come for us to start our annual Masked Ball Auction. Last year we raised three million dollars for the Sisters’ charities. We hope to top that this year. If everyone who has registered to bid will move to the adjoining room, you wil
l find bid paddles and refreshments on the tables. Seats are reserved at the tables closest to the stage for those being auctioned. The second tier of seating is for those bidding, and the third tier is for spectators. First and second tiers, please sit where your numbered placards are.”

  As people made their way to their respective areas, Mika ran over in her mind the steps she and her children had been required to take in order to bid in the auction. A check or credit card had to be placed on file with the accountants running the auction. A contract had to be signed stipulating the maximum bid one was willing to make. She knew the accountants had already checked with the banks and credit card companies involved to verify the lines of credit.

  An hour into the auction, half a million dollars had been raised. Obviously, bidders were waiting for certain individuals to take the stage to be auctioned off. The organizers decided it was time to start auctioning the celebrities in attendance.

  Scarlett brought three hundred thousand. “I definitely want a chaperone.” She laughed to Mika as she walked to meet the winner of her auction.

  Out of the clear blue, a stranger had bid a hundred and fifty thousand for Sara. Father Darius was devastated, but made a last-minute bid of two hundred thousand, winning a date with the beautiful young woman.

  Loud applause spread throughout the room when Trey Slater strolled onto the stage. The popular star inspired a heated bidding war between both men and women. Mika was astounded at how open same-sex bidders were and amazed at the price they were willing to pay for the handsome actor.

  The mayor’s daughter finally closed the bidding on Trey with a half-million-dollar bid.

  Apparently, several women had checked out her son, as the bidding immediately went to two hundred thousand. Adam was enjoying the bidding war and encouraged the women involved. He made eye contact and smiled whenever anyone raised the bid.

  Mika had to admit her son certainly knew how to work an audience.

  “I have nine hundred thousand,” the auctioneer’s voice filled the room. “Who will give me a million dollars for this handsome young man? Look at him, ladies…and gentlemen.” A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. “Six feet tall, extremely muscular. Who wouldn’t want to spend an evening dancing with this fellow?”

  A paddle moved just enough for the auctioneer to notice. “I have a million, do I hear a million, one. Anyone, a million, one. A million going once, going twice, sold to the gorgeous young woman on the first row. Would you like to claim your prize and settle up with the cashiers?”

  A murmur ran through the crowd. They had never seen such high bids before.

  “So, it seems I own you for at least six hours.” Amber laughed as she led Adam to the cashier’s window.

  “You could have me for free,” he said, grinning.

  “It all goes for a good cause,” she said as she filled in the check she had left earlier.

  “It seems we have the Dark Queen and her White Knight left to auction,” the announcer said, chuckling. “Does anyone know who these two beautiful people are?”

  A resounding “No” came from the crowd.

  “Would you like us to unmask our auction participants?” he teased the crowd.

  “Yes,” the crowd roared.

  The host led Mika to the stage and helped remove her mask. A soft murmur of approval came from the crowd.

  “I think most everyone knows Priest Mika Cross.” The announcer swept his hand toward the priest. “I believe I heard someone say earlier that Mika was like a rock star in the priesthood.”

  The crowd laughed.

  “So, let’s start the bidding at fifty thousand.”

  Several paddles went up. “A hundred thousand,” Lady Asher called.

  Mika’s price quickly escalated to a million dollars. An Egyptian princess was bidding for her because she liked her looks. A movie star was holding her own in the bidding because she wanted to spend an evening talking with Mika. Lady Asher simply wanted her and had vowed to have her, unchaperoned. The bidding stalled at Lady Asher’s four-million-dollar bid. The auctioneer goaded the crowd, trying to increase the bid. “Four million going once, going twice…”

  “Five million,” the queen bid, her voice echoing throughout the room.

  A hushed silence fell on the ballroom as spectators waited for Lady Asher to raise the bid. She was certain she couldn’t raise that much money quickly, so excused herself from the bidding.

  “Five million dollars it is, for Priest Mika Cross.” The announcer grinned from ear to ear. He wasn’t used to seeing that kind of money tossed around at a Catholic charity event. “From the Dark Queen herself. Do you want to claim your prize?”

  Leah gracefully ascended the stage and led her wife back to their table.

  “Thank you so much.” Mika grinned. “I thought you were going to let Lady Asher have me.”

  “I don’t think so,” Leah growled.

  “And now,” the announcer quieted the audience, “now we have the queen herself. Do you want to know who she is?”

  “Yes!” the audience thundered.

  Leah took the stage slowly, gracefully, like a queen moving to take her throne. She removed her mask. The gasp from the audience was palpable. They were used to seeing her as Leah Redman, the actress. Leah the queen was even more devastatingly beautiful.

  “One million dollars,” a man’s voice called from the center of the room.

  “Two million,” a Saudi prince yelled.

  “Three million,” a very drunk archbishop screamed.

  “Four million,” a movie producer called.

  The bids were coming so fast and furiously that the auctioneer was having trouble keeping up with them.

  “Five million,” a female voice bid.

  “Six million,” the Saudi prince responded.

  “Seven million,” the woman called out.

  “Eight million.” The prince nodded.

  “Nine million,” the woman replied.

  A wave of anxiety swept over Leah as feathery fingers from the past reminded her that she had been sold once to the highest bidder, on her eighteenth birthday.

  Mika hadn’t taken her eyes from Leah’s perfect face and immediately noticed her eyes go black with panic.

  Darling, please get me down from here, her mind pleaded. I can’t do this.

  “Ten million.” The priest raised her paddle.

  “Eleven,” the prince countered.

  “Twelve,” the female voice called out.

  “Fifteen,” Mika roared. She was glad she had written “no limit” on her bid sheet.

  “Sixteen,” the prince persisted.

  “Twenty.” Mika stood. She looked around her. There wasn’t enough money in this room to buy six hours of her wife’s time.

  The prince bowed and withdrew from the bidding.

  The room sat in silence.

  “Twenty going once, going twice, sold to the White Knight.” The auctioneer slammed his gavel as Mika jumped onto the stage and offered her arm to her wife. Leah clung to Mika like a shipwrecked victim to a lifeline.

  The children engulfed their parents in a hug. Adam pulled Amber into the family hug. “You do realize you two just paid twenty-five million dollars for each other, don’t you?” Sara was always amazed at the depth of her parents’ devotion to each other.

  “Money well spent.” Mika smiled as their mother leaned against her. “We really should go make sure everything went smoothly with those checks, Miss Redman.” Mika kissed her wife chastely then led her to the cashier window.

  The Saudi prince blocked their path to the cashier. “I owe you an apology, madam,” he addressed Mika.

  The priest raised her brows questioningly.

  “I did not know I was bidding on another’s wife. I would have never given you such a spirited run for your money.”

  “How did you know she was my wife?” Mika frowned.

  “When you stood and looked around the room, I knew you would let no one else spend
extended time with her. I knew you would raise the bid every time. A woman only does that when she is hopelessly in love with her wife.”

  “You’re a true observer of human nature.” Mika held out her hand. “I’m Priest Mika Cross, and this is my wife, Leah.”

  The prince shook Mika’s hand and kissed the back of Leah’s hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.” He smiled then walked away.

  “Both checks have already cleared, and the funds are in our account,” the cashier was answering the archbishop’s questions.

  The archbishop nodded to Mika and Leah and hurried away. “We just wanted to check and make certain everything went okay with the funds transfer.” Mika smiled at the cashier.

  “Yes, ma’am.” The cashier nodded. “As I was just telling the archbishop, both checks have already cleared, and the funds are in our account.”

  “He was checking on our payment?” Mika frowned as she questioned the girl.

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said softly. “For some reason, he didn’t seem to think you and Miss Redman had that kind of money.”

  Leah excused herself to go freshen up in the ladies’ room. She was glad to see she was alone. She stood for a long time, subduing the anxiety attack that had overcome her on the stage. She hadn’t thought of her past in so long, she was truly amazed the auction had triggered her reaction.

  She whirled around as the ladies’ room door opened. A drunken archbishop staggered in. “Your Excellency,” she gasped, “you’re in the wrong room.”

  Moving faster than she had ever imagined he could, he was close to her. He pinned her against the wall.

  “You need to leave.” Fury welled up in her. The man was a pig, a disgrace to her wife’s beliefs and the church.

  “I tried to buy you.” He slobbered as he unfastened his pants and let them drop around his ankles.

  “You are out of your mind, you slovenly oaf.” Leah tried to push him away from her, but couldn’t budge his weight. “Leave now,” she commanded.


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