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An Original Belle

Page 37

by Edward Payson Roe

  "After seeming ages had passed," Blauvelt resumed, having taken afew moments of rest, "the fire of our artillery slackened and soonceased, and that of the rebete also became less rapid and furious.We saw horses brought up, and some of our batteries going to therear at a gallop. Could our guns have been silenced? and was disasterthreatening us? Our anxiety was so great that the two correspondentsand I rushed out and were speedily reassured. There was our infantry,still in line, and we soon saw that reserve batteries were takingthe place of those withdrawn. We afterward learned that GeneralMeade and brave General Hunt, Chief of Artillery, had ordered ourguns to be quiet and prepare for the assault which they knew wouldfollow the cannonade.

  "The wind blew from us towards the enemy, and our unbroken lineswere in view. All honor to the steadfast men who had kept theirplaces through the most awful artillery combat ever known on thiscontinent. For nearly two mortal hours the infantry had been obligedto lie still and see men on every side of them torn and mangled todeath; but like a wide blue ribbon, as far as the eye could reach,there they lay with the sunlight glittering on their polishedmuskets. The rebels' fire soon slackened also. We now mounted thefriendly rock, and I was busy with my glass again. As the smokelifted, which had covered the enemy's position, I saw that we hadnot been the only sufferers. Many of their guns were overturned,and the ground all along their line was thick with prostrate men.

  "But they and their guns were forgotten. Their part in the bloodydrama was to be superseded, and we now witnessed a sight which canscarcely ever be surpassed. Emerging from the woods on the oppositeridge, over a mile away, came long lines of infantry. Our positionwas to be assaulted. I suppose the cessation of our firing led theenemy to think that our batteries had been silenced and the infantrysupports driven from the hill. The attacking column was formingright under our eyes, and we could see other Confederate troopsmoving up on the right and left to cover the movement and aid incarrying it out.

  "There was bustle on our side also, in spite of the enemy'sshells, which still fell thickly along our line. New batteries werethundering up at a gallop; those at the front, which had horsesleft, were withdrawn; others remained where they had been shatteredand disabled, fresh pieces taking position beside them. The deadand wounded were rapidly carried to the rear, and the army strippeditself, like an athlete, for the final struggle.

  "Our batteries again opened with solid shot at the distant Confederateinfantry, but there was only the hesitation on their part incidentto final preparation. Soon on came their centre rapidly, theirflank supports, to right and left, moving after them. It provedto be the launching of a human thunderbolt, and I watched itsprogress, fascinated and overwhelmed with awe."

  "Were you exposed at this time to the enemy's shells?" Marias asked.

  "Yes, but their fire was not so severe as it had been, andmy interest in the assault was so absorbing that I could scarcelythink of anything else. I could not help believing that the fateof our army, perhaps of the country, was to be decided there rightunder my eyes, and this by an attack involving such deadly perilto the participants that I felt comparatively safe.

  "The scene during the next half-hour defies description. All everwitnessed in Roman amphitheatres was child's play in comparison.The artillery on both sides had resumed its heavy din, the enemyseeking to distract our attention and render the success of theirassault more probable, and we concentrating our fire on that solidattacking column. As they approached nearer, our guns were shottedwith shells that made great gaps in their ranks, but they neverfaltered. Spaces were closed instantly, and on they still came likea dark, resistless wave tipped with light, as the sun glinted ontheir bayonets through rifts of smoke.

  "As they came nearer, our guns in front crumbled and decimatedthe leading ranks with grape and canister, while other batteriesfarther away to the right and left still plowed red furrows withshot and shell; but the human torrent, although shrinking anddiminishing, flowed on. I could not imagine a more sublime exhibitionof courage. Should the South rear to the skies a monument to theirsoldiers, it would be insignificant compared with that assaultingcolumn, projected across the plain of Gettysburg.

  "At the foot of the ridge the leaders of this forlorn hope, asit proved, halted their troops for a moment. As far as the smokepermitted me to see, it seemed that the supporting Confederatedivisions had not kept pace with the centre. Would the assault bemade? The familiar rebel yell was a speedy answer, as they startedup the acclivity, firing as they came. Now, more vivid than thesunlight, a sheet of fire flashed out along our line, and the crashof musketry drowned even the thunder of the cannon.

  "The mad impulse of battle was upon me, as upon every one, and Irushed down nearer our lines to get a better view, also from theinstinctive feeling that that attack must be repulsed, for it aimedat nothing less than the piercing of the centre of our army. Thefront melted away as if composed of phantoms, but other spectralmen took their place, the flashes of their muskets outlining theirposition. On, on they came, up to our front line and over it. Atthe awful point of impact there was on our side a tall, handsomebrigadier, whose black eyes glowed like coals. How he escaped solong was one of the mysteries of battle. His voice rang out abovethe horrid din as he rallied his men, who were not retreating, butwere simply pushed back by the still unspent impetus of the rebelcharge. I could not resist his appeal, or the example of hisheroism, and, seizing a musket and some cartridges belonging to afallen soldier, I was soon in the thick of it. I scarcely know whathappened for the next few moments, so terrible were the excitementand confusion. Union troops and officers were rushing in on allsides, without much regard to organization, under the same impulsewhich had actuated me. I found myself firing point-blank at theenemy but a few feet away. I saw a rebel officer waving his hatupon his sword, and fired at him. Thank Heaven I did not hit him!for, although he seemed the leading spirit in the charge, I wouldnot like to think I had killed so brave a man. In spite of all ourefforts, they pushed us back, back past the battery we were tryingto defend. I saw a young officer, not far away, although wounded,run his gun a little forward with the aid of the two or three menleft on their feet, fire one more shot, and fall dead. Then I wasparrying bayonet thrusts and seeking to give them. One fierce-lookingfellow was making a lunge at me, but in the very act fell over,pierced by a bullet. A second later the rebel officer, now seen tobe a general, had his hand on a gun and was shouting, 'Victory!'but the word died on his lips as he fell, for at this moment therewas a rush in our rear. A heavy body of men burst, like a tornado,through our shattered lines, and met the enemy in a hand-to-handconflict.

  "I had been nearly run over in this charge, and now regained mysenses somewhat. I saw that the enemy's advance was checked, thatthe spot where lay the Confederate general would mark the highestpoint attained by the crimson wave of Southern valor, for Uniontroops were concentrating in overwhelming numbers. The wound inmy hand had broken out afresh. I hastened to get back out of themelee, the crush, and the 'sing' of bullets, and soon reached myold post of observation, exhausted and panting. The correspondentswere still there, and one of them patted me on the shoulder in a waymeant to be encouraging, and offered to put my name in his paper,an honor which I declined. We soon parted, unknown to each other.I learned, however, that the name of the gallant brigadier was Webb,and that he had been wounded. So also was General Hancock at thispoint.

  "The enemy's repulse was now changed into a rout. Prisoners werebrought in by hundreds, while those retreating across the plain werefollowed by death-dealing shot and shell from our lines. As I satresting on my rock of observation, I felt that one could not exultover such a foe, and I was only conscious of profound gratitude overmy own and the army's escape. Certainly if enough men, animated bythe same desperate courage, had taken part in the attack, it wouldhave been irresistible.

  "As soon as I saw that the battle at this point was practicallydecided, I started back towards our left with the purpose of findingmy regiment and our surgeon, for my hand had beco
me very painful.I was so fortunate as to meet with my command as it was being movedup within a few rods of the main line of the Third Corps, where weformed a part of the reserve. Joining my little company and seeingtheir familiar faces was like coming home. Their welcome, a cup ofcoffee, and the redressing of my wound made me over again. I had toanswer many questions from the small group of officers remaining,for they, kept in the rear all day, had not yet learned much aboutthe battle or its results.

  "While I gladdened their hearts with the tidings of our victory,our surgeon growled: 'I'll have you put under arrest if you don'tkeep quiet. You've been doing more than look on, or your hand wouldnot be in its present condition.'

  "Soon after I fell asleep, with my few and faithful men around me,and it was nearly midnight when I wakened."

  "It's very evident that none of your present audience is inclinedto sleep," Marian exclaimed, with a deep breath.

  "And yet it's after midnight," Mr. Vosburgh added. "I fear we aretaxing you, captain, far beyond your strength. Your cheeks, Marian,are feverish."

  "I do not feel weary yet," said the young officer, "if you arenot. Imagine that I have just waked up from that long nap of whichI have spoken. Miss Marian was such a sympathetic listener thatI dwelt much longer than I intended on scenes which impressed mepowerfully. I have not yet described my search for Strahan, orgiven Mr. Merwyn such hints as my experience affords. Having justcome from the field, I do not see that he could gain much by unduehaste. He can accomplish quite as much by leaving sometime tomorrow.To be frank, I believe that the only place to find Strahan isunder a rebel guard going South. Our troops may interpose in timeto release him; if not, he will be exchanged before long."

  "In a matter of this kind there should be no uncertainty which canpossibly be removed," Merwyn said, in a husky voice. "I shall nowsave time by obtaining the information you can give, for I shallknow better how to direct my search. I shall certainly go in themorning."

  "Yes, captain," said Marian, eagerly. "Since you disclaim wearinesswe could listen for hours yet. You are a skilful narrator, for,intensely as your story has interested me, you have reserved itsclimax to the last, even though your search led you only amongwoful scenes in the hospitals."

  "On such scenes I will touch as lightly as possible, and chieflyfor Mr. Merwyn's benefit; for if Strahan had been left on the field,either killed or wounded, I do not see how he could have escapedme." Then, with a smile at the young girl, he added: "Since youcredit me with some skill as a story-teller, and since my story isso long, perhaps it should be divided. In that case what I am nowabout to relate should be headed with the words, 'My search forStrahan.'"




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