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Fire Dragon

Page 5

by Caris Roane

He shrugged himself into a tank and a pair of jeans that Anthony had brought. He didn’t want to wear shoes and hoped Emma wouldn’t think it rude. He wanted the cool stone floors under his feet.

  He ran hot, as most dragons did. As a fire dragon, doubly hot.

  Heading back into the hall, he asked himself yet again why the hell he was in Emma’s home? He should have been at his own cave dwelling at Dragonslip Gorge. He’d pieced together the battle and the trip to the hangar, but not much after that.

  By the time he reached the living room, Batya and her massive table were gone.

  Emma had chosen her cavern well. It had a magnificent view of the lake and the distant mountains. Blue Lake South was surrounded by hills pitted with caves, just right for a dragon population and coveted by other dragon cities.

  The view from her home faced north and the overall layout was similar to his own. “This must be beautiful in the morning.”

  Emma spoke to him from the adjoining kitchen along the west wall. “This time of year, when the sun rises well before I take my run, I sit here and savor the beauty.”

  “I would too.”

  She offered him a choice as she held up a glass of red in one hand and beer in the other. “Whatever you want.”

  He drew close and took the beer, wondering if he should.

  She smiled. “Afraid you’ll fall asleep over your porterhouse?”

  His stomach rumbled. “Yes. I don’t deny it.” He put the cold bottle to his lips and drank. “That’s good.”

  “Imported from Earth.”

  “Always the best. This wine is excellent as well.” She took a sip then smiled. “Wish we could grow decent vines here.” With the amount of perpetual wind on Dusane, there wasn’t a lot of geography suitable for vineyards. Evolution had provided a great number of similar earth-crops, but much sturdier varieties than those found on the home planet. Scientists were constantly trying to blend favorite earth produce with the steel-like stock of Dusane plants. Results were mixed.

  She waved him to the table on the opposite side of the space. “The meat has rested and will be full of all kinds of good stuff. I grilled onions and mushrooms if you like them.”

  “Both, thank you.” She set about piling up the plates.

  The table was outdoors on a sheltered part of her landing, but with a clear view of the lake below, still bustling post-battle. The wind had passed and the rescue and clean-up activity was going strong which meant he’d probably slept about an hour.

  The loud churners were still running and would for at least another hour to make sure plenty of oxygen was in the water.

  He sat down and started to eat. When he realized he was wolfing it, he forced himself to slow down.

  Emma kept her gaze fixed on the panorama of the northeastern mountains. The lake was several hundred miles long with varied terrain the entire distance. “I chose this place so I could be close to the training grounds. What I didn’t expect, but which I appreciate so much, is how quiet it is up here.”

  He glanced at her. “And I appreciate this steak. My internal dragon is doing backflips.”

  She chuckled.

  He narrowed his gaze. “So, what was with your uniform? I know you. That really wasn’t your style.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Logan.”

  “Bastard.” But he laughed.

  She joined him. “He’s become a good friend, one of the best I’ve ever had. So, it’s hard for me to be mad at him or at any of you, no matter how far afield you drift.”

  “What do you mean?” He drank deep from his beer and finished it. She offered him another. He didn’t refuse.

  “That I value what all of you do, what you’ve done for Dusane all these decades and in your case for over a century. Some regions, on the different continents, are in chaos beyond imagining. When that happens, it’s especially hard on women. Men tend to go crazy and the amount of assaults on females escalates.

  “But Santos and the rest of you have made us safe here in Arranfar, except in Magiffe Province which is beyond your jurisdiction. The service you provide is one of the reasons I joined up. I wanted to be part of that.”

  “You did great today, Emma, top-notch. Astonishing, in fact.”

  “Even with the rookie mistake I made?”

  His lips twisted. “It won’t be your last. Or mine. I’d become so comfortable with your abilities and so fast that I forgot to remind you. That mistake was on both of us. Besides, if you’ll remember, my inability to accept your initial mind-capture almost got us both killed before the battle even started.” He cut a chunk of steak, then added, “Your shooting is off-the-scale-sharp, by the way.”

  “I love to shoot. Half my time at the training grounds is spent at the range.”

  “It shows.” He sat back in his chair and held her gaze. “You have a solid work ethic. You’ll do, Emma, more than I think you realize.”

  “Thank you. Your approval means the world. But I’ve only followed Santos’s training guidelines.”

  “I call bullshit. You do more than that.”

  She shrugged. “I might have added a small percentage of extra effort.”

  “Like running ten-miles-a-day which is my point since Santos only recommends five.”

  She lowered her gaze to her plate, cut a small bite of her steak then piled it with onions and mushrooms. She nodded, then slid her fork into her mouth.

  “That’s a one-hundred-percent increase which isn’t a small percentage if you want to talk mathematics.”

  “Mmm-huh.” She kept chewing.

  He could see if he pressed her, she’d grow more uncomfortable, so he let it drop. But he wondered what drove her so hard.

  He cut a few more bites and chewed each one thoroughly but set his gaze on the lake. There weren’t as many fish gathered around the churners, so he knew the sand was settling once more to the bottom, adding a new layer to the silt.

  Right. He’d dreamed he was lying on the lakebed. It had been soft as cream.

  With so many frequent windstorms, the sediment would have eventually built up to the point the lake would have disappeared. But there were trawlers that came through twice a year to remove a large amount of the buildup. In turn, the farms would purchase what was a rich fertilizer. Their valleys grew some of the finest produce in all Dusane.

  “I don’t want to inconvenience you by being here. I’ll head out when I’m done eating.”

  “Liam, are you aware that you’ve almost nodded off twice while eating and right now you’re holding your head up with your fist? It’s no problem for you to stay in my house. You can use the guest room. Anthony has you set up in there anyway.

  “Logan often sleeps over, especially after he’s made one of the longer caravan runs or if a battle has been especially bad.”

  “You’re kidding? I had no idea.”

  “I’m close to the hanger is all. That’s how I got you up here. Proximity. It would have been the medbay otherwise.”

  He repressed a shudder. The doctors liked to poke around when they had a patient to tend to. He remembered now that he’d begged her to get him away from HQ.

  She clucked her tongue. “I wish I hadn’t said anything about Logan sleeping here. I don’t want him tormented because of it. I know what you warriors can be like.”

  He scoffed. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  She cocked her head. “No, you wouldn’t, would you?”


  “You’re a serious type. Even Logan says so.”

  He was getting tired of hearing the brother’s name so often on Emma’s lips. “You really don’t mind my being here? I mean after what happened?”

  Her brows rose. “Of course not. Besides, if we’re going to be working together like Santos said, we’ll need to make peace and find some common ground. Although, I think battling the Magi should do it for us.”

  “As to that, I’ll be talking to our boss. He’s never insisted on partnering before. Ever. He’s always thought it a bad id
ea. He wants the teams to remain loose and fresh.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me. I was looking forward to being of service to all of you.”

  Maybe it was her choice of words, or maybe that she looked so beautiful in the waning light of day, but there it was again, a shard of resentment that she kept talking about other men.

  He picked up his second beer and before long saw the bottom of the bottle.


  “No.” It came out like a bark. He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them. “I mean, no, thank you. I didn’t intend to be so abrupt.”

  She leaned back in her chair and sighed. “I’m starting to feel it now, the post-battle let-down. I admit I was on a high.”

  “Right. This was your first.”

  “It was. And I hate to admit it, but it was glorious especially during the very last part with that big dragon. I’d never seen their eyes up close before. It was like black tiger stripes on a yellow iris. By the way, what did you do that allowed me to access your energy like I did? I mean I was able to stand upright while you were flapping and rolling.”

  “Excuse me? Flapping and rolling?” But he laughed. “You make me sound like a clown in a circus.”

  She grinned which showed faint dimples. “Believe me, when a rider is being tossed around like that, yup, flapping and rolling.”

  He held her gaze. “As for the energy, I have no idea. I don’t recall doing anything out of the ordinary. I believe whatever happened back there was about you. Santos said you had something special. Today proves it. What do you think? What did you do?”

  Her amusement faded. “I don’t know. I suddenly knew that I could access your energy but I honestly thought it was something you did. Got any ideas?”

  “Not really. I’ve never had a rider attach to my energy before. Can you recall what it felt like at the time?”

  Her brow grew furrowed as she set her wineglass on the table. “Like stepping into the river of your energy then being covered by it. The sensation was tangible, and I knew I could stand up and I wouldn’t fall or be knocked down without tremendous force.”

  “Even when I was flapping and rolling, you mean?”

  She laughed. “Yes, even when you were moving like that.” She then yawned. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Why do my muscles feel leaden all of sudden?”

  “A battle, a good meal and some wine.”

  “All I want to do is sleep.”

  He couldn’t say the same, not exactly. He liked being here, even being with Emma in what felt like a friendly manner. But right now, that ‘fourth option’ came into his head and he thought about heading out to a bar for some action.

  She rose to her feet and took her plate and glass in hand. “You know where the guest room is, but I wouldn’t be offended if you wanted to take off. So, please yourself. You’re more than welcome to stay.”

  He rose as well and gathered up his own dishes. “I’ll be staying.” He’d said the words before he even thought about the alternative. The truth was, without understanding all the meanings, he wanted to be here, in Emma’s home, for the night.

  Yet to stay suddenly felt like a big mistake.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later, as Emma lay in bed, she was more alert than she’d expected to be.

  She kept plucking at the sheets, her gaze fixed to the rock ceiling. She’d had rivulets of sparkling red crystals laid into the uneven surface and she often tracked the small streams as she was falling asleep. She wanted to have more put in just for the pleasure of it.

  Right now, however, she had two troubling thoughts. The entire time she’d been enjoying her meal, she’d hoped Liam would suggest they share her bed for the night.

  A shiver went through her. She would have said yes, yes, and another yes.

  It wasn’t just that she wanted him, because she did. But for the first time, she understood the urge the warriors experienced to chase-tail at the local bars after a battle.

  The release of sex would be just what the doctor ordered.

  The men never lacked for opportunity, either. As much as each might chase women, the women hunted for these powerful dragon warriors. They were renowned in Dusane. There were even female vampires from the south who sought them out specifically to sample their blood. It was said to be better than anything.

  She knew that Liam, like Logan and the others, bedded a lot of women. But she now got just how much of a need it was after waging war. She would have welcomed the release of sex and then some.

  Eventually, her eyes closed.

  How much later the dream arrived, she didn’t know. But Liam was in her bed, she was naked, he was on top.

  And thrusting.

  It felt so good.

  She moaned long and loud. “Yes, that’s it. Faster. Harder.”

  He obeyed. He was powerful as he worked her body. All that muscled weight was heaven and he sucked on her neck, one of her favorite things.

  She grabbed his ass and dug her nails in.

  He went faster. When the orgasm came, it took her spiraling to the pinnacle and she uttered a cry. So good. So good.

  “You okay in there?”

  She awoke as the last remnant of the dream, and the orgasm, faded.

  Dream sex.

  Oh, no. She’d been so loud that Liam had heard her.

  A tapping on her door came next. “Emma. You okay?” Did she hear Liam’s palm sliding over the wood?

  “I’m okay.” She sounded hoarse. She looked around. Her breath caught and she shuddered. She’d been dreaming about having sex with him. “I’m fine.”

  Silence for a moment, but that faint sound of his hand gliding over wood returned.

  “Need company?” He asked.

  He’d heard her. Her cheeks warmed up. Maybe he thought she’d been masturbating which made her cheeks flush hotter still. She felt the need to explain. “Just had a dream. Apologies for the, um, noise.”

  “A dream?” More palm against wood then a soft thump. She suspected it was his forehead hitting the door.

  She understood and she almost invited him in.

  But this was Liam and though he’d already proven he knew exactly what to do with her body, her heart was another matter.

  Liam was a complication for her, not just another warrior or even a bedmate. If she’d felt less, she would have asked him to join her and not given it another thought.

  “Thanks. But really not a good idea. I mean…really not.”

  She heard him sigh. “You’re right. You’re right.”

  A few seconds later, she heard the soft shush of his own door closing.

  Tears suddenly sprouted to her eyes. Because she was still on her back, in the same position she’d been in when she fell asleep, the salty water tracked down the sides of her face and into her hair. It made her itch and she rubbed both places vigorously.

  But more tears followed. Maybe it was the chemistry of the nocturnal orgasm. She’d had one release but without the actual physical contact, it seemed she needed another.

  So, she let herself weep.


  She’d thought she’d set aside how she felt about him, how much every nerve and drive of her body and soul had been about being with him.

  Over the past year, Liam had made his position clear every time he’d left a room when she’d walked in. She might have despised him for it, but Logan had helped her to understand what his wife’s death had meant to him, especially because she’d died in childbirth. Logan said Liam had blamed his powerful dragon genetics for causing both deaths. Where women were concerned, he avoided connection like the plague.

  Now the same man was to be her exclusive battling partner.


  She fell asleep cursing the heavens, fate, destiny, the Great Dragon Creator, every mythological god that kept dribbling in from Earth and any other deity that came to mind for pairing her with a man she could never, ever have.

  ~ ~ ~

  Liam stared up at the ceiling
letting his gaze run across some kind of glittery red mineral that was laced throughout the rock.

  He needed the distraction.

  He’d awakened with a hard-on to the sounds of Emma in what he was pretty sure were the throes of a hearty orgasm. Right now, his cock matched his silver dragon horns. He ached.

  At first, he thought she was teasing him with a bout of self-pleasure, but again that wouldn’t be like her. She wasn’t a tease at all. Emma, as much as she clearly enjoyed sex, was on the modest side. He couldn’t imagine she would ever torment him with some loud masturbation.

  But his own need had lifted him up and out of his bed and took him straight to her door. If she wanted him, she could have him. He kept petting the door the way he would glide his hands over her body.

  When he’d asked if she wanted company, he’d had the other hand around his cock and hoping like hell she’d say yes. He wanted her like he wanted the sun during the day and the large moon of Dusane at night, like he wanted life, breath, and food.

  There had been a long pause, longer maybe than she realized, as she considered her answer. He’d petted the wood some more and squeezed the head of his cock.

  Her refusal had made him wince.

  But she’d been right to refuse. It wasn’t a good idea on any level to engage with her sexually. They were assigned as exclusive battle partners and he had no interest in a real relationship.

  Still, his balls ached.

  He went into the bathroom attached to the guest room and got the shower going again. With his forehead planted against the tile and his fist doing its magic, he came with less than a dozen strokes. Of course, the image in his head had helped, of Emma sprawled naked on her bed, her legs spread wide to receive him.

  After returning to bed, he fell into a deep sleep, exactly what he’d needed after bringing a caravan in then battling eleven coppery Magi bastards.

  The next morning, he didn’t find Emma in any of the rooms. But she’d left a note saying she was on her habitual run and to help himself to the pot of coffee she’d left warming.

  He’d dressed and had a cup but didn’t plan to stick around. He left her a return note thanking her for dinner and for taking care of him after the battle.

  He was glad to be leaving. For her sake, it was better if he kept his distance. He had nothing to give her.


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