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Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

Page 31

by Lee Smolin

  devices, 5, 52, 64, 87, 89, 91, 131–32

  EPR and, 48

  of information, 190

  instruments, 128, 129, 213

  Many Worlds Interpretation and, 149

  of momentum, 23

  nonlocality and, 42–43

  of particles, 48, 128

  position and, 23, 61

  probabilities and, 34, 35

  process of, 88–89, 117

  quantum mechanics and, 26, 58–59

  quantum states and, 34

  quantum theory and, 34

  randomness in, 62–63

  realism and, 65

  reality and, 26

  Rule 1 and, 33–34

  Rule 2 and, 144

  superposition and, 64

  measurement problem, 6–7, 52, 62–64, 117

  collapse theory and, 131–32, 133, 142, 144–45

  pilot wave theory and, 142, 206

  quantum states and, 34, 187

  wave-function collapse and, 213

  wave-particle duality and, 223

  Mermin, David, 105

  metaphysics, xvi, xxiv–xxv

  mimeographs, 135

  Minkowski, Hermann, 226

  miracles, xiv

  mistakes, 279

  models, 226

  molecules, 3, 5, 6, 73, 246–47

  moments, 201–4

  momentum, 16, 18, 55

  angular, 77, 263n, 297

  collisions and, 20

  conservation of, 263

  definition, 16n, 20, 301

  of electrons, 35

  energy and, 21, 261, 262, 264, 267, 270

  exchange of, 20

  measurement of, 23

  of particles, 22–23, 262n

  position and, 90, 262

  special relativity and, 261

  symmetry and, 263

  time and, 262

  uncertainty principle and, 21–22

  velocity and, 20–21, 21

  wavelength and, xxviii, 22

  The Monadology (Leibniz), 241–42

  morality, 176–78

  motion, 80–81, 111, 141, 244

  Moussouris, John, 135n

  multiverse, xxv, xxv–xxvi, 178, 179

  mysticism, xxiii, xxvi, 115, 118

  nads, 242–43, 243, 244, 253–56

  naive realism, xxii–xxiii, 218

  Nash, John, 113


  anti-realism and, xxv

  behavior of, xix

  as computers, 192

  contextuality of, 56

  features of, xiv

  knowledge of, 271–72

  locality and, 45, 46, 57, 220

  metaphysics and, xvi

  objectivity and, 85

  properties of, xx

  quantum mechanics and, xx, xxiii, 3, 6

  quantum states and, 217

  realism and, xxii

  relationship with, 92

  religion and, xxiv

  science and, 85

  time and, 265

  understanding of, xiii, xviii

  nearby, in networks, 240

  neighborhoods, 242–43, 243, 244, 246–47

  Nelson, Edward, 223

  networks, 240

  neutrino physics, 136

  new evolution law, 141

  Newton, Isaac, 16, 67, 80–81

  Newtonian mechanics, 16, 111

  Newtonian physics, 301

  Newton’s laws, 64, 141, 209, 218, 219, 244

  Noether, Emmy, 104, 104n, 263, 264

  noise, collapse theory and, 133

  non-commutativity principle, 17–20

  nonlocal entanglement, xxviii, 235

  nonlocal interactions, 248, 271

  nonlocality, 49, 56

  definition of, 301

  emergence of, 271

  as emergent, 236

  measurement and, 42–43

  particles and, 211–12

  retrocausality, 216

  special relativity and, 212

  speed of light and, 57

  now, concept of, 237

  nuclear physics, 4

  nuclear war, 178

  nucleus, 74, 93

  objectivity, 11, 30, 85, 166, 168, 171

  objects, 6, 139

  observables, 26, 27, 231

  observation, 155, 157, 166–67, 188, 193, 231

  observer, 193, 238

  ontology, 11

  operationalism, 92, 100, 187, 197, 301

  operationalists, xxii

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 108, 112


  of experiments in Many Worlds Interpretation, 150–52

  probabilities and, 251

  Rule 2 and, 172

  Oxford interpretation, of quantum mechanics, 154, 160, 169–70

  parallel universes, 145, 148, 247

  parity, 136

  participation, observation and, 188

  particles, 4. See also wave-particle duality; waves

  behavior of, 21–22, 211

  combining, 32–33

  determinism and, 14–15

  electrons as, 79–80, 82

  entanglement and, 5

  Everett and, 148

  guidance equation and, 211

  information and, 249n

  laws of fundamental, 14

  light as, 69, 72, 80

  many interacting worlds theory, 219–20

  measurement of, 48, 128

  momentum of, 22–23, 262n

  motion of, 111, 141

  Newtonian mechanics and, 111

  nonlocal influences on, 211–12

  nonlocality and, 211–12

  photons as, 69

  physical systems and, 29

  pilot wave theory and, 131, 238

  position of, 22–23, 34, 119, 199, 262

  probabilities and, 61, 119

  superposition of, 4–5

  trajectory of, 23

  velocity of, 23

  wave function and, 99–100, 109, 118–20, 209, 210

  waves and, 21–24, 34, 60, 66, 79–80, 81, 83–84, 99–100, 213

  past, 200, 203, 204, 254, 261, 266, 301

  Pauli, Wolfgang, 89, 93, 112

  Pearle, Philip, 130, 141

  Penrose, Roger, 122, 133, 134–39, 238n

  perception, xx, xxiii, xxvii, 9–10, 84

  Peres, Asher, 66

  perfection, 243, 244–45

  philosophy, 11, 228

  photoelectric effect, 72

  photons, 40–41

  atoms and, 195, 209–10

  contrary states of, 45

  correlated states and, 146

  definition of, 301

  electrons and, 69–70

  energy and, 69–70, 77–78

  entanglement of, 45

  locality and, 44–45

  as particles, 69

  polarization of, 45, 220

  special relativity and, 47

  spectrograph measurements of, 87

  superposition of, 50

  as waves, 69

  physical collapse models, 130

  physical interactions, 246

  physical systems, 28–30, 43, 192, 251

  physical theories, 229


  anti-realism and, xxv

  assumptions about locality and, 44–45

  departments, quantum foundations and, 184

  in early universe, 175–76

  goal of, 25

  Heisenberg on, 86–87

ion and, 189, 192–93

  locality and, 47, 48

  Penrose and, 135

  philosophy and, 228

  reality and, 3

  pilot wave theory, 98–101, 100

  beyond, 222–24

  applications of, 207

  atoms and, 122

  Bohm and, 109, 110, 116, 118

  Bohr and, 102–3

  challenges for, 207

  collapse theory and, 131

  complementarity and, 101

  definition of, 301

  Einstein and, 101–3, 111

  entanglement and, 214

  equations of, 206

  Everett and, 148

  ghost branches of, 207–10

  hidden variables in, 238

  inconsistency of, 104

  lessons from, 206–13

  Many Worlds Interpretation and, 208

  measurement problem and, 142, 206

  particles and, 131, 238

  probabilities in, 119

  quantum computers and, 174

  quantum mechanics and, 101, 121

  realism and, 129, 143–44, 206–7

  reciprocity and, 209, 223

  relativistic field theory and, 213

  research aim for, 207

  reversibility of, 214

  Rule 1 and, 101, 116

  Rule 2 and, 101

  special relativity and, 212

  superposition and, 214

  theory of relativity and, 211

  universe and, 121

  wave function and, 125–26, 210

  wave-particle duality and, 142, 208–10, 222

  Planck, Max, 18, 22, 71, 71n, 183–84

  Planck energy, 301

  Planck length, 301

  Planck mass, 301

  Planck’s constant, 22, 77, 301

  planets, 74–75

  plasma physics, 108

  Podolsky, Boris, 43, 44. See also Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state

  polarization, 40, 40–41, 45, 220

  Popper, Karl, 191n

  position, 16, 18, 55

  definite, 31, 32

  of electrons, 100

  energy and, 61

  indefinite, 31, 32

  measurement and, 23, 61

  momentum and, 90, 262

  of particles, 22–23, 34, 119, 199, 262

  probabilities and, 34

  uncertainty principle and, 21–22

  possibility, actuality and, 177–78, 197–98, 200, 243

  precedence, 249–52

  preparation, 250

  present, 200, 203, 266

  pressure, 29

  Princeton University, 108, 113

  principal principle, 163

  principle of precedence, 249–52

  principle of relative locality, 278

  principle of sufficient reason, 233–35, 268

  principles for fundamental physics, 229–37

  principle theories, 227

  probabilities, 29–30, 117, 145, 247

  amplitude and, 138

  Bayesian, 160–61, 163, 297

  beliefs and, 164

  Born’s rule and, 164, 200, 218

  Deutsch and, 166–68

  distribution function, 119–20

  frequency, 161–64, 165–66

  histories and, 218–19

  laws and, 250

  Many Worlds Interpretation and, 160

  meaning of, 160–61

  measurement and, 34, 35

  objectivity and, 166, 168, 171

  outcomes and, 251

  particles and, 61, 119

  in pilot wave theory, 119

  position and, 34

  principal principle, 163n

  propensity, 164

  in quantum mechanics, 59, 179–80

  quantum states and, 34–35

  realism and, 132–33

  Rule 2 and, 150

  subjective, 162, 163n, 170, 172, 174, 193, 208

  wave function and, 124, 128, 151, 165

  propensity, 164

  proteins, 24

  Puali, Wolfgang, 104

  Pullin, Jorge, 141

  quanta, 301

  quantization, 137, 302

  quantum Bayesianism, 187, 193, 302

  quantum black holes, 189

  quantum computers, 48, 159, 174, 185, 188, 248–49

  quantum cosmology, 302

  quantum epistemologists, xxii

  quantum equilibrium, 120–21, 143–44, 211, 212, 302

  quantum force, 247

  quantum foundations, 13n, 134, 173, 175, 183–86, 275

  quantum gravity, xvii, 133, 134, 139, 185, 193, 207, 216, 228, 231, 253, 275

  challenges of, 258–59

  definition of, 302

  loop, 136, 137, 194, 240, 300

  nads and, 256

  networks and, 240

  quantum information theory, 185–86, 188, 248–49

  quantum mechanics, xvi

  anti-realism and, xxi

  argument over, xix

  atoms and, 6, 62

  basics of, xxviii–xxix

  biology and, 3

  causal theory of views and, 271

  classical mechanics and, 193–95, 196

  completion of, 241, 274–75

  conceptual problems with, xvii

  conventional, 120

  definition of, 302

  determinism and, 15

  Einstein and, 8–9

  electrons and, 62

  essential principle of, 14

  of Everett, 148n

  falsification of, 169

  gestation period of, 183–84

  history of, xvii

  incompleteness of, 9, 28, 43, 175, 253

  locality and, 45, 46

  mathematical structure of, 103

  matrix in, 91

  measurement and, 26, 58–59

  mysteries of, 7, 10–11

  nature and, xx, xxiii, 3, 6

  origin of, 83

  Oxford interpretation of, 154, 160, 169–70

  pilot wave theory and, 101, 121

  polarization and, 41

  predictions from, 61–62

  probabilities in, 59, 179–80

  properties explained by, 58

  puzzles of, 10–11

  quantum computer and, 249

  quantum physics and, xvi

  real ensemble formulation of, 247

  realism and, xxi, 11–12, 144

  reality and, xxii

  rejection of, xxi

  restriction and, 45

  retrocausality and, 217

  spacetime and, 228

  spontaneous collapses and, 143

  structure of, 104

  success of, 26

  superposition and, 37, 138–39

  time and, 63, 137

  universe and, 28, 159n, 231

  quantum phenomena, 13n

  quantum physics, xvi, xix, 17–20, 57, 185

  quantum Poincaré recurrence theorem, 158, 158n

  quantum spacetime, 256

  quantum states, 30, 302

  adding, 32–33

  of atoms, 37–38

  definition of, 31

  frequency and, 60

  joint, 32–33, 37–38

  Many Worlds Interpretation and, 152

  measurement problem and, 34, 187

  nature and, 217

  as nonlinear, 139

  operationalism and, 197

  probabilities and, 34–35

  superposition and, 32�

  time and, 31

  universe and, 193, 197, 231

  wave function and, 31n, 32

  quantum superposition, 6

  quantum systems, 37, 137–38, 147, 196

  quantum teleportation, 186

  quantum theory, xviii, xxi, 12

  background structures of, 231

  Bohr and, xxii, 7–8, 9

  of cosmology, 201

  decoherence and, 155

  definition of, 302

  of Einstein, 8

  general relativity and, 136–38

  incompleteness of, 274

  incorrect, xxvi

  measurement and, 34

  natural laws and, 92

  of Penrose, 134

  realism and, 107, 153

  restriction and, 46

  Rule 1 and, 154

  Rule 2 and, 172

  structure of, 186

  unification of, xxvi

  universe and, 27–28

  qubit, 187–88

  radiation, xvii, 52, 56, 79–80, 93, 125

  randomness, 62–63, 155–56, 159, 212, 248

  rationality, 234

  Raymond, Louis Victor Pierre, 78–79

  real ensemble formulation, 247, 249n, 268

  real ensemble theory, 249

  realism, xix–xx, 26, 180. See also anti-realism; critical realism

  abandonment of, 66, 97

  atoms and, 75

  beliefs and, 205

  decoherence and, 157

  definition of, 302

  Einstein and, 84

  failure of, 200

  Heisenberg and, 91

  light and, 75

  many moments and, 204

  Many Worlds Interpretation and, 150, 174

  measurement and, 65

  naive, xxii–xxiii, 197, 218

  natural world and, xxii

  objectivity and, 30

  ontology and, 11

  operationalism and, 187

  Penrose and, 139

  pilot wave theory and, 129, 143–44, 206–7

  probabilities and, 132–33

  quantum mechanics and, xxi, 11–12, 144

  quantum physics and, 57

  quantum theory and, 107, 153

  relativity and, 237

  Rovelli and, 197

  Rule 1 and, 145, 149

  special relativity and, 215

  wave-particle duality and, 89


  duality of, 23–24

  Einstein on, 3

  elements of, 43–44

  Everett and, 165

  fantasy and, xiii, xix, xxiv, xxv

  fundamental, xxii

  histories and, 218

  knowledge and, 12

  measurement and, 26

  moments and, 202

  nads and, 253–54

  objectivity and, 11

  old-fashioned notions of, 10

  parallel, xviii

  physics and, 3

  possibility and, 198

  quantum mechanics and, xxii

  superposition and, 147

  reciprocity, 209, 223, 232–33, 235, 247

  relational hidden variables, 237–49, 241, 269


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