Book Read Free

Unbroken Kingdom

Page 12

by Lorie Gurnett

  “What’re you going to do to me?” Sam asked.

  “I told you: you’re part of Lord Lucas’s plan.”

  “What plan is that?”

  “You’ll know soon enough. Now, sit tight no more tricks. You hear me?” Drayvon smiled and left as quickly as he entered. Sam closed her eyes once more and tried to focus on Robert again. Her thoughts drifted down the hallway, past the same knights, and up to the same wooden door.


  Robert looked around the room again, “Sam, where’d you go?”

  “I need to warn you.”

  “Warn me? About what?”


  “Lucas? Who is this Lucas you keep mentioning?”

  “He was in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone his covering.3 He was the anointed guardian cherub, and he was on the holy mountain of God; he walked in the midst of the stones of fire.”4

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Lucas was blameless in his ways from the day he was created, till unrighteousness was found in him.”5

  “What do you mean, unrighteousness?” Robert squirmed as his thought drifted back to his dad in the cave.

  “In the abundance of his trade, he was filled with violence, and he sinned; He began to want more, and greed set in. So, God cast him as a profane thing from His Holy Mountain.”

  “He lived in God’s presence and still sinned? Is there any hope for us?”

  “His heart was proud because of his beauty; he corrupted his wisdom for the sake of his splendour. So, God cast him to the ground and exposed him before kings, to feast their eyes on him. By the multitude of his iniquities, in the unrighteousness of his trade, he profanes his sanctuaries; so, God brought fire out from his midst; it consumed him, and God turned him to ashes on the earth in the sight of all.”6

  “If he was consumed by fire, how is he still here?”

  “He has fallen from heaven and is cut down to the ground.7 He said in his heart, he will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God he will set his throne on high; he will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; he will ascend above the heights of the clouds; he will make himself like the Most High.”8

  “I ask again, how can he ascend if he has been consumed by fire?”

  “Bobbie, he is the king of deception. Just be on your guard.”

  Suddenly, she found herself face to face with Lucas. Almost as if she was punched, she flinched back into herself and fell backward in her chair, crashing to the floor. Soon, a Shadow Knight rushed in and pulled her upright again and left without saying a word.

  Robert sat alone in his room of solitude. “Sam? Are you there?” he called out. His words were met with an eerie silence. Soon Drayvon re-entered the room.

  “Have you given my offer some thought?” Drayvon asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know? I thought you wanted to keep your family safe?”

  “I do. It’s just...”

  “Just what?”

  “I’m not sure if you are able to get me home and keep my family from harm. Or if you will just put them in more danger. This doesn’t sound like a fair offer or even one you can pull off.”

  “I know you’re not strong enough by yourself. No one will be safe. I give you this choice. You need to choose: are you part of this war or not? If you choose to stay here and not go home, you will be forced to choose a side. Who’ll you follow? Your time to decide is running out.” Drayvon left the room again.

  “I just don’t know who to trust. What am I even doing here?” Robert asked as his thoughts wandered back to Sam. I hope she’s ok. He was suddenly startled out of his thoughts with an ear-piercing scream. “Wait. Sam. What’re they doin’ to you?” Panic filled Robert’s heart and mind. He frantically tried to loosen his bonds as he crashed his chair on its side. At this very moment the only thing that mattered to Robert was protecting Sam. He violently kicked his feet snapping the chair legs in two. With his feet free, he leaped up and slammed his shoulder into the wall, breaking the chair back and arms. Soon, his hands were free as three Shadow Knights dashed through the door to investigate the noise. Robert wasted no time and reached for one of the broken chair legs and swung it at the first knight, knocking him to the floor. He spun and slammed the chair leg into the second knight’s knee, causing him to collapse on the floor screaming in pain. The third knight rushed Robert and kicked him in the side. Robert teetered and spat blood. The knight spun to punch Robert, but Robert caught the knight’s fist in his hand. Robert stood and shoved the knight backward. The third knight stumbled and hit his head on the wall, falling to the floor. Robert ran out of the room and down the corridor. I need to find Sam.

  Suddenly, five knights rushed toward him from around the corner, and Robert stumbled backward. He swung the chair leg toward the nearest knight but missed. The knight grabbed his arm and forced the chair leg from his grip. Two knights secured him in a kneeling position. The first knight took the chair leg and swung it across Robert's forehead. Robert fell to the floor with a thud. “Take him back to his room. Lord Lucas and Master Drayvon have more questions.” The first knight ordered the other two knights, who had originally secured him, to drag Robert back to his room. “He’ll weaken as time goes on.”

  Senora’s feet had healed from her burns. She paced the hospital hallway outside Robert’s room. It had been a month of up and down care but Robert still lay in a coma. Will he ever wake up? Her mind wandered back to his seizures and the night she saw the Tall Bearded Man. What did he mean that Bobbie would need me? Senora’s mind was a jumbled mess of questions. She paced as she waited to hear from a nurse that she could return to Robert’s room. God, what’s happening to Bobbie? Please help him wake up, she prayed. A nurse walked by Senora’s room. “Excuse me, can I see Bobbie now?” Senora asked.

  “Soon, dear. They’re just cleaning him up. But to reassure you, he has been stable for a while. He just had a minor fever this morning. The doctor just wanted to examine him for any change. It shouldn't be long. Will his mom be by today?” the nurse asked.

  “No, she has to work a double today and she wanted to visit her husband. His parole hearing is in a few days.”

  The nurse nodded but was startled by the code blue bell suddenly chiming from Robert's room. She rushed to Robert’s room once again without a word. Senora prayed more earnestly as she rushed to the chapel, a familiar place of solitude for her lately. “God, You’re in control, and You know what’s going on with Bobbie more than anyone. Please bring him back healthy and strong.”

  Suddenly, the Tall Bearded Man appeared before her again. “Remember to do your part. Is it not so, oh Nora, that God gives examples to help you know how to follow what is right? Punishment is unavoidable for three transgressions, and for four, He will not revoke the punishment. When God punishes your own sin, there is no escape. No matter how fast you think you are, you will not escape God. You think you’re strong, not strong enough to resist Him. You think you’re brave, not when God comes in judgment. Whatever strength you have came from Him, and it’s powerless to resist Him. Sometimes, God’s people persist in sin because they mistakenly feel safe in doing so. Because God is slow to act does not mean He will not act. God is a God of love, but there are consequences to Bobbie’s sin.”

  “Consequences? Does this have anything to do with his coma?” Senora wrapped her arms around herself in a hug.

  “Through repentance, there will be purification.”

  Fear started to bubble beneath the surface. “What do you mean by punishment?”

  “Because we have security systems around us, we feel we have a safety net. You are really smart and have a great network of friends, excellent health. All of those things offer protection against something but not protection against God. The people who bear God’s name are not exempt from judgment. They are held to a higher standard.”

  “I trust God’s leading. Is there a way I can hel
p Bobbie through this purification to ease the pain of punishment? The fire of God will purify me, and even though it’ll be painful, I trust I will come out stronger.”

  “A father and his daughter are walking through a field, and out in the distance, they can see smoke billowing before them. By the time they realize the fire is out of control, they know the wind is against them, and they will not outrun the fire. The father knows there is only one way to escape. He quickly burns his own fire right there in the middle of the grass to burn a large patch off. When the large fire comes near, they stand on the section they had already burnt. The girl is terrified by the large flames but the father reassures her that the flames can’t reach. They were standing where the fire had already been. Trusting God as your Saviour, you are where the wrath of God has already been. God’s wrath toward your sin has not been cancelled. The punishment has not been revoked, but it has already been burnt. Jesus took your place, satisfied God’s wrath, and satisfied His judgement. The only safe place to stand when the fire of God’s wrath comes is where God’s wrath had already burnt. As His child, do you live like you understand that?”

  “I know I make mistakes, but I trust in Jesus’s victory in my life.”

  “Nora, Bobbie needs you more than he knows. The battle isn’t an easy one.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Senora asked.

  The Tall Bearded Man looked at Senora with both concern and compassion in his eyes. “It’s time.” The chapel filled with blinding light, and suddenly, Senora and the Tall Bearded Man vanished.


  Deception Ignited

  Senora blinked to adjust to the bright light. When her vision focused again, she realized she stood in front of the secret cave leading into Delores’ castle. The Tall Bearded Man stood beside her. “‘Be on your guard. For behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.’1 The castle’s not as you remember,” the Man warned with great conviction in his voice.

  “I’ll have to confront Kat. I know she didn’t want to hurt me. I saw the conflict within her,” Senora said.

  “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.2 When the battle is raging, remember to stand where it is already burnt.” Senora looked down the dark cave, her heart filling with uncertainty. “Bobbie needs you now more than ever.”

  “Wait, what do you mean Bobbie needs me? If he needs me, why did you bring me here? Shouldn’t I be with him at the hospital?”

  “Bobbie’s here and there.”

  “How could he be in both places?”

  “The mind’s a powerful part of one’s body. You could use your mind to dwell in both worlds. Bobbie was torn between worlds, and this made him vulnerable and open to deception. You must remind Bobbie what the truth is. If you abide in Jesus’ word, you’re truly His disciples, and you’ll know the truth, and the truth will set you free.3 Of truth, God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice.4 He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; He who does these things shall never be moved.”5

  “Will you go with me? Will I see Delores or Sam or Scarlett?”

  “The way before you is dark. Allow the truth to illuminate your soul. What you’re about to face will test you to your breaking point. Hold onto truth, speak truth. Both Bobbie and Sam need you. I’m now sending you.” The Man vanished from sight. Senora stood before the dark cave, remembering the last time she entered the castle two years ago. She searched the entrance for a light, and noticed her necklace was glowing. Removing the necklace from her neck, she held it firmly in her grasp as she carefully made her way toward the broken wooden door that led up that old familiar staircase.

  As Senora reached the top of the stairway, she quickly made her way to the nearby room and closed the door. She listened at the door, but all was quiet. “I need to talk with Scarlett. Maybe she could bring some answers.” Senora made her way into the secret passageway leading to the throne room. She pressed her ear against the old entrance to listen for any conversations. “All’s quiet.” Upon entering, she spotted a figure standing by the ornate throne. Who else would be standing by the throne? This must be Scarlett? Senora cautious approached. “Scarlett?” The figure jumped at the sound of Senora’s voice and suddenly turned to face her.

  Senora was surprised to be standing face to face with Katerina. “Kat? Where’s Scarlett?”

  “Nora? What’re you doing here? You’ve brought death and doom to us all. You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Kat, I know you didn’t want to hurt me. Please, fill me in and let me help you.”

  “With you here now, I might as well face the facts.”

  “What facts?”

  “Come with me.” Katerina walked out of the throne room. Senora shuffled to keep up. The two walked past the guards who stared curiously at Senora down several dark and dusty corridors to the end of a long hallway. Katerina led Senora to an old door, and as the two entered, Senora saw Crystal sleeping on the bed.

  Senora walked up to Crystal and reached for her ice-cold hand. “What happened?”

  “Lucas he escaped. He did something to her. I can’t wake her up. He promised me if I silenced you, he would return her to me. But now that you’re here, I fear I’ve lost her forever, like I lost mother.”

  “What happened to Scarlett?”

  “He killed her and Delores too. I’m alone. Oh, Nora, I’m not deserving your help or your forgiveness. I deceived you, Sam, and Bobbie.”

  “Bobbie? How do you know him?”

  “He’s with Sam. I sent them on a quest. One Lucas told me to send them on, one that took them into the heart of Shadow Dominion.”

  Senora placed both of her hands around Crystal’s cold hand with the eagle pendant wrapped tightly in her left hand. As Katerina stared, the eagle pendant started to glow. “Wait. Is that?”

  Senora nodded. “The pendant Scarlett gave me? Yes.”

  The girls watched the glow of the pendant move through Crystal’s fingertips, up her arm, over her shoulder, and into her cheeks. Suddenly, Crystal’s eyes fluttered as she looked up at Senora. “Nora? Is that you?” Crystal asked.

  Katerina embraced Crystal in a strong hug. “Crystal, it’s a miracle! Thank you, Nora! You brought my sister back to me!”

  “I felt blanketed in darkness, and just now, I saw a bright light, walked toward it, and opened my eyes to see Nora. How did Nora bring me back?” Crystal asked.

  “She brought it! In turn brought you back from the darkness.” Katerina cheered.

  Senora released Crystals hand and unraveled the necklace chain from her hand, placing it back around her neck. Crystal’s eyes widened as she pointed. “Mother’s pendant! You still have it?”

  “Of course, it has always been a reminder of what I learned in Treasure Kingdom and of my friends Sam, Delores, Scarlett, and you two,” Senora replied.

  Solemnly, Crystal turned her eyes toward Katerina. “What have I missed?” Crystal asked as Katerina flooded her shoulder with tears.

  “Kat will fill you in later, but for now, where’s Shadow Dominion?” Senora asked.

  “Shadow Dominion?” Crystal said with panic. “Nobody goes there, but if they do, they’re lost forever.”

  “I need to help Bobbie and Sam,” Senora stated.

  Confused, Crystal locked eyes with Katerina. Her sister pulled away. “Who’s Bobbie? Why would Sam even consider going there?”

  Flinching, Katerina looked down. “I thought I’d lost you. I couldn’t lose you too. Lucas was too strong,” Katerina whined.

  “Mother always told us we have strength in numbers. Ask her she will tell you.” Crystal said.

  “I-I don’t know what to say,” Katerina stammered.

  “Where’s Mother?” Crystal asked.

  “Lucas escaped and put you under a spell. Chaos ran rampant; Mother, Delores, Sam, and Drayvon.” Katerina stammered.

/>   “Wait, since when does Drayvon’s name go with Delores, Mother, and Sam?” Crystal interrupted.

  “Scarlett and Delores are dead.” Senora’s words fell heavy upon Crystal’s ears.

  “How long have I been out?” Crystal asked.

  “Two months,” Katerina replied.

  “Two months? Where’s Sam?” Crystal asked.

  “Lucas promised if I did what he asked, he would release you,” Katerina revealed.

  “Kat, what did you do? Have you forgotten Lucas’s deception? He only tells lies.” Crystal slammed her fist on the bed.

  “I think Drayvon has them. Soon they’ll be in Lucas’ hands,” Katerina said.

  “Kat, the horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord,” Senora said.6

  “If we stand together, we’re never alone. Delores taught us that. Lucas thrives on dividing us. Scarlett wouldn’t allow Lucas to destroy everything that’s important. I’ll fight him.” Crystal’s anger boiled up. She crossed her arms and glared at her sister.

  “I’ll find a way to free Sam and Bobbie. Kat and Crystal, are you willing to gather your army to fight to free Treasure Kingdom from Lucas’ tyranny?” Senora asked.

  “You mean, you’re still willing to trust me, even after my betrayal?” Katerina replied.

  “We all waver in our decisions, but when you face truth, darkness is forced to flee,” Senora declared.

  I can’t believe Nora is willing to forgive so easily. I won’t be duped; Kat will have to earn my trust back. How could she even consider thinking that behaviour would be ok? Rolling her eyes, Crystal took a deep breath. This will have to wait until another time, Nora needs my help. “Kat, please. Lucas can’t win,” Crystal begged.

  “We will stand with you, Nora.”

  “Thank you. Before you start gathering your armies, can you guide me to where I can start looking for Sam and Bobbie?” Senora asked.


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