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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

Page 8

by Tonks, Rachael

  “Strange guy in her house.” I shrug my shoulders. “I guess she doesn’t like having me around,” I lie. Truth be told, there was an electricity between us. A chemistry that I just can’t explain. It’s not just physical either. It’s more than lust. But I’m torn in a million directions. Between not wanting to hurt her, and keeping a roof over my head, I feel like I can’t win.

  “Ugh, believe me when I say I’ve had to put up with her bitchy drama for way too long.”

  Pressing my teeth together, my jaw tightens. I hate the way Liza speaks about Cassie. I feel weirdly possessive over this girl. A girl I’ve known for such a short period of time.

  But I can’t say anything.

  Play the game, Leo.

  Keep your mouth shut.

  “You need to stay away from her. Do not engage in conversations and be polite when necessary…like in front of my husband. We don’t need to give him any doubts about my decision to let you stay with us. Do we?”

  “Of course not.”

  “So you promise to stay away from her? I mean it, Leo. We have to stick together on this.”

  “I promise.” I turn my head, offering the manipulative bitch the best fake smile I can muster.

  Only, I wasn’t sure it was a promise I could fulfill. I’ll try. Not for Liza’s sake, but for Cassie.

  She doesn’t need a mess like me in her life.

  Pulling up into the parking lot, Liza jumps out of her Mercedes and instructs me to follow her lead. I get out of the car and look at the impressive collection of cars for sale. Liza walks off, leaving me to stroll through the lot. She told me I needed a car. So that I could get anything I needed from the store for the renovations.

  I told her it was unnecessary, but she wouldn’t listen. She insisted, and here we are. Getting a car when I have nowhere to go.

  “Leo,” she calls, snapping me from my internal thoughts.

  Heading over to her, I see her chatting to the assistant before taking the keys from his hand. She presses up on her tiptoes, placing a small kiss on his cheek.

  “I don’t know what I can do to thank you.”

  “I’m sure we can find a way,” he whispers, but I hear him. Clear as day.

  “Hey,” I say, trying to act cool.

  “Looks like you just got yourself a new car. And new ID,” he informs me. Handing me an envelope, I can’t help but look over my shoulder, checking that no one heard what he just said.

  Taking the envelope from him, I peer inside. I pull out the card with my image and my new name on it.

  Leo Roberts.

  Pulling the card closer to my face, I inspect it.

  “Shit, this is good.”

  “Of course it is, dear,” Liza replies. Pressing her hand on my arm she leans in. “For what it cost, I expect it to be authentic.”

  “It’s certainly that.”

  “And the car.” Her arm flies out and I follow its direction. She’s pointing at a red Mustang just behind me.

  “That is the car?”

  “Yes, it’s a pretty basic model, but it should be all that you need. You can’t live in California without a car, Leo.” Liza accentuates my name and I struggle to understand what is really going on with her. She’s made it quite clear that she wants a boy toy, but I’m not sure even being her personal plaything warrants a car like this…does it? Not to mention her outrageously flirty behavior with the sales assistant. I’m starting to think I’m not the only extra-marital man she’s sunk her claws into.

  “Wow…this is…this is.” I struggle to get out how I’m feeling. In truth, this is crazy and quite frankly unbelievable. “I mean, there’s nothing basic about this, it’s too much.”

  Liza laughs loudly.

  “Leo, we have a reputation to uphold. We couldn’t possibly be seen with some old rust bucket in our driveway now, could we?”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  I’m floored. From sleeping outside to living in one of the nicest houses I’ve ever seen, to driving a red Ford Mustang.

  No one can be this lucky, surely?

  I have a sinking feeling that this grand gesture will come at a price.

  Liza comes close. “Take it for a spin. Enjoy yourself and I’ll see you later. You deserve this and so much more, Luke.”


  How the hell does she know that’s my name?

  Without thinking, I step back, suddenly overcome with fear.

  Fear that she knows about me.

  About Luke.

  And if she knows, how did she find out?

  “Don’t worry, Leo. Your secret is safe with me. You know you can trust me.”

  I lift my eyes but not my head. This woman knows the truth about me. She is also the one person who will use it to get exactly what she wants.

  I never realized just how manipulative and devious women can be.

  Liza grins at me widely.

  Part of me wants to walk out of this dealership and never lay eyes on Liza again.

  The other part of me remembers that I have nowhere to go. That I’m already running from my past.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Dude, you are so lucky. That MILF just bought you a car and you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” the guy sitting beside me remarks. I look up at his tooth-revealing smile, then down to his name badge.

  Barry. This douchebag’s name is Barry.

  This guy’s voice is so annoying. I’ve listened to him talking me through the controls and features of the car for ten minutes too long.

  I shoot him a sideways glare.

  “What?” he asks. His shoulders bunch as he shrugs. “Whatever is happening between you two has nothing to do with me,” he says, holding up his palms in a mock surrender. “But I do know, given half a chance, I’d be all over that like a rash.” His head tips toward Liza through the windshield as she talks with another assistant. Studying her for a second, I can’t deny that she is attractive. At that exact moment, she turns toward us, beaming. Her silky hair is poker straight, and falls over her shoulders. The pencil skirt she wears hugs her perfect, curvy figure.

  But it does nothing for me at all. I can see what the others see, but for me the attraction isn’t just what’s on the outside. It’s the person on the inside too.

  “It’s not like that. I’m just not interested.”

  He starts to laugh. “You’re not interested in Mrs. Conway? Are you kidding me? That woman exudes sex and money. What’s not to like?”


  “Are we done here?” I ask, reaching for the handle of the door.

  “Yeah, man,” he stutters.

  Stepping out, I head over to Liza. “Hey. I think we’re good to go. Meet you back at the house.”

  “Great,” she replies. “See you at home.” Her hand gently rests on my arm and she leans in, kissing my cheek.

  Fighting back the urge to grimace, I force a smile. “Thanks again for this,” I add.

  Her smile widens. “You can thank me later,” she whispers in my ear.

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I step back into the car with my new ID. I should be happy. I should be feeling on top of the world. But I’m not.

  I just feel shitty.

  I start the engine and put the car in drive. Liza waves to me as I slowly start to drive out of the lot. This car is a dream to drive. Much better than the shit-heap I used to drive back home.

  My stomach sinks when I think about the life I left behind. The good times that were overshadowed by the bad.

  But none of that matters now. All that matters is that I survive.

  As I turn out of the dealership and onto the main road, I see a huge building on the left with a sign that catches my attention. I slow my speed when I realize this must be the dance studio.

  My breathing stills when I see Cassie just outside the door, chatting to some girls.

  With a swift turn of the wheel, I pull into the parking lot out front. I’m not sure why, but after
that shit with Liza, I want to make sure she’s okay. Part of me needs the distraction that Cassie offers. She makes me feel, and although those feelings confuse the fuck out of me, I momentarily forget my past. And she makes me feel something other than pain and guilt.

  Cassie has become my new focus. My new addiction.

  Stopping the car beside the girls, I lower the window, trying to get Cassie’s attention.

  “Hey,” I say as she looks directly at me.

  “Leo?” she gasps, narrowing her eyes on me. “What do you want?”

  “That’s Leo?” One of the girls gasps and they start to giggle. “I know you said he was hot…but seriously.”

  “Sasha, stop,” Cassie warns, stepping closer to the car. “What do you want, Leo?” she asks again, her voice is sad, her body language the same.

  “I saw you and just wanted to check that you were okay.”

  “Like you care.”

  “Of course I care…” Looking over her shoulder, I notice the other girls desperately listening in to the conversation. “I don’t want to do this here. Jump in.”

  “I will not,” she squeaks.

  “Just ten minutes. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  “That’s not a good idea.” She shakes her head.

  “Oh, go on. See what he has to say,” the girls encourage, pushing on her back a little, causing her to jerk forward.

  “Ten minutes,” she gives in, sighing loudly. I open the door for her and can’t help how my heart feels a little lighter knowing that I have ten minutes of uninterrupted time with her.

  “What?” she asks as she drops into the passenger seat.

  “What do you mean, what?”

  She scowls. “The way you’re looking at me.”

  I can’t help but chuckle. Even when she looks annoyed she’s too freaking cute.

  “Just buckle up, princess.”

  “Don’t call me that. Don’t ever call me princess.” She’s shouting and she has a look on her face which is a mix between anger and hurt.

  “Hey…okay, I’m sorry.”

  Her eyes are clamped shut and she shakes her head from side to side. She inhales deeply, as if trying to compose herself. “You can call me a bitch, a brat, but please, don’t ever call me that.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, puzzled by her reaction.

  Pulling out of the parking lot of the dance studio, I drive. I have no idea where we are going, but I relax back in the seat, my eyes flicker between Cassie and the road.

  The tension between us is insane. There are so many things I want to say. But I know I can’t.

  Lifting her wrist, Cassie looks at her watch. “You’re down to around five minutes, so whatever you wanted to talk to me about, you’d better spit it out.” Her beautiful blue eyes flicker to mine. I let out a chuckle.

  “You have no idea where you’re going, do you?”

  I shake my head.

  “Ugh.” She lets out a growl of frustration. “Take a left turn here.” She points at the next intersection and I slow down, ready to make the turn.

  “You know you drive like an old woman, right. I mean, look at this car.”

  “I’m not some bad boy racer.”

  She smirks.

  The cutest smirk I’ve ever seen.

  Looking out of the windshield, I narrow my brows, wondering where the hell she’s brought me.

  “Where are you taking me?” My eyes glance around and the further I drive the more woodland appears.

  “To one of my favorite spots.” She smiles widely. “I mean, since you kidnapped me, I thought I’d at least get you to take me to somewhere I love.”

  “Kidnapped?” I laugh. “I seem to remember you came willingly.”

  “Hmmm,” she hums, her lips pushed out into a pout. She eyes me suspiciously and I can’t help but glance at her.

  Then both of us start to laugh.

  After a few seconds, her hand flies out. “Just here. Pull over.”

  Slowly coming to a stop, I cut the engine and try and take a look at our surroundings. We are completely surrounded by trees. The banking appears to slope to the top of the hill.

  “This way,” she says as she exits the car, flashing a huge smile.

  “Sure are happy for someone who has been kidnapped,” I shout after her. Jumping out of the car, I follow her up the embankment.

  I can’t tear my eyes away from her as I watch her fly up the incline with ease.

  At the top, I watch as she races over to a huge rock located on the hillside, a little too close to the edge for my liking.

  “Hey, be careful,” I yell over to her. She pirouettes on the spot, turning and facing me.

  “Seriously, you need to come down from there.” I edge closer to see what’s below. The huge lake below shimmers in the late afternoon sunlight.

  “Pretty, right?” She stands with one leg pulled so far up, it’s practically touching her ear. “It’s where I practiced my moves when Dad forbid it.”

  Leaping from the rock, she slowly sways toward me. Not on purpose, it’s just the way she walks. Must be the dancer in her.

  I let out a breath and shake my head. She offers me a lopsided grin. Holding her arm out, she offers me her hand.

  “Come, the view is even better from here.”

  I take her hand. Of course I take it. I’ve been dying to touch her since she jumped in my car.

  Pulling me, I let her take me to the rock built into the edge of the hillside. Lowering herself down, she lets go of my hand and uses it to pat the small space beside her. I lower myself down until I’m positioned beside her, my heart in my mouth the whole time.

  This doesn’t feel safe at all. But I don’t say anything, because looking like a pussy isn’t an option.

  “So what did you want to talk about? You’ve totally used up your ten minutes, by the way.” She beams but her eyes flicker with uncertainty.

  My hand twitches as I want to reach out and pull her close.

  “I needed to know you were okay after today…you know that whole argument with Liza?”

  She glares at me, fire blazing in her bright blue eyes. “You need to stay away from her, Leo.”

  “Easier said than done. She’s the one who took me in. Put a roof over my homeless head.”

  “Don’t let her manipulate you. She tries to do it to me, but I fight back. I just wish my father could see her for the poisonous bitch she really is.”

  “I’m not interested in her. Not at all.”

  Her lashes flutter and her head drops forward slightly.

  “She’s my boss and my landlord. To some extent, my hands are tied.”

  “You could always leave and find somewhere new to live.” Her shoulders rise and fall loosely.

  “With no bank account or a job, it’s never going to happen.”

  “You’ll still have your job. I could loan you the money.”

  I reach for her hand. “You’d do that?”

  “Sure. If it helps you get away from Liza, then I’d do it. No one deserves to be indebted to that woman.”

  Fuck, she just became even more beautiful.

  “Leaving the house, would mean leaving you behind.”

  Our eyes meet and I try to gauge her reaction.

  “We’d still be friends, silly.” She nudges me with her arm.

  I sigh deeply and snap my eyes away.

  I want to tell her so badly that I want her. The need and desire to have her is all-consuming.

  But I know I can’t let things go too far. I’ll only end up hurting her and dragging her into this whole fucked-up mess of a life I’m living. But I’m going out of my mind.

  I want her, but I don’t want to hurt her.

  “We should go,” I tell her, precariously stepping up from the rock we are balancing on.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, her expression pained. Leaping from the rock she strolls over to me. Scraping my hand through my hair, I want to lean in and kiss her. Make her mine.

  But I have to pull back.

  “This was a mistake,” I blurt out, my breathing heavy.

  She snorts, letting her arms flail until they land beside her. “I wondered how long it would take for you to push me away. I mean, seriously, I have some guy issues, but you are something else.”

  “This ain’t easy for me.”

  “Oh, and this is my idea of fun, is it?”

  “I’m trying to protect you. Pushing you away is what will keep you safe.”

  Her brows knit together and her head dips, her eyes searching to meet mine.

  “You’re not making much sense,” she whispers, her voice soft and caring.

  I look up and realize just how close she is. I grit my teeth together as my inner torment eats away at my sanity.

  My hand reaches up to her cheek, like it has a mind of its own. This is fucking excruciating.

  “I want you, I just don’t want to hurt you. You’ve got to understand this…you…were never part of the plan. Only, I can’t deny how crazy you make me feel.”

  “Crazy good?” She breathes fast and her cheek presses into my palm. “Or crazy bad?”

  My breath hitches and my heart jackhammers. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  Cassie leans in, her body pressing against mine. She may be lean, but she still has curves in all the right places. My eyes travel down, noticing her nipples pressing through her white leotard and my dick twitches, growing harder by the millisecond.

  I’m so close to having her, to fulfilling my need to kiss her, yet my throat grows thick. I know this is wrong.

  I’m a liar.

  This whole existence fabricated.

  And I’m scared that if I get too deep with her and the truth comes out, she’ll run a mile. Shit, I’d run a mile too.

  Her face comes close. I want to hold back, but I can’t. I dip my head, my eyes fluttering shut as my lips press against hers.

  And for that split second, I set myself free of all doubt and guilt and completely lose myself to this girl. She presses back against me, letting me know she wants this as much as I do. Her mouth opens and my tongue slips inside, her soft groans like music to my ears. My hand snakes down her back and stops just above her ass, Roughly, I pull her into me, needing to feel more of her. My heart thumps, my skin tingles and my entire body is alive as a result of our kiss.


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