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by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli


  Time and Faith are the great consolers, and neither of these precioussources of solace were wanting to the inhabitants of Cherbury. Theywere again living alone, but their lives were cheerful; and if Venetiano longer indulged in a worldly and blissful future, nevertheless, inthe society of her mother, in the resources of art and literature, inthe diligent discharge of her duties to her humble neighbours, and incherishing the memory of the departed, she experienced a life that wasnot without its tranquil pleasures. She maintained with Lord Cadurcisa constant correspondence; he wrote to her every day, and althoughthey were separated, there was not an incident of his life, andscarcely a thought, of which she was not cognisant. It was with greatdifficulty that George could induce himself to remain in London; butMasham, who soon obtained over him all the influence which Venetiadesired, ever opposed his return to the abbey. The good Bishop was notunaware of the feelings with which Lord Cadurcis looked back to thehall of Cherbury, and himself of a glad and sanguine temperament, heindulged in a belief in the consummation of all that happiness forwhich his young friend, rather sceptically, sighed. But Masham wasaware that time could alone soften the bitterness of Venetia's sorrow,and prepare her for that change of life which he felt confidentwould alone ensure the happiness both of herself and her mother. Hetherefore detained Lord Cadurcis in London the whole of the sessionsthat, on his return to Cherbury, his society might be esteemed a noveland agreeable incident in the existence of its inhabitants, and not beassociated merely with their calamities.

  It was therefore about a year after the catastrophe which had sosuddenly changed the whole tenor of their lives, and occasioned sounexpected a revolution in his own position, that Lord Cadurcisarrived at his ancestral seat, with no intention of again speedilyleaving it. He had long and frequently apprised his friends of hisapproaching presence, And, arriving at the abbey late at night, he wasat Cherbury early on the following morning.

  Although no inconsiderable interval had elapsed since Lord Cadurcishad parted from the Herberts, the continual correspondence that hadbeen maintained between himself and Venetia, divested his visit of theslightest embarrassment. They met as if they had parted yesterday,except perhaps with greater fondness. The chain of their feelingswas unbroken. He was indeed welcomed, both by Lady Annabel and herdaughter, with warm affection; and his absence had only rendered himdearer to them by affording an opportunity of feeling how much hissociety contributed to their felicity. Venetia was anxious to know hisopinion of the improvements at the abbey, which she had superintended;but he assured her that he would examine nothing without her company,and ultimately they agreed to walk over to Cadurcis.

  It was a summer day, and they walked through that very wood whereinwe described the journey of the child Venetia, at the commencementof this very history. The blue patches of wild hyacinths had alldisappeared, but there were flowers as sweet. What if the firstfeelings of our heart fade, like the first flowers of spring,succeeding years, like the coming summer, may bring emotions not lesscharming, and, perchance, far more fervent!

  'I can scarcely believe,' said Lord Cadurcis, 'that I am once morewith you. I know not what surprises me most, Venetia, that we shouldbe walking once more together in the woods of Cherbury, or that I evershould have dared to quit them.'

  'And yet it was better, dear George,' said Venetia. 'You must nowrejoice that you have fulfilled your duty, and yet you are here again.Besides, the abbey never would have been finished if you had remained.To complete all our plans, it required a mistress.'

  'I wish it always had one,' said George. 'Ah, Venetia! once you toldme never to despair.'

  'And what have you to despair about, George?'

  'Heigh ho!' said Lord Cadurcis, 'I never shall be able to live in thisabbey alone.'

  'You should have brought a wife from London,' said Venetia.

  'I told you once, Venetia, that I was not a marrying man,' said LordCadurcis; 'and certainly I never shall bring a wife from London.'

  'Then you cannot accustom yourself too soon to a bachelor's life,'said Venetia.

  'Ah, Venetia!' said George, 'I wish I were clever; I wish I were agenius; I wish I were a great man.'

  'Why, George?'

  'Because, Venetia, perhaps,' and Lord Cadurcis hesitated, 'perhaps youwould think differently of me? I mean perhaps your feelings towards memight; ah, Venetia! perhaps you might think me worthy of you; perhapsyou might love me.'

  'I am sure, dear George, if I did not love you, I should be the mostungrateful of beings: you are our only friend.'

  'And can I never be more than a friend to you, Venetia?' said LordCadurcis, blushing very deeply.

  'I am sure, dear George, I should be very sorry for your sake, if youwished to be more,' said Venetia.

  'Why?' said Lord Cadurcis.

  'Because I should not like to see you unite your destiny with that ofa very unfortunate, if not a very unhappy, person.'

  'The sweetest, the loveliest of women!' said Lord Cadurcis. 'OVenetia! I dare not express what I feel, still less what I could hope.I think so little of myself, so highly of you, that I am convinced myaspirations are too arrogant for me to breathe them.'

  'Ah! dear George, you deserve to be happy,' said Venetia. 'Would thatit were in my power to make you!'

  'Dearest Venetia! it is, it is,' exclaimed Lord Cadurcis; thenchecking himself, as if frightened by his boldness, he added in a moresubdued tone, 'I feel I am not worthy of you.'

  They stood upon the breezy down that divided the demesnes of Cherburyand the abbey. Beneath them rose, 'embosomed in a valley of greenbowers,' the ancient pile lately renovated under the studious care ofVenetia.

  'Ah!' said Lord Cadurcis, 'be not less kind to the master of thesetowers, than to the roof that you have fostered. You have renovatedour halls, restore our happiness! There is an union that will bringconsolation to more than one hearth, and baffle all the crosses ofadverse fate. Venetia, beautiful and noble-minded Venetia, condescendto fulfil it!'

  Perhaps the reader will not be surprised that, within a few months ofthis morning walk, the hands of George, Lord Cadurcis, and VenetiaHerbert were joined in the chapel at Cherbury by the good Masham.Peace be with them.


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