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Hunted: A Shifter's Magic Series

Page 10

by Maggie Bandy

  I looked at him like he grew a second head. “You’re my uncle? You killed your own brother and sister in law- tried to kill me and now you expect me to marry one of your pack? Fuck you asshole! Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I’m not marrying anyone. I already have a mate- actually I have two…” I say trailing off losing steam. He looks at me shocked but then composes his calm mask back into place.

  “He broke the pack law by mating with a human. Half-breeds are not allowed. We banished him from the pack. When we learned of your birth, we had to do something. Things got messy when that vampire interfered and saved you, then that wolf saved you again. Turns out we were lucky that they did,” he said looking me over.

  I was reeling. My dad was a wolf?? And my mom was human? How did I not know about my dad? So that makes me a half-breed. Maybe that’s why I have two mates. Cole is mated to my human side and Carter to my wolf. But why haven’t I changed? “I see the look on your face- you must be wondering why you haven’t shifted I’m guessing?” he said trying to sound sincere but missing the mark. He didn’t care about me. He made that clear when he tried to have me killed.

  “Being only half wolf, you don’t have to change at the full moon like the rest of us. We however have to change every full moon and have no control over it. You are the key to changing that,” he said running his hand across my cheek almost lovingly then pulling away. “You could probably shift if you learned how,” he said turning to Varick.

  “She’s your responsibility now,” he said walking away from me. Varick picked me up taking me to an unfamiliar room, setting me down. “I’m sorry, I know this is scary for you-” he started. “You don’t know shit about how I feel!” I say heated. “You don’t get to be sorry, not when you’re holding me here against my will. And if you think I’m going to marry you then you’re crazier than I thought,” I said moving away from him.

  He sighed sitting down next to me on the bed. “I have no say in all this either. You think I wanted to kidnap you? Well, I didn’t. When the alpha gives an order, we can’t refuse. Like literally can’t,” he said annoyed. “Do you believe me when I said it was nothing personal that day after the hospital?” he said looking sad. “I didn’t want to hurt you. But I couldn’t refuse an order.”

  I was shocked by his confession, I thought he had wanted me dead. Still, it doesn’t change anything. He was still the enemy. “When he changed his mind and wanted you here instead, I was relieved. Because that meant I didn’t have to hurt you. But when he said he wanted to marry you off to that pyscho Victor, I had to intervene. So, I offered to instead…” he trailed off awkwardly.

  “Why do you even care? You don’t even know me,” I said confused. “I’ve been watching you all this time… I could see how sweet and loving you were. You didn’t deserve any of this, but you always stayed strong though out it all. You’re strong, beautiful and have a good heart. Something your uncle doesn’t have… I didn’t want to see you destroyed because of him,” he said quietly.

  “What happens if I refuse to marry you?” I say just as quietly. He sighs again. “Then he will make you marry Victor… And you probably wouldn’t survive a day with him. He’s a psychopath,” he said defeated. I pulled my knees up to my chest and tried no to hyperventilate. This was not happening… This was all a nightmare and I was going to wake up in Cole’s arms tomorrow.

  “How long do I have?” I asked unsteadily. He looked at me pitifully for a moment before saying. “Three days…”

  Three days? Three days and I was going to be forced to marry a man I didn’t love or be married to an even worse man.

  This was not happening… Cole- Carter, where are you? I don’t see a way out of this.



  My heart dropped out of my chest when I got an invitation in the mail- a wedding invitation.

  You are here-by invited to the wedding of :

  Sophie Anne Hayes


  Varick James Blackwell

  “What the fuck is this?!” I yell crumbling the invitation up and throwing it. It didn’t have an address. Just a date- three days from now. Over my dead body would that asshole marry my girl. My princess. I miss hearing her laugh, even when she was calling me an asshole. God what I would give to hear her voice again. Ty was still gone, looking for Sophie. Cole took off after him to help. I was stuck here in case the bastard came back with demands- but from the looks of it there will be no demands. He plans on keeping my girl. Fuck no.

  I was going to find her and bring her home to me. I’m coming for you princess. And I’m bringing hell with me.

  A Note from the author:

  I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in writing my first book. I truly hope you enjoyed reading it as much as loved writing it. <3




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