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by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli


  The appearance of the Cadurcis family on the limited stage of herlife, and the engrossing society of her companion, had entirelydistracted the thoughts of Venetia from a subject to which in old daysthey were constantly recurring, and that was her father. By a processwhich had often perplexed her, and which she could never succeed inanalysing, there had arisen in her mind, without any ostensibleagency on the part of her mother which she could distinctly recall, aconviction that this was a topic on which she was never to speak. Thisidea had once haunted her, and she had seldom found herself alonewithout almost unconsciously musing over it. Notwithstanding theunvarying kindness of Lady Annabel, she exercised over her childa complete and unquestioned control. Venetia was brought up withstrictness, which was only not felt to be severe, because the systemwas founded on the most entire affection, but, fervent as her love wasfor her mother, it was equalled by her profound respect, which everyword and action of Lady Annabel tended to maintain.

  In all the confidential effusions with Plantagenet, Venetia had neverdwelt upon this mysterious subject; indeed, in these conversations,when they treated of their real and not ideal life, Venetia was a mererecipient: all that she could communicate, Plantagenet could observe;he it was who avenged himself at these moments for his habitualsilence before third persons; it was to Venetia that he poured forthall his soul, and she was never weary of hearing his stories aboutMorpeth, and all his sorrows, disgusts, and afflictions. There wasscarcely an individual in that little town with whom, from his livelynarratives, she was not familiar; and it was to her sympathising heartthat he confided all his future hopes and prospects, and confessed thestrong pride he experienced in being a Cadurcis, which from all otherswas studiously concealed.

  It had happened that the first Christmas Day after the settlement ofthe Cadurcis family at the abbey occurred in the middle of the week;and as the weather was severe, in order to prevent two journeys atsuch an inclement season, Lady Annabel persuaded Mrs. Cadurcis to passthe whole week at the hall. This arrangement gave such pleasure toPlantagenet that the walls of the abbey, as the old postchaise waspreparing for their journey, quite resounded with his merriment. Invain his mother, harassed with all the mysteries of packing, indulgedin a thousand irritable expressions, which at any other time mighthave produced a broil or even a fray; Cadurcis did nothing but laugh.There was at the bottom of this boy's heart, with all his habitualgravity and reserve, a fund of humour which would occasionally breakout, and which nothing could withstand. When he was alone withVenetia, he would imitate the old maids of Morpeth, and all theceremonies of a provincial tea party, with so much life and genuinefun, that Venetia was often obliged to stop in their rambles toindulge her overwhelming mirth. When they were alone, and he wasgloomy, she was often accustomed to say, 'Now, dear Plantagenet, tellme how the old ladies at Morpeth drink tea.'

  This morning at the abbey, Cadurcis was irresistible, and the moreexcited his mother became with the difficulties which beset her, themore gay and fluent were his quips and cranks. Puffing, panting,and perspiring, now directing her waiting-woman, now scolding herman-servant, and now ineffectually attempting to box her son's ears,Mrs. Cadurcis indeed offered a most ridiculous spectacle.

  'John!' screamed Mrs. Cadurcis, in a voice of bewildered passion, andstamping with rage, 'is that the place for my cap-box? You do it onpurpose, that you do!'

  'John,' mimicked Lord Cadurcis, 'how dare you do it on purpose?'

  'Take that, you brat,' shrieked the mother, and she struck her ownhand against the doorway. 'Oh! I'll give it you, I'll give it you,'she bellowed under the united influence of rage and pain, and shepursued her agile child, who dodged her on the other side of thepostchaise, which he persisted in calling the family carriage.

  'Oh! ma'am, my lady,' exclaimed the waiting-woman, sallying forth fromthe abbey, 'what is to be done with the parrot when we are away? Mrs.Brown says she won't see to it, that she won't; 'taynt her place.'

  This rebellion of Mrs. Brown was a diversion in favour of Plantagenet.Mrs. Cadurcis waddled down the cloisters with precipitation, rushedinto the kitchen, seized the surprised Mrs. Brown by the shoulder, andgave her a good shake; and darting at the cage, which held the parrot,she bore it in triumph to the carriage. 'I will take the bird withme,' said Mrs. Cadurcis.

  'We cannot take the bird inside, madam,' said Plantagenet, 'for itwill overhear all our conversation, and repeat it. We shall not beable to abuse our friends.'

  Mrs. Cadurcis threw the cage at her son's head, who, for the sake ofthe bird, dexterously caught it, but declared at the same time hewould immediately throw it into the lake. Then Mrs. Cadurcis began tocry with rage, and, seating herself on the open steps of the chaise,sobbed hysterically. Plantagenet stole round on tip-toe, and peepedin her face: 'A merry Christmas and a happy new year, Mrs. Cadurcis,'said her son.

  'How can I be merry and happy, treated as I am?' sobbed the mother.'You do not treat Lady Annabel so. Oh! no; it is only your mother whomyou use in this manner! Go to Cherbury. Go by all means, but go byyourself; I shall not go: go to your friends, Lord Cadurcis; they areyour friends, not mine, and I hope they are satisfied, now that theyhave robbed me of the affections of my child. I have seen what theyhave been after all this time. I am not so blind as some people think.No! I see how it is. I am nobody. Your poor mother, who brought youup, and educated you, is nobody. This is the end of all your Latin andFrench, and your fine lessons. Honour your father and your mother,Lord Cadurcis; that's a finer lesson than all. Oh! oh! oh!'

  This allusion to the Herberts suddenly calmed Plantagenet. He felt inan instant the injudiciousness of fostering by his conduct the latentjealousy which always lurked at the bottom of his mother's heart, andwhich nothing but the united talent and goodness of Lady Annabel couldhave hitherto baffled. So he rejoined in a kind yet playful tone, 'Ifyou will be good, I will give you a kiss for a Christmas-box, mother;and the parrot shall go inside if you like.'

  'The parrot may stay at home, I do not care about it: but I cannotbear quarrelling; it is not my temper, you naughty, very naughty boy.'

  'My dear mother,' continued his lordship, in a soothing tone, 'thesescenes always happen when people are going to travel. I assure you itis quite a part of packing up.'

  'You will be the death of me, that you will,' said the mother, 'withall your violence. You are worse than your father, that you are.'

  'Come, mother,' said her son, drawing nearer, and just touching hershoulder with his hand, 'will you not have my Christmas-box?'

  The mother extended her cheek, which the son slightly touched with hislip, and then Mrs. Cadurcis jumped up as lively as ever, called for aglass of Mountain, and began rating the footboy.

  At length the postchaise was packed; they had a long journey beforethem, because Cadurcis would go round by Southport, to call upon atradesman whom a month before he had commissioned to get a trinketmade for him in London, according to the newest fashion, as a presentfor Venetia. The commission was executed; Mrs. Cadurcis, who had beenconsulted in confidence by her son on the subject, was charmed withthe result of their united taste. She had good-naturedly contributedone of her own few, but fine, emeralds to the gift; upon the back ofthe brooch was engraved:--


  'I hope she will be a sister, and more than a sister, to you,' saidMrs. Cadurcis.

  'Why?' inquired her son, rather confused.

  'You may look farther, and fare worse,' said Mrs. Cadurcis.Plantagenet blushed; and yet he wondered why he blushed: he understoodhis mother, but he could not pursue the conversation; his heartfluttered.

  A most cordial greeting awaited them at Cherbury; Dr. Masham wasthere, and was to remain until Monday. Mrs. Cadurcis would have openedabout the present immediately, but her son warned her on the thresholdthat if she said a word about it, or seemed to be aware of itsprevious existence, even when it was shown, he would fling itinstantly away into the snow; and her horror o
f this catastrophebridled her tongue. Mrs. Cadurcis, however, was happy, and LadyAnnabel was glad to see her so; the Doctor, too, paid her somecharming compliments; the good lady was in the highest spirits, forshe was always in extremes, and at this moment she would willinglyhave laid down her life if she had thought the sacrifice could havecontributed to the welfare of the Herberts.

  Cadurcis himself drew Venetia aside, and then, holding the broochreversed, he said, with rather a confused air, 'Read that, Venetia.'

  'Oh! Plantagenet!' she said, very much astonished.

  'You see, Venetia,' he added, leaving it in her hand, 'it is yours.'

  Venetia turned the jewel; her eye was dazzled with its brilliancy.

  'It is too grand for a little girl, Plantagenet,' she exclaimed, alittle pale.

  'No, it is not,' said Plantagenet, firmly; 'besides, you will notalways be a little girl; and then, if ever we do not live together aswe do now, you will always remember you have a brother.'

  'I must show it mamma; I must ask her permission to take it,Plantagenet.'

  Venetia went up to her mother, who was talking to Mrs. Cadurcis. Shehad not courage to speak before that lady and Dr. Masham, so shecalled her mother aside.

  'Mamma,' she said, 'something has happened.'

  'What, my dear?' said Lady Annabel, somewhat surprised at theseriousness of her tone.

  'Look at this, mamma!' said Venetia, giving her the brooch.

  Lady Annabel looked at the jewel, and read the inscription. It wasa more precious offering than the mother would willingly havesanctioned, but she was too highly bred, and too thoughtful of thefeelings of others, to hesitate for a moment to admire it herself, andauthorise its acceptance by her daughter. So she walked up to Cadurcisand gave him a mother's embrace for his magnificent present to hissister, placed the brooch itself near Venetia's heart, and then ledher daughter to Mrs. Cadurcis, that the gratified mother mightadmire the testimony of her son's taste and affection. It was a mostsuccessful present, and Cadurcis felt grateful to his mother for hershare in its production, and the very proper manner in which shereceived the announcement of its offering.


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