Book Read Free

The First Intermission

Page 3

by Samantha Lind

  “I know, but I think it was time. You made the right decision to retire on your own terms and not because of an injury. Think about it, you were considering hanging up your skates a few years ago. Look at all you accomplished in the years since then.”

  “Thank you for talking me out of it back then. I think I would have been miserable had I retired then. I probably would have begged Coach to let me come back after just a few weeks of missing the action.”

  “Are you ready to make your retirement official and release it to the press?” I ask. I already have the press release written up for him. All I have to do is hit send on the email that will alert the press and the Eagles organization that Richard is officially retiring.

  “Maybe not today. Let’s get past the hoopla of the parade and everything else that will be bombarding our time over the next few weeks. Maybe in July.”

  “Whenever you want. You’re the boss.”

  “Now you’re the boss,” he says, tickling my side, teasing. “My sugar momma. You ready to take care of me?”

  “I don’t think so. I’ll put up with you being retired for this summer, but then I’ll be kicking you out the door to go find something to fill your time.”

  “We could start that family we’ve been talking about. I’ll be the stay-at-home dad. Let you keep your career you’ve worked so hard to establish.”

  “Now that’s an idea. I would pay big money to watch you push around a stroller with a baby or two in it while all the stay-at-home mom’s fawn over you,” I tease. “What if I told you I think we’ve already started on that family?”

  “Wh-what?” he stammers. “Are you pregnant?”

  “I’ve been feeling a little off and I realized this morning that I’m late. I need to go get a pregnancy test, but with how sore my boobs are and the fact that my period is like a freaking clock, I’m thinking I might be.”

  “Let’s go,” Richard says, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward our bedroom.

  “Slow down.” I laugh at him.

  “I’m not going to slow down. We need to get to a store ASAP and get you a test. Hell, get you ten tests. Wait, is everything going to be okay with the baby if you’re pregnant, after all the champagne we drank last night?”

  “Slow your roll there, big guy,” I say, pulling him to a stop. “Rushing to get dressed and to the store in five minutes versus ten isn’t going to make a difference in the outcome of the test. Rushing might, however, make me puke, and that isn’t high on my list of things I want to do this morning. I’ve been successful at keeping the nausea I woke up with down, not really knowing if it’s from the champagne from last night or if it’s morning sickness.

  “Second, if I am pregnant, I don’t believe the champagne will be of any concern. I can’t be more than a few weeks pregnant and women drink all the time before they find out. But if I am, we can always verify that with the doctor whenever we go in to see her.”

  “I’m sorry. I just want to know. I’ll calm down.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in close. “Can we please get dressed and go to the store?” he asks, those puppy dog eyes making me cave.

  “Yes,” I finally tell him, and the look of pure joy that fills his face has me melting into his arms. I push up onto my toes and bring my lips to his. “Let’s go find out if we’re having a baby.”

  “God, I love you,” he says against my lips.

  “I know, and I love you.”

  We break apart and both get dressed. Richard beats me and is waiting out in the living room, keys already in his hand, and Max is at his side, ready to go for a ride. I just shake my head at the two of them as I slip my sandals on and grab my purse from the hook.

  “I’m ready,” I tell my husband.

  “Let’s go!”

  We make it to the closest Walgreens and I quickly find the pregnancy test section, then pick the one that will give us a digital readout, so we don’t have to read the lines.

  “Ok, let’s go,” I tell Richard.

  “Shouldn’t we buy a couple?”

  “This one has two tests. I’m sure that will be enough.”

  “Can we buy two kinds, just for my peace of mind?” he asks.

  “Sure,” I reply, trying not to laugh. “What other one do you want me to get?”

  “How about this one?” he suggests, handing me one that says it can give an accurate result five days before a missed period.

  “Okay. Are we good now?” I ask, the two boxes in my hand.

  “Yep.” He grabs my hand and links our fingers together as we walk to the checkout. I make quick work of paying for the tests. As soon as I get settled in the truck, I start chugging the bottle of water I grabbed from the garage fridge before we left. I know he’s going to want me to take the tests as soon as we get back home and, in order to do so, I need a full bladder.

  Ten minutes later, I’ve peed in a cup and we have four tests all lined up on the bathroom counter.

  “Set a timer and let’s get out of here. It won’t do us any good to just sit in here and stare at the tests for the next five minutes,” I tell him as I push him out of the bathroom and into our room. “Come lay with me on the bed.”

  I climb on and lay down, patting the bed next to me.

  “How are you so calm? My nerves are running rampant right now.”

  “I don’t know. I just am. I know that whatever those tests tell us will either make us elated with excitement or will probably bum us out. Not that we were really trying to get pregnant, but ever since the idea has been in my mind this morning, I keep thinking about what our life will be like with a little one.”

  “You’re going to be an amazing mother,” he tells me, sliding a large hand along my abdomen and cradling it.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Because you’re an amazing woman and wife. I’ve seen how good you are with Scott and Becca’s kids and Brian and Kinley’s daughter, along with all the other little kids of my teammates. And I know from the stories I’ve heard about your mom, how great of a role model she was and how proud of you she’d be.”

  “I miss her so damn much.”

  “I know you do, and I wish I could bring her back for you, but we both know that isn’t possible.”

  We lay together in silence for a few minutes, the melancholy filling me as I miss my mom. The unknown of potentially entering motherhood is scary enough. Not having my mom to call and ask questions, or getting to go pick out baby clothes with her for her first grandchild weighs heavy on my heart. The timer Richard set on his phone goes off, alerting us we can check the tests in the bathroom.

  “Are you ready?” Richard asks quietly. I think he can tell my mood has slipped.

  “I think so,” I tell him, wanting to be excited with him about the future.

  He slides off the bed first and pulls me to the edge of the bed. “No matter what the tests say, I love you and we’re in this together,” he says sweetly, before kissing me.

  We break our kiss and he pulls me to a stand, then leads me into the bathroom. I keep my eyes up, looking at our reflection in the mirror.

  “Ready?” he asks, never breaking eye contact.

  “Yes,” I tell him, a small smile tilting my lips as a small bolt of excitement rolls through me. We both look down at the tests lined up on the counter and my eyes immediately go to the digital ones, the PREGNANT word standing out on the screen. I look at both digital ones before turning my attention to the two tests with double lines.

  “We’re pregnant,” I whisper into the room, almost in disbelief.

  “I’d say so!” The excitement is evident in his voice as he turns me around and picks me up off the floor, hugging me tight. I drop my forehead to his as I let the news settle in. “I love you,” he says before he captures my lips with his.

  Our pregnancy news has settled in as the day has progressed. We decided to keep the news to ourselves for the next few weeks. I want to call my OB/GYN and get my first appointment set up to go see her, to
make sure everything is how it should be before we start telling our family and friends.

  When we stop at the hospital to see the Lee family and meet Isabella, I can’t stop thinking about how this exact situation would be Richard and me in nine months. As I hold her, I soak in her newness. The smell that only comes from brand-new babies. The softness of her skin and how tiny she is. How perfect her little fingers and toes are. The overwhelming emotion hits me that I would be holding my own child in just a few short months, and suddenly, I can’t think of anything else I want more.

  “She’s perfect,” I tell Laura. “You did good, Momma.” I smile at my friend as I cuddle her baby.

  “Thanks, she’s been pretty perfect today.”

  “How are you feeling? Ready to kick everyone out and get some sleep yet?”

  “Soon. I’ve had a few catnaps today. I’m sure I’ll sleep good tonight as long as Little Miss is cooperative.”

  “I hope, for your sake, she is. How did Miles do with meeting her?”

  “So good! He was so sweet with her. I’m sure, if you ask me about it after she’s been home a week, my answer might change. But he was excited when my parents brought him by this morning.”

  “I’m glad it went well.”

  We visit with Laura and Mark for another twenty or so minutes before we say our goodbyes and head over to my dad’s house for dinner.

  He’s started dating for the first time since my mom died. He met Maria about eighteen months ago at a support group he started going to for people who had lost their spouses. Maria lost her husband about five years ago, and they hit it off right away. She moved into his house about two months ago and it wouldn’t surprise me if, one day, they call me up to tell me they went down to the courthouse and got married. I get along great with Maria and she makes my dad happy. After the scare with his cancer a few years ago, all I want is for him to be happy and live a long life.

  “Are you going to be able to keep the news from your dad?” Richard asks as he drives.

  “I think so. I’ve got a good poker face. All the years I’ve spent in my line of work helps me keep a neutral face when I have a secret or know information that isn’t public knowledge.”

  “If you want to tell him, I’m okay with that.”

  “I think I can hold out, but if I can’t, I’ll let you know before I blurt it out.”

  “Whatever you want, babe,” he assures me.

  We arrive at my dad’s house a few minutes later and head inside.

  “We’re here!” I call out once we’re inside.

  “Out on the deck!” my dad shouts back.

  We walk through his house and out onto the back deck.

  “Hey, baby girl. How are you today?” my dad asks as he greets us. He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek, then shakes Richard’s hand. “Nice game last night. You guys celebrate all night?”

  “Pretty late,” Richard confirms his suspicion.

  “We enjoyed a little too much champagne last night,” I add.

  “As you should. Not every day you get to drink it from the Stanley Cup.”

  “That’s for sure,” Richard says.

  “Steaks are about to go on. Grab a drink and find a seat,” Dad instructs. “Maria will be out in just a minute.”

  “Are you all ready for your trip?” I ask my dad after grabbing a glass of water and taking a seat under the shade.

  “Yes. Maria spent all day double-checking our lists and packing the last things we need before we hit the road tomorrow morning.”

  “Sounds like she’s taken care of everything then. I’ll plan on stopping by, starting on Friday. Probably come by every other day or so, to check in. Did you put in a hold on your mail, or do I need to check it?”

  “If you can plan on checking it, that would be great. Most of the bills should be on autopay, but just in case something comes that isn’t, I don’t want it to end up late with us being away for so long.”

  “No problem, Dad. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves.”

  “I’m sure we will. Maria is looking forward to seeing her kids and grandkids while we’re gone.”

  “I’m sure that will be fun. Who will you see first?”

  “We’re headed for Bruce’s place, but won’t actually arrive until the end of next week. We’re spending a few days camping along the way.”

  “Hello!” Maria greets as she walks out with a large salad bowl in one hand and bowl of pasta salad in the other. “How are you guys today?”

  “Hi, Maria,” I greet her. “We’re great, how are you?”

  “Great!” she says, setting the food down on the table. “Congratulations on the win last night, Richard.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Dad was just telling me about the first part of your trip. Sounds like the two of you are going to have a great time this summer, traveling around.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I’ve always wanted to take a big road trip like this, so I’m excited to be marking it off my bucket list.”

  “We’ll sure miss the both of you while you’re gone.”

  “Are you still making a trip to Canada this summer?” Dad asks as he places the steaks on the grill.

  “Yep, we’re headed up in a few weeks,” Richard answers him. “I’ve got my usual summer camp I’m helping at for a couple sessions, plus, we’re going to take some time to just relax. I’m making this one”—he points to me—“actually take at least a week off. No clients, no work email, no work texts. I’m cutting her off from the outside world so we can spend some time together, just the two of us.”

  His comment has me realizing this will be our last summer as just the two of us. By next summer, we’ll have a little baby to call our own. I just give him a sweet smile to let him know I caught his meaning behind what he said.

  We make it through dinner without me accidentally blurting out our news. I almost slipped up a couple times, but thankfully caught myself before I said anything.

  “Thanks again for having us over,” I tell Dad and Maria as I hug each of them. “Have an amazing time on your trip. Post lots of pictures along the way.”

  “We will, and you guys have a good summer, as well. Enjoy your vacation in a few weeks,” Dad says to both Richard and me. He pulls me into another hug before shaking Richard’s hand.

  Richard follows behind me, his hand possessively on my lower back as we walk out to the truck. He opens my door, waiting for me to climb up and get situated before he closes the door and walks around the front.

  “Surprised you didn’t tell them tonight,” he says, after backing out of the driveway.

  “I almost slipped up a couple of times,” I confess.

  “I know.” He reaches over and links our hands together, bringing them to his mouth to place a kiss on the back of my hand.

  Chapter Five


  “Good Morning, Sunshine!” I whisper to my daughter as she climbs into bed between Brian and I.

  “Morning, Momma.” She snuggles in close to me.

  “Did you sleep good?” I ask.

  “Mhmmm,” she says as she starts to fall back asleep. I breathe her in, cherishing these moments I get with her most mornings. Being our only child, and a mini-me to her very core, I love these sacred moments we get in the early morning hours. It may have taken us months to get her to actually sleep all night in her own bed, but I’ll always love these early-morning snuggles.

  It only takes about thirty minutes before Hayley has started to squirm between the two of us, always somehow kicking one of us awake.

  “Who’s in my bed?” Brian’s sleepy voice says, then I hear Hayley start to giggle under the covers.

  “St-t-t-top, D-d-daddy.” She giggles even harder as he tickles her.

  He obliges her, but swiftly scoops her up into his arms and starts blowing raspberries on her cheek. “How’s my favorite girl?” he asks her a few seconds later.

  “Good!” she says, now bouncing next to him on her knees. �
�Can we have pancakes for breakfast?”

  “I have an even better idea. How about I take my two best girls out for breakfast?”

  “Yes!” Hayley yells, throwing her fist into the air as if she’s just been told the best news ever. “Daddy, can you stay with us all day?”

  “I can. I’ll have to go in a little bit tomorrow, but you can come with me if you want. Then, the next day, we get to be in a big parade! And then you get me almost the entire summer. How does that sound?”

  “Yes! Do we get to go to Grammy’s house this summer?”

  “Sure do. Anywhere else you want to go?” he asks her.

  She sits with her finger tapping her lips, like she’s thinking really hard. “I know! We can go to Disney World!”

  “Have you been talking to Mommy again?” He laughs at her.

  “Nope,” she tells him, popping the P as she does. Her sass has really been coming out in her personality the past year and I have no one to blame but myself. I’ve created a spitting image of me and I’m scared for her teenage years.

  “Morning, babe,” Brian says, leaning over to kiss me.

  “Morning,” I whisper against his lips before he pulls back.

  “How about my two best girls go get ready and we’ll leave soon for breakfast.”

  Hayley jumps off our bed, and runs out and down the hall to her bedroom. “Guess she’s excited for breakfast out this morning.” I laugh as I watch her disappear down the hall.

  “I guess so,” Brian says on a laugh. “How are you feeling this morning?” he asks as he stands and walks over to my side of the bed. He pulls me up and wraps his arms around me, engulfing me in his strong embrace.

  “Good. Just tired and a little crampy, but that’s to be expected with the shots.”

  “And our next ultrasound is tomorrow, correct?”

  “Yes, and hopefully it will show a mature egg. If so, then we can do the trigger shot and schedule the insemination appointment for approximately thirty-six hours later.”

  “And then we wait.”

  “Yes. And then we wait,” I confirm, blowing out a huge breath.


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