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Fire Dragon

Page 17

by Caris Roane

  The vibration within her began to gather in a great mass around her and around Liam.

  Needing to communicate, but unable to speak, she nudged him with her knees.

  You can’t speak.

  She nudged him once again to confirm what he’d said.

  Emma, I’m feeling I could destroy the entire Magi squadron with what is building around me.

  He was right. She nudged him again.

  She felt him communicate with Santos and knew the nature of the exchange when the ADF dragons began to peel away in every direction.

  A split-second later, Liam flew toward the enemy, aiming directly for the dragon now bearing the amplification device.

  Emma knew the Magi were gearing up their fire, but it would be too late.

  Before Liam had gotten within fifty yards, he let loose with his fire which was carried forward on a heavy, amplified wave.

  He roared as the flames leaped a hundred yards across the breadth of the enemy lines.

  The fire engulfed the Magi dragons. Each twisted in the air, then plummeted to the mud flats below.

  The Magi had little protection against the massive fire. Many were forced, as he had been, to shift midair then fall. But all were burned to death.

  The carnage was terrible. The odor worse.

  The Magi support squadron, composed of lesser dragons, was no match for the ADF warriors who went in pursuit. They would be captured and interrogated later.

  For a long moment, as Liam flapped his wings and remained hovering in the sky, Emma watched the bodies writhe on the muddy earth until one after the other, they fell still.

  A sigh left her body, resonant, deep and full of grief for the lives lost here today. Even though the Magi warriors were the enemy, they were men, born of mothers, perhaps with wives and families back in Magiffe. She could only wish that by nature or by decision of will, the Magi would give up their desire to command the continent of Arranfar and stop making war. She doubted that would ever happen.

  Shouting their victory, the rest of the ADF dragons flew past them and headed to the Magi dead and dying on the flats below.

  Emma sighed again. With the enemy vanquished, she was grateful to be resting on top of Liam’s head and neck. The experience, as extraordinary as it had been, had taken a toll.

  Liam headed back in the direction of HQ. Cocooned in his energy, Emma fell asleep.

  When she woke up, she was in Liam’s bed and sensed immediately that night had fallen. This surprised her because the battle had taken place before noon. She’d slept for hours and couldn’t even remember how she’d gotten here.

  She listened and could hear Liam in the other room, but not just him. She discerned a number of voices, several of which were female, as well as laughter and music.

  It sounded like a party.

  She smiled. Of course, there would be a party. The ADF had defeated a world-threatening Magi weapon.

  She heard a faint tap on the door and Jane’s voice followed, “Em, you awake?”

  “Yes. Come in. I just woke up.” She sat up and was grateful that Liam had thought to put her in one of his t-shirts.

  Jane closed the door then rounded the bed to sit next to Emma. Her blue eyes were sparkling with excitement. “You’ll never guess. They’re all here. All of them.”


  “The magnificent seven. They’re in Liam’s home as we speak.”

  “All in one place?”

  “Exactly.” She scowled. “Of course, there are at least a dozen riders who had to come along.”

  Emma laughed. “That’s way too much competition. So what time is it?”


  She could feel her brows climb her forehead. “I slept that long? I must have passed out.”

  “Liam was worried. He even took you to the medbay. The doctors examined you, but when you kept turning on your side and tucking your hands beneath your cheek then muttering for them to leave you alone, they decided all you needed was rest. Duh.”

  Jane then patted her hand. “So how do you feel, oh, dragon-goddess divine.”

  Emma laughed. “I’m fine. I feel good. Rested.” Jane wore a light pink dress and a beautiful necklace of green lake-melt jewelry.

  Jane’s smile softened. “Everyone wants to see you. They want to thank you.”

  “For what? I was just doing my job.” Her nostrils flared suddenly. “What am I smelling? Are you barbecuing steaks?”

  “A few shrimp, too.”

  Her mouth watered. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this hungry.”

  “I’ll put a steak on for you and have an old-fashioned ready.”

  “Thank you. Oh, wait. Forget the drink.” She felt her cheeks warm.

  Jane tilted her head. “Why? You love old-fashioneds.”

  Emma’s blush deepened.

  Jane gasped. “What are you saying? I mean you’re not? I mean…Em?”

  She lifted her chin and couldn’t help but smile. “I’m very much with dragon.”

  Jane would have shrieked her excitement, but Emma quickly covered her mouth. “Keep it down. Liam knows, but no one else.”

  Jane’s eyes flooded with tears. “Oh, Em, that’s so wonderful. Are you quitting the force?”

  “Hell, no. Besides, it’ll be months til I show.”

  “Wait, you went into the most dangerous battle we’ve had in decades and you knew you were pregnant?”

  Emma smiled then sighed. “I did it for her. I want to be her best example and I want Dusane safe so she can grow up in the world I’ve known and loved.”

  Jane embraced her, then switched to telepathy, You are a dragon-goddess divine.

  As she pulled back, she said, “Get dressed. Everyone’s waiting. I brought you an outfit and some shoes.” She gestured behind her. “In the closet.”

  “You’re a lifesaver.”

  Emma showered quickly and found that Jane had brought her a simple, loose black dress that ran down to mid-calf. As usual, Jane had called it just right. Anything skimpier would have made her feel uncomfortable with all the famous men gathered in the next room.

  By the time she left the shower, and wrapped herself in a towel, Liam was waiting for her. He looked fantastic like he'd been on holiday. His silver-rimmed blue eyes sparkled, and he was smiling. Oh, that smile.

  “What's going on?” She worked another towel through her hair to get as much of the moisture out as possible.

  “I'm on a high.” At first, she wondered if he'd smoked something, but none of the warriors indulged. Ever.

  She finished drying off, lost the towel then went to him. His gaze swept her from head to toe and his eyes flared. So, she did what she always did. She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

  He relaxed and slid his arms around her waist. As he held her tight, he returned her kiss for a long moment. When he drew back, he said, “Welcome back to the living.”

  She smiled and stroked his cheek with her hand. “I don't know what happened. But I fell sound asleep on your horned head. Jane said no one could wake me up.”

  “I knew you weren't in any danger. You were just used up from channeling all that energy.” He frowned slightly. “Which was what exactly? At the time, I wanted to ask, but I could sense you couldn’t talk.”

  “You were right. As for the nature of it, I was focusing on Dusane.”

  His brows rose. “Our planet? The energy came from Dusane?”

  “Maybe. Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it was just my love for Dusane. But I settled my thoughts on our world and how much I wanted to protect it from the Magi. The rest followed.”

  He kissed her. “It was an amazing experience. Whatever you did, thank you.” He released her. “I'll let you get dressed.”

  “Liam, please stay with me. I don't want to go out there alone. Jane said all seven of you are in the same room.”

  “Santos is here as well.”

  She put her hand to her chest. “Oh, God. Eight of you

  “Breathe. I'll hold your hand.” He paused then a familiar frown tightened his brow. “What we accomplished earlier? Do you think Santos knew that’s what we could do together?”

  Emma shook her head. “I don’t think so. He only spoke of the tests we’d all taken and possibilities. Nothing more.”

  His gaze traveled over her bare breasts and a devilish glint entered his blue eyes. “Right now, you’ve got a choice. You either put something on fast or I’m taking you to bed.”

  Emma chuckled, grabbed the dress and other necessaries Jane had given her then moved back into the bathroom. She wisely closed the door.

  She made quick work of her hair and a touch of make-up, then got dressed.

  By the time Liam led her out to the gathering, her heart thudded in her ears. As Jane had said, there were a dozen riders present as well, which gave her courage. Charlotte and Beth both came up to her and embraced her.

  But the men were almost too much to take, all that masculine beauty.

  Worse followed, however, when a round of applause started. Then shouts, and a lot of whooping. She knew her cheeks were red, yet tears touched her eyes. She'd always wanted to serve, but she never thought she'd actually make a difference, not like this.

  When the applause faded, she said, “Thanks, everyone. Um, sorry I passed out.” Laughter moved around the room.

  Jane brought her a virgin mojito and kissed her on the cheek. Liam then took his time taking her from one warrior to the next. She knew them all if not well personally, then by name and definitely by reputation. She’d read each of their dossiers: Logan, of course, Noah, Mason, Rone, Elijah and Aidan.

  They reached Logan last. As one of her best friends, he gathered her up in his arms and held her tight. “You did us proud, Em.” When he pulled back, he continued, “You showed us something as well. I want to do better because of what you did today. Better on all fronts.”

  Emma’s brows rose once more. “How can you, or any of the warriors present, do better? Seriously. I mean it.”

  Logan laughed. “Maybe it's time we each pushed a little harder for what's really important.” His gaze shifted to Charlotte then right back to her, but Emma understood his meaning.

  She leaned up and kissed Logan. “Good luck,” she said quietly.

  “I'm going to need it.” He kept his voice low as well.

  “I know, but you can do it.”

  Logan looked serious. He nodded then turned to Liam. “Don't let her go.”

  “I’d be the biggest fool if I did.”

  Logan feigned a scowl. “And you’d better treat her right, too, or you'll answer to me.”

  Liam slid his arm around her waist. “That's a promise on all counts.” Liam then met her gaze. “Shall we tell them?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “What?” Logan asked, glancing from one to the other.

  “Just wait.” Liam turned to face the room then instructed the crowd to grab a glass for a couple of toasts.

  When everyone was ready, he drew Emma close to his side, then began, “I questioned Santos’s wisdom in pairing me with Emma or any rider for that matter. I'd always approved of the rotation system. But given what occurred, I want to offer my appreciation for his wisdom in making this move. Because of it, we put the Magi on their heels, at least for today. Please join with me. To the boss.”

  “The boss.” Everyone spoke in unison and lifted their glasses to Santos.

  He inclined his head. Emma thought he looked more relaxed than he had for the past several weeks. He even smiled, something, like Liam, he didn’t do often enough.

  Liam, with his arm still tight around her waist, continued, “I know you'll want to raise a glass to a warrior who changed the course of history today by her courage, her discipline, her ability to embrace her dragon and, as best we can figure, to connect with and protect our planet, Dusane.” He shifted slightly to meet her gaze then smiled. “To Emma.”

  Her cheeks warmed even more, and her eyes burned as the group shouted in unison. “To Emma!”

  When the sips had been imbibed, Liam continued, “There is one more thing, then we’ll get back to feasting on our excellent steaks. Emma and I have an announcement to make.” He paused and leaned down to kiss her once on the lips. He held her gaze as he said, “I asked her to marry me and she agreed.” He then broke into a smile and all but shouted, “We're getting married.”

  Squeals from some of the women followed. The men whooped and applauded. With all the noise, Liam took the moment to turn toward her. He took her glass from her and settled both their drinks on a nearby table. This time, he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her, just as she’d done to him a dozen times before.

  Emma knew her life had been fulfilled in this moment. The man she loved had made her his own in front of his fellow warriors and her sister dragon-riders. The man she’d believed would never be hers now belonged to her. He was her family and together they’d raise a daughter-dragon.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sometime later, in the early morning hours, Liam awoke in bed, but alone. An odd panic seized his chest. Where was Emma?

  She'd fallen asleep in his arms after hours of getting lost in each other’s bodies.

  Before getting out of bed, he mentally checked his chronic tailbone issue. Despite the horrendous battle the day before, he found he was fully intact. Not even a twinge of pain to suggest the need for another massage. He wasn’t sure he could explain it, except perhaps Emma’s purposeful channeling of Dusane energy, that amplified his fire-making ability, had somehow kept his body in one piece.

  He listened for Emma in the front rooms but couldn’t detect her presence.

  He got out of bed and put on his silk robe. With security patrolling day and night, he’d learned not to go around naked.

  Once in the central corridor, he saw Emma through the glass walls. She was wrapped up in a light silk throw and stood outside on the landing facing east. The sky had lightened to a dark gray and was starting to show pink beyond the trees at the rim of the gorge. There were clouds across the horizon.

  The dawn would soon be beautiful.

  The moment he opened the door, a cool humidity flowed over him. It had rained recently.


  Emma glanced at him over her shoulder. “Come look.” She was smiling.

  He joined her and saw what had caught her interest. The various small waterfalls they’d talked about recently rolled off a dozen or so rocks.

  Ferns lived in the crevices. Hardy shrubs and trees clung to the cliffside. “I knew it would look like this,” she said. “It's so beautiful.”

  He moved in behind her, slipped his arms around her then kissed her neck. “You're beautiful.”

  She reached up to cover his arms with her own. “Do you know what I'm in the mood for?”

  “Coming back to bed with me?” He ground his swelling erection against her bottom.

  “You tempt me.” She squeezed his arms. “But what my dragon craves is to do a levitation run along the bottom of the gorge. You game?”

  “I've never done that before.” She pulled out of his arms and kissed him then moved swiftly into the house. “I’ll get changed.” She had already installed a set of running gear in his closet.

  He followed her aware she had him on a leash. But right now, as much as he wanted to make love to her again, he’d do whatever her heart desired.

  The very male part of him, however, mentally developed a series of seductive moves he could employ on the run to entice her back to bed as quickly as possible.

  But he caught himself and decided against it. Of all of Emma’s traits, what had probably saved their world yesterday was her intense, consistent discipline. He knew something else as well, once she had her morning run, he'd get her in the shower, and she’d be his. All he needed was a little patience.

  For now, he’d join her on the levitation run along the bottom of the gorge.

  But when he reached the bedroom,
he laughed. He found her sprawled naked on the bed and she was grinning.

  She chuckled. “Did you honestly think I'd choose a run over making love with you? Santos has given us an entire week off. So, as often as you want me this is where I’ll be.” She patted the sheet beside her.

  In a moment of insight, he finally understood the immense gift he'd been given. Emma was a woman and a warrior. What had Jane laughingly called her during their impromptu celebration earlier? She’d said it more than once and the other men had repeated it. Dragon-goddess divine. And so, Emma was.

  As he went to her and settled his body over hers, he kissed her on the lips, but just a gentle pressure, then drew back. He spoke of his love for her while petting her hair, her face, her shoulders.

  She listened intently, her eyes glistening.

  “I want to be with you forever, Emma, to cherish you and love you, to ask you first thing every morning what I can do for you.” He smiled. “So, what can I do for you?”

  “Be with me like this.” She caressed his face in return.

  He saw the love in her eyes and his heart swelled.

  She chuckled softly. “How did this happen, Liam, that we both were able to let go just enough to get here?”

  “I’d call it a miracle. I was as closed off as a brick wall.”

  “I knew I wanted you, but in the end, I wasn't much different. Do you know what decided it for me?”

  He shook his head.

  “When you came to the Wicked Fang that night.”

  “Don't remind me.”

  “No but listen. There was this moment when your posturing disappeared, and I saw your vulnerability. I related to it. I understood, even if you didn't, that I had become important to you.”

  “Incredibly important,” he added. “So much more than I could get through my thick skull. I'm sorry about the way I behaved after our first time, you know, a year ago. I was running hard from you.”

  “I know you were. But when I look back, I can admit I was relieved that you’d cut me off. I was frightened about how I felt about you.” And now she smiled. “This feels like a beautiful dream and I don't ever want to wake up.”


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