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The Perversion Trilogy: Perversion, Possession & Permission

Page 27

by T. M. Frazier

  “A little, although now that I know what she’s become she’s practically unrecognizable.” I nuzzle farther into Grim’s body. “I think she’s been hurt all of these years that Gabby and I have always been close. Maybe, she felt like I stole her rightful place in Gabby’s life.”

  “That’s on her. Not you,” Grim reassures me, kissing the top of my head.

  “I’m worried about Gabby,” I say, squeezing my eyes shut. “I don’t know what they’ll do to her.”

  Grim holds me tighter. “I promise. We’ll get her out. Bethany, my lawyer, has been in touch with Gabby. Sandy’s working with Bethany on a way to extract her safely. You heard him, he’s trying to get more intel as we speak.”

  A small wave of relief washes over me. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Tricks. I’d do anything for you. You should know that by now.”

  “There’s more I have to tell you.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath and then I let the words flow. I explain to Grim how I lured Mona into trusting me and all the sordid details leading up to my attempted escape and subsequent rescue. When I’m done, Grim is silent. Too silent.

  I sit up and look over at him expecting to find him either red with rage or horrified, but I find neither of those things. What I do find is the most beautiful man in the world…smiling at me.

  “Why are you smiling? Did you not hear all the shit I just told you?” I ask, scrunching my face in confusion.

  “I did. I heard every single fucking word,” he says, holding my face in his hands and staring deep into my eyes. “Do you know what else I heard?”

  I shake my head, which he’s still holding.

  He leans in closer. “Between those words, I heard how brave my girl was. How strong. How she faced death and gave it the fucking finger. How she could have folded but chose to fight instead. How she passed a lie detector test out of sheer fucking determination and out of this world skill. How she convinced one of the people holding her captive that she was interested in her, and not only that, was so believable she was able to not only free herself but tie the bitch up before she even figured out what was happening.”

  He stares pride straight into my eyes until I begin to feel it, too.

  “Tricks, I’m in awe of you. You’re amazing You…you’re fucking magic.” Grim leans in and kisses me, hard. He assaults my mouth with all of the passion and pride that he’s feeling. My entire body feels the kiss. My heart feels this kiss. The current between us does more than hum. It strikes all around us with the force of a thousand lightning bolts.

  “I need you,” I say around his mouth, but Grim knows this. His hands skate up my leg and my inner thigh until his fingers disappear under my shorts. I come alive under his touch. When his fingers reach the wetness between my legs, he groans. It’s as if I’m floating, tethered to the ground only by Grim. Although, he’s wrong. I’m not magic. He is. This thing between us. That’s the real magic.

  And it’s no fucking trick.


  Emma Jean

  “When this is all over and you come back to me, I’m going to make all this right again. I promise,” Grim says, while his fingers stroke my wet slit sending bursts of need prickle at my skin and harden my nipples.

  Wait, what did he just say?

  When this is all over and you come back to me.

  I freeze then push his hand away and stand, glaring down at him with my hands on my hips. “What does that mean?” tapping my foot on the ground. “When I come back to you? Where exactly am I going?”

  Grim blows out a breath and runs his hands through his hair. “You don’t really expect me to keep you here while all this shit’s going down? While the task force, the Irish, and all of Los Muertos are out for blood? It’s not fucking safe.”

  I huff. “I’ve never been safe in my entire life. Nothing’s changed except you wanting to send me away.”

  “Oh no? I’ll tell you what’s changed.” Grim furrows his brow. His forehead creases where it was smooth just a moment before. He stands and I take a step back. He stalks over to me, closing the space between us. His jaw is clenched tight. He points to himself and then to me. “What’s changed is this. You and me. I’m going to fucking protect you, whether you like it or not. I should’ve never let you go back to that motherfucker, no matter what your reasons were, no matter how much you wanted to save your friend and prevent a war. None of that matters, not when it comes to you. I’d let everyone on this earth die before I’d let anyone hurt you again. I’d die before I let anyone hurt you again,” he growls so deep I feel it in my chest. “I failed you before, Tricks. I won’t fucking fail you again.”

  The hurt in his voice cracks through my anger, but it isn’t enough to make me drop my case. I won’t be sent away. “You yourself said it was safe here on the reservation.”

  “It is for now. But, what happens after Marco has time to rally his men and come for you? When war breaks out? What happens when the Irish get wind that the H Bedlam was arrested for was from their stolen shipment? What about when the task force decides to play whatever shady card they have up their sleeves and they lock me back up before I have time to prove I’m innocent?”

  I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. “You know what I mean.”

  “If that happens we will deal with it. Together.”

  “It’s not a matter of IF. It’s a matter of WHEN. That’s how this works. It’s how it always works. I’ll need you as far away from all of this as possible, so none of this shit blows back on you. I won't let it happen. Not now.” A vein in Grim's neck pulses, giving the black rose tattoo at the base of his throat the appearance of its very own heartbeat. “Not ever!”

  I’m frustrated with his answer but I won’t accept defeat. I square my shoulders. “No."

  His jaw tightens. "Nooo?" He draws out the word slowly as if he can't believe what I just said, sucking in his bottom lip as if he can taste the bitterness of my defiance.

  "Grim, for so long, I've had to rely on my instincts. On myself," I explain. “It’s been Gabby and me against the world since we were kids. Without her...I can't be alone anymore. I just can't." I meet his angry gaze. "I won't!"

  "You won't," he repeats, cocking his head to the side.

  I steel my nerves and continue. "Don't you see? I’d rather be unsafe with you than safe without you.”

  Grim's response is unapologetic. “You won’t be alone. I’m sending Marci with you."

  “It’s not the same!” I scream, shoving against his chest. "You don't understand!"

  "Stop telling me that I don't understand." He grabs my wrists. “You're the one who's not fucking understanding. You're not alone, Tricks. Not anymore. And you'll never be alone again. You have Bedlam behind you. You have me. You'll always have me." He lowers his voice. "We can make future decisions together.”

  I raise my chin. "But not this one?"

  "But not this one," he repeats.

  I begin to walk away only to have Grim pull me back. "Let me go!" I yank on my wrists, but he doesn't release me.

  "No." he growls. "I'm not letting you go. Just because I'm sending you away doesn't mean I'm letting you go then either."

  "Then what does it mean?" I ask, my pulse races under his grip.

  "It means I would fucking die than let anyone hurt you ever again.”

  The fight in me falters when I realize the real reason for Grim wanting to send me away. It isn’t just because he wants to keep me safe.

  “If you think that sending me off to god only knows where will absolve you of whatever misplaced guilt you feel over what happened to me, you're wrong. I made the choice to go back to Los Muertos. I don't regret it. It was the right choice, and I'd do it again. If anyone is to blame here, it's me." I shove against him like I'm trying to push the words into his skin and make him understand.

  Grim releases me. “But I allowed it!” he roars with his chin tipped, screaming at the sky.

  Or himself.

; “You allowed it?” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to hold in the anger coursing within my body. His gaze dips to my breasts, now prominently pushed up on display. An awareness prickles at my skin, but the need to make him understand outweighs everything else. “I may have lived under another person’s rules, but I’ve always made my own decisions. Even if they were the wrong ones, they were still mine to make. And right here, right now, I’m telling you." I poke my finger into his chest. "I’m staying.”

  We're both breathing heavy and hard. There's so much on the line, so much between us. Fear. Love. Anger. And more.

  So much more.

  It floats through the air between us, licking at my skin, causing my throat to go dry, my nipples to harden, and my thighs to tremble.


  Pure. Unbridled. Animalistic.

  Grim's eyes darken.

  I need to put some space between us. I take a few steps back.

  A slow smile tugs at the corners of Grim's mouth. Devilish determination burns in his gaze.

  He lunges for me.


  So fast that I don’t have time to react. I leap away and lose my footing, stumbling over a rock in the grass. I'm falling, but before I hit the ground, Grim catches me, lifting me to my feet. He wraps his strong arms around my waist and tugs me against his warm hard body.

  Awareness consumes me. Grim consumes me. My thoughts. My body.

  My heart.

  Grim stares down, his focus solely on my lips.

  "I'm serious. I'm not going anywhere," I say breathlessly.

  His grip on my waist tightens. He crushes his lips to mine in an all-consuming, dizzying kiss that has me questioning the validity of my argument, as well as my own damn name.

  Grim lifts his lips from mine just long enough to say, “Wanna bet?”


  Parting her lips, Tricks lightly sucks on the tip of my thumb as I take her face in my hands, sending my rush of dire need into animalistic overdrive. There’s no turning back now. As if there ever was. As if I ever had a chance of NOT taking her.

  I pull her down onto the grass and cover her body with mine. I ravage her lips with my mouth, our tongues tangling together. We growl into the kiss like starved animals fighting over scraps.

  But that’s what we are. Starved.

  For each other. For this. For the connection that never fails to simmer when we’re close, pulling us together like an imaginary tether until we can’t help but to give in. We never stood a chance against fate. Even if I’d wanted to fight this, I couldn’t. But I don’t want to. All I want is Tricks. To feel her against me. To be inside her. To feel her heart beat wildly out of control while she screams my name.

  We attack each other’s clothes until they’re in a pile next to us on the ground.

  Tricks looks me over, drinking in my body. She gazes up at me with lust-filled, hooded eyes. It sends a jolt of anticipation straight to my cock. Her long lashes flutter as she gasps at the sensation of my bare skin against hers. Her tits feel like perfection in my hands. Against my tongue. I can feel her heart racing in her chest although we’re so close it could be mine because the fucker is pounding against my ribcage like the hooves of a hundred racing horses.

  Her lips part as she arches her back, raising her hips. Needing more. Heat from her wet pussy grazes the tip of my cock. I let out a strangled groan. I travel lower and lower down her body.

  “Tricks. Fuuuuck.”

  I can’t believe she’s here with me right now. That she’s back with me. I can’t fucking breathe. I’m not sure I want to either. If I so much as inhale, this might all go away, just another dream that I’ll wake from with my cock in my hand.

  This isn’t just lust. It’s more than that. Desire amplified by a thousand along with some other shit I’m not familiar with but am assaulted by with every thought. Every touch. She’s everywhere. In my cock. In my fucking chest. It’s all too much and yet not nearly fucking enough. Not by a long shot.

  I don’t just want her. I need her.

  I need us.

  The thought is fucking terrifying. I’ve never needed anyone but myself, but then again, that’s a lie I’ve been telling myself for years. I’ve always needed her. She’s the blood in my veins. The air in my lungs. My reason for having fucking reasons. She looks beyond what I’m capable of and sees something in me I can’t see myself. She makes me feel human. More than a reaper. A murderer. A man who doesn’t feel and doesn’t want to. Except when it comes to her.

  My Tricks.

  I can’t quite get the words out to tell her how I feel. I’m a man of very few words and even fewer emotions. I’ve never even wanted to tell anyone how I felt before now. I whisper the first thing that comes to mind, hoping she’ll understand what it is I’m trying to say, even though I don’t entirely understand it myself.

  “You are me.”

  Tricks inhales sharply, nails digging into my back. She nods against my shoulder. “I know,” she whispers as if she truly understands what I’m trying to tell her.

  It doesn’t surprise me. She’s the only person who has ever understood me.

  My chest tightens. My cock swells and throbs painfully, growing thicker and harder as the seconds tick by that I’m not inside of her. Tricks moans against my skin, and it’s getting harder and harder to maintain any kind of fucking control.

  It’s not like I ever had any, but I’m trying for her sake. She’s already been through so much. Too much. I brought her back to me with my body, I could break her with it, too.

  You want to break her, the devil within me whispers.

  “Grim,” she begs, arching her back again. Her voice is lower than I’ve ever heard it before, filled with need and lust in a way that makes me salivate to devour her.

  Fuck control.

  I hiss and reach around her, pulling her up by her lower back, so her hips are in line with mine. I can see her now. All of her. Wet and glistening for me. I groan and take hold of my shaft, rubbing it through her slick pussy lips. She whimpers. I can feel her pussy tighten in response. My eager cock jumps at the sensation.

  In no way is she even trying to be sexy. She just is. It only makes me want her more.

  Tricks is all innocence and attitude.

  Both fearless and terrified.

  Rebellion with a side of caution.

  I’m not worthy of her. Of this dangerous life-altering thing between us.

  Never will be.

  It doesn’t matter. Worthy or not, I’m fucking taking her.

  Consequences be damned.

  Tricks is mine. She always has been.

  I crush my lips to hers and push my cock inside of her with one hard, rough thrust.

  Always will be.

  Emma Jean

  The earth shifts beneath me. I’m a million miles away, yet I’ve never felt more present in my life. Grim does this to me. Always has. Makes me feel like I’m everywhere at once but never far from him.

  I want his hands on me forever. Just like this. I want to smell him. Us. Together. For as long as I live. I want to experience his ruthless thrusts every morning and every night. I crave the way his hips press against mine as he pushes into me with a groan that pushes me toward the edge before the first full thrust. He tries over and over again to get as deep inside me as possible. I spread my legs to allow him more room, and finally, he’s fully seated inside of me. The groan that tears from his throat is the sweetest music I’ve ever heard. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer still.

  “More,” I beg.

  Grim slams into me faster. Harder. Furious. Determined. He holds one of my legs in the air with one arm, and the other hand grips my hip tightly, as if my sweat soaked skin is seconds away from slipping out from under his grasp.

  His face twists in both pleasure and pain while he makes me come undone with each forceful thrust.

  “Fuck, Tricks. You. Always you,” he says along with some incoherent murmurs I can’t quite make out.r />
  I’m a million miles away yet more present than I’ve ever been in my life as he thrusts hard and sends me sailing over the edge. The pleasure pulses inside me, exploding like dynamite. My fragile nerve-endings are floating on wave after wave of toe-curling pleasure.

  My orgasm is everywhere, not just where he’s stroking me from within.

  His thrusts grow faster and harder, more erratic. He’s looking deep into my eyes as my name tears from his chorded throat on a strangled cry that has me involuntarily squeezing him with my tight heat as he comes and comes until I’m sure I’m so full of him I could burst.

  It doesn’t matter what Grim says. He can’t send me away. I won’t let him.

  I’m not going anywhere. Not now.

  Not ever.

  Grim and I might not be married, but there’s one part of marriage that applies to us. An unspoken vow. Since the day I met him, long before our first kiss. Long before he made me his.

  ’Til death do us part.


  In the aftermath of our lust, I dress while grim pulls up his pants. We lie back in the grass trying to catch our breaths. I’m in the crook of Grim’s arm with my cheek flattened against his chest. I run my fingers up and down the ridges of his defined muscles. He’s watching me as I move on to trace every tattoo on his torso.

  “I’ve never gotten a good look at all of these before. Tell me about them?” I ask. “What do they all mean?”

  “You don’t know?” he asks as if the answer is obvious.

  He takes my hand and guides my fingers to his neck. “This one is self-explanatory,” he says of the black rose tattoo at the base of his throat.


  He nods and guides my hand further down, stopping at a pair of ears poking out from behind what looks like the eye of a child on the right side of his chest. “The cat ears are for Mr. Fuzzy, of course.”

  I smile. “Naturally.”

  Grim continues, “The eye, well, it’s not exact, and the blue-green color has faded over time, but the artist only had the description of my memory to go off. He did the best he could.”


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