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Hold My Beer

Page 16

by Karina Fabian

  She almost seemed to bloom at the idea. “I think I’d enjoy that very much, Captain.”

  “Shall we, then?” He hefted his rod and tackle in one hand and offered her his other arm.

  We close this story with a peaceful scene of a fisherman in a stream. Thigh-deep in the water, Jeb cast out with lazy sweeps of his hand, not really caring if he caught anything, but certain he would. It was that kind of planet. On the shore, near where a blooming willow lowered its branches to brush against the gently flowing waters, Loreli stood. Her feet had again grown, reaching into the ground and peeking out to be caressed by the stream. Her fronds were splayed, and she held out her arms gracefully to take in the sun, the breeze, the gently blowing pollen. Everything.

  It was good.

  I sent my love to space today

  Atomized to a quantum spray

  Her very self reduced to cold equations.

  One miscalculation

  And she loved me no more.

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  Thanks for Reading!

  Back in 2016, I was tired and stressed and wanted a way to let off some steam and write without putting pressure on myself. Star Trek parody seemed to be just the thing, and thanks to a Tumblr post about how humans are the most feared species because of their lack of impulse control, Space Traipse: Hold My Beer was born. It’s become a long-running serial on my blog. You can find the stories here with their links:

  I wrote these as humor therapy, so they went straight from my head to the computer screen with only the most cursory of editing. You’ll see the typos and CHARACTERNAMEHERE reminders that I somehow still forgot. And, as one person said, they are “One. Installment. A. Week.” That’s when I learned folks binge them like Netflix. Therefore, I decided to start compiling them into collections. (I also took the time to fix up errors. Speaking of…)

  I’d like to thank the beta readers who so generously gave their time to seek out my typos: Tamara Wilhite, Deborah Cullins Smith, Kerrie Lapoehn (hey, cuz!), and Annette Tenny. They are awesome friends and many are awesome writers, too. Thanks, guys – I hope you enjoyed the book.

  I have an intermittent newsletter, so if you want to know about my latest works or hear from Vern, my dragon private eye, please subscribe:

  I no longer dream of being a best seller, but I still enjoy knowing that my stories are read. Please, if you liked the collection, write a review on Amazon or at least give it some stars. Contact me via my website, comment on my blog or Facebook page, but also, please tell others!

  Thanks again for joining me in my travels.


  Do you have any idea how crowded it gets when a dragon lives in your brain? Add to that nuns in space, psychotic psychics and redneck spacefarers, and you have a pretty good idea why Karina Fabian started writing her stories. She has 16 books to date and is working on more. She’s also a founder of the Catholic Writers Guild. She’s happily married to Rob, who tolerates her spaciness and adores her imagination and humor (in other words, the perfect husband.) They have four children.

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