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Rescued by a Mobster

Page 10

by Raven Rivers

  When Jade returned with her purse Yuri let his eyes wander over her in much the same way she had him earlier. When his gaze rose to meet hers, she teased, “Hey, gorgeous, my eyes are up here.”

  Feeling his heart double thump in his chest, he jerked his chin, motioning for her to come closer. “I’ve missed those pretty eyes,” he told her. Lowering his voice, he murmured, “Along with a few of your other parts.”

  His devilish compliment earned him a smile. He could remember when he lived to find new ways of putting a smile on her face. “You always go that one step too far, don’t you?”

  “Only where you’re concerned, Ms. Jade. Normally, I’m a very controlled person.”

  “This is really weird for me. It’s like we’re picking right back up where we left off, only it’s ten years later and we’re totally different people.”

  “Speak for yourself, my dear. I’m the same as I’ve always been.”

  “I don’t believe that for a minute.”

  “Do people ever really change?” Guiding her out the door, he continued, “I often think we wish to change, and even try to change, only to find it’s much more difficult and complicated than we ever anticipated.”

  Looking up at him affectionately, she said with a smile, “I always did love the way you think.”

  Chapter 15



  They ordered their coffee and grabbed a booth in the back to have the privacy they needed. There was a mere hint of social awkwardness now that they were alone but it was fleeting and inconsequential, and that made it bearable.

  Telling herself to stay focused on the important stuff, she gulped down a sip of her coffee, unable to take her eyes off of him. She’d found him, and they were finally together again. It didn’t matter that he might be married or in a serious relationship, just being able to see him again healed a small hole in her heart.

  Holding his cup in one hand, Yuri pressed the other to the table. “So how have you been? I’m given to understand you live here in the city now as well?”

  Taking another quick sip of her coffee, relief surged through her body. It was considerate of him to start off with some small talk instead of immediately pressing her about the stuff that had provoked panic attacks for the last decade. There was so much that circumstance had forced them to leave unsaid, it was nearly impossible to know where to begin.

  She scrambled to pull her thoughts together. “I’ve lived here the entire time. It’s noisy, busy, and the kind of place where a woman can melt into the crowd. Disappear. My real mother left me a decent inheritance that I used to get a small house. Once my career took off, I was able to sell it and move into something a bit nicer.”

  “Yes, you seemed to have done well for yourself here,” Yuri smiled. “A famous writer. Who’d have thought?”

  “I’m not famous,” she laughed, blushing.

  “All your fans say otherwise. And I’m not surprised, either. You were always quite talented.”

  “Thank you,” she blushed again. “Anyhow, I suppose as the years wore on I finally started to feel safe. I mean, not completely safe, but I found myself looking over my shoulder less.”

  His ice blue eyes caught hers. It felt like the man could see into her very soul with his piercing gaze. “Looking for… him?”

  “Yeah. It’s been difficult. I still have nightmares, and my therapist says that, as I go through life, things I don’t see coming will trigger me. When that happens, it feels like I’m right back in that cave. I hunker down at my place for a few days or weeks until it passes.”

  Empathy swelled in his expression. “That must be difficult. You’re a strong woman to have gotten through it and built a decent life for yourself.”

  “I try to keep busy at home. How about yourself? What have you been up to?”

  He shrugged and replied, “Crime, crime, and more crime.”

  Frowning, she shook her head. “I’d laugh if I thought you were joking but I know you’re not. I’d hoped that maybe you moved here to leave that life behind you.”

  “Nyet. I am in so far I’ll never be able to get myself back out again. Like you, I make the best of my bad situation.”

  She sighed, and conceded, “If I know you, you find a way to make it work.”

  “I can assure you that I do nothing to harm innocent people.”

  Jerking her head up, she stared at him. Where did that come from? “I’m glad. So, you said you found out about my book through Mikael? How’s he doing, anyway?”

  “He’s good. He owns a small bookstore not far from here, actually. When your new book came out he recognized your name and picture. He gave me a copy and I read it in one night.”

  “I can’t believe you really came…”

  “You were clearly reaching out to me. Of course I came. That was the vow I made to you when were lovers and I’m a man of my word.”

  Sucking in a breath, she nodded. “That you are. You’re also an extremely intelligent guy. I knew that if I could just get my book in front of you that you’d recognize my call for help.”

  “There were probably other ways of tracking me down,” he chuckled.

  “Short of hiring a private detective, I didn’t see how. I almost went that route but didn’t think you’d appreciate somebody snooping around your business if you were still… you know.”

  “A criminal?” he chuckled again.

  “Exactly. Plus the book gave me a chance to test the waters with a slightly different genre.”

  “Speaking of which, your book is a brutally honest rendering of what happened. The minor deviations are inconsequential.”

  “I kept the secret,” she said in a hushed tone, even though there was nobody close enough to overhear. “What the Karl and Luka did to Jeff and Tony.”

  “I noticed that when I read the novel. Thank you for glossing over that part, lyubov moya.”

  “I’m not your love anymore, Yuri.”

  “You say that, yet your book seems to say otherwise.”

  “I think writing it was a way of working out my feelings You know, about the way things ended with us all those years ago.”

  “There is no end to us, my sweet. For if we are ended, how can we be together right now, enjoying each other so much? As long as our hearts beat there’s a chance for us to enjoy even more.”

  Damn, that was smooth, she thought as she tried to hold back her emotions.

  “I don’t think my heart can take a repeat of the last time we were together.”

  “Too bad I don’t write stories about beautiful American women. Perhaps I might have been able to work through the disappointment of losing you. I can’t seem to purge you from my system, no matter what I do.”

  “I’m sorry for dragging you into my screwed up life when you were just a kid yourself, and I’m sorry to be contacting you again. This was stupid. I… I made a mistake.” Tearing up, she wiped at her eyes with back of her hand.

  “There, there, now. It wasn’t stupid at all and you did the right thing. You’ve got my attention, Jade, and I’m not going anywhere. Tishina, lyubov moya.”

  Rounding the table, he took a seat by her side and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close as he hushed her like a crying baby. His gentleness was something she always liked about him.

  “T-thank you,” she sniffled, regaining her composure.

  “Speak plainly, knowing that whatever you need, I will give freely.”

  Glancing nervously around the small coffee shop, she noticed that it had begun to fill with customers and no longer felt like a very open environment to be talking about such intensely personal and potentially emotional issues. Leaning over the table, she asked softly, “Would it be possible for us to go somewhere more private to talk?”

  “My office and home are about a half an hour away,” he suggested.

  “And my place is, like, an hour from here.”

  “Perhaps we could grab a hotel room? We can order in lunch and discuss wh
at prompted you to contact me.”

  His voice was all business, without a hint of his former flirting. Knowing he was being honest with his intentions, she nodded and agreed, “I think that would be fine.”

  Pulling out his cell, Yuri seemed to be texting or looking something up. Not wanting to pry, Jade scoped the room for any sign of Calvin. Finding nothing out of the usual, her eyes drifted back to Yuri. Instead of being a scraggly mess like she’d remembered, his hair was neatly trimmed in a modern style, and it was clear his suit was custom made, meaning it was expensive. Remembering his small but nicely furnished room when they were young, she knew he was the kind of man that enjoyed a luxury or two. By the looks of things, he’d done quite well for himself over the years.

  His pale hands were huge and seemed disproportionate to the rest of his body. Shooing away memories of those hands skimming lightly down her naked flesh, she watched his brow crease. He truly was a handsome man who still gave her butterflies all these years later. Her heart began to race and she almost lost control of her emotions again when she caught a glimpse of the St. Christopher necklace she’d given him all those years ago. She was about to comment on it when he suddenly looked up and caught her admiring eyes ogling him. A smug smirk slipped onto his face.

  “If you’d like to bring your coffee, my driver is waiting for us outside,”

  “The necklace,” she said, pointing at it with a smile. “I can’t believe you still have it!”

  “I go nowhere without it,” he smiled back. “It’s one of my most prized possessions.”

  “I also can’t believe you have an actual driver,” she chuckled.

  Standing, he pressed his hand into the small of her back and guided her out of the shop. “When he discovered I was coming to see you, my driver insisted upon joining me.”

  “Really?” she asked, amused and fascinated by this.

  Rather than a limousine or anything ostentatious, Yuri led her outside to a large black SUV with tinted windows. Expecting the driver to hop out and open the back door for her, Yuri quickly stepped forward and did the honors himself. Sliding across the seat, she caught a glimpse of a man’s face. He was looking over his shoulder at her from behind the wheel, wearing a huge grin.

  “Mikael! I can’t believe it’s you!” Jade gushed.

  “Indeed, it is none other than me, little Jade.”

  “You look wonderful. And I’m not so little anymore.”

  “This I know. You are now curvy and beautiful!”

  Feeling her face flush, she looked him over with a smile. “I’m not the only one who grew up. Look at you! You really do look great.”

  Yuri’s cold voice cut through their conversation. “We’re holding up traffic, Mikael. Turn around and drive the vehicle.”

  “Don’t get grumpy,” Jade said, playfully slapping Yuri’s arm as he settled in next to her. “He’s the one who got us in the same room, remember?”

  “I forget nothing,” he grumbled.

  “Exactly what would it take to put a smile back on your handsome face?”

  The tension around his jawline melted away and his shoulders relaxed. “Perhaps you can tell me who that furry little creature is on your phone?”

  She’d only used her cell once since reuniting with him, and that was to shoot a quick message to Mandy Reynolds. He must have caught a glimpse of her phone’s background as she was texting. He was still as astute as ever, she noted. Not much got by Yuri Kozlov.

  Pleased that he brought up a lighthearted topic of discussion, she responded happily, “Sir Kitty? I’ve had him for about five years now. He’s amazing.”

  “When this cat of yours and I fight for dominance, who do you think will win?” he teased as Mikael carefully guided them through the busy city.

  “I hesitate to guess. He’s pretty fierce and used to getting his own way.”

  Preening a bit, he answered, “As am I.”

  Scooting closer, she turned in the seat as much as her seatbelt would allow. “I’m not taking sides, so don’t even ask.”

  “We’re here, boss,” Mikael called over his shoulder moments later.

  Jade looked up in time to see Mikael pulling them up to the entrance of a posh hotel in downtown Manhattan. “Wow, this is a bit much, don’t you think?”

  “For our first meeting in ten years, I don’t think it’s nearly good enough.”

  “You haven’t lost your talent for flattery, I see.”

  Stepping out of the SUV, Yuri walked around the vehicle and politely opened her door. She loved how old-school he was when it came to his treatment of women. He was unwavering in his chivalry, never failing to be courteous.

  Maybe some women would be upset that he opened doors for them, but Jade thought it was sweet. He was showing the kind of thoughtfulness that had fallen by the wayside for a lot of people in modern society.

  It was just one of the many things she adored about him.

  Chapter 16



  Karl was waiting for him in the lobby with the keys to their suite. Reaching out to take them, Yuri said quietly, “Jade, I’m certain you remember Karl Petrov.”

  “Of course I do!” she smiled, shaking his hand. “The only one I haven’t seen now is Luka. You said he’s here in New York too, right?”

  “He did relocate here with us, yes, but he’s otherwise engaged today,” Yuri responded.

  “Be sure to tell him I asked about him.”

  Karl dipped his head slightly. “I will do as you say, Ms. Jade. It is nice to see you again.”

  “It’s good to see you as well, Karl.”

  Before she could get anything else out, Yuri was guiding her to the elevator. He had always been a possessive little snot when it came to her, and it looked as though nothing had changed in that regard. It appeared he didn’t even trust his own men around her, despite boasting of their loyalty.

  Moments later they were standing in a suite with a breathtaking view of the city, nice seating, and a small dining table. She found it was a relief for them to meet in a room that was separate from the sleeping quarters; it would be easier to talk about important life and death matters if a bed and Yuri weren’t in the same room. Since it had been days since her last brush with whoever was stalking her, it was hard to stay on point with the level of danger inherent to her situation. The last thing she needed was to be lulled into a false sense of security.

  Gesturing to the table, which was loaded with food, Yuri asked politely, “Shall we eat? Karl was nice enough to order room service for us and had them put a rush on it.”

  “Oh my God, that looks delicious,” Jade gasped, taking in the overflowing variety.

  “Come and sit with me, lyubov moya.”

  Sliding into the seat he’d pulled out for her, Jade cooed, “There’s no way two people can eat all this. Don’t you think we should invite Karl and Mikael to join us?”

  “Nyet. This is our time together. I don’t want to share you with them.”

  “Well, hell, Yuri, just put it right out there. No need to beat around the bush or anything like that.”

  A smirk jumped onto his face. “I’m a selfish pig when it comes to you.”

  “Yet you don’t seem the least embarrassed to have your piggly wiggly ways on full display for all the world to see. Don’t think I didn’t notice how you interrupted every guy talking to me today.” Dropping her voice slightly, she teased him, “Have you no shame, Mr. Kozlov?”

  He sat staring at her with a bite of food halfway to his mouth. His voice was husky when he replied, “Apparently, I don’t. I’m a brute and a possessive bastard when it comes to you.”

  Reaching out to pick up a small finger sandwich, she snagged a few other selections before looking up at him. “That’s definitely true. However, it looks good on you.”

  “You were always so trusting and complimentary with me. So sincere. I have to admit it’s been disappointing to find that you were unique in that way. Most wom
en just seem interested in what I can do for them. What I can buy them.”

  The subject she’d been dying to talk about. “I noticed you aren’t wearing a wedding band. And I still can’t believe you’re wearing that necklace!”

  “I think I must be the only man on the planet that gets more single with each passing year,” he joked.

  “Oh, shush. You know you’re totally gorgeous, so that doesn’t even make sense. You can stop pulling my leg and fess up. Who’s the lucky lady?”

  A faint smile played around his sexy lips. “If there are appendages to be pulled, I have—”

  “Yuri! I can’t believe you went there. We aren’t teenagers anymore.”

  “Says you,” he replied, smiling ruefully. “As for myself, I’m feeling more like a hormonal teenager than when I was one.”

  “You’re impossible.” Her chastisement fell on deaf ears, which wasn’t all that surprising since her words sounded breathy and aroused even to her own ears. Stuffing food into her mouth, she focused on eating just to keep from ramping up the flirting.

  “How’s work?” she deflected.

  Yuri’s head jerked up and the look of pure shock on his face was almost comical.

  Jade added helpfully, “Maybe leave out the incriminating details and keep it general.”

  Getting ahold of himself, Yuri took a minute to formulate an appropriate response. “Let’s just say we’re in the process of trading out CEOs. Our old CEO was an older man who seemed to be losing interest in the business. Mikael, Karl, Luka and I have been working together for many years now. We were tasked with supporting the transition.”

  “That sounds complicated and maybe even dangerous.”

  “It’s more tedious than dangerous. Why do you ask about such things?”

  “Well, around these parts, it’s considered polite to take an interest what you’re loved ones do professionally. You’re a smart man, so I don’t think you’re going to divulge any trade secrets. Loose lips sink ships, after all.”


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