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by Vasser, LaShawn

  Chapter 26

  Garrett and Imani rushed toward the sound of Raymond’s voice. On a dime, Garrett suddenly stopped, but Imani bumped into the back of him. Fortunately, he had quick reflexes because if it had not been for Garrett, she would have been in the same predicament as Raymond—hanging on for dear life to a metal pipe hanging out of the edge of a stair. The rest of the stairs were missing. It was déjà vu all over again like with Seth and Lucinda.

  There was no time to waste, Garrett dropped down to his knees and reached out a hand to help Raymond. Ray was panicking and wiggling around like a fish. Imani knew he was terrified, but if he didn’t get it together, he would probably fall.

  Garrett spoke calmly but felt anything but. His heart was racing. “Ray. I need you to focus. Reach one hand up to me. I’ll grab it and pull you up.”

  Raymond wasn’t listening and seemed to be panicking even more. “If I let go, I’m going to fall!”

  A helpless feeling was starting to take over Garrett. “I can’t reach you from here. Listen. I promise you, if you reach your hand up to me, I’ll grab it. I won’t let you down this time.”

  Imani felt powerless too. She couldn’t just stand around and do nothing. She spotted her cell phone on the ground next to Garrett and picked it up. She hoped that maybe they had passed a fire extinguisher or something on the way down. If she could find one, they could use the hose and drop it to Raymond, then pull him up. Imani took off, leaving Garrett to try and convince Raymond to let him help.

  The light on her cell phone was dimming. Imani was losing hope, but suddenly she cried out. Sparkling like a new coin, a fire extinguisher was illuminated in the darkness. She reached above her head and grabbed the ax to bust the hose out of the glass case.

  Imani swung as hard as she could, and the glass shattered. She reached inside and pulled the hose out. Her legs moved as quickly as they could, trying to make her way back to Garrett and Raymond. She didn’t realize how heavy the hoses were until now.

  Garrett was yelling at Raymond to give him his hand.

  She yelled, “I got something! I have a fire hose.”

  The sweat from Raymond’s hands was making it difficult to hold on. He started to freak out, and his voice was shrill when he screamed out, “My hands . . . they’re slippin’!” Raymond struggled to hold on.

  “Grab my goddamn hand, Raymond!” Sweat was now pouring off Garrett. “Imani’s got a hose! Hold on!”

  Raymond’s eyes locked with Garrett’s. He stopped struggling; he couldn’t hold on any longer. Raymond knew Imani wasn’t going to get there in time and quit battling with whether to grab hold of Garrett’s outstretched hand.

  Imani arrived with the hose just as Raymond let go.

  Helpless, they watched in horror as Raymond fell, landing on another pipe that went through his chest.

  Garrett sat back on his haunches in shock. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to process the death of Raymond, their complicated relationship, and what it all meant.

  The only family he had left was Imani and his children. His only priority was figuring out a way to get them to safety.


  “Please! Please, stop!” Imani sat on the floor with her back up against the wall pleading with Garrett.

  He’d taken off his shirt and was drenched in sweat doing his best to kick in the door that opened to the sixth floor. The ax wouldn’t work because of the reinforced steel. The door was blocked by something impossible to move. His efforts were pointless.

  It wasn’t the corridor filling up with smoke that brought on Imani’s tears. They weren’t going to get out of this building or be able to see their daughter come into this world. There were so many things she wasn’t going to be able to do.

  Her family might never find them.

  Garrett had beat on the door until his knuckles were bloody. He didn’t know how to turn around and look Imani in her eyes. Briefly, he allowed his lids to close to keep his own tears at bay.

  She could no longer hide her despair. “If we’re going to die, I want to choose my resting place.”

  His voice broke as he turned to face her. “Don’t talk like that.”

  “I don’t want to waste any more time. We can’t go up, or down, or out. Shouldn’t I be able to choose where I want to rest?”

  Garrett swallowed and blew out an exaggerated breath. He walked over and slid down onto the floor next to her. “Where is that exactly?”

  Imani stared at him then placed his sweaty arm around her shoulder. She nuzzled close and rested her head on his shoulder. “Here. This is where I’ve always wanted to be.”

  They were silent for a while, both just listening to the other breathe until Garrett kissed the top of Imani’s head. “I love you.”

  She pulled back to see his face. Garrett had never told her he loved her before. “It took being trapped in a stairwell, after an earthquake, with the building on fire before you knew?”

  Imani had to listen hard to hear him when he spoke. “I’ve always known that I loved you. It scared me because I was afraid I would lose you. My insecurities were a self-fulfilling prophecy. I figured I would end it before you had a chance to.”

  She pulled away and gazed into his eyes. “I’m sorry that you were betrayed by those who should have loved and protected you. Is that why you didn’t tell me about your family . . . about growing up in foster care?”

  He sighed long and hard. “That’s a part of my life I wanted to forget. It’s still too painful to think about. And, the last thing I wanted from you was to see me as anything less than the man you know today. Not, some nothing kid who nobody wanted.”

  Imani held his hand and squeezed it. “You were never nothing Garrett. No matter what, every child is special and that included you. I’m just so sorry no one made you feel that way.”

  He was silent for a moment as if processing her words. His voice was a barely-there whisper. “For a long time, Raymond and I, we were all each other had. I never knew my parents. I grew up in foster care. He watched my back, and I watched his for as long as I could. I excelled in school and worked my ass off for a better life. He used women like a drug to ease his pain. I didn’t know about all the demons that chased him. I didn’t know about Dennis.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” It was hard for Garrett to speak. Instead, he placed his lips over hers and kissed her deeply until she pushed him away. At first, he was disappointed until he saw her face.

  Imani pressed her lips together before groaning. “Aaah!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. My back is killing me, and I have this pain in my . . . Aaahhhh.” Imani couldn’t finish.

  Garrett hopped up on his knees and hovered over her. “Is it the baby? How long have you been feeling this way?”

  “I don’t know. Since everything started, I just thought it was because of all the up and down on the stairs.” She grimaced. “It’s too soon. I’m only 28 weeks.” Imani squealed and squeezed his arms. “Garreeeeeeeeettt!”

  “Shit, Imani, I don’t know what to do!”

  Her eyes rolled into the back of her head before passing out cold.

  Chapter 27

  Garrett was quickly losing consciousness when he heard a noise. It was getting closer. He strained to hear it. It sounded like voices.

  It was voices.

  He made one last ditch effort and crawled over to the door. With the remaining strength left in his body, he beat on the door . . . three times before the blackness took over.

  An unknown voice spoke. “I told you I heard something. It came from over here.” After removing some heavy debris from in front of the door, they opened. A woman yelled, “There are two people over here!”

  Two hulking men went into the stairwell. Each one hovered over a form to check for a pulse.

  The woman asked, “Are they dead?”

  “Oh. My. God! It’s Mr. and Mrs. Hadley!”

She repeated her question more urgently. “Are they dead!”

  “No. But, we need to get them out of here.”

  They brought Imani out first then Garrett. Garrett’s eyes fluttered open then closed. “My wife. She’s hurt.”

  “We’ll get you and your wife out of the building and to the hospital, Mr. Hadley.”

  True to their word, and hours after being trapped in the tower, Garrett and Imani were transported to University Hospital.


  Imani woke up in the hospital with a sleeping Garrett sitting in a chair next to her. Instinctively, her hands went to her stomach. Her baby was gone.

  Her movement woke him. Garrett got up and leaned over her. “Hey.” He ran his hands over her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  She closed her eyes. “They took my baby?”

  “It seems she couldn’t wait to get here.”

  Imani’s eyes flew open. “Where is she?”

  “She’s in the neonatal unit.”

  Relief swept over her that was indescribable. Hot tears began to roll down her face.

  Careful not to harm her, Garrett gathered her into his arms. “She has your smile, my eyes, and a head full of curly dark hair. Other than needing to get a little bigger and stronger, she’s absolutely perfect.”

  Imani whispered, “I want to see her.”

  “You just came out of the OR about an hour ago. You're weak.”

  She looked up at him with teardrops trapped on her eyelashes. “I need to see her for myself.”

  He nodded and called the nurse. After he hung up, Imani could exhale. However, she wouldn’t be able to relax fully until she laid eyes on her daughter.

  Though tired, she was still worried about Garrett Jr. “Where is Garrett Jr.?”

  “He was home when everything happened. Aside from a few things falling off the walls, the impact of the earthquake wasn’t felt as strong as here in the city.”

  “My family! They’ve got to be worried sick.”

  “Yeah, worried is an understatement. I called them already. Your father gave me an earful.”

  “What did he say?”

  “First, he thanked God that we were both okay. Then he asked what the hell I was doing letting you get away? I told him I was going to do my best not to let that happen. Your father then informed me . . .” Garrett performed a spot-on impression of Mr. Jones. “Remember what I told you, son? I said I was a man of the Movement, but if you hurt my daughter again, I’m not too old to whoop your ass.”

  It hurt to laugh, but Imani giggled just a little. It sounded exactly like her father. “That’s my daddy. Always looking out for those he loves.”

  “I promised him I would remember that and do my best never to hurt you again. Right now, things are too crazy for them to fly here, but as soon as they settle down, I’ll charter a plane so that they can come to Chicago.” Garrett grinned. “Ultimately, your dad said he was glad we’re working things out.”

  “You told my parents we are back together?”

  His eyes were earnest, vulnerable and hopeful. He held his breath waiting for an answer. “Aren’t we?”

  “Only if you promise to give me your whole heart, Garrett. I need you to trust me with it completely. No more secrets and no more trying to paper over problems that come in any marriage with material things.”

  “You’re saying no more secrets and no more gifts. If I can do that, you’ll give me the family I’ve dreamed of my entire life?”

  She smiled. “Let’s not get crazy. Gifts are allowed. Lots and lots of them. Just not in exchange for you.”

  He nodded. “I can do that.”

  “Good. Because I love you, and you’re in my heart.”

  He touched his forehead to hers. “From the moment we met, our connection was immediate and undeniable—both physically and emotionally, no matter how we tried to slow things down. I can’t get you out of my system. You’re like a fever I can’t break, and I don’t want to. Imani Hadley, you make me feverish— FEVERISH UnbRoken.”


  One Year Later

  Garrett and Imani pulled up in front of the school. They were nervous, more nervous than Garrett Jr. They parked the car and got out.

  Imani took their daughter Harper out of her car seat from the back of the car, while Garrett grabbed his son’s backpack and helped him out of the car. “Are you nervous buddy? It being your first day of school and all.”

  The dark haired little boy with the sparkling blue eyes smiled wide. “No, Daddy.”

  Harper was missing all the action sleeping on her mother’s shoulder. “Garrett, did you get his lunch?”

  “I left it. I’ll run back and get it.” In the minute or so he was gone, Imani helped Garrett Jr. put his backpack on. “You are such a brave boy. Your first day of school is going to be awesome.”

  “Mommy, you and Daddy don’t have to be nervous. Billy and David are in my class. I’ll be okay.”

  Garrett came running back towards them holding up the lunch box. “Got it. Switch.” Imani traded off Harper in exchange for Gary’s little hand. He’d grown so much in such a short time.

  The four of them walked into the school hand in hand with Garrett Jr. in the middle. He saw his friends and let go of his parents to run toward them. He stopped in mid-step then turned around and jogged back. “I love you, Mommy.” He kissed Imani on the cheek, and she hugged him so tight she thought he probably couldn’t breathe. Adopting him had been one of the greatest gifts she’d ever received. When she finally released him, he ran over to his father.

  “You too, Daddy.” Garrett wrapped his arms around his little shoulders. As soon as he let go, Garrett Jr. ran off to class.

  Harper continued to sleep through everything. Imani and Garrett couldn’t bring themselves to leave right away. They stood outside the classroom like all the other parents taking pictures until, finally, they were ushered out by the school administrators.

  “I’ve got to send first day of school pictures to my Mom and Dad. Oh, Aaliyah sent new pictures of Chloe too.”

  “She’s the spitting image of her parents. Did Drew and Aaliyah set a date for the wedding?”

  Imani shook her head. “No. I don’t know what they’re doing. She’s playing hard to get – I think.”

  “Maddon might get married before they do.”

  Imani scrunched up her face. “I hope not. I can’t believe he’s letting Vanessa back into his life.”

  “When I talked to him last, he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing with Vanessa.”

  Garrett and Imani walked back to the car arm in arm. Garrett didn’t know how emotional he would be for his son’s first day of school. “I don’t know if I can do this again with Harper.”

  Imani smiled. “I know. Hopefully, Garrett Jr. and Harper will make it easier when we have to do this again in . . . say, five years.”

  Garrett froze. “What? Five years? Are you?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  Imani lost her nerve waiting. “We have about seven months before we’re parents again.”

  Garrett’s face didn’t give anything away, but then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. “I don’t think there are words to describe how I’m feeling right now. Ecstatic is too small a feeling.”

  Imani exhaled and beamed. “You did promise me a house full of children.”

  “I did, and I have no problem creating them with you. I just hope this time we don’t go into labor trapped in a high-rise. As a matter of fact, a month before delivery, I might not let you leave the house.”

  She laughed. “Garrett! I have to work. I have a business to run, but I think it’s time to make Malika a full partner.”

  Harper chose that moment to wake up just as they arrived at the car. She yawned and stretched in her father’s arms.

  Garrett couldn’t ask for anything more. It was like magic. He had the woman of his dreams and a family of his
very own.

  Other Books by LaShawn Vasser


  Harrison Haughton messed up. He made the biggest mistake of his life and knew it the moment Mia Jamison left him.

  Every attempt to win her back has failed except for one. The letter. His last hope, the one Harrison poured his heart into, but even it eventually came back – Returned to Sender. Only then did he accept the truth. It was over. A part of him knew, this was the kind of loss he’d carry for a lifetime.

  It took Mia Jamison years to recover from a broken heart only to meet the perfect man - a good man, a strong man with ambitions, and one who checked all the boxes on her list. If only . . .

  If only, coming face to face with Harrison Haughton didn’t open up Pandora’s Box.

  No more hiding. It was time deal with a past that had the potential to destroy more than one future.



  A death and the potential loss of Manchetti Enterprises brought powerhouse attorney, Braylee Hinsdale together with Alexandro Manchetti. She managed the impossible - saved his business and his sanity. In turn, he was able to pierce through her tough armor and gently remove an intractable mask concealing deeply hidden wounds. While their attraction was immediate, each fought to protect their fragile hearts from hurt and harm; but instead found strength and love.

  Just as Alexandro and Braylee seemed on the path to happily ever after, they found themselves in the middle of a storm. A powerful storm. A Perfect Storm. And, it had the name Gina Lee Xiou written all over it. Who was she? A lover from his past? What did she want? More importantly, could she blow up their lives with just a few words? And, would she dare? Find out in A Perfect Storm.



  A Storm Is Coming is about a beautiful and tough as nails corporate attorney, Braylee Hinsdale, who must use every trick in the book to keep the handsome and powerful Alexandro Manchetti from losing everything.


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