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The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series)

Page 3

by Cilla Lee

  After everyone was done, we made our way back to the clubhouse, there were twice as many men, most of them drinking and laughing like the girls were. I see a guy in a cast sitting on one of the sofas a drink in hand and a woman sitting on the arm of the chair, his face smiling but his body posture ridged (that must be Jake). We make our way through the crowd and find a seat, sitting at the table with the women and a few from other Chapters. Then suddenly everyone goes quiet, and I look around and see Colt talking to Saint and Zoey

  “Where the fuck were you two?” Colt asks them, and everyone turns to watch, Zoey looks so nervous and my heart rate goes up, the memories of Joe come flooding back

  “In the kitchen,” Zoey says, and I look around again

  “What the fuck is this” Colt says, looking at Saint’s arm now around Zoey and my heart starts to race even more feeling nervous for Zoey

  “I’m claimin’ Zoey as my women” Saint says and mummers fill the room, and I look around some people are shaking their heads, I look at the women I’m sitting with, and they're all smiling, this world of motorcycle clubs is so confusing

  “The fuck did you just say?” Colt says

  “Jesus,” Niya says getting up and walking over to them

  “You ok?” Maggie asks me as I watch Colt and Stryker take Saint outside, and Niya pull Zoey to her walking her over to us

  “It’s ok,” Niya tells her, Zoey looks at her sister, tears in her eyes

  “HOW CAN IT BE OK!” she yells, Niya just smiles as Zoey bursts into tears the sounds of the large crowd outside giving us clues to what's going on. Oohs and Ahhs can be heard over and over again, and I want to go out and see what’s going on, but I don’t, I just sit there with the girls giving Zoey my support. Something she needs and something no one ever gave me

  “It’s not that bad, their men they all have to prove they’ve got dicks, they won’t do anything permanent, and you and Saint can be together,” Niya tells her sister. It’s like time has stopped with the noises coming from outside the clock mocking us at the forty-five-minute mark, people start to come back inside. Colt and Stryker walk in and go to the bar, and I watch the door like the girls to see when Saint will come in, he walks through the door, leaning on his brother and Zoey runs to him, and I release the breath that I didn’t even realize that I was holding in.

  “God that was intense,” Tilly says, sitting next to me and I look at her, Saint pulls Zoey to him kissing her hard, and I notice Blaze staring at me making me look down. Saint goes over and sits down, and Zoey heads to the bar. I thought she was going over to yell at her brother in law, but he hands her a shot and the three of them down it in one. After all the excitement of the night has calmed down Zoey and Saint walk past going upstairs. The room goes back to people laughing and drinking, and I look over to where Blaze is standing at the pool tables. I watch as one of the club-whores walks up to him and he places his arm over her shoulders, and I stand up smiling at the other women

  “I think I might head up to bed,” I tell them

  “Really, you don’t want another drink?” Maggie asks me, and I shake my head

  “No, I’m good, you all have a lovely evening” I make my way up to bed and lay there for ages thinking about my brother and how much I miss him, Blaze pops into my mind and I wonder if him and the women will end up in bed tonight (probably, she’s gorgeous).


  I jump awake to the sound of loud rumbling, I go to the window and see all of the guys on their bikes. The walls shook with the number of engines coming to life, I watch them all pull out two by two. It takes a few minutes for the last of the bikes to pull out, and I have a quick shower and head down to the kitchen to start this day as fast as possible just so it can end just as quickly.

  Chapter Six


  As I start my bike I look up seein’ Ella standin’ at the window watchin’ us, my dick gettin' hard just thinkin’ about her. Last night I fucked Lila and Candy so fuckin’ hard just thinkin’ about Ella’s pussy, her mouth, and her ass, man I want to fuck her so badly. I wanted to hold onto her gorgeous fuckin’ curves and pound her so hard. But I’m afraid once I do that, I’ll get bored and move on to the next pussy like I always do. And I know with her bein’ a Brother’s sister, that shit just won’t fly with the Brothers, no fuckin’ way I’d get an ass-kickin' from every one of them.

  As we pull up to the cemetery we all make our way through the graveyard to the part that all the fallen Devils Soldiers lay, I look over to where my Dad lays and head over to see him. “Hey Old man, hope the pussy in heaven’s fuckin’ good” I smile down at him, I look around and know when it’s my time to go this is where I’ll end up, next to my Brothers for eternity. Razor walks up, and we all go quiet as he drops a large duffle bag on the ground and pulls out four shovels. The scoop has the club insignia carved into it, and the handle is intricately carved with men on motorbikes riding hard in heaven.

  “Today we dig these graves for two fallen Brothers, these are the shovels my grandfather had made when the first-ever Devils Soldier died, and they ‘ve been used with every single loss in our clubhouse. You all know we bury our own, so who’s up first” Cookie and Scythe step forward, taking two shovels Tiny and Oki the next two, we all dig hard making sure it’s perfect for our Brothers. It takes just over two hours with each member of our Chapter diggin’ while the other Chapters watch, once the graves are dug we all stand back starin’ at the two holes.

  “Nice job Brothers,” Preacher says, handing us all a beer, we all stay there for another hour tellin’ stories of the lost Brothers. The boys’ poor drinks on the Brothers already in the ground, once we finish all the beers, we head back to the clubhouse. As we all get back, I run up to my room and take a quick shower, the dirt from the graveyard all over my jeans and shirt. When I get back downstairs, I head to the kitchen for some lunch grabbin’ a sandwich and sittin’ at the table

  “You boys ready for tomorrow?” Tiny asks comin’ in and sittin’

  “Nah, I’ve got to head downtown and get a black dress shirt,” Saint says, and I realize I need one to

  “Fuck, I need a new one I’ll come,” Cookie says to him

  “Yeah, me too,” I tell him

  “Then let’s head out before it gets too late” where at the bikes when Slice pulls up

  “Where are you guys going?” he asks us

  “To get a new dress shirt for tomorrow” Cookie tells him

  “Shit! do we need a new one?” he asks, and I look at him shakin’ my head (fuckhead)

  “Is it a black button down?” Saint asks, and he shakes his head


  “Then move your ass with us,” Saint tells him

  We all ride downtown when we see Niya’s truck Saint pulls off and we follow him, Niya and Zoey come out with a shopping cart full, and the three of them get off and help the girls. Saint pulls Zoey away, and they're all loved up and shit, I look at my watch and Cookie looks at me. Niya sittin’ in her truck waitin’. Cookie whistles waving for Saint to move his ass, and he helps Zoey into the truck kissin’ her, and I wonder what Ella’s lips would feel like. My dick twitchin’ in my jeans as the girls pull out and we watch as they drive out back to the clubhouse and Cookie turns to Saint “Damn you’re a lucky fucker.”

  “That I am Brother, that I am,” he says smilin’

  When we pull up to the store we all back in side by side and head in, the woman’s face is priceless when she sees the four of us walk in “c.. c.. ca.. can I h.. hel.. help you gentlemen” she stutters as we crowd her

  “Need new black button-downs,” Saint tells her, and she looks at the four of us like she’s not sure if we're gonna rob her or if we really are customers, her stutter giving her away at how scared she is

  “O..of..of course special occasion?”

  “Funeral,” Saint tells her and she goes into sales women mode

  “Right follow me,” she says takin’ us to a part of the store with loads of
shirts in packets and ones on the rack “if you need any help just ask,” she says still looking scared, I go through them even though I know I’m just pickin’ a plain black one nothin’ special

  “Damn, I don’t know if I should get this one or this one” Cookie says, holding up two shirts and I shake my head at him (fuckin’ dumbass)

  “Fuckhead, nobody gives a shit what you look like everyone’s gonna be lookin’ at me anyway,” Slice says Cookie givin’ him the finger

  “Should have hit you harder when you were runnin’ for your Cut asshole” Slice laughs giving him the finger back

  “Will you two just pick a fuckin’ shirt already,” I told them over this shit already, they argue more than two bitches fightin’ over dick. The bell dings and I turn seein’ a woman walks in and looks around when she sees us she smiles walkin’ over to us her tits sittin’ high in her shirt and with every step her hips swing

  “Heads up boys,” Cookie says, the women smilin’ at us

  “Hi Saint,” she says, and I look at his face, he has no idea who she is “don’t remember me huh” Saint looks her up and down

  “Have we fucked?” he asks her, but she shakes her head


  “Then how the fuck, do you know me,” she places her hand on Saint’s chest, but he grabs her wrist, a look of disgust on his face. “Bitch, did I say you could touch me,” he pushes her back, but not enough that she’ll fall, just enough for her to step back

  “Sorry, I just thought we could get to know each other that’s all,” she says poutin’, I roll my eyes why do bitches think that’s cute

  “Bitch, I don’t know who the fuck you are, so why would I want to get to know you” she smiles at him not gettin’ the hint he’s not interested

  “Zoey and I used to know each other, Lisa,” she says, Saint just shakes his head

  “Nope, don’t remember you.”

  “That’s why you should get to know me, I’m a lot of fun” Cookie steps closer smilin’

  “Fun, huh,” he says, and the chick turns smilin’ even wider at him

  “Hi, I’m Lisa,” she says, holding out her hand, Cookie takes it kissing it like he’s some kind of fuckin’ Romeo

  “Have you partied with us before?” he asks her moving behind her, and he looks at Slice and me

  “No,” she says, and he smiles looking up with fuck me eyes

  “You wanna start?” he asks her, and she turns her head lookin’ at him, nodding her head, we all hand Saint our shirts and head into the changing room.

  As Slice closes the door I look at Cookie “Head or cunt” I ask him, and he looks down

  “Cunt” I pull my dick out, and she starts to suck my dick

  “What do I get?” Slice whines like a bitch and Cookie and I both say at the same time

  “Hand” he grumbles pullin’ his dick out, and she reaches up rubbin’ his dick as Cookie pulls his dick out coverin’ it. He pulls her already short skirt up and pulls her panties off shovin’ them into his pocket, he’s always had a thing about souvenirs. As he slams into her, she’s thrust forward on my dick, I ram into her greedy mouth grabbin’ her by the hair and holdin’ her in place as I fuck her mouth.

  “Fuck she’s greedy for my dick.” She sucks in her cheeks, and I pull her down more onto my dick holdin’ her there, she takes me all the way down her throat, and I reach around and feel my dick. “Damn, she can suck dick,” I tell Cookie as he slams into her over and over and I feel my balls tingle, and I explode into her mouth holding her in place as I release my load. I step back, and Slice moves forward shovin’ his dick down her throat groanin’

  “Fuck she can suck dick, what’s her pussy like?” he asks Cookie

  “Hot,” he says, and he grunts thrustin’ faster than stoppin’ and steppin’ back “Fuck, I need a beer,” he says makin’ me laugh

  “Gettin’ old man,” I tease him, and he gives me the finger as Saint bangs on the door

  “Will you three hurry the fuck up.”

  “Give us a minute! Fuck man” Slice says, and we watch as he fucks the chick's face, and he comes down her throat, he steps back tuckin’ his dick in as she stands up smilin’

  “You’ve got two minutes then I’m leaving,” he says through the door, and I open it, Cookie placin’ his arm over the chick’s neck talkin’ to her about the wake tomorrow invitin’ her

  “Here” Cookie throws his shirt on the counter and Saint looks at it

  “I’m not payin’ for your shit, pay for it yourself,” Saint tells him payin’ for his own shirt and walkin’ out, we all pay for the shirts we’ve chosen and head outside Cookie still holdin’ the chick

  “Are you sure you don’t want to party?” she asks Saint

  “No,” he tells her startin’ his bike, Cookie kisses her on the hand, and she giggles, chicks eat up the gentlemen gesture and I shake my head at him, fuckers smooth I’ll give him that

  “See ya round doll,” he says as we all pull out and head back to the clubhouse.

  Chapter Seven


  I stay in my room most of the morning going through Brayden’s things, a few things I never want to see, but others like the box of photos he had was great. Going through them, I find pictures of us as kids with Grammy, swimming at the lake, him teaching me how to drive our lives in a series of a few photos. There were also photos of him and his club and the life he had with them all. One thing that I noticed was in every single picture he was laughing, tears run down my face as photo after photo of my brother and the life I never knew and how much he loved it. As I stare up at the ceiling, I remember Brayden, memories flood my mind of us as kids. I get up needing some fresh air and walk down the stairs, all the girls are in the kitchen, and the clubhouse is full of people, I head to the door and run into more men. The compound now overflowing and I walk to the gate needing to just move.

  “Where do you think you’re goin’?” one of the Prospects asks me

  “Just for a walk.”

  “Don’t be long,” he tells me as I step out of the compound and breath, the sound of all the men talking and laughing is like nails on a chalkboard I just need some space. I look left, then right and turn to the right and start walking.

  I walk for so long ending up at the cemetery, they’ve never scared me even as a kid. I always found them to be peaceful, where other kids would tell spooky stories and dare you to go into the graveyard it was never something I found frightening. I walk around the graves reading headstone after headstone wondering what these people’s lives were like, what they were like when they were alive, were they good people like my brother.

  “Earl Stretton Beloved Husband” I look at his age 72. “What was your life like Earl?” I ask out loud. I look around but don’t see his wife’s grave. Maybe she’s buried somewhere else, I read old markers that are so old the writing is almost unreadable. As I move closer to the side of the cemetery it’s fenced off from the rest, I look up and see the Devils Soldiers emblem, I walk in and see the two holes perfect rectangles, and I lay down between them looking up at the sky and tears slide down my face

  “It’s a beautiful sky Brayden.” I listen to the birds chirping the wind blowing and close my eyes, the peace of the cemetery relaxing me.

  “Ah hem,” someone says, and I open my eyes to see a man in overalls standing there “Miss you can’t be here,” he tells me, and I stand up brushing down my jeans

  “I just wanted to see” the guy looks at me than the two holes

  “This part of the cemetery is private miss, you shouldn’t be here.”

  “I know,” he nods, understanding I think and walks off, leaving me, I walk out not looking back knowing I’ll be back tomorrow anyway. As I get to the gates of the clubhouse, the Prospect opens the gate for me

  “I told you not to be long,” he says, sounding and looking annoyed at me and Joe comes to mind the look of I’m fucking pissed and ‘your gonna pay for pissing me off’ look, I look down at my feet and
I hear him sigh

  “I just needed a walk” I whisper “I’m sorry I won’t do it again” I look up at him as he just stands there staring at me

  “It’s ok, just next time I tell you to do somethin’ do it ok” I want to stomp my foot at being told what to do, but I just stand there nodding like I always do. “Go on inside,” he tells me, and I walk towards the clubhouse through the sea of men. As I get into the main room of the clubhouse an arm goes over my shoulders, and I stop, my heart racing when I look up seeing Cookie smiling at me, and I take a deep breath trying to calm my racing heart

  “Hey darlin’, where you have been?” he asks me, and I notice the others with him, Widow, her husband Scythe Blaze and Slice, Blaze stares at me and I feel my insides clench (god he’s so good looking)

  “Just needed some air,” I tell them, one of the club-whores comes up and stands next to Blaze sliding her hands up his torso, he looks at her, but she grabs his arm placing it over her shoulders

  “Fuck man, didn’t you get enough from that Lisa bitch suckin’ ya dick” I’m taken back a bit by the look he gives Slice

  “Excuse me,” I go to step out of Cookie’s arms, but he holds me tighter

  “Where you goin’?”

  “To see if the girls need help,” I tell them feeling embarrassed that they talk so openly about sexual things like they do, I try to step away, but he holds me tight

  “I’m hungry, I’ll come with” Cookie Slice, and I walk away from the other four and go to the kitchen, as we walk in all of the girls turn around and look at us

  “What?” Cookie says “do I have something on me” they all look at Abbey, and she shakes her head

  “No, nothing,” Maggie says, Cookie lets me go and goes over and sits with Slice at one of the tables


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