The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series)

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The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series) Page 10

by Cilla Lee

  “Um, what about snap?” I tell him, and he looks surprised but smiles

  “Snap,” he says, and I smile, nodding, Grammy, and I use to love playing it as well as gin rummy. “Snap, it is then baby, come on.” We walk into the main room and notice a few of the guys, fucking the club-whores, and I look down not wanting to watch. “How about we play in my room?” he asks me, and I look up at him concentrating on his face and not everyone around us

  “Your room” I almost whisper, feeling nervous to be alone with him

  “Yeah, come on.” He takes my hand, and we head towards the rooms, his huge hand holding mine tightly. We walk past Saint and Zoey’s room, and I hear her moaning making me blush even more (god get a grip woman, it’s not like you don’t know people have sex). Blaze stops looking at me shaking his head and I wonder what he’s thinking about (did he hear Saint and Zoey to) of course he did he has two working ears who wouldn’t hear them.

  “What?” I ask him

  “Nothin’ baby come on my rooms just up here.” I follow him up the hall, and he stops pulling out a key and opening the door. I step in, and his cologne surrounds me calming me, and I blush. Why do I always blush around him (um because he’s gorgeous) I tell myself as he looks down at me as I walk further into the room?

  “So, the cards,” I ask him, and he walks in closing the door and going to his closet, I sit on the bed, sliding my ballet flats off and he takes his Cut off and hangs it up in the closet

  “So, snap,” he says, smiling coming over and sitting on the bed “Don’t think I’ve played this since I was nine at least,” he says smiling

  “It was one of Grammy’s favorites,” I tell him, remembering all the times we played together

  “Who always won?” I smile remembering her

  “Grammy,” I tell him, and he smiles (god he has a great smile)

  “Well, let’s see if you're just crap at snap or if Grammy was a master.” I laugh as he shuffles the cards, then deals handing me half of the cards smiling at me again and I blush looking down. “Ready,” he asks, placing the first card down on the bed

  “SNAP” I yell, making him laugh

  “I think Grammy may have cheated,” he says, and I smile as I place the next card down.

  We play a few rounds, and I think he’s letting me win “You’re going easy on me” I say, and he smiles again

  “I may be” he grins, and I laugh

  “Well, that’s cheating so no more,” I tell him, narrowing my eyes and he chuckles

  “If you say so, but I don’t want you hatin’ me for kickin’ your ass” I squint my eyes at him again

  “Game on mister.”

  We play most of the night me winning the last round as I yawn “Well, I think I’m going to head to bed” I tell him reaching for my shoes

  “Stay,” he says, and I shake my head, I know he’s being nice, but I definitely know I’m not his type like Bliss said I’m fat

  “I can’t.”

  “Why?” he asks me moving closer to me

  “Because I just can’t.”

  “Please,” he says, his eyes telling me he really wants me to stay, but my heart or my head can’t get around my size

  “I can’t.” I pull my shoes back on and stand up, but Blaze grabs my hand, and I look down at how big they are compared to mine

  “Why can’t you?” I step back trying to give myself some room his touch and scent are doing stupid things to my body, and I don’t know if I can resist with him being so close

  “Because look at you,” I tell him and he looks down at himself then back up at me

  “What about me?” I roll my eyes (he can’t be serious)

  “Um, because you’re that and I’m this” I motion to my body, and he looks me up and down and I swear it feels like he’s touching me with his hands. Goosebumps appear all over, and I feel a tingling down below, my nipples harder than they’ve ever been. He stands up pulling me to him, and my hands go to his stomach, and I can feel how hard it is, I’ve dreamt of doing this, feeling how hard his abs are. I mean I’ve seen him walk around with no shirt on, but to physically touch him is another thing

  “Stay,” he whispers in my ear and my insides clench, but I shake my head

  “I can’t.” He leans up, and I look up at his gorgeous lips, wondering how he tastes are they as soft as they look

  “You can,” he tells me slowly turning me, and we fall to the bed. My lady parts on fire for this man as he runs his thumb over my nipple and my female parts start aching for more. “You're so fuckin’ beautiful Ella,” he tells me leaning down licking my neck, and I moan, he kisses a path up my neck to my lips, and he stops. “Tell me to stop baby, or I go all the way” everything in me wants to do this, but I’m still a stupid woman who has body issues and for a gorgeous man like him to see me naked is just too much

  “Stop,” I whisper hating that I just said it and he moves off of me, my inner women screaming at me to strip naked and ride him hard. He looks down at me and holds out his hand, and I take it as he helps me up, and I pull my shirt down that road up covering my fat roll, and he walks me to the door opening it not saying a word, and I step out

  “Night Ella,” he says closing the door my heart breaking a little

  “Night Blaze” I whisper to the door and walk back to my room. As I lay down, I pull the pillow over my head and scream all of my frustrations out. It takes me hours to get to sleep, and by the time I do, the sun is slowly peeking in through the window.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Fuck, hearin’ her say stop was one of the hardest things, my dick so fuckin’ hard for her. Her smell lingered in my room for hours after she left and I had to rub one out just to get my dick to go down. I know it would have been easy to just go downstairs and grab one of the whores, but havin’ Ella in my room felt right, and I wasn’t gonna fuck that up with a whore. I remember a few years ago when one of the whores fucked with Colt and Niya’s relationship makin’ Niya take off leavin’ Colt a shell of a man, no I wasn’t gonna do that. Playin’ cards with Ella last night just solidified my conviction that she and I are meant to be together, and nothing was gonna ruin that and if anyone fuckin’ tried they’d find themselves at the end of my gun barrel.


  Walkin’ into the kitchen the next mornin’ I don’t see Ella anywhere “Maggie, you seen Ella” she shakes her head

  “No, not this morning, why?”

  “No reason,” she narrows her eyes at me

  “What did you do?” I hold my hands up

  “Nothin’ I swear.”

  “I mean it Blaze, that women is still in mourning, so don’t go doing anything stupid” I grab a coffee and face Maggie wanting to reassure her

  “Maggie, I swear, I won’t hurt her.”

  “You better not,” she warns me, and I go over and sit at the table

  After breakfast, I head over to the Den to go over the week's rosters with Tiny and Cookie “So, I seen you and Ella head upstairs last night” he says wigglin’ his eyebrows at me


  “Blaze,” Tiny says, and I look at him


  “You know she’s still mouring man, what the fuck are you doin’?” he asks me

  “For both of your information, she was embarrassed by all the guys fuckin’, so I took her up to my room, and we played cards all night.”

  “Cards,” they both say with the look of ‘yeah right.’

  “Yes, cards!”

  “Nothing sexual?” Cookie asks pretendin’ to make out with himself

  “You’re a fuckhead,” I tell him and look at Tiny “nothin’ happened,” I tell him, and he nods

  “You were just bein’ friendly huh,” he says

  “Shut the fuck up both of you, I’m not here to discuss Ella or me.” Cookie laughs and I punch him in the face but not too hard

  “Fucker, what was that for?”

  “For bein’ a fuckhead.”
  We work out all of the schedules and go over orders, and once they're done, I head back to the clubhouse wantin’ to see Ella no needin’ to see Ella.


  As I pull in I park my bike and look over at Chance and Gunner’s bikes, my heart breakin’ for the two Brothers. I head inside not seein’ her anywhere, so I head up to her room, knockin’ “She’s not in there” Bliss says as I’m standin’ there waitin’

  “Where is she?” I ask her, and she shrugs her shoulders

  “No idea.” I head back downstairs to the kitchen

  “Anyone know where Ella is?” I ask Oki and Nash, and they both shake their heads

  “Nah man haven’t seen her.” Chance pops into my mind, and I know exactly where she is, I head back out to my bike, but Bliss stops me again

  “Can we play tonight,” she asks me holding me tight around the waist

  “No,” I tell her unclampin’ her arms

  “We haven’t played in ages,” she whines, and I frown at her

  “So,” she does the stupid pouty lip face shit chick’s do

  “I miss you that’s all,” she says kissin’ my chest, and I push her away

  “Bliss you’re a whore,” I tell her, and she blanches at my words

  “I know, I just like playing with you,” she tells me as I step to my bike and get on

  “And we won’t be playin’ anymore,” I tell her, and she frowns at me again

  “It’s because of Ella isn’t it.” I stand back up and pull her to me fucked off now

  “Bliss, you remember your place here you’re a whore nothin’ more, Ella, she’s Old Lady material she won’t suck or fuck the brothers because she wants to or has to” she looks up at me tears in her eyes

  “But she’s fat.” I grab her hair tight, and hard pullin’ her to me and lean down ready to kill the bitch for sayin’ shit like that

  “I ever hear you say that shit again, and no one will ever find your rotting corpse, you hear me” she nods her head, and I push her away from me and get back on my bike and head out to the cemetery to find Ella.

  As I pull up to the cemetery, I park my bike and get off and head towards the section holdin’ the brothers and I see her standin’ there huggin’ herself

  “Ella, how’d you get here?” I ask her annoyed, she left the compound again

  “I walked,” she says, and I step forward needing to be near her, she’s like a salve to my soul calming me

  “If you wanted to come here all you had to do was ask, I would have given you a lift” she shakes her head at me lookin’ at the ground (look at me, baby)

  “It’s fine, I needed to get out of the clubhouse” I frown gettin’ fucked off and frustrated with this woman

  “You don’t like the clubhouse?” I ask her, and she shakes her head

  “No, I like it just fine, I just wanted to see Brayden,” she tells me, and I look down at the two graves

  “He was a good Brother,” I tell her missing the fucker, so much, she steps forward placin’ her hand on my arm, the jolt that goes through my body igniting everything for her

  “He was a great brother,” she tells me. “What was Gunner like?” she asks me and a lifetime of bein’ friends with him flashed through my mind

  “He was a good Brother too.” she walks over to the flowers on Chance’s grave pullin’ them into two and placin’ half on Gunner’s grave and that’s the minute I fall for her, not just wantin’ to fuck her but be with her forever

  “Do you want a lift back?” I ask her holdin’ out my hand

  “Thank you,” she says, and I walk her back to my bike still needin’ to touch her. I place my hand on her lower back, guidin’ her to my bike, but she stops turnin’ around

  “I’ll see you next week Bray,” she says, and I walk her to my bike and help her on the back. I head out onto the highway not ready for the ride to be over, she holds me tight as we ride along the coastline and I pull into a little spot the club come to, and I help her off the bike.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful,” she says takin’ her shoes off wigglin’ her toes in the sand makin’ me smile

  “It is, isn’t it,” she turns and faces me

  “Do you come here a lot?” I shake my head

  “Why not, it’s gorgeous.”

  “I hate the ocean,” I tell her, and she looks up at me in shock

  “Who hates the ocean?” she asks me

  “Do you know how many things are in there that can kill you,” she laughs “what?” I ask her

  “A big bad biker afraid of the ocean,” she says smilin’, and I pull out my phone and wallet and take my Cut off pickin’ her up, and she screams holdin’ onto me as I walk towards the water

  “Stop, stop” she laughs, and my heart bursts with happiness

  “Nope your goin’ in,” I tell her and walk into the ocean fully clothed, her laughter makin’ my dick hard and I drop her into the water, and she comes up splutterin’

  “You ass,” she says makin’ me smile more

  “Did you just call me an ass?” I say seriously, and she stops lookin’ up at me, and I want to smile, but my serious face has her stoppin’

  “I’m sor...” is all she gets out as I tackle her into the water liftin’ her up ticklin’ her, she laughs again hittin’ me

  “You are an ass, I thought I offended you,” she says tryin’ to get away, I hold her to me, and she stops lookin’ up at me, the mood getting serious

  “I wanna kiss you so bad Ella,” I tell her, and she looks at my lips, and she licks hers

  “We can’t,” she says

  “Why not?” I ask her

  “Because we don’t fit,” she says, trying to pull out of my arms but I hold her tight

  “Who says we don’t fit?” she bites her lip, and I lean down lickin’ them, the water makin’ them taste all salty “who says?” I ask her again my lips so close to hers

  “I’m fat,” she says, and I frown at her, Bliss’s words runnin’ around in my head

  “Who the fuck told you that fuckin’ bullshit?” I ask her really fuckin’ pissed she thinks of herself like that

  “I just am, ok, it’s never going to work,” she says tryin’ to pull away, but I hold her to me grabbin’ her hand and placin’ it on my hard dick

  “Does that feel like I think your fat?” I ask her, and she blushes but her hand tightens on my dick, and I groan, needin’ her so fuckin’ much. “Does it?” I ask, as she rubs my dick through my jeans and she shakes her head, and I lift her up her legs wrappin’ around me. I hold onto her gorgeous fuckin’ ass kissin’ her neck as her other arm holds me around the back of the neck. “I fuckin’ want you so much Ella” she moves her other arm up holdin’ me grindin’ her pussy on my dick almost makin’ me come in my jeans

  “Blaze” she moans as she holds me tighter and I pull her head back by her hair, and she looks at me

  “I wanna fuck you so bad baby.” I lean in and kiss her, our tongues dancing and her sweet taste exploding throughout my system makin’ me harder. We both hump each other through our clothes

  “Oh god Blaze” she moans as I pull her up and down harder on my dick, wishin’ we were both naked

  “Fuck, I want you.”

  “Blaze” she moans and hearin’ her like that has my balls achin’ and my dick harder. I pull her shirt up and her bra down and smile (pink), I suck her gorgeous pink nipple into my mouth, and she pulls my hair holdin’ me to her as she grinds herself on my dick faster. “Oh god! I’m oh god… Blaze!” she says as her body goes stiff and I suck her nipple more lettin’ her ride my shaft as I come in my jeans. I let her nipple go and kiss her again, never wantin’ to ever let her go… ever and I smile (she’s gonna be mine).

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Oh my god, words cannot describe what we just did, I pull my shirt down now that my senses have come back to me, but Blaze holds me to him. “Damn baby,” he says kissing my neck over and over, and I don’t really kn
ow what the etiquette is when someone gives you the most explosive amazing and out of this world experience like I just had. Do we shake hands and pretend it never happened, I’m so far out of my league with this man. He holds me to him and hear someone scream, and we see a few people up the coastline, and I push him away feeling embarrassed, but he looks down at me rubbing his finger over my cheek. “Ella” he whispers my name, and we stare at each other as the person screams again, laughing breaking the spell we’re in and Blaze growls

  “Did you just growl?” I ask him smiling, and he looks to where the two laughing are, and I can see he’s annoyed at being interrupted

  “Have dinner with me tonight?” he asks, still rubbing his fingers over my skin, igniting a path with them

  “I can’t,” I tell him and he groans


  “I’m going to the florist shop to make sure Gladis can get the flowers for the wedding,” I tell him and he stares at my lips, and I unconsciously lick them

  “After then?”

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be, rain check,” I tell him, and he smiles (god I love his smile)

  “That’s the second rain check you owe me baby, and just so you know, I never let a debt go unpaid” my insides quiver at the thought of paying up. Blaze has a sexual magnetism that is so magnetic, he’s like true north, and I’m drawn to him

  “I’ll pay up,” I tell him making him smile

  “Oh, I know you will baby, now come on let’s get back and get you into some dry clothes, or we could stay here and take them off and let them air dry” I shake my head at him

  “Take me home,” I tell him, and he smiles again

  “I like the sound of that baby.”


  It takes just over a week of talking to suppliers to make sure we get the right Orchids for the wedding. Gladis was so happy with my help, offering me a part-time job, which I snap up straight away. Working was great it kept my mind busy and gave me some money, not that I needed it Razor and Dover had called me into the office a few days ago helping me to get Brayden’s affairs in order. I was shocked at how much money my brother had, and it got me thinking about buying a small little house for myself, things were falling into place, and I was annoyed with myself that I hadn’t come here sooner to live. I hadn’t seen Blaze that much with him working a lot of hours at night, so by the time he came home, I was leaving for work which annoyed him growling at everyone even more. “I want to spend more time with you,” he told me one morning as I was leaving


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