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Drop of Hope

Page 13

by Jamie A. Waters

  The bell chimed a moment later, letting her know Brant had arrived. She met him at the door and gave him a warm smile. There was a slight resemblance between him and Alec, but only if you knew to look for the connection. Their bone structure and shape of their eyes hinted at their familiarity, but their coloring was dramatically different. Brant's short, dark hair, hazel eyes, and bronzed skin were a sharp contrast to Alec's blond hair, blue eyes, and fairer features.

  The two half-brothers had gotten close since their father's death. Brant had been instrumental in assisting Alec with the merger to include the Shadows as members of the Inner Circle. Even though the Shadows now carried new titles and responsibilities, many of them still preferred to keep their former identities as special security officers. Brant was one of them, but Alec had elevated him to the position of overseeing the entire Shadow division of tower security. It was a little strange he'd offered to act as her escort instead of delegating the duty, but she suspected he'd agreed because of Alec.

  “Did you have a particular destination in mind?” Brant asked as they headed down the hallway.

  She nodded. “Yes, I was planning to visit the garden center on the twentieth level. I wanted to see about arranging a gift for the Coalition's ambassador.”

  Brant stopped short, the crisp scent of his surprise permeating the energy in the surrounding area. Ariana took a deep breath, focusing on blocking the distracting emotions. Brant quickly recovered and entered the priority elevator with her.

  “I see. I'm sure that can be arranged.” He paused for a moment, and the elevator began moving downward. “I wasn't aware you were close with Sergei.”

  “Sergei helped save my brother's life yesterday, and I want to give him something to show my gratitude. A few days ago, he expressed an interest in some of my plants. I thought it might be a nice gesture to give him something that originated from his homeland.”

  Brant arched an eyebrow. “That's a very thoughtful gift.”

  She smiled, watching the panel indicate their descent. “I'm hoping they're able to help me find something. I had some ideas, but I don't know what they'll have available.”

  The elevator door opened, and Ariana stepped out into the busy thoroughfare. She didn't frequently come into the public sector and had to make an effort to fortify herself against the sudden onslaught of emotions.

  At her pause, Brant spoke softly, “Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this easier.”

  She glanced around and gestured toward a beverage kiosk. “They sell herbal teas there. I'll grab something and then I should be fine. We shouldn't be here long enough for it to be a problem.” At least, Ariana hoped it wouldn't be an issue. The experiments she'd secretly conducted over the past couple of months had somewhat erratic results. She was able to withstand being around humans in limited capacity, but she still wasn't accustomed to exposing herself to so many all at once. It usually left her drained and lightheaded afterward.

  Brant nodded and led her toward the small beverage stand. Ariana glanced over the selection of herbs, using her energy to test them for potency and effects. The merchant leaned over, obviously pleased by the interest of an Inner Circle member. “Is there anything that interests you, Mistress?”

  Ariana pointed to two of the small jars on the stand. “Yes, I'd like a mixture of equal parts of those two herbs.”

  He nodded eagerly and began to prepare the drink. “Would you prefer it hot or chilled?”

  “Chilled, please.” Although her preference was for hot tea, she couldn't risk psychically cooling the drink. She needed to conserve her energy. Ariana glanced over at Brant. “Would you like something?”

  “No, thank you. I'm fine,” he said, sweeping his gaze over the passersby, warning them away with a hard look. Many of the non-sensitives in the towers were curious about her kind. She couldn't blame them, but it made it even more difficult for her on the rare occasions when she traveled to the public sectors.

  Ariana pressed her palm against the payment panel and accepted the beverage from the merchant. Taking a sip of the brew, she was pleased by the subtle mixture of flavors. She wove the energy threads from the water into the surrounding energy, helping to reinforce her emotional barrier.

  Brant raised a brow. “Better?”

  At her nod, he led her down the corridor and toward the garden center. Once they were inside, Ariana took a deep breath. The rich scent of the earth and plant mixture was like a soothing balm, easing away her tension. It was almost as calming as the water energy in her hand. As she started to browse, Brant took a few steps away to make a call on his commlink.

  A young woman approached her and bowed deeply. “Welcome, Mistress. Is there anything we can assist you with?”

  Ariana glanced over one of the displays and smiled at the girl. “Yes, I'm looking to order a seed packet, but I have specific requirements. I'll also need accessories, depending on the type of plant you have available.”

  The woman nodded eagerly and pulled out a small tablet, anxious to be of service. “Of course. What sort of requirements do you have?”

  “I'm looking for something that was available in pre-war Russia. I'd like an edible plant, preferably some sort of fruit or vegetable. No trees. It needs to be something smaller and easily portable. Maybe a small bush?”

  The woman entered her specifications into the tablet and showed her a list that populated the screen. “Unfortunately, many of these seeds are restricted. We would need special authorization to retrieve them from the vault. The ones I've highlighted are possibilities that might suit your needs.”

  Ariana tapped her finger against her bottom lip, considering the choices. None of the available options were quite right.

  Brant cleared his throat. “Pardon the interruption, but Mistress Alivette's purchases have been approved by Master Alec Tal'Vayr. This is to be registered as a diplomatic transaction in your records.”

  The woman's eyed widened as she nodded. “Of course.”

  Ariana looked over at Brant in surprise, a wave of gratitude and excitement unfurling inside her at the possibilities. Since she'd never publicly claimed herself to be an earth talent, she'd never been put on the approved list to receive the rare seeds. This was Alec's way of giving her the opportunity while still allowing her to keep some semblance of anonymity. At least, until word got out to the rest of the Inner Circle about what happened underground.

  At Brant's encouraging nod, she grinned and eagerly studied the list again. “I'd like one of the arctic raspberry seeds and the supplies to go along with it.”

  “Right away,” the woman agreed and entered in the order. “If you'd like to join me at the reception, you can pick out the accessories you'd prefer. The seed is being retrieved from the vault. It should be here momentarily.”

  Ariana followed the woman over to the desk and looked over the supplies listed on the screen. She made her selections and the merchant retrieved each item, placing them on the desk for inspection. The small pot was simple but elegantly crafted and perfect for her purposes. She didn't want anything that would detract from the plant itself.

  Ariana moved on to the next item. She rested her hand on the small bag of soil, sending a thread of energy into it. The soil was fertile and vibrant, with the perfect composition for growing the particular plant she'd chosen. There was also a small light with a timer programmed to achieve maximum results. Ariana lifted her head and nodded at the woman, indicating her satisfaction with the items.

  A moment later, a small, gold envelope appeared in a glass chute on the far side of the desk. Ariana pressed her palm against the console to unlock it, pulled out the envelope, and peered inside.

  The solitary seed lay nestled in the envelope, so innocuous and unassuming, but its value was immeasurable. She surrounded the seed with her earth energy, sensing its readiness to germinate and grow. Lifting her head, she couldn't help the wide smile that crossed her face.

  “It's perfect.”

iana had left Brant once she'd finished in the public sector. He'd offered to accompany her on the rest of her errands, but she declined. Brant was very kind, but she'd never felt overly comfortable around the Shadows. She’d always kept her distance from them in order to keep her talents a secret in the past.

  If she allowed herself, she could read their emotions as easily as any other Inner Circle members. Their ability to negate energy also didn't affect her in the same way it did others of her kind. Ariana suspected she could break through their barriers as easily as Kayla, but she wasn't willing to risk attempting it. Just because some of her secrets had been revealed didn't mean it was wise to change years of behavior on a whim. Sometimes, it was better to err on the side of caution.

  Ariana shifted the priceless box in her arms and pressed the button next to the door. She bit her lip, unsure what sort of reception she'd receive at arriving unannounced. She'd wanted this to be a surprise, but maybe this wasn't the best idea. Before she could change her mind, the door slid open, and Sergei's eyes widened at the sight of her. He hastily moved forward to take the box out of her arms.

  “Ariana? It is a pleasure to see you, but what is all this?”

  She smiled at him and tucked her hair behind her ear. “A gift. May I come in?”

  He moved aside, allowing her to enter, and carried the box over to a nearby table. She took the opportunity to study his living quarters. It was one of the few finished residential units in the construction tower. It would be several more months before the rest of his people began to move in.

  Despite herself, she was curious about Sergei. The room he was staying in was small and the furnishings were sparse. It fit with the militaristic perception he presented, but she couldn't help but wonder about the man behind the façade. Who was he, and where were all the possessions that showed a glimpse into his real life? He was as much of a mystery now as when she first met him.

  Ariana turned and met his gaze. His lips twitched in a small smile as though guessing the direction of her thoughts. “You are curious about me?”

  She nodded. “You're hard for me to read, much harder than a lot of other people.” Trailing her fingers on the back of a chair, she wondered if he frequently sat in it or if it just came with the space. He gave off the impression of constantly being in motion. It was hard to imagine him completely relaxed.

  “Ah, but you must be disappointed,” he commented and gestured to the room. “I do not spend much time here. It is simply a place to rest.”

  She cocked her head and moved closer to him. “Is there no place you call home, Sergei?”

  He leaned back against the wall, watching her. “Not for many years.”

  Ariana frowned. It seemed a lonely existence. It bothered her more than it probably should. Maybe it was strange to feel this connection with Sergei given he wasn't a Drac'Kin, but something about him drew her in. A small scar on the back of his hand drew her attention and she reached out, taking his hand in hers.

  He didn't object and merely continued to observe her as she turned over his hand, looking at his palm and the back of his hand. The softness of her skin was a sharp contrast with the hard calluses on his fingers. Whatever had happened had resulted in a serious injury. She traced over the scar with her fingertips, sensing the residual damage under the surface. It must have taken a long time to heal, and it still pained him on occasion.

  “Will you tell me what happened?”

  “An argument with a knife,” he replied in a dispassionate tone, as though recounting something inconsequential.

  Ariana frowned and instinctively wove a band of healing energy around him, calming the angry nerves in his hand. Her skills didn't usually work as well on non-sensitives and required more energy, but she couldn't sit back and let him continue to be in pain. As she wove her energy around him, she could sense his energy trapped beneath the surface. He responded to her healing better than she expected, but it was as though something was blocking or preventing her energy from reaching his.

  “You have a delicate touch, Ariana.” He lifted her hand, the ring on her finger glinting in the light. He studied it for a moment and then pressed a kiss against her hand. “That is a beautiful ring. It becomes you.”

  “Thank you. It's been in my family for generations.” She adjusted her ring, making a mental note to take it into the jeweler. It was a little loose on her finger, and the rare deep-blue stone needed to be polished. The color had always reminded her of the calming sensation of water and the allure of Alec's blue eyes. It was almost an exact match.

  Ariana looked up at him and smiled. “I'm sorry. You must be wondering why I showed up unannounced.” She gestured to the box sitting on the table. “I wanted to bring you something. It's to thank you for everything you did yesterday and also a goodwill gesture between our people.”

  Sergei arched an eyebrow. “Now I am intrigued. Will you show me?”

  She nodded and reached over to open the box. As she removed the contents, placing each item on the table, Sergei leaned over to investigate. “What is all this?”

  Ariana turned to look at him, clasping her hands together. “Right now, it's just raw potential. But when we're finished, it'll be a plant. More specifically, a plant called an Arctic Raspberry. It's native to your homeland. The flowers are very pretty, but more importantly, it grows these small, sweet fruits that were considered a delicacy before the war.”

  Sergei studied the items and then focused on her. “You will grow this plant for me?”

  She beamed a smile at him and handed him the pot. “Even better, you're going to help me.”

  Sergei stared down at the pot with a perplexed look on his face. He seemed so out of his element she was tempted to laugh. She didn't think he would appreciate it though, so she suppressed the urge and pointed to the bag of soil.

  “Pour the soil into the pot. You're going to want to use the entire thing. It's already pre-measured.”

  He did as she instructed, pouring carefully as though the soil was a precious substance. In truth, it was. But the care and seriousness he was taking with the entire process touched her. “Now what?”

  “You're going to poke a small hole in the dirt with your finger.” She leaned over, taking his hand in hers, and demonstrated what she meant. Once it was the appropriate depth, she picked up the gold envelope. She took his hand and turned the envelope upside down, letting the tiny seed fall into the palm of his hand.

  “It is so small,” he murmured, studying the seed.

  She nodded, continuing to hold her hands around his and embracing the small spark of hope that was contained inside. “Yes, but I can feel the life and potential within it. It'll grow into a strong plant for you, Sergei.”

  He lifted his head to meet her gaze. “You can sense it?”

  “Yes,” she admitted, looking down again at the tiny seed. “Not all earth channelers can manipulate plant energy, but some of us can. I can sense the life in the seed and call it forth. It's actually more of a coaxing than anything else. If the seed were dormant, nothing I could do would make it otherwise.”

  He considered her words and nodded. “I see. What do I do?”

  Ariana showed him how to plant the seed and covered it with the soil. She reached over and picked up a hydrating pack, explaining what the young woman in the garden center had said about the care of the plant. “I brought you a light and the timer has already been set on it. Once I grow the plant, I'll come back every day to check on it until it's established. I don't think you'll have a problem though. Supposedly, these plants are very hardy.”

  Once the seed had been watered and the soil was sufficiently moist, Ariana said, “I'm not sure if you can feel the earth energy, but I'd like to try this with you. It may be that you just get the slightest tingle from it, but I want you to experience as much of this as possible.”

  When Sergei nodded, Ariana took his hand and held it with hers over the seed. Using the earth energy threads that surrounded them, she reached into
the soil and connected with the energy contained within. The small spark from the seed called to her, and she answered in a wordless song, coaxing and calling it forth. The seedling began to sprout, unfurling itself from its long-awaited sleep, and she heard Sergei's sharp intake of breath.

  The plant continued to grow, reaching and stretching outward as though awakening from a long slumber. Small buds formed and then burst to life in a flowering salute before bright-red berries formed on the ends like fingertips.

  Ariana pulled back on the earth energy, satisfied the plant had received a strong start in its life. It would only continue to thrive under Sergei's guidance.

  She glanced over at him and couldn't help but smile at the awestruck expression on his face. Reaching over, she plucked one of the berries from the limbs and held it out to him.

  “Will you try it?”

  He stared at the small, red berry and took it from her hand. Holding it up, he studied it from every direction as though unconvinced it was real. Ariana didn't stop the laugh this time.

  “Go ahead and taste it,” she urged, pulling off another berry and popping it into her mouth. Her eyes widened at the explosion of flavor on her tongue. It was even better than she had imagined.

  He arched a brow at her, put the berry in his mouth, and closed his eyes as though trying to memorize the taste. When he swallowed, he stared at the plant with a look of wonder and then turned the same gaze on Ariana.

  “Even after seeing, I do not understand how this is possible,” he admitted.

  She gave him a small smile. “There are many things in life we don't understand. Sometimes you just have to accept it.”

  He took a step closer to her. “I did not think one such as you could exist in this world. You create miracles.”

  She lowered her gaze, touched by his words. “I'm just thankful you accept me for what I am. You don't question me or try to dissect every small thing. You just accept my abilities. It's easy to forget myself around you. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not.”


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