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The Lost and Found Series

Page 31

by Amanda Mackey

  Nope. Her other hand came to his chest, remaining there as she stood way too close. His gaze flickered back to me only for a split second before he leant down and said something in her ear which made her laugh. I coughed, spinning away. I couldn’t watch. Not for another second. My stomach soured. My mood plummeted. Tapping Char on the arm, I said, “Do you mind if we move?”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  I really wanted to leave, but seeing my friend enjoying herself, I couldn’t do it to her when we’d only just arrived. “Nothing. I just don’t like standing here.”

  Giving me a weird stare, she shoved us around a bit more, pushing people out the way until we stood at the front of the dance floor. It still gave me a view of upstairs.

  “Nope. Not right here either.”

  “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

  Downing my Coke, I walked off, leaving her calling my name.

  “Mac! Wait. Where are you going? What the hell?”

  Heading straight for the bar, I opened my purse that I’d hung over my shoulder and pulled out a twenty.

  “What can I get you?” the girl behind the bar asked.

  “Scotch on the rocks. Make it a double.”

  My heart thumped in time to the music and my hands were sweaty. What was he doing here? And with a bimbo? He didn’t take long to move on. A week, if that.

  To hell with him then. If I have to stay at the club longer, I might as well forget about drinking Coke all night and cut loose. Harley looked like he was enjoying himself with the brunette all over him.

  Char caught up with me, pulling on my arm. “Please explain, because you’re weirding me out here.”

  “Viper and Harley are here.”

  Spinning around to scan the crowd, she replied, “They are? Where?”


  Realization dawning on her face, she nodded. “Oh. We can go if you want.”

  She’d given me the out I had hoped for, but with my drink in hand, I wasn’t going anywhere yet. And besides, he probably hoped I leave. That seeing him with someone else would push me away further. That’s what he wanted.

  “You know what? No. We’re staying. I have every right to be here.”

  “Atta girl.”

  Signaling the male bartender to our left with her arm up and a click of her fingers as if she were someone special, he made his way over. Handsome enough. Clean-shaven with a stocky build and buzzed sandy hair. “What can I get you, sweetheart?” he cooed, flashing a cocky smile.

  I watched Char flick her auburn hair in a flirty manner. She loved men and seemed to attract them like flies even though she still remained single.

  “Another Cosmo, handsome.”

  Ugh. Maybe I should go. Rotating so my back leaned against the bar, I did some more people watching, waiting on the buzz from my scotch to help me settle. Knowing Harley frolicked upstairs with the well-endowed hooker took up residence in my brain, even though I didn’t want it to. I’d come out to forget all about him, but how could I when I felt his very presence nearby?

  Char yelled in my ear, causing me to jump. “Watch my drink. I’m going to the ladies’. That first drink has gone right through me.”

  Acknowledging her with a nod, she left me alone. A rowdy dude stumbled across my path, grinning at me before sidling up to the bar beside me.

  “You look like you could use some company.”

  “Nope. I’m with a friend.

  Glancing around, he leered, “I can’t see no friend.”

  “She’s in the bathroom and will be back any second.”

  “Well, I’ll keep her spot warm then.”

  His eyes were bloodshot and pupils dilated.

  Turning my back on him, I took another long swig of my drink, hoping he’d go away. No such luck.

  “Hey.” His hand found my waist as he pulled me back toward him. “Don’t be like that. I could show you a real good time. You and your friend.”

  Oh hell no. Not happening.

  Placing my glass on the bar, I gripped his fingers on my waist and twisted them off, knowing I hurt him, but not giving a damn.

  “Ouch. Bitch. What did you do that for?”

  “I said no, asshole. What part of that do you not understand?”

  Giving him my best death glare, I strode away toward the bathroom, wondering why Char couldn’t pee quickly.

  After surviving a terrorist abduction, some random drunk dude in a bar would be a piece of cake to handle. Not that I knew how to fight, but my guard would be up for a long time to come when it came to men. Only one had the ability to weaken my defenses and he didn’t want me.

  When I turned into the alley to the restrooms, I spotted Char. Leaning against the wall facing Viper. They both looked to be in a deep discussion. She probably hadn’t even made it to the bathroom.

  Viper’s body language remained ‘standoffish,’ but Char overcompensated, leaning in to him and smiling. She liked him. No doubt about it. Not sure if the sentiment was reciprocated, but she’d do her best to make it so.

  Not wanting to cramp her style, I about-turned, not really wanting to go back out and face Mr. Handsy either. I took two steps and heard Char call out, “Mac! Look who I found. Come say hi.”

  My plan of avoiding either soldier was thwarted thanks to my overzealous friend.

  Stopping and taking a pause before facing them, I sucked in a deep breath.

  Offering Viper a half-smile, I narrowed the gap. “Hey. What are you doing here?” I knew he’d seen me watching Harley earlier, so I didn’t pretend to act surprised.

  “Same thing you ladies are. Attempting to put the last forty-eight hours behind me.” He watched me carefully. “Your face is healing nicely.”

  “Thanks. Makeup does wonders.” Although with the amount of bodies packed into the small club, sweat had probably wiped most of it off.

  Did I mention Harley to him? He knew I’d seen him. The way he watched me. Assessing. Curious. Waiting on the words to leave my mouth, Char glanced backward and forward, a slight smirk on her face, knowing me better than I cared to admit. “So. I’m guessing Harley has moved on.”

  Pushing off from the wall, he moved closer, reaching out to touch my shoulder. “Ah, yeah. About that. Listen, don’t take it personally. He didn’t come with her. And if I have anything to do with it, he won’t be leaving with her. He saw you downstairs and played up to her in an attempt to keep you at a distance. He’s seriously pissing me off with his bullshit, but I can’t exactly do much about it at the moment. He’s my friend and he’s been to hell and back. I don’t agree with him being a dick to you, and for that I apologize.”

  “You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault. Any of it.”

  I really like Viper. He had integrity, loyalty, and respect. Perhaps he would be good for Char, although it would remain to be seen if she could tempt him. So far he hadn’t given me any indication that he was interested in her that way.

  Only slightly appeased, I nodded, hoping he could eventually talk sense into his friend.

  “I, uh, better be getting back.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t quite get there and walked off with sympathy in his eyes.

  Char seriously stared at his butt, so I stood directly in front of her, cutting off her view and waving my hand in front of her face.

  “I wondered where you were. Some random drunk tried to hit on me as soon as you left,” I chuffed at her.

  “That’s because you’re hot.”

  “Ha. Why do I always seem to attract the wrong type?”

  “Oh you’ve attracted the right type, he just can’t pull his head out of his ass to give you a chance. I’m going to work on getting Viper to talk some sense into that boy.”

  “You heard him, Char. He’s leaving Harley alone just now. Giving him space to get his head together.”

  “Yeah, and in the meantime, you’re left unable to move on.”

  Not wanting to
have this discussion, I changed the subject. “So what were you and Viper talking about when I arrived? It looked pretty serious.”


  “Don’t nothing me, Charlotte Newberry. That wasn’t nothing.”

  Shifting her eyes multiple times from me to the space around us, she shrugged. “Just let it go. We were just talking, that’s all.”

  Fine. For now but I’d store it away for another day. Friends didn’t hide things and she looked guilty.

  “Come on. We came out to enjoy ourselves. Let’s forget about men and go dance.”

  Deciding I needed to immerse myself in the beat, I agreed, letting her lead me back out into the sardine can.

  Pushing our way through bodies, I made our spot a gap in the middle. We were practically chest to chest, but proceeded to move in our own unique ways, gradually pushing the people surrounding us back a little.

  Unable to help myself, I glanced upstairs and found Viper and Harley in what looked to be a heated discussion. Both men had their arms flailing about. I hoped it wasn’t about me, and that Viper had kept his word not to push Harley.

  Char must have noticed where my attention was at, because she yelled, “Two of the best looking males I’ve seen in a long time. Damn, even when angry they look delectable.”

  I silently agreed with her, refocusing on my own little space, unable to tear my mind away from the image of Harley naked and in my bed, before the abduction.

  A hot flush tore through me, causing me to swing my hips with extra gusto and raise my hands above my head in a sultry move.

  That man would be the death of me, but for now, I’d just forget about all the crap that had weighed me down of late and enjoy myself.

  It didn’t take long to get lost in the music. For the first time in ages, I let it carry me away. Sweat dripped down my cleavage but I didn’t care. Char and I writhed together and shouted out when a Coldplay song came on.

  “We need to do this more often,” I yelled.

  “Told you. Stick with me and I’ll help bring out your wild child.”

  I didn’t doubt that for one second.

  Desperately needing a drink to rehydrate, I moved to tell Char, but didn’t get very far, A pair of hands latched onto me for the second time. Char’s eyes widened, causing me to glance back. Mr. Handsey found me. Shit. The jerk didn’t take no for an answer.

  “There you are, you little vixen. Thought you could get away that easily?” His bourbon breath wafted around me. It seemed to be leaching from his pores. He’d obviously downed more drinks. If I didn’t stand up to him and show him I meant business, he’d never leave. The sensation of his over-zealous hands anywhere near me turned my blood to ice. On instinct, I rammed my elbow back into his gut.

  I heard an ‘oomph’ as he stumbled back. Char grabbed me to move me away, but the guy steadied himself and morphed into pissed off real-quick.

  “Oh, you’re a real piece of work. You think you’re too good for me? You and your slutty friend? I know your type. Dress like whores and then when a man shows interest you act like you didn’t dress like that to get noticed.” He spat in my face. The last thing I needed was another mental douchebag threatening me.

  Char, unable to remain quiet, added her two cents’ worth. “Back away, asshole. Clearly my friend isn’t interested,” she fumed, crouching lower as if ready to throw a punch. After what I’d been through, she wouldn’t stand by and watch me get harassed without getting involved. I admired her loyalty. It didn’t matter that the guy probably outweighed her by ninety pounds.

  Tonight we were two women not to be messed with.

  The guy chuckled at my friend’s bravado. “A tough bitch, huh? I like that.” He swayed and took a step toward Char, momentarily forgetting about me.

  She had her stiletto off, aimed at the guy’s face. “Take one step closer and I’ll remove one of your eyes with my five inch.”

  The dumb ass must have left his brain at the door, because even with a deadly looking weapon in size seven, he only laughed more. A couple of people beside us glanced sideways and moved out the way, eying the drunk up and shaking their heads. I’d had enough.

  Seizing the douche by the arm, I pulled him backward, intending to drag him from the floor, getting him away from Char. The last thing I wanted was a scene. And where were the bouncers when you needed them?

  The guy was solid, but not from muscle. He was overweight. Even with his balance compromised with alcohol, I had a job to budge him.

  Spinning around to me, he placed both his hands around me, gripping my ass and burying his head in my neck. God, I nearly fell backward with the weight of him. Finding Char, who was now moving in for the kill with both shoes off, she failed to reach me because Mr. Handsy was dragged away from us by one very fierce-looking Harley. I’d never been more relieved to see him. He had the guy by the throat with one hand, as if he weighed nothing more than a feather, and threw him down onto the ground. The crowd parted but I couldn’t see much more, so Char and I shoved forward to find out just what was about to transpire.

  “Shit, girl. Are you all right? I could have taken him. These shoes here are my secret weapon.” She flashed both shoes before bending down to put them back on.

  “I’m fine. I was actually looking forward to seeing where you were going to shove the heels of those things.” I attempted to make light of it, even though I felt shaken. What was it with men and me lately?

  Viper appeared at Harley’s side, looking just as heated and furious.

  The two of them together were lethal.

  Forcing our way to the front of the growing circle of partygoers, we watched as Harley bent down and punched the guy in his face, blood fanning out from his nose. He then stood up, and with his large, black shoe, he pressed into the neck of the drunk guy, who looked ready to pass out as two bouncers appeared.

  “This is better than I could have imagined. That man right there,” Char pointed at a savage Harley. “He just defended your honor. It’s obvious he’s not over you and cares deeply.” She looked smug with herself.

  I didn’t know what to think. Harley had come to my rescue, not that he needed to because a few seconds later Char would have handled it. Still, my skin warmed over the thought that he’d taken charge. It did mean he still cared.

  My gaze traveled up the entire length of Harley. Veins popped where they normally wouldn’t. A soldier in civilian clothing—that he was. Blind Freddy could tell he’d been trained in some type of self-defense. He had an air of authority about him now that far surpassed what I’d seen previously. It had only come about since his full memory returned.

  His head pivoted, finding me. Or he was seeking me out. I didn’t know which. He drank me in, a plethora of emotions written over his face. I couldn’t move. Didn’t want to. I wanted to drown in him. The pull between us tightened as Viper pulled Harley back so the bouncers could pick up the drunk man and carry him out. The link I needed to sever, in order to save my heart held me in place. Harley took a step toward me, pain leaching from him and flowing into me, but Viper whispered something in his ear and tugged on his arm.

  With great restraint, Harley turned and walked away. Again.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  If Viper hadn’t pulled me back and begged me to give Mac space, I would have lunged for her and held her tight against my chest. Seeing that dick paw her like an animal and not stop when she’d told him to, all but snapped my will.

  Standing in the shadows now, watching her friend comfort her, my chest squeezed inward. She looked so fucking stunning tonight, even the woman who’d tried to steal my attention away failed in comparison.

  Truth was, as much as I thought of myself as a monster and needed to protect Mac from what I knew I was capable of, I wanted her more than my next breath. Yet how could I ever be worthy of such a woman who saved lives and I stole them? If she knew just what I had done, she’d want no part of my life anyway, so I simply saved her the agony of
finding out.

  “You did the right thing.”

  I knew what my friend meant but it didn’t make it any easier.

  “Did I? She needed me, man, and I walked away. Those eyes. Those freaking eyes. They told me how much she wanted me to go to her. To comfort her. And I didn’t.”

  Groaning, I gripped my head.

  “For what it’s worth, she will be okay. She has her friend to take care of her. You’re trying to get your shit together, bro. For her. You need time.”

  “Yeah, and what if time pushes her further away? What if she finds someone else?”

  “I doubt that. I saw the way you two looked at each other. That doesn’t disappear in a hurry.”

  “You think she’ll take me back when I clean myself up? Keep taking my meds?”

  Nodding, he placed a hand on my tense shoulder. “Yeah. I do.”

  I could only hope.


  The days dragged. A week turned into two and then three. I made no move to contact Mac even though my heart screamed at me to. My meds were beginning to kick in, calming me somewhat. Nightmares still came, but were less prevalent. I actually felt like I could get a handle on life.

  Today I was visiting my mother and seeing her for the first time in weeks. Viper had been in contact with her, keeping her updated. Naturally she’d wanted to see me, but I needed to have a clear head first. The meds had given the sensation of brain fog and made the anxiety worse for the first couple of weeks, so I hadn’t been good for anyone. After walking out on Mac weeks ago and heading to my apartment, I’d stayed holed up there for a couple of days but knew it was the worst thing for me, so I’d moved temporarily to Viper’s where I remained. He’d been nothing short of amazing, making me realize just how much I needed him. He always had my back and I’d always have his. Brothers for life.

  My legs jittered up and down as Viper turned into the street of my childhood home. Emotions swamped me as we neared the two story, white cladded home with a porch out the front and garage to the rear. A stone pathway led a trail from the mailbox to the two wooden steps up onto the front verandah.


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