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Page 1

by Burk, William

  William Burk


  Chapter 1

  Adam and I are out for our normal Wednesday evening run. An easy eight miles today. Both of us are doing base mileage between training cycles to keep conditioning up. I met Adam through the local running store's group long runs every Sunday morning. He's your typical middle management late twenties male. He fits the marathoner stereotype. A tall and stick-thin figure. He has tan lines on his upper arms from running tanks. Tan lines on his thighs from short shorts. And a pale circle of flesh encircling his left wrist from the GPS watch used to track runs. Tan lines we have in common. As we round a bend in the path into a long straight away we spot a couple of runners three hundred meters down the trail. Running single file and fast.

  I remark to Adam, "weird, it's sixty degrees and dude up there is running in jeans. He has got to be burning up"

  Adam chuckles saying, "Meth heads fighting."

  My watch beeps notifying me we've completed four of our planned eight miles. and did so in just under thirty-six minutes.

  I say "We're a bit quick through the first half, let's slow down a bit"

  "OK, yeah about 9:30 pace will be good" Adam replies.

  We slow our pace down and make a left turn into the path leading into the recessed creek path. We run along the path for a few more miles chatting about work, our love lives and life in general. The path is concrete and recessed. so while we can't see over the river banks we can still hear the city life happening as we run through. The path runs along the creek which cuts through the center of a shopping and nightlife district. Generally known as the Plaza. Adam and I are discussing plans to hit up a lunch buffet after the Sunday morning group run.


  From over the bank, we hear "Oh god! I'm so sorry I didn't see you. somebody call an ambulance"

  The pleading continues as Adam and I stop for a second looking at each other in shock. We take off in a mad dash for the ramp-up to street level as the bank itself is too steep to climb at this part. We make it up the ramp to see a silver sedan with its front end on top of the post box it knocked over and managed to ride upon. In the center of the rode is a man covered in blood, his legs protruding at angles not naturally possible. The woman looks to be in her early thirties. Wearing a pale yellow tank top and jeans is crying next to the car. On the phone with what I'm guessing is 911 as she's currently providing location details. About a dozen bystanders are watching from along the sidewalk. Gazing in the same fascinating horror that has me frozen in place. The amount of blood and pale white bones sticking out from the victim's right leg. Could be his left I can't say with any certainty at this point. I can say however I'll be reliving this scene in my dreams for a long time to come.

  Finally, my senses come back to me. In disgust, I turn my sight away from the carnage and start to pull Adam with me as saying

  "I don't think we can do anything here."

  Adam turns to me and replies "But."

  "He's alive!" a bystander from the circling crowd shouts.

  I snap my eyes back to see what I thought was a body crawling towards the nearest person. He's using his legs to push himself as well as pulling with his arms. Seeing the bone sticking out of his thigh scraping the ground I immediately want to vomit. but I keep it together and with the senses intact I spring to action as I run toward the man intending to hold him still.

  I say aloud to the man as I move closer to him.

  "Stop moving, you're in shock and might make matters worse!"

  I'm much nearer to him now. Only a few feet left to cover before I kneel down next to him and reach my hand towards his shoulder. As soon as my hand nears him, his face snaps in my direction only now becoming aware of my presence. Falling back in fright at the suddenness of the movement. The man grabs at my ankle trying to either pull me closer or pull himself toward me. I didn't notice before with his head facing away from me but now that he is looking my way I have a view of his eyes. They are milky and cloudy, the sort of glazed-over look that one expects from dead unseeing eyes. 'Fuck that's disconcerting' I mutter.

  "What the fuck" I mutter to myself and crab walk backward out of his reach and regaining my footing I move toward him saying

  "Stay still. Help is on the way"

  The man whimpers in reply. I move back toward him again reaching out to hold his shoulders as the only area that's clear from the blood. His face lunges at my wrist, his teeth snapping together in the space occupied by my arm only a moment before. I managed to pull my hand back away from him in time to avoid the bite.

  "Fuck this" I mutter back stepping away from him.

  locating Adam in the crowd I make my way over to his side. Taking my spot as a bystander waiting for the ambulance. The folks that trained to deal with this type of situation handle this. I'm only an IT worker, don't even know CPR outside of what they say on YouTube anyway.


  Chapter 2

  I didn't have to wait long. Only a few seconds later I hear the sirens growing closer. I look around trying to find Adam and spot him only a few meters away. He notices me looking around for him and makes his way over to my side.

  Adam asks "Did he? uhh." Adam hesitates before finishing his question. " Did he try to bite you?"

  "yup, his eyes are screwed up too" I answer.

  "Screwed up, how?"

  "I don't know, clouded or milky looking. Fuck! This is like the beginning of a cheesy ass straight to DVD zombie movie. or horror-themed porn" I say without the slightest bit of jest in my voice.

  The ambulance rolls to a stop and the EMT's jump out. Almost before the vehicle comes to a complete stop. The first one a young man mid-twenties runs straight to the victim telling him to hold still. He flops his bag onto the ground and kneels down. He rifles through his bag pulling out tourniquets. The second EMT is unloading the stretcher and spine board. The first begins to apply tourniquets to stench the blood flow. focusing on the legs at the thighs. While the first EMT is focused on the lower half, The victim twists his body. He lunges for the EMT face first, and gets a mouth full of EMT thigh.

  "Ahh!" the EMT exclaims as he backs away. "He bit me!"

  The second EMT coming with the stretcher stops in shock "What? You sure?"

  The first EMT responds "Am I sure! of course I am. I know what a bite is! Now hold him still so I can get these on and get him on the stretcher"

  The bite being on the thigh and through pants will leave a nasty bruise for the EMT. A bruise is the worst of it. His pants protected his thigh from losing a chunk.

  The second EMT kneels down placing the spine board next to the victim. He reaches over to steady the victim. Before he can get his hands onto the victim. The man on the ground immediately grabs the arm and pulls it to his mouth. After so many attempts you would think folks would keep their distance from the victim's mouth. The EMT's through credit to them are focused on saving his life and helping. Third time's the charm. This time the victim is successful in pulling bare skin to his face. Allowing him to finally get a chunk of human flesh of the EMT rating. The EMT howls in pain pulling his arm away. He cradles his arm as he scuttles back to the ambulance. Blood visibly streaming from where he's holding his arm. He pulls a bag from the back of the ambulance and begin bandaging his own wound.

  I glance around taking note of everyone looking disgusted and focusing on the same view. The Victim is chewing and eating the chunk he tore from the second EMT's arm. I stare in disbelief checking if anyone else is seeing the same thing. The unfamiliar faces of the crowd are either stricken with horror and disgust or in slack-jawed fascination.

  I whisper to myself "Oh fucking fuck, Zombies aren't real Adam please tell me this isn't happening. That can't be a fucking zombie."

  I stand there waiting for a respons
e from Adam watching the scene unfold before me. The second EMT is still patching his arm up. First EMT is backing away and moving towards the ambulance. The zombie is finishing up his mouthful blood dripping all around his mouth and face. It starts looking around. I assume it's looking for it's next mouth full of meat.

  I turn to Adam. He is also staring at the scene in unabashed terror.

  "Adam." I plead and prod at him "This is bad, let's get out of here."

  No response. He stands frozen watching paying no heed to me or others around him.

  "Adam!" I exclaim as I grab his face and make him look at me. "We need to go. This is fucked up"

  Adam is still in a daze but finally regaining some thought.

  "OK" He mutters.

  I grab his shirt sleeve and start pulling him along. I begin to push through the now dozen onlookers. as soon as we begin to clear the throng of people.

  "Wait! look." Adam says while pulling to a halt and pointing back toward the EMT's.

  I follow his gaze over to where the EMT's are. The EMT whose arm was bitten is on the ground receiving CPR from the other one.

  "He just fell." One of the other bystanders in the crowd says.

  Adam and I watch in horror. Thinking to myself. We are screwed, if this is really a zombie outbreak what the hell do we do.

  After a couple of minutes, the EMT performing CPR gives up. Moving around to the front of the ambulance and out of my sight. I hear him open the door and call over the radio. Informing dispatch that his partner dropped dead. And he needs additional EMTs and police. I stop listening to the radio conversation at this point. I've heard enough, it's time to get out of here.

  The original car crash victim is still crawling around trying to reach people. With the mangled legs dragging behind him still. Everyone has seen enough to know better and keeps their distance. They all have a simple time walking away from the scrambling corpse

  I grab for Adam saying "It's definitely time to go "

  A blood-curdling scream draws my attention back to the center. Where the dead paramedic has now regained his feet. For a few seconds, he gazes across the group of people circling around the scene. The dead EMT takes off like a sprinter out of the blocks towards the closest person. Which happens to be the driver of the crashed car. Before she has a chance to scream or react in any way the EMT is burying his face in her neck biting. Tearing and eating chunks from the poor girl the blood streaming down her chest and torso. The two of them fall to the ground as she lets out an agonizing plea for help.

  I can feel the agony in the plea. Rather than help I once again reach for Adam. This time I don't stop for words. I grab him and start dragging him away from the scene. The people around see me pushing through the crowd. Noticing my intentions to get away from this nightmare. They realize It's in their best interests to do the same. The crowd starts dispersing in every which way. Some running for buildings and the perceived protection of walls. Some running for cars, and others running to get as far away as they can. as soon as Adam and I have enough room to do so we take off running north towards home.

  I shout as we're running "My place is closer" I say, gasping for breath

  Adam doesn't respond. I look over at him and he nods. I look back straight ahead and double down on maintaining speed. I know I won't be able to keep up a sprint the entire last mile to my place but I'll be damned if I don't try. After three blocks and about halfway to my apartment I'm forced to stop and rest.

  "Hold up" I double over grabbing my knees. Sucking air trying to catch my breath.

  "I can't keep up this pace" I gasp after a few mouthfuls of air. Glancing around I check if anyone or thing is following. Other than an older woman doing some gardening nobody is around.

  "I think we're OK, I don't see anyone"

  Adam also bent over gasping for air takes a few seconds before responding.

  "OK, I've got my breath. let's get out of here"

  We continue on but at a much more sustainable slower pace. Making our way up the block as we go, slowing down a bit more. Lulled into a sense of security with how normal everything seems to be. People are in their yards, drinking on their porches. Cars are passing up ahead at the main street. We cover the distance and make it to the intersection where we once again stop. This time at the corner of the intersection looking in all four directions. It's Wednesday evening. And this is midtown. It's crawling with restaurants and bars and there are plenty of folks walking around to show for it. Cars driving by in all directions. People walking around coming and going from bars and eateries. Everything appears as it would any normal Wednesday evening.

  We look around a bit longer taking in the normalcy of it all. When out of nowhere our reverie cracks.

  "Awwieeee!" a female scream from much closer than I'd like over to the left of us.

  My head jerks to the left seeking the source. There is a house sitting on the corner. A small single-story pale yellow with a privacy fence for the backyard where the scream came from, or at least where it sounded. If I had to guess on location. I watch for a few seconds trying to discern any movement through the wooden slats. I see nothing until a minute later when a person comes running from out behind the fence into open view. She stops and jerks her head in every which direction in a non-human fashion before her gaze settles on me. I'm not the closest but standing on the corner I was the first person she saw.

  I whisper under my breath "Oh shit."

  "Run!" I shout as I take off sprinting. I don't wait around to make sure Adam follows. but after a few seconds, I hear his ragged breathing over my left shoulder. I look over at him and as I do so I see the girl not only following us but gaining on us. Still two blocks from my apartment I'm sure one of us won't make it. Adam pulls up on my left as my own speed starts flagging, the zombie still showing no signs of slowing. My eyes lock onto Adam's.

  I gasp out "Split up, meet at my place" Adam nods in agreement

  Adam goes left and I go right at the next street. I check behind me and sure enough, the zombie followed me, not Adam. Thinking to myself 'fuck was hoping it wouldn't follow me.' Then I immediately regretted the thought as I don't want harm to befall Adam either.

  The zombie now only a dozen meters behind me and more than a block to go to my apartment. I have no idea what to do. the zombie is close enough I can hear her feet slapping the pavement over my shoulder. My eyes survey around me in desperation seeking anything that can help. The zombie continues closing in on me. I don't know how close at this point but that the slapping steps are growing louder and louder behind me.

  "Slap, slap!, SLAP!"

  Thinking I've only a second to live. I continue looking around in desperation, to my left is a corner store. Next to it are a variety of small stores. Ranging from prepaid cell phones to CBD distributors, ahead of me is an open road. Behind me is death and to my right are house and residential streets. I'm completely screwed.

  "slap, Slap!, SLAP!"

  The steps grow louder in my panic. A n idea manages to slip into my mind. I make an immediate sharp turn right-angled toward the nearest house with a fence. The inspiration came to me to jump a fence. Maybe an obstacle will slow the zombie down long enough for me to get away . I lean forward. Putting every drop of adrenaline and fear coursing through me into one last spurt of energy. Trying to make it to and over the fence fifteen meters to go. Behind me, I can almost feel a hand brushing on my back, the slapping as loud as ever.


  Only five meters from the fence I begin to hope I'll make it. Three meters, two meters, one meter to go. And with all the strength left in my body, I dive straight forward and over the fence clearing it by half a foot. I hit the ground on the other side hard and fast skidding on my chest. Rolling twice before jumping back up to my feet and looking back toward the zombie. She is also on my side of the fence. But it seems where I jumped the fence the zombie ran straight into it and fell over it. I'm on my feet and running. Going for the next section of the fenc
e knowing my only chance is keeping obstacles between the two of us. I jump the next fence in a much more coordinated fashion. One hand on the fence legs over landing on my feet into the next house's yard. I don't stop to look behind me. I keep going. I cut through the yard into the back yard. Scale the wooden privacy fence into the alley. Then immediately cross into the next property cutting through an open yard. Onto the next street. I then turn north and take off sprinting for my life knowing my apartment building is only one block away. About halfway there I look over my shoulder and see nothing and no one, but I am not stopping for anything. Seeing my building now I put on a final burst of speed. I run into the back and up the stairs pulling my keys out as I take steps three at a time. I make it to the door fumbling with the key to get it open. Finally the deadbolt clicks. I push the door open rushing in and closing the door behind me. Bolting it shut with every lock it has. I stumble into my living room placing my back against the wall breathing relief. Tears streaming down my face overwhelmed by fear and joy that I made it home alive.

  For minutes I stand relishing in the safety before guilt strikes. Remembering that Adam is still out there somewhere possibly dead. Not knowing what else to do I head to the screened-in front-porch of my second-floor apartment. Scanning up and down the street for any sort of movement that might be him. I stand there for what seems like an eternity. my heart thundering in my ears. All I can do is watch, wait, and hope for Adam to make it.


  Chapter 3

  For hours I pace back and forth on the front porch. My eyes scan in every direction with every step watching for Adam. All the while I'm texting and calling everybody I know throughout the city. So far everyone I am able to get a hold of is fine and hasn't heard of anything going on around town. Before letting them go I tell everyone to cancel their plans and stay home. I warn them of attacks happening throughout midtown. Explaining it as gang hits or something similar. I avoid saying anything about zombies. Nobody would believe it anyway and would think I've gone insane. And now that I've been home and safe for a little while I'm starting to doubt my own experiences. I don't need others thinking I've gone nuts too. I pull up Adam's number. I stare at it wondering if there is any situation in which calling or texting would be a good idea. I can't think of one and finally go inside. I step into my living from the porch. The living room and dining room make up one long room. No dividers between rooms other than a sofa designating the living room section. A doorway in the far right corner opens into the narrow kitchen. A door on the left in the center leads into the hallway that connects the two bedrooms and bathroom. The building itself is an older brick building with radiator heating and window AC units. Not the most modern but the place is large, cheap and has a great location in midtown. I walk over and sit at my computer desk while waiting for my PC to boot. I reach over and plug my phone into the charger. After calling and texting everybody I know for the past hour I'm down to a thirty percent charge. As soon as the computer is running I pull up news sites. Check for any reports or breaking news. All the news sites have the normal rotation of articles going. The headline today is an interview with a middle-aged woman named Karen. The story is about how she rescues and takes care of more than three dozen cats. It's a slow news day. No mention of tonight's events.


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