Dulcibel: A Tale of Old Salem
Page 50
Master Raymond Confounds Master Cotton Mather.
The next day, a little before noon, Master Raymond knocked at the doorof the Governor's Mansion, and was at once conducted to Lady Mary'sboudoir. "The Reverend Master Mather is already with the Governor," saidher ladyship, "and I expect to receive a summons to join them everymoment." And in fact the words were hardly out of her mouth, when SirWilliam's private secretary, Master Josslyn, appeared, with a requestfor her ladyship's presence.
"Come with me," said she to Master Raymond; "but do not sayanything--much less smile or laugh--until I call upon you for yourtestimony."
As they entered, the courteous Governor handed his lady to a seat on thesofa; and Master Mather made a dignified obeisance.
"I have brought along a young friend of mine, who was with me, and wouldalso like to hear of all these wonderful things," said her ladyship; andMaster Raymond bowed very deferentially to both the high dignities, theyreturning the bow, while Sir William politely requested him to beseated.
"I was just on the point of showing to Sir William the most remarkablecuriosities of even this very remarkable era--and he suggested that youalso doubtless would like to see them," said the minister; at this timea man of about thirty years of age. He was a rather comely andintelligent looking man, and Master Raymond wondered that one whoappeared so intellectual, should be the victim of such absurdhallucinations.
Lady Mary bent her head approvingly, in answer to the minister. "Ishould like very much to see them," she replied courteously; and MasterMather continued:--
"In the work I have been preparing on the "Wonders of the InvisibleWorld," several of the sheets of which I have already shown to SirWilliam, I have collected many curious and wonderful instances. Thus inthe case of the eldest daughter of Master John Goodwin, whom I took tomy own house, in order that I might more thoroughly investigate thespiritual and physical phenomena of witchcraft, I found that while thedevils that tormented her were familiar with Latin, Greek and Hebrew,they seemed to have very little knowledge of the various Indiandialects."
"That certainly is very curious," replied Sir William, "inasmuch asthose heathen are undeniably the children of the devil, as all ourwisest and most godly ministers agree."
"Yes," continued the minister, "it is true; and that makes meconjecture, that these devils were in fact only playing a part; todeceive me into thinking that the red heathen around us were not reallythe children of Satan, as they undoubtedly are."
"I think that the most reasonable view," responded the Governor.
"As to the reality of this new assault by Satan upon this little seed ofGod's people in the new world," continued Master Mather, fervently, "Ihave now no doubt whatever. Proof has been multiplied upon proof, andthe man, or woman, who does not by this time believe, is simply one ofthose deplorable doubters, like Thomas, who never can be convinced. Formy part, I consider Witchcraft the most nefandous high treason againstthe Majesty on High! And a principal design of my book is to manifestits hideous enormity, and to promote a pious thankfulness to God thatJustice so far is being inflexibly executed among us."
Lady Mary's face flushed a little, for she saw the drift of theminister's censure. It was well known in all the inner circles, that shehad neither faith in the reality of witchcraft, nor the least sympathywith the numerous prosecutions, and the inflexible justice which theminister lauded. The Governor knew his wife's temper, and hastened tosay:--
"Still we must admit, Master Mather, that some persons, with tenderconscience, require more convincing proofs than do others. And thereforeI was anxious that Lady Mary should see these feathers you spoke of, cutfrom the wings of one of those yellow birds which appear to be used sofrequently as familiars by the Salem witches."
"Oh, yes, I had forgotten them for the moment." And putting his handinto his breast pocket, Master Mather produced a small box, which heopened carefully and called their attention to a couple of small yellowfeathers placed on a piece of black cloth within. "I would not take ahundred pounds for these spectral feathers," said the ministerexultingly. "They are the only positive proof of the kind, now existingin the whole world. With these little feathers I shall dash out thebrains of a host of unbelievers--especially of that silly Calef, orCaitiff, who is all the time going around among the merchants, wagginghis vile tongue against me."
Sir William and Lady Mary had been looking upon the feathers verycuriously. At last Lady Mary gave a low, incredulous laugh. Her husbandlooked at her inquiringly.
"They are nothing but common chicken feathers which could be picked upin any barn yard," she said scornfully.
"Your ladyship is very much mistaken, you never saw chicken featherslike those," said the minister, his face now also flushing.
"Who was the yellow bird afflicting, when these feathers were cut?" thelady asked.
"A young man was on his examination for witchcraft, Squire Hathornewrites me; but he was found to be himself a victim, and wasreleased--which proves, by the way, how careful the worshipfulmagistrates are in Salem, lest any who are innocent should be implicatedwith the guilty. The young man began to cry out that an 'evil hand' wason him, and that a yellow bird was trying to peck out his eyes.Whereupon one of the by-standers pulled out his rapier, and smote at thespectral bird--when these feathers were cut off; becoming visible ofcourse as soon as they were detached from the bird and its evilinfluence. It is one of the most wonderful things that I ever heard of,"and Master Mather gazed on the feathers with admiring and almostreverential eyes.
"Sir William," said his lady, "you have, I hope, a little common senseleft, if these Massachusetts ministers and magistrates have all gonecrazy on this subject. You know what a chicken is, if they do not. Arenot those simply chicken feathers?"
"Why, my dear," replied the Governor, wriggling in his great arm-chair,"I grant that they certainly do look like chicken feathers; but then youknow, the yellow bird the witches use, may have feathers like unto achicken's."
"Nonsense!" replied Lady Mary. "None are so blind as those that will notsee. I suppose that if I were to bring that afflicted young man here,and he were to acknowledge that the whole thing was a trick, got up byhim to save his life, you would not believe him?"
"Indeed I should," replied Sir William.
"Yes, Lady Mary, find the young man, and question him yourself," saidMaster Mather. "None are so certain as those that have never informedthemselves. I have made inquiry into these marvelous things; I eventook that afflicted girl, as I have told you, into my own house, inorder to inform myself of the truth. When you have investigated thematter to one-tenth the extent that I have, you will be prepared to givea reasonable opinion as to its truth or falsehood. Until then, somemodesty of statement would become a lady who sets up her crude opinionagainst all the ministers and the magistracy of the land."
This was a tone which the leading ministers of that day among thePuritans, did not hesitate to take, even where high dignitaries wereconcerned and Master Mather had the highest ideas of the privilege ofhis order.
"Then I suppose, Master Mather, that if the afflicted young man himselfshould testify that these feathers were simply chicken feathers, that hehad artfully thrown up into the air, you would not acknowledge that hehad deceived you?"
"If such an impossible thing could happen, though I know that it couldnot, of course I should be compelled to admit that Squire Hathorne and ahundred others, who all saw this marvelous thing plainly, in open day,were deceived by the trick of an unprincipled mountebank and juggler."
"I shall hold both you and Sir William to your word," replied Lady Maryemphatically. Then, turning to the young Englishman, who had remainedentirely silent so far, paying evident attention to all that was spoken,but giving no sign of approval or disapproval, she said, "MasterRaymond, what do you think of this matter?"
Master Raymond rose from his chair and stepped a pace or two forward.Then he said, "If I answer your ladyship's question freely, it might beto my own hu
rt. Having had my head once in the lion's mouth, I am notanxious to put it there again."
The lady looked significantly at Sir William.
"Speak out truly, and fear nothing, young man," said the Governor."Nothing that you say here shall ever work you injury while I amGovernor of the Province."
"What do you wish to know, Lady Mary?"
"You, I believe, were the afflicted young man, to whom Master Mather hasreferred?"
Master Raymond bowed.
"Was there any reality in those pretended afflictions?"
"Only a bad cold to begin with," said the young man smiling.
"How about the yellow bird?"
"It was all a sham. I dealt with credulous and dangerous fools accordingto their folly."
"How about those feathers?"
"They are feathers I got from the wings of one of the Salem jailor'schickens."
Sir William laughed,
"How about the smell of sulphur which Squire Hathorne and Master Matherhave detected in the feathers?"
"I think it very probable; as I observed Goodwife Foster that morninggiving her chickens powdered brimstone for the pip."
Here the Governor laughed loudly and long until Master Mather saidindignantly, "I am sorry, Sir William, that you can treat so lightlythis infamous confession of falsehood and villainy. This impudent youngman deserves to be set for three days in the pillory, and then whippedat the cart's tail out of town."
"Of course it is a very shameful piece of business," replied the Governor,regaining his gravity. "But you know that as the confession has beenmade only on the promise of perfect immunity, I cannot, as a man of myword, suffer the least harm to come to the young person for making it."
"Oh, of course not," said the minister, taking up his hat, andpreparing to leave the room; "but it is scandalous! scandalous! Allrespect for the Magistracy and authority seems to be fading out of thepopular mind. I consider you a dangerous man, a very dangerous youngman!" This last of course to Master Raymond.
"And I consider you tenfold more dangerous with your clerical influence,and credulity, and superstition!" replied the young Englishman hotly.Being of good family, he was not inclined to take such insults mildly."How dare you, with your hands all red with the blood of twenty innocentmen and women, talk to me about being dangerous!"
"Peace!" said Sir William with dignity. "My audience chamber is no placeto quarrel in.
"I beg your Excellency's pardon!" said Master Raymond, humbly.
"One moment, before you go," said Lady Mary, stepping in front of theminister. "I suppose you will be as good as your word, Master Mather andadmit that with all your wisdom you were entirely mistaken?"
"I acknowledge that Squire Hathorne and myself have been grosslydeceived by an unprincipled adventurer--but that proves nothing.Because Jannes and Jambres imitated with their sorceries the miraclesof Moses, did it prove that Moses was an impostor? There was one Judasamong the twelve apostles, but does that invalidate the credibility ofthe eleven others, who were not liars and cheats? It is the great andoverwhelming burden of the testimony which decides in this as in allother disputed matters--not mere isolated cases. Good afternoon, madam.I will see you soon again, Sir William, when we can have a quiet talk toourselves."
"Stay!" cried Lady Mary, as the offended minister was stalking out ofthe room. "You have forgotten something," and she pointed to the littlebox, containing the chicken's feathers which had been left lying uponthe table.
The minister gave a gesture expressive of mingled contempt andindignation--but did not come back for it. It was evident that he valuedthe feathers now at considerably less than one hundred pounds.
"Young man," said the Governor, smiling, "you are a very bright andkeen-witted person, but I would advise you not to linger in thisprovince any longer than is absolutely necessary. Master Mather is muchstronger here than I am."