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Tamed Under The Moon (Wolf River, ID. Book 4)

Page 11

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  "Affina is Queen. I am her mate. We are Alpha, that is all. Nothing more. If you wish to go out on your own, you are welcome to. If you wish to stay, you are welcome to. There will be no servants here. No slaves. Just the last of our clan surviving together and trying to rebuild what has been lost- to all of us."

  The men looked at each other. Raze knew it wasn't going to be that easy. Saber traditions had been set for hundreds of years. But Mandrake's actions had shown just what those traditions could lead to, and he wanted no part of that. He was done with the old system. Kings and slaves. Ranks and placements. If they were to survive they would need to do things differently.

  "Boramus, you take this shower. Incus you can take mine. It's through my bedroom. The rest of you can wait in the front room until one of them is done." Raze turned to leave.

  "Where are you going?" asked Incus.

  Raze clenched his fists as memories of Incus' orders and his whip lashings pushed to the surface.

  "To get you some food." Raze rushed to the elevator and pressed the button. He needed some air.

  * * *

  The group sat around the apartment and ate in silence. The tension between the groups was like someone had fused the air with electricity. She and Razor sat at the table. The four left from the Saber Mountain clan sat at the kitchen counter. The five sabers from Mandrake's clan sat huddled together on the couch not speaking but the three men, Tarrian, Jett, and Crux, sat close to the female Isis, and the girl child Ayla, as if afraid of an attack.

  Affina picked at her grapes watching the rest of her clan devour everything in sight. This was so not what she expected. Her parents were dead. Razor was the king and they were now responsible for nine other sabers- five of which she'd never even seen before. Sabers whose lives had been filled with serving, then running for their lives and now... now, what did they do? How did they fit into a totally new society? Doing for themselves. Making their own decisions. Living their own lives. Affina was lost and she'd obviously not been through what they had at the hands of Mandrake and his men.

  Just when she thought she could start over with Razor. Be his mate. Fit into his world. She now had an entire clan of people she was responsible for. That they were both responsible for.

  "Majesty, may I go to bed?" asked Satia.

  The men stopped and looked between Affina and Razor.

  "Satia I told you," said Affina. "You don't have to ask my permission. You can just do what you want."

  "Yes, Majesty."

  Affina blew out a slow breath. "Affina. Just Affina."

  Satia looked down at her plate. "Affina."

  Affina's gaze connected with Razor's. Sadness rimmed his eyes making her gut clench. They needed to talk. To figure out together what they were going to do. But part of her just couldn't bring herself to speak to him yet. She had no idea what to say. He was the rightful heir. Her family was the traitors. It was she that should have been brought up as a slave in his house. She wondered if they would still be mated if things had gone the other way. Would he have needed her when they were younger or would he have chosen a female of royal bloodlines?

  She swallowed back the lump in her throat and gave Satia a tight smile. "You can sleep in my bed."

  "Oh, no-"

  "You shall sleep in my bed, as it is now your bed," Affina said firmly. "Isis, Ayla, you come as well. I shall make you some beds on the floor."

  Satia's mouth slammed shut and she nodded. The men rose as Affina got to her feet. Razor looked at her like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

  "Come," said Incus. "Let us clean up the mess and sleep as well."

  "I'll take first watch," said Medajon.

  Affina stopped. "We are safe here. There is no reason to keep watch. No one can get in. Let me get Satia settled and I'll get the rest of you some blankets."

  "I can do it." Razor pushed his chair back from the table scraping it on the tile floor.

  Affina nodded and walked into her room. Her saber paced back and forth wanting to be closer to Razor's saber, but tonight was not the night.

  * * *

  Raze lay in bed listening to the men whisper in the front room. He'd spent the first-hour hoping Affina would come to him so they could speak, but as the second hour ticked onward he knew she wouldn't. Though she'd told the men that there was to be no difference between them, she still felt the need to put up appearances. He grumbled and rolled on his side. It was as if her father had come instead of Mandrake. But why should anything have to change between them? Her father was gone. Mandrake was not coming back. They were finally free. Free to be who they wanted. What they wanted. Free to be together. And yet it felt like just when they finally had the opportunity to be close, they were farther apart than ever.

  A scream sounded from Affina's bedroom and Razor was out his door and across the front room before the other men could get to their feet.

  His heart pounded as he threw the door open. Satia screamed over and over. Affina tried to console her but the woman was still asleep. Isis and Ayla moved out of the way as the men rushed in past Raze. Incus took one of Satia's hands, and Boramus took the other. Medajon sat behind her and lifted her head into his lap. Together the men spoke to Satia softly in their native tongue, pressing their bodies near hers.

  Suddenly Satia's eyes burst open and she looked around wildly. She spotted the men and sobs wracked her. She curled into a ball on Medajon's lap and he nodded to the others.

  "Is she all right?" asked Affina.

  Incus looked up, his eyes pained. "We couldn't help her. When Mandrake's men captured us they tortured us. We couldn't protect her."

  Bile bubbled up Raze's throat. "Did they-"

  "No," said Boramus. "Mandrake wouldn't let them. Said she was a slave in a ruined house. She was beneath them. But they did just about everything else they could to make up for it."

  Raze's saber roared. He'd sent Mandrake away too soon. He should have killed the man for what he'd done. Now that man sat on his throne ruling over all the other sabers. His gaze traveled to the two sisters. Ayla cowered in Isis's arms.

  Satia rolled over. "I'm so sorry Affina. I didn't mean to wake everyone."

  Affina stroked Satia's hair. "Hush. Don't think on it."

  "We should take her in the other room with us," said Medajon. "She'll be more comfortable there."

  A pained expression crossed Affina's face. "No. You take this bed. I'll... sleep in Razor's room."

  "We can go out in the front room with our brothers," Isis offered. She got to her feet with Ayla and they headed out the door without another word.

  The group looked to Raze. Affina walked to the door and laid her hand on his chest. "Come. Let them get some sleep."

  Raze looked down at her, knowing she was only staying with him because she had to. The thought made his heartache.

  He nodded and they closed the door.

  Affina slid under the sheets and faced the wall. His saber yearned to touch her, instead, he rolled over and closed his eyes. The distance between them larger than when she'd been sleeping in the other room.

  * * *

  Affina poured coffee for Incus, the others still sleeping. He looked at the cup and sniffed it.

  "You aren't happy to be here," she said.

  Incus shook his head. "It was your father's wish that we come here, not ours."

  Affina nodded. "And now you can never go back."

  "My mate and unborn child are buried in Siberia. My son. My parents. My king. And I'll never be able to go back and commune with their spirits there."

  Affina reached out and squeezed Incus' hand. He'd been captain of the guard. A pinnacle of influence and power. Yet sitting at Razor's counter he looked so much frailer. Loneliness and sorrow hunched his shoulders.

  "You can commune with their spirits anywhere that you hold sacred," said Affina. "We just need to find you a place here to do that."

  His gaze connected with hers and she gave him a smile, though a nagging quest
ion tugged the corners of her mouth downward.

  "Incus, did you know my father had sent Razor here?"

  Incus shook his head. "I knew he'd sent someone. I had no idea it was Razor's Edge." Thick silence fell between them.

  "You do not approve of my being with him."

  Incus sipped his coffee. "I don't think it was ever your father's intention that you two mate, but as it has saved all of our lives, I cannot complain. He is king now."

  "He is a good man," said Affina.

  Incus nodded. "It was obvious you always thought so."

  "And you did not."

  "I feared what would happen because of your father letting him live. And apparently for good reason. Mandrake had made his displeasure known for years about the death of his daughter. And there had been whispers of a possible attack. But your father thought he could handle it. Maybe that's why he chose Razor. Maybe he thought if he sent the boy away we would be safe. But Mandrake found out the boy was alive and it was too late."

  So her father had sent Razor away to protect the rest of the clan, not necessarily to protect Razor. Affina sipped her coffee. The more she learned about her father, the less she liked him.

  Razor's bedroom door opened and he entered wearing a beautiful dark suit that cut from his broad shoulders to his trim waist. His gorgeous blond hair had been slicked back and his scruff nicely trimmed into a goatee. The sight of him made her body warm and her saber purr with delight.

  He nodded to Incus as he passed but his gaze barely touched Affina. Affina walked from the kitchen as he pushed the button for the elevator.

  "You're leaving?" she asked.

  "I have to work. I have meetings." He refused to look at her.

  She reached for him. "Razor-"

  The door opened and he stepped inside. "I left the credit card on the nightstand. Get them whatever they need. I'll have Ario come back with the car once he's dropped me off."

  The doors slid closed and she stuck her hand out stopping it.

  "You'll be back tonight, right?"

  He stared at her for a moment, his eyes sad. "Late."

  The doors slid closed like the slamming of her heart.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Raze's saber grumbled and growled the whole way to his office. As much as Raze tried to shut him up, it was no good. His saber was pissed. The rejected look in Affina's eyes as the elevator doors closed made him kick himself as well. But it was too late to do anything about it now. He had a new temp coming in and a meeting at noon. As much as he loved Affina, now more than ever, he needed to do what he could to take care of her as well as the others.

  He stepped through his office door and stopped dead. The temp looked up at him.


  Bethany. Raze swallowed hard. They never sent a temp back a second time. Never. It was his only stipulation.


  She rounded her desk and sauntered toward him. "A friend of mine gave me a heads up at the temp agency that you were back and slid me into this position." She touched his chest. "I hope you don't mind."

  Raze's saber hissed and paced, wanting to push Bethany away.

  Raze stepped backward. "Great. Well, I'm uh... leaving again soon, so, unfortunately, this will be a short assignment. Probably less than a week."

  Her expression fell. "Oh."

  "I'm expecting a call in about fifteen minutes so I need to get moving. Excuse me." He scooted around her and headed for his office.

  Raze closed his door and breathed deep. How was this happening? He couldn't have her there. Affina would freak if she saw Bethany. Especially with them in a weird place right then. He had to get her out of there.

  He'd barely gotten his things set down when Bethany entered, her perfume a bit stronger, her lipstick a shade darker and her blouse open an extra button.

  Raze groaned. This was not going to end well.

  * * *

  "We're here Miss." Ario looked at Affina in the rearview mirror and she nodded. The giant store with a red bullseye on it loomed over her. She had to keep her fears in check. She needed to show the others that it was okay.

  "We'll be about an hour, please, Ario."

  He nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be right here."

  "What is this place?" asked Satia.

  "It's an indoor market. It is supposed to have everything we need in it," replied Affina. The memory of the girl from the clothing shop insulting her by suggesting she shop here instead slapped Affina. She wished Razor was with her. She pulled out her phone to send him a message and then put it away again. She wasn't sure what the barrier was that had erected between them, but it wasn't going to be overcome easily.

  Ario rounded the car and opened the door for her. The rest of the clan piled out behind her. At least they looked like they fit in better than she had on her first day. In some of Razor's less formal clothes and Satia in a black dress, they all looked relatively like humans. Large humans. Large, wild-eyed humans.

  Affina sighed. There was no use waiting. They had to do it. They had to go inside.

  She closed the door and the group walked toward the entrance.

  "It smells here," Medajon said in their native tongue.

  "And it's too bright," Boramus replied.

  "These clothes itch."

  "At least you can move in yours," said Satia.

  "Enough!" Incus growled. "Be grateful you are still alive and that Queen Affina is willing to help you at all. She doesn't have to."

  The others bowed their heads in shame. Affina sighed. This was going to be harder than she thought.

  An hour later Affina left the store overwhelmed and with four cartloads of clothing, toiletries, and shoes. She'd never seen sabers so happy. After so long on the run to be able to have such basic necessities was like a dream. She'd let them pick whatever they wanted, though Isis had to be persuaded to buy a bra and underwear. Affina couldn't blame her.

  Ario helped load everything into the trunk as the others got in the car.

  "How about some lunch?" he asked.

  "I think that would be wise. Maybe something simple. Sandwiches and soup."

  "I know just the place."

  Affina walked around the car and Ario opened the door for her. She slid inside and looked at her phone. Razor hadn't called her once.

  * * *

  Raze hung up his call and rubbed his eyebrows. The last piece of land was firmly within his grasp. He stared at the satellite image of the lodge and the surrounding area. Five hundred acres on all sides. Two thousand acres for the new clan to live and breathe and run without anyone coming near them. And the timing was perfect with everyone having arrived.

  Logan had called him to inform him that they'd made sure Mandrake and the rest of his clan had boarded a plane and been sent straight back where they came from. And Jeremiah had used his contacts to make sure the entire lot of them had been put on a no-fly list. It gave Raze a modicum of peace.

  Bile rose in his throat. The clan would never accept him as king without Affina there to tell them so. He'd worked hard for their benefit to have them still treat him like a common slave.

  A knock sounded on his office door. Bethany opened the door and popped her head in.

  "What can I do for you?" Raze asked.

  "I just wanted to bring you your messages from when you were on the phone." She crept toward his desk the scent of fear and arousal wafting off her.

  "You can leave them there."

  She set them on his desk and waited.

  "Was there something else?"

  "I... wanted to apologize for how I reacted when I visited your apartment. I'm truly sorry. We never said we were exclusive. I should have known better. I just wanted to apologize to you for that. It will never happen again."

  "Apology accepted. Nothing has changed though, Bethany. I told you before that we cannot be together and we can't."

  She rounded his desk and sat on it, her skirt hiking up high.

  "I don't g
et it though. I thought we had something between us."

  "We did."

  Her eyes brightened with hope. "So you admit there's something there? I don't mind sharing you if that's what you need. And I won't be clingy. If you need to leave town I'm fine with that. Whatever you need." She slid onto his lap before Raze could do anything and ran her hand up his chest.

  Instinctively Raze raised his hands away from her.

  "Uh... what are you doing?" he stammered.

  "Yes. I'd like to know that myself." Affina stood in the doorway holding a bag and a drink.

  Raze jumped from his seat. "Fina."

  She shook her head and walked out.

  "Fina!" Raze raced after her as she strode across the outer office toward the glass door. "Fina stop!"

  She halted and turned, rage planted on her face. She walked back and shoved the food at him.

  "Fina, this isn't what it looked like," he said in their tongue.

  "So you haven't slept with her?"

  He couldn't change what he'd done in the past. All he could do is be better for the future. For her. "Yes, I have, but that was before you came. Fina, I love you, you know that."

  She took a deep breath and stepped forward, laying her palm on his cheek. "And I you, Razor. But I think now maybe we're just too different. I hoped it would not be so, but it is. You haven't even been away from me for a couple of hours and already I find another woman sitting on your lap."

  "Fina I told you. It isn't my fault. I didn't ask her to be here; I fired her. I didn't encourage her."

  "But you didn't stop her, either. When you walked in today and saw her here you didn't tell her to leave, did you?" She shook her head. "I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't. I can't take not being able to trust you. I can't take never knowing if a woman is going to throw herself at you."


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