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Faking It with Mr Nightshadow (Alphalicious Billionaires)

Page 5

by Lindsey Hart

  He couldn’t stop himself any longer. His lips crashed down over hers and his hands flew, pawing at her dress. She shifted and groaned and writhed against him. A more natural seductress had never been born. How the hell did this woman not have a man in her life long ago? How the hell did she not know how sexy she truly was?

  His hand gripped the curve of her ass and he groaned as he hauled her in against him. She’d kicked off her shoes and he’d managed to shed his. Her dress was hiked up high, nearly exposing her underwear and his shirt had been ripped from his pants.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” he rasped. He wanted to rip off her panties, hike up her dress and take her against the wall. He’d show some restraint, since he wanted to initiate her into the finer arts of pleasure, not let her see the animal he was.

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer. He crashed his mouth over hers, sucking and licking at her lips. They parted readily under the onslaught and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He licked at hers eagerly, the strokes echoed south of the border. His cock was impossibly hard.

  Ash’s apartment was small. There was an entrance way, a small kitchen after that, the living room, and a hallway. They stumbled into it together. He crashed against a coffee table, banging his legs painfully as she pushed against him, nipping his lips and sucking his tongue. She corrected him and steered him down a small hall. There was a door on the left, probably a bathroom, since she bypassed it.

  She pushed into her room and didn’t bother turning on the light. He decided to let it slide, since the streetlights filtered in between uneven slats in dusty blinds, providing enough light to work with.

  “You taste so good,” he said huskily as he pulled away panting.

  “You taste better.”

  “You taste like heaven.”

  “You taste like sex.”

  This is not an argument I’m going to win. He was just fine with that. He stopped talking and let his hands do the work. He stripped Ash out of her dress in record time. He managed to use self-control and not rip it to shreds. He even took care with the zipper. Her black lace bra and matching lace panties nearly brought him to his knees. They were like a reward for his careful control.

  Ash’s dusky pink nipples stood out through the bra, hard and pert. He groaned and dipped a hand brazenly between her legs. She was hot and wet and so ready.

  “Lord, you’re so perfect,” he groaned. “You’re going to kill me. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Even in the dark he could tell he’d made her blush. His hands flew to the button of his pants and he stripped them away far less carefully than he’d done with Ash’s clothes. His shirt didn’t fare any better. Buttons rained down all over the place as he practically tore it off. He stood in his tight boxers, which kept his cock from being a complete tent pole but did little to hide just what she was doing to him.

  Ash glanced down and her eyes went wide. “Oh my god. I- I…”

  She trailed off and he grinned. “Thanks. That’s flattering.” Ash swallowed hard. She reached up with a shaking hand to undo her bra, but he stopped her. “Let me.” He unhooked it deftly and let it fall away. Her breasts were perfect. Twin globes that were more than enough for a handful and the sweetest nipples he’d ever seen. “Perfect,” he breathed.

  She opened her mouth, probably to voice some ridiculous protest, but the words died a hard death when he bent and sucked her nipple into his mouth. She squirmed against him, made the sweetest little mewling sounds, sounds that went straight to his dick, and thrust her chest forward.

  “Oh my god,” she groaned. “More.” She threaded her fingers through his hair and guided him to her other breast. He nearly shot his load right there. God, had he thought she was going to be shy or reluctant? He thought he’d have some teaching to do, but the minute they walked through that door, all her awkward shyness fled and she became a damn goddess.

  He claimed her other breast, suckling her until she was moaning and writhing again. He knew she’d be hotter, wetter, if he dipped his hand between her legs. He didn’t. Instead he pulled away, nipping her gently as he released the tight bud. He blew on the wet flesh and she moaned.

  “On the bed,” she commanded huskily. She blinked in surprise after, as though she’d shocked herself with her lusty command. She sure as hell shocked him. He let out a deep, throaty laugh, which seemed to piss her off. “What’s funny about that?” she asked, eyes blazing.

  Trace glanced towards the bed. “For one, I have no intention of giving you what you want right away. What we both want. I’m going to torture you. Play with you. Make you beg. I’m going to teach you that it’s far, far, more pleasant to wait.” At least it will be for her. For him it would be damn torture. Pleasant too, but far, far more torturous.

  He wanted to do what she asked. Throw her on the bed and take her hard and fast until they were both screaming. There would be time for more later, after the first time was out of the way, but he didn’t want that. He was supposed to be teaching her something here, helping her understand that she was a goddess, giving her a boost of confidence so she could walk into that damn reunion of hers with her head held high, floating on a cloud as the beautiful, confident, sexy woman she was.

  He couldn’t afford to close control and give in to his baser side, no matter how much his dick wanted it. The problem was, his brain was shutting down, one fucking cell at a time and all the blood was currently in his rock-hard erection, making it impossible to think or hold himself back or use good judgement.

  “What’s the second thing?”

  “What?” Ash’s question snapped him out of his inner battle.

  “You said for one. Where’s the for two?”

  “Oh.” Trace’s eyes tracked a pattern to the bed. “There’s a cat watching us. His eyes are glowing and it’s slightly unnerving. He’ll probably go for my ball sack the second I get on the bed and use it as a fucking scratching post.”

  Ash let out a smothered gasp of laughter that sounded more like a snort. “Oh my god. That’s just Slappy. I’ll get him out. Hold on.” She walked over to the bed, scooped up the cat, and carried him out. He hissed at her and took a swipe at her face, but she just laughed as she closed the door. “Slappy is king here, in case you didn’t realize.”

  “I realized. My theory about the shredded balls is probably correct.”

  “You’ve seen too many movies.”

  “I’m not taking any chances.”

  “He’d probably just claw your butt or your leg. Maybe latch onto your toe and not let go.”

  “I’d have to get a tetanus shot after.”

  Ash rolled her eyes. She sauntered back over, suggestively, far more freely and brazenly than he’d ever thought possible for someone who seemed so shy and unsure of herself. Where did this sex goddess come from? To think he might have awakened it with a few hot kisses and caresses was pretty self-involved, and he wasn’t ready to go that far. He might be good, but he wasn’t that good.

  “Are you trying to tempt me?” He narrowed his eyes.

  Ash froze. “Why? Is it- is it wrong? Oh god. I look stupid. I look stupid, don’t I?” She immediately went to cover her breast, but Trace reached out and pulled her in hard against him. She let out a muffled rasp of surprise when she hit his chest, palms first. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard, breathless.

  “You do not look stupid,” he corrected breathing heavily as he ripped away. “Believe me, you look anything but.” He lifted her and tossed her lightly onto the bed. She let out a little squeal and inched away. He grabbed her ankle and pulled her back down. “You could never look stupid. Even if you did, it would still be sexy. Sexier than any other woman. You are beautiful, Ash. Tremendous. Sexy. You’re a goddess. You’re meant to be worshipped and that is exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “Oh. My. God,” she breathed.

  He let his hand slide up her thighs until they reached what he really wanted, the tight, beautiful heat sheat
hed in those fucking lace panties that he’d rather rip off than leave on. He had to draw the line somewhere though…

  He crawled over her, the ache in his skin intensifying until it felt like it might actually kill him. He bent his head and licked and kissed his way up her thigh. She mewled and writhed underneath of him, but there was no way he was letting her go. He kept her pinned down until he reached her gorgeous pussy. He kissed a hot trail over her panties, and god, her juices coated his lips right through the soaked lace.

  He ground his hips hard into the bed, fucking that soft mattress and those sheets through his boxers. Fuck, it hurt, but it felt good. He imagined blowing his load right there, like a teenage boy. She reduced him to it, easily, with barely any effort. It had been a while for him, since he’d actually slept with another person, but god, this was ridiculous.

  Trace shut that part of himself off and concentrated on Ash. This was for her. For her pleasure. If he came in his boxers, so be it. He wasn’t going to stop until she knew she was a goddamn queen.



  Ash knew by the way Trace was taking his time with her, licking her through her panties, doing that slow exploration that drove her mad, he was trying to be sweet and considerate and think of her needs before his own.

  Except that all he was doing was driving her insane. Her blood was so hot she felt like it was boiling. Her internal temperature had spiked a thousand degrees and she was sweating, sweltering and chaffing in her own skin.

  “Please,” she begged as Trace’s tongue circled over her one more time. His mouth was so warm, his breath deliciously hot as he teased his way from her entrance to her clit.

  “Not yet,” he had the nerve to say, as if he was the one in control. He might be more experienced, no, he was more experienced, but she’d had it with the slow dance bullshit. She wanted him. All of him.

  Her core clenched harder, liquid heat spooling in her core. “Then when,” she ground out. Her hips bucked up as he again circled her with his tongue.

  “God, you’re delicious.” Trace looked up and ran his tongue along his lips, which were smeared with her arousal. Her stomach bottomed out.

  Ash threw her head back. “Please, keep doing that. Only… take off my panties… please!”

  Trace chuckled, his breath warm on her skin, tickling her clit, and god, even that felt good. “I’ll take your panties off if you touch your nipples for me.”

  She didn’t have to think twice or be asked twice. She brought her fingers to her breasts and pulled at her nipples, hard. It hurt, but it felt like heaven. She felt heavy and thick and so filled with need she might actually burst.

  Trace did as he promised. He tore her panties away and then his mouth was on her, hard, hot, teasing and tasting. “Delicious,” he rasped. “You’re so fucking sweet.”

  The hairs on the backs of her arms stood on end. Her entire body broke out in goosebumps. She took her hands away from her breasts and threaded them through Trace’s hair. The strands were soft, so much softer than they looked. Probably softer than her own hair. She needed to hold onto him, to ride out the storm that he was creating deep inside of her.

  All her muscles clenched and bunched. She was so ready to shatter, to come apart.

  And all that was before Trace licked her in a scorching pattern all the way to her clit as he stuck a finger inside. She wanted more. She wanted him. She wanted him to fill her up, but the feel of his finger was wicked and delicious. He sucked her clit as he stroked her, and jagged lights lit up her head. Her legs began to shake, and her stomach clenched hard. She felt like she was burning up and then the next second, she was ice cold.

  “That’s it, baby,” Trace encouraged. “Come for me. Come on my tongue.” He pulled his finger out and then his tongue was there, at her entrance. He pushed inside, while he traded place with his finger. She was at the edge, teetering, waiting for that push. He gave her a definite push when he pinched her clit while his tongue was inside.

  She exploded. Her entire world imploded. The spasms that shook her from the inside out were insane, harder and deadlier than anything she’d ever felt. The waves took her and tumbled her. The only sound in the room was her own raspy breath, what breath she could even squeeze out. Trace kept licking her, plunging his tongue inside and applying that ridiculously amazing pressure to her clit until she was writhing and begging him to stop.

  She had to reach down and cover his hand with hers. “Stop,” she begged. “I- I need a second to recover.”

  Trace looked up at her. His eyes shone and he sinfully licked his lips then sucked his finger into his mouth. “Damn, baby. I’ve never tasted anything as good as you.”

  She made a sound in her throat that was a strangled whimper. She felt like she’d just melted into the mattress after that earth-shattering climax. Trace peppered her thighs with hot kisses. He worked his way up over her belly, to her breasts. She jerked and moaned and writhed when he suckled first one nipple into his mouth then the other.

  He released her only to trail hot kisses up her neck, to her jaw, then over to her mouth. His lips claimed hers in a sensual, heated kiss and when she tasted herself on him, she nearly came again. Something tugged at her chest, but she wasn’t sure what it was. It just felt like it was going to collapse. The need built inside of her again, but it was more than just physical. She’d never, ever in her life been able to give herself to another person.

  Give all of herself.

  She’d always been reserved. Embarrassed. Shy. Not really that into it. Sex was mostly just fumbling around. Sometimes it felt good. Sometimes it didn’t. Ash always thought she was okay without it.

  And then… Trace.

  God, she knew she’d never be okay again not having sex as long as it was with him. He was the kind of guy who could ruin someone for sex with anyone else.

  All of that and she hadn’t even had sex with him yet.

  Not really.

  “Do you want me inside of you?” Trace asked as he stared down at her heatedly. Her entire body leapt for joy.


  “Yes what?”

  “Uhhh… yes, yes I want you inside me?”

  “Yes please or you’ll die?”

  She had to smile. “Yes. Honestly, I might expire this very second if you do not stick your cock in me and fuck me. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  His grin told her everything she needed to know. “I like it when you talk dirty.”

  “You forced me.”

  “Again, all that dirty talk.”

  Trace rolled off of her. He stooped and pulled something out of his pants, a small foil packet. Duh. Where was her mind? She’d totally forgotten all about actually being sensible. It was a good thing at least one of them had their head screwed on right. He stripped away his tight boxers while she watched.

  Her mouth actually fell open. She realized it was hanging there catching flies and she tried to slam it shut, but… damn. She’d never seen anything like Trace. Not only was his body amazing, broad shoulders, granite arms, hard ridged abs and muscular legs, his cock… he was- huge.

  He grinned at her as he ripped open the condom and rolled it down his length. She wasn’t actually a fan of how condoms felt, but god, she’d actually pay money to watch him touch himself like that. He gave his huge shaft an extra pump, starting at the tip and working his way down, just for her.

  She imagined some vanilla version of sex, Trace spreading out over her, covering her with his muscular male body. Only that didn’t seem so vanilla. Even the damn missionary position seemed very- chocolate or strawberry or rocky fucking road with him. More like rock my fucking road. That was about right.

  Instead he raised his head, his eyes dark and the pupils dilated. The room wasn’t that dark. There was plenty of light to illuminate the raw need written all over his face. “I want you to ride me.”

  “Uh- what?” Ash’s mouth fell open again. Damn, if there were any flies in the room, she would have s
wallowed them all. It was her mom’s favorite joke, since she could never seem to keep her mouth closed as a kid.

  “You know, like… I’m going to spread out on that bed, and you are going to straddle me and take my cock inside of that beautiful tight pussy and ride me until you’re coming and screaming my name.” He winked at her. “Does that explain it?”

  Her mouth went dry. “Uh… yeah.” She realized how stupid that sounded, but Trace grinned, walked around the bed and sprawled out on the opposite side.

  “Then come here.”

  Ash was so worried she’d look ridiculous, that he’d watch her, that her boobs would bounce funny or that there would be strange, embarrassing noises in that position she had no control over, that she actually hesitated.

  Trace raised his head off the pillow. His massive cock stuck straight up in the air and he was completely unashamed or unembarrassed himself. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” His eyes lost some of their sheen and confusion and concern flooded his face. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s alright. I mean, I know we don’t know each other well. I’m sorry, I- thought you were into it.”

  “No. I mean. I am.” She nodded then shook her head, feeling like an idiot. Did she have to be the queen of awkward? “It’s just- I’m afraid that I’ll look dumb.”

  Trace’s eyes widened. “Not possible. You’re beautiful. You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever seen. I just about came that first time I licked your amazing pussy. You have no idea how erotic and sensual you are. I promise that when you get on top of me, the last thing I’m going to be thinking about is you being awkward.”

  Ash flushed. Her body tingled at his dirty words. Were they dirty? No one had said anything like that to her, but she wasn’t sure where the line really was. She liked them. She thought they were dirty.

  She moved. She found it was easier if she kept her eyes locked with Trace’s the whole time. His gaze was burning, white hot. He could have scalded her with his eyes alone. She straddled him, but she kept herself raised up, away from him. Instead of sinking down on him, she used her hand to grip him at the base of his shaft. He hissed and she released him.


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