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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

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by Tonks, Rachael

  “Fuck,” I mumble. The flat of my foot pounds against the ground below as I stamp with frustration.

  “Hey,” Leo’s voice interrupts my brat moment. “You okay?”

  Shit. Why did he have to come over and ask me in that gravelly, sex-filled voice of his?

  I don’t like the effect this guy is having on me. For weeks I’ve thought about him, yet I can barely look him in the face. My body reacts to him in a strange way—a way I’m unfamiliar with. The pulse in my neck is rapid and pounds as I twist my neck to look at him.

  “Oh, you know…just the whole ‘I can’t find my keys’ thing.” My hand works back and forth in my purse, but dammit, I can’t locate them. The handsome stranger looks at me expectantly, and I feel like I need to do or say something.

  Squatting, I turn my purse upside down and shake until the contents spill out on the ground. What I hadn’t thought of in my moment of pressure was that my tampons would spill out and roll away, only stopping when they collide with the side of his sneaker.

  Oh God, please let the ground open and swallow me up.

  I reach forward, hoping to retrieve the tampons that rest against his sneakers, only to collide with Leo’s hand as he reaches for them.

  Could this be any more embarrassing? Why? Why is he touching my goddamn tampon?

  “Oh, hey, I’ll take those.” I’m pretty sure my cheeks are beet red, only adding to my obvious humiliation. He’s close to me again, so close that I can almost feel the heat radiating from his body. My eyes glide to his arms. Yeah, his really toned arms.

  I’m flushed and my heart beats so loud that it’s like someone’s clicking their fingers loudly in my ear.

  “Cassie,” Liz calls. “You looking for these?” She holds up the car keys, letting them sway slowly from side to side. I step up and glare at her. The smug look on her face says a thousand unspoken words. “Leo, so nice to see you again.” She rests her hand on his shoulder and he tilts his head to offer her a smile.

  “Mrs. Conway. So nice to see you again.”

  “When you’re ready, you can come inside.” I watch and notice the way she strokes his shoulder and my teeth clench together. What the hell is she doing?

  “Shouldn’t Dad be part of this?”

  Her head tips to the side and I let my eyes fall, focusing on her hand resting on his shoulder. Snapping it away, she lifts one brow before replying. “Your father has left this in my more than capable hands.”

  “And what exactly is this guy going to do here?”

  “I have a huge remodel idea for this place. Not to mention yard work and general maintenance around this place. A house this size requires a huge amount of upkeep.”

  “Lawn boy. You want him to be the lawn boy?”

  “That’s not exactly what I said, is it?” Her teeth are gritted together and I know I’m making this awkward for her, but shit, this seems strange. For all the years we have lived here, never once has she mentioned needing someone around the place. “Anyway, you should be going.” Lifting her hand, she throws the keys at me and I scramble to catch them.

  Only I fail.


  The keys clatter to the ground with the rest of the contents of my purse. With a bended knee, I crouch once more and collect up my belongings. Including the tampons still lying on the ground.

  “Let me help,” Leo offers.

  “I’m good,” I bite back.

  “Come, leave her to it,” Liza says, coaxing Leo back to his feet and leading him toward the house.

  Staring at the pair, I finally open the car door and slip inside. I take a huge breath but it does nothing to relax my tightened chest. I reach up, placing my hand against my forehead. What the hell is going on?

  Chapter Three


  “My husband has an office space in a small building behind our house. He doesn’t use it anymore since he got this new job. It’s yours if you want it.”

  “I, uh, I can’t possibly accept your kind gesture. You barely know me.”

  “I know a young man who needs a break when I see one.” Her hand caresses the top of my arm.

  “But I have nothing. No money to offer you…”

  “Like I said, gardening and maintenance. You have a job now. There is a lot to be done here, Leo. I hope you’re up for it.”

  “Of course,” I reply.

  “Once you have started with us, I presume you’ll be looking to start school locally?”

  Is this woman for real? Offering her home to a complete stranger. Who does that?

  “That is my long-term plan. But living on the streets has been tough.”

  “I understand. Just as soon as you’re ready. Time for a fresh start. You may have been down on your luck, but I’m glad we found you and we can help.”

  I’m not sure that I deserve this woman's kindness, but it sure will help to start over. No matter what happened, or what I’ve done, I have to move on. I’ll never forget Mom, but I have to move on from that part of my past.

  “I, uh, don’t know what to say,” I reply weakly.

  “Say yes. We want to help. It was like God brought you to us that day. We can’t turn our back on you now.”

  “You are too kind. Thank you.”

  “Once I’ve okayed all of this with my husband, I’ll call. Give you a firm date to bring your things in.” Sitting back, she rests against the dining table, her hands gripping the edge. My eyes scan the huge space. Jesus, this one room is as big as the whole ground floor of my apartment.

  “Thank you. For taking a chance on me.”

  “We all deserve a chance in life, Leo. I’m giving you that chance. Just don’t mess it up. I’m putting a lot of trust in you.” She points her long, manicured finger at me and I give her a nod.

  “I won’t. I promise.” And I meant my promise. I’m keeping my head down and making the most of escaping the person who ruined my life.

  But no one can know the truth. Not about me. Not about him, or where I’ve come from. Ensuring I remain as inconspicuous as possible is my main priority. I regret what he made me do, but I can’t change that now. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach will never leave me. I did a horrific thing, but it was all I had left.

  I did what I needed to do to survive.

  * * *

  A few days pass by before the Conways are ready for me. In all honesty, I’m glad to get out of the shelter. It still feels strange being here—in this state, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. I guess you could say my mind and body are on autopilot. Doing whatever I need to in order to survive.

  Three states I’d hitchhiked with a broken leg and ribs. I used all the money I had to bribe them into taking me. Money I had stolen from him.

  I’m just not sure it will be enough.

  No matter how far away I am, sooner or later the horrid truth will catch up with me, won’t it?

  Shaking my head trying to clear the images, I focus on the here and now. The new life I plan on making for myself.

  Even if it’s only for a short while.

  Even if I’m living on borrowed time.

  I’ll hold onto my mother’s memory no matter where I go. Everything else I have to forget.

  Opening the door, Mrs. Conway snaps me from my thoughts, offering me her hand. I take it and shake lightly. “It’s good to have you here, dear.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Come in. Let’s get your belongings into your new home.” She presses her palms together, lifts her shoulders, and smiles widely. “You’re going to fit in perfectly here, Leo.” She looks at the backpack I have slung over my shoulder and then past me. “I presume the rest of your things are outside?” Her eyes search behind me.

  “No, ma’am. This is all I have. All I need, I guess.”

  “Oh, well, alright then. Bring it through.”

  I step inside and she closes the door behind me. Lifting my gaze I take in the magnificent foyer. This place is unbelievable. Like something you’d see on MTV Cr

  “Jesus Christ,” I mumble under my breath as I follow the slender woman through this epic mansion.

  “Sorry, dear, did you say something?”

  “Just admiring the place. You got a real nice home here, Mrs. Conway.”

  “Liza, please. Call me Liza.” She glances at me over her shoulder, her eyes raking over my body and her teeth nipping at the corner of her lip. Now I’m no flirting expert, but I’d definitely say Mrs. Conway was trying damn hard.

  “Sure, whatever you prefer.”

  Shit. Getting into trouble with this hot cougar is definitely not on the agenda.

  “When will I get to meet Mr. Conway?” Yeah, that should put a stop to the flirting.

  Slowing her speed, she eventually stops, spinning on the spot and looking up at me through her thick, fake lashes. “You don’t need to worry about my husband. You’ll mostly be dealing with me.” Both of her hands come to stop on the frame of the door as she stares at me like she wants to fucking devour me.

  “It would be good to meet the rest of the household, that’s all,” I reply casually, shrugging my shoulders. Is it wrong of me to think that I only got this place to stay and job because Mrs. Conway has an ulterior motive?

  “You should join us for dinner. My husband will be home tonight.”

  “And your daughter?”

  Her eyes narrow on me, until the color in her eyes is no longer visible. “She’s trouble. You should stay away from that one.”

  “Mrs. Conway, let’s be clear. You gave me a place to stay and a job. I’m very grateful, really, I am. But all I’m concerned with is getting back on my feet and creating a future for myself. I have no interest in your daughter, or anyone else for that fact.”

  Her face hardens, almost like it wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

  “I understand. This way.” She continues her walk through the house until we reach the door that leads to the huge yard at the rear of the house. She sways her hips as she leads me down the walkway. I’m pretty sure it’s about half-a-mile walk to the office. Maybe Mr. Conway likes to put a little distance between him and his wife?

  As we reach the office building, Mrs. Conway reaches inside her bra cup and pulls out a solitary key. Pushing it into the lock, she presses down on the handle and swings open the door. With her hand flat against the wood, she holds it open, nodding inside.

  “You have a few hours to yourself. The place has been set up with everything you need. You will notice all of my husband's belongings have been removed and placed in his study. So, this is all yours.”

  “Thank you.” I step inside, offering her a genuine smile. I’ve kind of landed on my feet here, and to her, I’m grateful.

  “Dinner is at six. Don’t be late.”

  I reach out my hand and gently place it on her forearm. “Thank you for this...for all of this.”

  Her eyes light up as she smiles from ear to ear. “I’m just glad that God brought you to us. We are so fortunate to be able to help those less fortunate than ourselves.”

  “Mrs. Conway, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you religious?”

  “Why of course. I attend every week without fail and I’m also part of the community church group. We meet once or twice a week to discuss what we can do to help the homeless, how we can raise money for good causes. You should come along sometime. It’s good for the soul.”

  Not exactly what I had in mind.

  “Maybe,” I reply, not wanting to offend her or her faith. After all, a lot rests on me having this roof over my head and the job to get by.

  “Okay, I should go get things ready for our dinner later.” She heads out of the office and closes the door behind her.

  My whole body relaxes and I let out a huge sigh. Striding over to the bed in the corner of the room, I place my backpack down and start to unload my shitty belongings. A few pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants, my wallet, and phone. The entire contents of the bag. Grasping the phone in my hand, I press the button, hoping to bring it to life.

  But nothing.

  And even if I could, would it be a smart move? Maybe not.

  What if they’re tracing my phone?

  Could they track me down?

  My head throbs as the questions play havoc with my mind. I allow my eyes to close and I suck in a deep breath through my nose.

  Jesus Christ, what have I done?

  Am I really stupid enough to believe that I can escape what happened? I let the phone fall from my hand and reach for my wallet. With a flick of my wrist, I open the wallet and my eyes instantly find the picture of Mom. Rubbing my thumb over the image of her, I hope with all my heart that she’s at peace. Nothing will bring her home. She’s gone, but the pain of her death stays with me, always. Even sleep evades me.

  She is all I see when I close my eyes.

  The only person that meant anything to me was ripped from my life.

  The bastard tore my whole world apart. And I don’t regret what I did to him. Even if the truth means I’m a criminal, a monster even.

  But he unleashed that monster.

  And I’ll never be free of the pain that sick motherfucker caused me.

  Even with this new life. This new name and everything else in my life that is now a lie.

  But those lies are the only thing keeping me safe right now. What other choice do I have?

  Chapter Four


  Opening the door to my car, I throw in my purse and slam myself down in my seat. It’s been a shitty day at school and all I want to do is shower and get to the dance studio. Let off some steam and work out these tense muscles from sitting at a desk all day.

  “Hey, you leaving without me?” Sasha asks through the partially open door.

  “Of course not. I just had to get outta there.”

  “Sucks, huh?”

  “Like donkey balls.”

  She laughs, walks around the car, and jumps into the passenger seat. “You’ll be at the studio later, right?”

  Pulling my brows together I glare at her. “Of course. Where else would I be?”

  “Silly question, right?”

  Of course it was a silly question. There was nowhere I’d rather be than at the studio.

  “Can I get a ride?” She lifts her shoulders, looking at me coyly. Sasha doesn’t have a car and her parents would never be able to afford to buy her one. Her mom was in a car accident and left paralyzed from the waist down. Her father takes care of her but money is tight for them.

  I reach out my hand and give her shoulder a gentle stroke. “Of course. You know you can ride with me anytime.”

  Her beautiful emerald green eyes widen and her smile spreads. “You’re the best,” she replies in an upbeat tone, pulling the door shut. I follow her lead and pull on my belt.

  “Oh, you’ll never guess what?” she says excitedly, digging into her purse and pulling out her phone.


  “I got a snapchat from Alison earlier. You’ll never guess what the picture was?”

  “Uh, a new car?” I guess.


  “New shoes, new makeup, new purse. We all know how materialistic Alison is.”

  “Not even close.”

  Checking over my shoulder, I reverse out of the parking space and out of the parking lot.

  “I mean, I’m kinda pissed you never mentioned it.” Pushing the phone under my nose, I glance at the image on her screen.

  “What?” I gasp.

  “Yeah. That hot guy you found outside your house is now living at your house.”

  “No,” I correct her. “No, he’s not.”

  “That’s the word on the street.”

  “He came for a job. Liza has this whole godly mission to help those less fortunate. Looks like she gave him a job.”

  “More than a job, according to Alison.”

  “What does Alison know, anyway? She’s full of shit.”

  “What if he really has moved in

  I grip the steering wheel, annoyed at the prospect of this being true.

  “I’m going to flip out if that’s the truth. Why the hell am I only just learning about this now?”

  “It’s not a problem though, right? A hot guy around the place might be just what you need.”

  “I don’t need anything, thank you very much.”

  “Have you ever dated, Cassie?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Kind of is not an acceptable answer.”

  “I’ve just never been interested in guys,” I quickly respond. “I simply don’t have time for them with all the dance practice and shit.”

  “Oh, really need to get out more. I worry about you. I love dance just as much as you, but you’ve got to experience other things. Starting with guys. We gotta get you a date or some shit.”


  “Yes,” she snaps. “You are gorgeous. I mean look at you. With your pathetically clear, smooth skin and your awful bright blue eyes. Not that I’m jealous or anything.” She holds up her hand, scoffing loudly.

  Heat reaches my cheeks and I feel a little embarrassed by her compliments.

  “I know the boys showed you some interest at school.”

  “And? They were interested in me because of my father, not because of me.”

  “Are you being serious right now?” she screeches. “Girl, that is not true. You have so much going for you.”

  I give her a sideways glance.

  “I’m telling you.” She spins a little in her seat, facing me. “Girls’ night out. Yes, we should totally go out.”

  “Duh, we’re not twenty-one yet.”

  “Duh, that’s why they invented fake IDs.”

  Grimacing, I suck in a noisy breath. “I’m not so sure. What about bowling and a movie?”

  Sasha snarls at me. “What are we? Twelve?”


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