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Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1)

Page 15

by liberty freer

  “How much did you hear?” Aiden asks, setting his phone down.

  I swallow the piece in my mouth and lick the icing from my finger. “I didn’t hear anything. Just saw Nora tearing through the house as usual. You okay?” I grab a napkin and take another small bite.

  “I want to take a semester off, but she acts like it’ll be the end of the fucking world if I do.”

  “Why do you wanna wait?” He gives me a sheepish look, and I arch a brow. “Ah, because of me?”

  “You just got here. Leaving for school feels… wrong.”

  “Your dad said the school was near the house, so you could come home on weekends and stuff, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s a thirty-minute drive.”

  “That’s not far. You should go.” He shouldn’t change his life for me. I don’t plan on being around long anyway.

  “Yeah, maybe. What about you? Are you planning on college?”


  Why is this so awkward for me? He’s willing to give up his first semester of college to spend time with me, and I want to leave. I feel a little guilty but it’s only because I’m in the same room with him. Once I walk away, the guilt will too. I’ve built walls of steel around my heart, not letting anyone new in for a long time.

  “If you wanted to get in this semester, it wouldn’t be a problem.”

  I fidget with my lip ring. “John mentioned that, but I’m not going to college this semester.” The way his expression shifts from hopeful to disappointed has me looking away from him. I should remind him I won’t be around long enough to finish a semester. “But anyway, I was grabbing a bite before I went outside to check on Tilly.” Keeping my eyes averted from Aiden, I step past him. I’ve lost my appetite, so I toss my breakfast into the trash on my way to the back door.

  “Hey,” Aiden says, stopping me as I reach for the doorknob. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

  Keeping my back to him, I say a quick, “Thanks,” and then I’m out the door. The heat from the sun floods my face, and I instantly begin to sweat. The breeze that skates across my skin is hot and sticky. I loathe humidity.

  As I head toward the water, I’m focused on the brown-headed boy who has my sister in his arms. I watch as he tosses her into the air. Laughing, she drops into the water and then pops up. She spots me and waves. I wave back, wondering what’s wrong with me. Tilly has been having a blast since we got here, and I want to go home.

  I watch Tilly, Logan, and Rocco play in the waves for about an hour before heading inside and going up to my room. The beach is pretty, but the gritty sand and salty air leave me feeling like a film has coated my skin and hair.

  I give Nana a call but she’s on her way to bingo, so I tell her I’ll call her later. She doesn’t bring up anything about the Westlings. Aunt Kathy said she’d tell her, but maybe she didn’t, or maybe Nana doesn’t care. I wish I could call Dad. I don’t see how no contact with family can be good for him. He must miss us as much as we miss him.

  I’m lost in my head while I go through the motions of showering, dressing, and then brushing my hair. I inspect my outfit of choice in the full-length mirror. I went full Nora approved clothes with high-waisted cloth shorts and a flowery curtain material fitted crop top. I don’t know why I’m trying, but Nora’s crazy-ass better appreciate this. I’m sure tomorrow will be a struggle when I refuse to wear whatever she tries to assign me to meet her family in.

  I leave my room with no clear destination in mind and end up in the library. I read the titles of several books I’ve never heard of. Some of the books look old, but most look like they’ve never been read. Leave it to rich people to have a library full of books for aesthetics. I hear Nora’s heels clicking across the tile in the library before she comes into view.

  “There you are.” She inspects me with a scrutinizing gaze. “Maybe once we’re back in California you can start meeting with a personal trainer. Are those breast implants?”

  I frown. “What? No.”

  “A breast reduction can help with that. You’ll fit into clothes better.”

  “You want me to cut off my boobs so my shirts look better on me?” I stare down at my chest. At best, I’m a small C.

  “There’s Claire.” She snaps her fingers as Claire’s passing by with her arms full of long gray zip-up bags. “Over here! How many full-length dresses did you bring?”

  “Four, ma’am,” Claire says.

  “Let me see.”

  Claire looks ready to collapse, so I offer to help. She hands me two zippered bags. She’s only unzipped one of the bags in her arms halfway when Nora says, “Next.”

  Claire’s fingers fumble with the zipper on the second bag. But she manages to pull out a simple floor-length dress. It’s light blue and looks silky to the touch. It’s similar to the dress I first met Nora in.

  “That one. It’ll go with Aiden’s shirt. Put it in her room and take the other dresses back.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Claire takes the bags from me and then hurries from the room.

  “Take out your piercings when Claire does your makeup in the morning. You need to be up by six.”

  This bitch. I grind my teeth. “I get you want to impress your family, so I’ll wear the dress even though I don’t like to wear dresses, but I’m not going to change myself in any other way.” I’m putting my foot down on my piercings.

  She leans forward, her nostrils flaring. “We both know you’re not my daughter.”

  I chew on my lip ring. She straight-up admitted she doesn’t think I’m Anna. What the fuck? Why is she going through all of this then?

  “Did you think you’d waltz in and reap my daughter’s benefits without accepting her role? Everyone in this family has a duty to uphold. Our name and image are priority. You will get your act together, young lady, or else.”

  With that, she stomps away. Damn, I think she needs her medication adjusted again. She’s lucky she’s crazy and not just a rude bitch or I’d smack her. I still might, but I’m going to try extra hard not to.

  I make my way to Aiden’s room, knocking on the door when I get there. Nick opens it a second later. I brush past him and march up to Aiden who is lounging on the couch with a lit joint in his hand. He looks like the boy the media sees online with the scowl on his face and narrowed eyes. The smoke from the joint slowly swirls in front of his face.

  “Nora doesn’t think I’m Anna,” I say, plucking the joint from his fingers. I take a hit and then pass it back.

  Aiden straightens and hands the weed to Nick who drops next to him. “Why do you think that?”

  I blow out a cloud of smoke and drop down to the chair. “Um, she straight-up told me.”

  Aiden swipes the joint back before Nick can hit it. “You must have misunderstood her.”

  “She was very clear.” I lean forward. “Have you noticed the way she says Anna when she’s talking to me?”

  Aiden gives me a look like he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I know I can’t be the only one that hears her condescending tone.

  “Listen, I think we should do that second test now, like right now.”

  Aiden blows out smoke in a long stream. “You’re not having doubts, are you? Not after we confirmed parts of your childhood.”

  “What if the people who took me were like brainwashing me or something? They could have put the memories there or recreated them somehow. They seem like real memories but maybe they aren’t?” I turn to Nick because he is the one most likely to understand. “What if I’m not her? You said a mother would know.”

  Nick doesn’t answer but his brows pinch together like maybe he’s reconsidering I’m Anna.

  “Let’s do the second test. It’ll help me move forward and maybe help Nora as well,” I say to Aiden.

  “Yeah, okay,” Aiden says, dropping the roach into his nearly empty water bottle. “If it will help you. Let me call James and see if he can arrange something today.”

  I wait patiently while Aiden spea
ks with James and Nick scrolls through his phone. Nora’s behavior has me on edge. She threatened my family to get me here, yet she doesn’t believe I’m her daughter? It doesn’t make sense.

  “James is on his way up. Since Dad isn’t here and I’d rather not bother Mom, I’ll swab my cheek to prove relation.”

  “That works.”

  Aiden moves to his bed where an open suitcase is next to a pile of crumpled clothes. “Mom’s insisting I pack today. She wants to leave for California as soon as her family leaves.” He shoves clothes into the suitcase. “Nick’s mom is fine with taking time off. I thought that would help my case with Mom.”

  Nick pockets his phone. “I’m only taking off one semester. It helps I’ve finished a year already.” Nick grins. “And someone needs to be there to keep Casey on track.”

  “Why not do what you want?” I say. “You’re an adult, Aiden. She can’t tell you what to do.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, and then says, “At least Nick will be around so you won’t be completely alone.” Aiden shoves more clothes than what can fit into his bag.

  “Oh, you live nearby?” I ask Nick.

  “He’s staying at our house in California.” Aiden smashes the top of the suitcase closed and leans onto it to zip it up.

  Nick licks his lips. “Aiden asked me to.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “You shouldn’t be alone all the time,” Aiden mumbles, launching the bag toward the door, it hits with a loud thud.

  “I don’t mind being alone. Sometimes it’s better that way.”

  Aiden and Nick glance at each other. There’s a knock at the door, and then James is walking in, handing Aiden and I each a swab. He doesn’t ask questions, just takes the swabs from us once we’ve swabbed our mouths and then leaves the room.

  “Is he like your maid?” I ask Aiden who’s mumbling obscenities as he packs another bag.

  “He’s more my security but was my head guy in finding you.”

  “He knew about the mark and Nick knows,” I say. “Anyone else? Does Casey? If you’ve told people, it’s possible others know, or your parents have told others. Maybe someone was grooming me to one day claim to be Anna.”

  “Why would they do that?” Aiden asks, chucking the lumpy bag at the door from across the room.

  “Money. People will do anything for money,” I say, eyeing him cautiously as he begins angrily cramming shoes into a small suitcase.

  Nick frowns. “The weed was supposed to calm him down.”

  Aiden slings the shoe bag toward the door and then storms into the closet.

  “I’m gonna grab Tilly. I need to talk to her about school choices.” My gaze trails Aiden as he shoots out of the closet fighting with an armful of clothes still attached to the hangers. “Let me know when you get the results back.” I grasp the doorknob. “And Aiden might need some more weed.”

  Chapter 21

  I head downstairs, moving toward the kitchen to grab a snack before asking Tilly to come in from the water. She’s going to be so fucking excited about attending school in California. Even if it’s only for a couple of months and then she has to switch back to her old school. I stop abruptly when I step through the kitchen entrance. Nora is sitting with my sister at the island, and they’re alone. My guard is instantly up.

  Tilly sees me and lights up. “Guess what? You’re never going to believe it.”

  “What?” I ask, straining to keep my eyes on my sister when I want to glare at Nora.

  “I’m going to an art school in England! Nora set it up for me. I’ll be studying under renowned artists. Can you believe it?”

  Don’t explode, I tell myself. Stay calm. This is a good opportunity for my sister. “Why the fuck didn’t you talk to me about this first?” I glare at Nora, my heart pounding against my chest.

  Nora’s eyes widen and she slowly stands. “Excuse me?”

  Tilly jumps up. “Hayley, it’s fine. Don’t do this, please.”

  She’s sending my sister away to get back at me. “You want to send my sister to a boarding school across the world?” My voice shakes with emotion. I’m going to kill her. I’m going to grab a fucking knife and slit her goddamn throat. My pounding heart fills my ears.

  “It’s an amazing opportunity, Hayley. It’s only for my sophomore year, and I’ll be able to visit on holidays and breaks.”

  “Wow,” I say to Nora. “You planned this fast. Why not send me away too? Why am I here?”

  Nora smiles. “I have other plans for you, daughter.”

  “Excuse me? If you think I’m going to stay here and take this shit, you are fucking crazy.” I step up to get in Nora’s face, but Tilly grips my shoulders and pushes me back. My hands fist at my side. Heat floods my body. I’m about to explode. I’ll deal with the fall out of my dad being questioned by police and possibly imprisoned, but I won’t take Nora shipping my sister to another country.

  “God, Hayley! Shut up! Nora’s been so nice, and you’re mad at the world and taking it out on everyone around you!” A sob breaks free. “You’re ruining everything. Why can’t you be happy for once?” Crying, she runs out of the kitchen.

  “You’re messing with the relationship I have with my sister. That wasn’t part of the agreement,” I growl.

  “I offered her an amazing opportunity. I don’t see how that’s harmful to your relationship with her.”

  Rocco pauses inside the doorway. “Hey, what’s the matter with Tilly? She looked like she was crying.”

  “I’m tired. I need to lie down,” Nora says, losing the bite to her tone she had before Rocco walked in. “Try the dress on, Anna. I’ll see you later.”

  “I’m not trying the dress on. I’m fucking leaving.”

  Nora’s hand jolts out to snatch my wrist as I brush past her. “You listen here,” she says through a clenched jaw. “I thought I made myself clear. Do as you’re told, and we’ll get along just fine. I would hate for the police to visit your father at Franklin Creek Rehabilitation and Recovery.”

  She releases me and storms away. The fact she knows where my dad is, has my stomach dropping to my feet.

  “What was that about?” Rocco asks.

  “That bitch is crazy,” I say. “Seriously, she needs to be locked away. What the fuck?”

  Rocco calls after me as I dart away. I race up the stairs, sprint down the hall, and rush into Tilly’s room. I’m out of breath when I reach her and can’t say what I need to right away.

  “Hold on,” I wheeze. I fan my face and she glares at me from her bed. “I know you’d love to go to art school.” Groaning, I hold my side. I’m really out of shape. “Accepting the benefits that come with living here are not worth it. Nora threatened Dad unless I agreed to stay here for two months.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Tilly says, clutching a pillow to her chest. “You said we were coming to visit, and we’d be back in time for me to start school.”

  “I said that because I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “Just like what you said about them asking you to get naked at the interview?” She shakes her head. “You don’t think I’m ready to go by myself. You know how much I love art and design.” She smooshes a pillow to her face and cries into it. “You’re ruining my life.”

  Tilly can be the happiest person ever, but she can also be extremely dramatic. “Tills, I love you, and I wish it was about the school but it’s not.”

  She lifts her head from the pillow. “You’re being selfish. You don’t want to be alone, and nobody will put up with your bitchy attitude but me.” Tears pour down her reddened cheeks.

  “You don’t mean that, Tilly. You’re mad.” I hope she doesn’t mean that. I’m not that bad. I know I’ve been a little different since Mom died, but I’m fucking trying. “I’m not going to stay here and put up with whatever Nora has planned, we need to go, now.”


  Aiden’s the one to question what I said. Tilly focuses on him as he steps into her room with Nick and
Casey following behind.

  “We heard yelling,” Casey says.

  “You’re leaving? James hasn’t called with the results yet. The lab is local. It won’t take long. Can’t you wait a little longer?” Aiden asks, clutching the phone in his hand.

  “It’s not about that. Nora wants to send my sister away.”

  “To a top-rated art school in England,” Tilly snaps, wiping away tears. “Things are finally going good for me and you want to ruin it,” she throws at me. “You will never be happy. You’ll always be miserable and want to drag me down with you!”

  “You’re pissed off I haven’t been happy? When did I have time to be? Mom died and Dad checked out. I had to step up so your life wouldn’t change. There was grocery shopping, meal planning, laundry, cleaning, lists, emails, bills. I was fucking exhausted all the time and stressed to the max.” I’m hot everywhere and my hands are shaking.

  And the woman who loved me unconditionally, who I loved with all my heart, was suddenly gone. It shattered me. I don’t say that part out loud because it leaves me too vulnerable.

  “I didn’t ask you to do that!”

  The guys look uncomfortable as hell, and I feel like I’m going to snap. “Fine, Tilly. Do whatever the fuck you want to do, but I’m leaving. I’m going back to Nana’s house.”

  “Are you serious?” Aiden asks in disbelief.

  My stomach clenches with guilt. “I can’t do this, Aiden. We can keep in touch. I’ll visit whenever you want me to, and you can come to mine. I just can’t stay here.”

  “Tilly said you guys aren’t even close to your grandmother,” Aiden says. “I thought you’d wait and leave when your dad went home. Mom talked to his doctor and they said it could be a while.”

  “She talked to his doctor?” My chest rises and falls rapidly.

  Aiden frowns. “I guess so. I know she can be complicated. She needs time—”


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