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Forbidden Lies

Page 3

by Vanessa James

  “It’s one of the safe houses the MC uses. My dad said I could come up here whenever I needed a break from everyone. And I sure like to use it whenever I’m stressed.”

  “I totally get that.”

  We walked inside. Caleb turned on the lights. I could see he was still worried. His anxiety made sense though.

  “You’re still thinking about your dad, aren’t you?” I asked.

  “Yeah, you could say that. It’s a little embarrassing, but if you want to hear the story, I’ll tell you. Just don’t tell anyone. It’s my personal thoughts on the whole mess, of being the son of one of the strongest people in town,” he said.

  “My lips are sealed .”

  He patted the seat next to me, sighing, as he got ready to tell the story. I listened intently, worried about Caleb, but also trying to be the guiding force he needed, the rational person who will tell him if he’s right or wrong. I wanted to help, and I could tell he appreciated it as well.

  Chapter 6:Caleb

  I don’t totally understand what possessed me to tell Mary everything, but that’s what I did. I sighed, taking a deep breath for but a moment before I spoke.

  “So, the truth is, Mary, I have a lot of baggage in my life, and I really do mean a lot of baggage.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, about ten years ago, my mom was killed. Not by my dad, but by The Skulls. My dad only managed to scrape out of there alive because of some people stepping in to help. But over time, I learned a little bit about what happened to her. She got embroiled in some mess involving The Skulls, even though my dad told her to be careful. She was left to die. It’s … it’s horrible to think about honestly, and I hate remembering it,” I said.

  “Oh Caleb, I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a while since it happened, but my dad hasn’t been the same since. He’s always been kind of cold, but now, he just cares only about ruling and controlling everything, and he wants me to do the same thing. But I don’t want that. I don’t want to live the same life he does, always at the mercy of whatever the fuck it might be. I hate thinking that way, but sometimes I wish that my dad was more understanding, instead of just an asshole.”

  It really felt good opening up to Mary. And I could tell that she understood what I was telling her.

  “I get that. I mean, at least your dad didn’t try to play the fake Christian card just so I could stay by his side,” she said.

  “True. Your dad is a fucking mess. Mine is too, but yours is just … worse,” I said, feeling bad the moment I realized just how harsh, though true, my words had been.

  I couldn’t believe a father would use his daughter in that way.

  “It surprised me too, but I also don’t really have a choice. I’m not sure where to go with this, honestly,” she said.

  “I know. I don’t know what I want to do either. Sometimes, I wonder myself if I made the correct decision if possibly following in my dad’s footsteps was the right thing to do. But I feel like if I didn’t, I would be in the same rut my own mom was in.”

  “Yeah, which isn’t fun for anyone,” Mary admitted.

  “You’re telling me. I wouldn’t want that. I’d be dead, maybe both of us would be,” I said.

  I thought about that. If I continued down this path, I wouldn’t be happy, but I also feared what might happen if things did change and I decided to leave this life. I don’t know if my dad would accept it, or, if he’d be against it. But he does like Mary. I can tell that much. Maybe it would work itself out.

  “You don’t have to worry, Caleb,” Mary suddenly said.

  I turned to her, confused.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean is, I’m not leaving you. I know how stressful this is for you, and I understand that, but you don’t have to do this alone. We’re in this together,” she said.

  “Even though I have such a messy family history?”

  “Especially cause of that. I can tell that you’re trying your hardest, and, well, you opened my eyes a little bit. You showed me that some of the nicest people are those whom society has cast out. And the worst ones are the ones praised by society for their garbage behavior. I’ve been waiting for the day I would find out the truth about my dad. And well … I’m sure he killed my mom. I don’t have anyone else to rely on, besides you of course. You’ve changed things for the better, Caleb. And well … while I’m scared to admit I’m falling for you.”

  I felt rise up my neck and onto my cheeks. I couldn’t believe it. She really did mean it.

  “You mean this, right?”

  “Of course! I’m not lying to you, Caleb. I can see it in your eyes that you are surprised. But you’ve helped me realize that it’s okay to rely on others. And well … I just want to make it better for all of us. If you decide to leave, that’s fine. But even if you don’t, I’ll still stick by your side, regardless of what the hell happens next,” she said.

  I couldn’t believe this. I thought this was a joke. I thought she was going to leave, but she didn’t have the intention at all.

  “Mary, I want you to be honest with me. Do you see a future with me? I’m not asking for marriage or any of that crap, I just mean in general. Will you stay with me despite the rocky my past, and my rockier present?”

  Mary paused, and I could tell that this was the first time a person asked her this kind of question. She didn’t know how to respond, but, of course, I really don’t blame her. It’s not every day you have this question thrown at you.

  “I want to. I know it’s different. It’s daunting, but I also can tell that you’re a good person. You just are scared. You know, I’ve always lived my life being told to stay away from the bad crowd and that I’d regret it if I didn’t. I’m always a bit timid myself, and always worried about the way things could go. But now, after talking to you I … I feel better about this,” Mary admitted.

  I smiled to myself. I felt happiness, a loving feeling that ghosted through my body. I could tell Mary enjoyed my company, she enjoyed my presence, and maybe, just maybe, she really did love me too.

  I didn’t want to press my luck, but I did hope that maybe I wasn’t wrong about this one. That she was actually interested in me as more than just a friend, or some casual fling.

  “Caleb, I’m not sure what the future holds, but whatever our decision, I’m here for you.”

  “I’m here for you too. We might have to kill your dad though,” I told her.

  “I know. I’ve come to the conclusion that something is going to happen to him. Will it be jail time? Or something else? I honestly don’t know. But, since we’ve started talking I … I feel better.”

  “I feel good too. I care for you a lot, Mary, and I want to make things right,” I said.

  She looked at me with interest, and for a moment, neither of us said anything more. She then leaned in and kissed me gently. I kissed her back, letting my hands fall to the sides. Mary seemed happy about all of this, and I wanted to make her feel good. In the quiet of this safe house, in the dead of the night, I stayed there, ready to make Mary feel good, and ready to make her happy.

  Chapter 7:Mary

  As I started kissing Caleb back, I felt a lot better, much happier, and more relieved. The way our lips touched and caressed one another’s was like it was just meant to be. I couldn’t help but adore all of this, and I could tell that he enjoyed it too.

  The way our lips touched, the way he languidly let his tongue snake and tease against my own, was enough to make me shiver with delight. I felt a simmering arousal course thought my very core, his sheer touch making me beg for more.

  We sat on the couch, making out for what seemed to be hours, and a part of me wondered if there was anything else to say. I didn’t think so. We both went through a lot, but since we had one another, I could tell that things were going to change.

  The way Caleb kissed me felt different, too. He wasn’t just kissing me as an interlude to sex, but, instead, he wanted to savor the
moment and just be with me.

  When he pulled away, he looked at me with a blush on his face.

  “Sorry, I’m just surprised this worked out in the way that it did. This is the first time I’ve ever actually stayed with a girl for longer than a night. Up till now, it’s been just––well––one nightstand after another. I like this better though.”

  “I like it too Caleb,” I couldn’t help a huge smile from materializing on my face.

  We immediately continued kissing, both of us enjoying the way our lips felt against the other. I could sense that even he was surprised by how good it felt. I didn’t want it to end––ever.

  I felt like I was on cloud nine as we kissed, enjoying the sensation, relishing in the way he continued to kiss me with the same sweltering abandon that had inhabited my body. The way our lips moved and mingled felt like something out of a dream, but then, Caleb pushed me down, pulling my arms up and over my head, holding them there.

  “You okay with me taking control tonight?” he asked.

  “I’d love that,” I said to him in a breathy, needy manner.

  He smiled at me, giving me a long, passionate kiss before he moved his lips down my neck, leaving deep licks and sucks against my flesh. He bit down, hard, causing me to let out a small moan of pleasure as he continued to tease me with his tongue and teeth.

  “Fuck,” I said out loud, feeling the control seep from my body.

  Caleb seemed to enjoy it too. He continued to kiss my body, teasing and touching every single part as he worked his way down and down. He spent his time exploring every part of me, but then, he moved upwards, undoing his pants to reveal his hot, aching member.

  “What are you—”

  Suddenly, he moved his dick under my sweater, placing it right between my breasts. He let out a small moan of pleasure as he started to rock back and forth. Everything about this was driving me mad. It was the sexiest thing I had ever done. I relished the naughtiness of it all. And the look of pure lust on his face drove me wild with wanting.

  He continued to use my breasts, teasing them slightly with his cock. He then freed them from my bra touching my nipples as his body continued to rock back and forth. I shivered, crying out loud as I started to feel everything change all around me. Everything was so perfect. I simply loved being with Caleb like this. I didn’t want it to end and I knew that he didn’t either. He slid his hands up to the edge of my sweater, pulling it over my head to reveal the full nakedness of my upper body. His gaze caressed my skin, sending little jolts all over my body and as if he couldn’t resist any longer, he grasped each of my nipples, threading his fingers against them.

  I watched him with something that was an amalgamation of both shock and awe as he continued to service my breasts with his fingers and cock.

  Everything felt so good. He was completely enthralled in the way that things were going, in the pleasure that he experienced, and in everything that went along with it. I could tell he enjoyed being in control, as he continued to pinch and tease me. And gradually, but surely, I started to feel my own desires heighten to maximum level.

  For a bit, I forgot about how there was a huge feud between our families and that he was a broken mess trying to figure out his own life. Together, the two of us experienced the pleasure and fun of the other’s bodies and person, and, to me, that was what mattered the most.

  The two of us were lost in our touch. I felt his dick move towards my face again, and I could not help myself from leaning forward to take the tip into my mouth. I licked and sucked it for a second before Caleb rocked his hips, moving his cock in and out of me.

  I felt the shaft gag me slightly, making me shiver with delight, enjoying everything about this. The teasing and controlling, and the using of my body was so dirty and delightfully loving at the same time. I didn’t want Caleb to stop, and I could tell that he was in the same boat.

  Then, he pushed in deep, pressing the entire length of his cock all the way down my throat, making me gag slightly. I cried out as he pulled back, smiling at me for a moment before he moved himself downwards. He kissed and touched my body, teasing it before he got to the area between my legs. After quickly pulling my pants and panties off, he spread me apart, letting his tongue work all the magic.

  I started to shiver, crying out in pleasure with every passing moment. He started to lick every corner of me, going from my throbbing clit all the way to my entrance. The way he used his tongue against me was enough to drive me mad, and I suddenly grabbed his hair, pushing him deeper into me as I started to push my hips up.

  “Yes, yes!” I cried out, the rasping sound of my breathing echoing through the barren room.

  We were alone. Not a single person could bother us. I didn’t feel like I was on edge either, and neither did Caleb. I felt very calm, happy, and ready for whatever it was that would transpire next.

  Everything was driving me to the brink. I was so enthralled by the actions that were undertaken that I didn’t really have anything more to say about this. He then pushed his tongue up, hitting my g-spot, making me cry out with pure, unhindered delight, as I lifted my hips up suddenly, and then, just as quickly as it happened, I finally fell back, satisfied by everything that was happening.

  “Wow,” I said to him.

  “You good?” he asked, sheer lust lacing his voice.

  “Yeah. Wonderful, actually,” I told him.

  “Alright. You want more?”

  “I would love that.”

  He then pulled himself downwards, fishing for a condom. He then sheathed himself, and immediately slipped into me.

  The feeling of his cock inside of me was both familiar and tantalizingly new like we had never done it before. However, it felt like my body was remembering him, welcoming him and challenging him to rock me to new heights. But then, he pushed my legs up so that they were against his shoulders, and that’s when he did it.

  He thrust hard into me, making me suddenly lose my mind. I cried out in severe pleasure, gripping the edge of the couch and letting out small, garbled sounds as he continued to tease me like this.

  Everything about this felt amazing, almost too good to be true. I didn’t want this to end, and I could tell that he felt the same way.

  He continued to thrust into me, hard, but, as he did it, he pushed his face right against mine, kissing me with the full force of his lips that blew me away. I kissed him back, enjoying the sensation, as he continued to thrust himself completely into me. It was so perfect, so amazing, that I didn’t know what else I could do.

  I was lost, completely lost in the pleasures of the moment, of the delectable feeling of him continuing his actions on me, using me, and, ultimately, laying claim to my body as if it were his own private fiefdom.

  His next thrust, although expected, caused something inside of me. The sensation was familiar but the ensuing rush was like nothing I had experienced before. I let out a blood-curdling scream, as the sudden waves of orgasm crested over and in me, covering my entire body like molten magma.

  As I was still shivering with delight, not yet sure whether my climax was over or not, I felt him pull out of me. My eyes snapped open and I saw him as he removed the condom.

  I was confused. He wasn’t going to go raw, right? But then, he started to stroke himself as he perused the tired, orgasmic mess that was I lying on the couch. And then he, eh, smiled.

  “I want to decorate your beautiful face. If that’s okay,” he announced.

  I flushed. I never had a facial before, but I nodded anyway, not sure what to expect. He started to jerk himself off a bit faster, groaning slightly, and, then, almost as if on cue, he then pushed my face right by his cock, spraying his seed all across my face, and partially into my mouth.

  I was covered with his lust for me, as he gradually pulled away. He lay back, letting out a heaving sigh.

  “Holy…shit,” he said.

  “You alright?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’m just surprised that’s all.”

sp; “I am too. That was utterly amazing.”

  I started to taste him. It was bitter, but not too bad. Definitely better than I expected it to be. I rushed to the bathroom, wiping myself off as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

  I didn’t expect that to happen, but I guess sometimes things happen for a reason.

  I went back, sitting down next to Caleb, and he immediately welcomed me with an embrace. Together, we lay on the couch, neither of us saying a word.

  “That was just … wow,” he said after a brief silence.

  “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”

  “I never expected that to happen, but I really did love it,” he said.

  “I did too Caleb. I’m glad we … we got to experience that.”

  “Yeah, I’d do that again in a heartbeat if I could.”

  I blushed and chuckled at the same time. I didn’t expect him to actually mean that, but then, he leaned in, kissing me on the lips. We laid there for a bit, neither of us saying a damn thing. I could tell that his mind was again on tomorrow––our brief sojourn on the plains of nirvana had ended I wondered what we would encounter, and what would happen next. I guess the only answer to that was, of course, time and that it would tell.

  I feared what might transpire, but I could tell that Caleb was trustworthy, and everything would be okay.

  Chapter 8:Caleb

  After that night, I had a lot on my mind. The future, whether Mary would take finding out the truth well, and how my dad would react to my decision.

  I knew what I had to do. I had to follow my own path, to stop stepping in my dad’s footsteps, but, of course, that was easier said than done. I wanted to leave, to finally be my own man, but that wasn’t all that easy, especially with the way things seemed to be going.

  But I was more worried about Mary. She was about to meet Zephyr, one of the people that my dad valued. While they never had a relationship, he considered her a valuable comrade, and I knew the truth about her.


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