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(3 Book Romance Bundle) "The Cowboy's Love" & "Sex with the Billionaire" & "Loving the White Billionaire"

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by Julie Allen, Carla Davis, & Monica Brooks

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, when my alarm went off around six a.m. I wasn't exactly sure what was ahead of me. The ranch had been slightly neglected over the past week while I dealt with all the things I had to do for my parents and the funeral. Of course, I had cared for the animals, but I had done the minimum. It was going to be my first real day running the ranch by myself, and it was going to be tough. I wasn't even going to use any of the ranch hands because I wasn't sure yet if I could afford them or not or how many I needed. I was determined to try to take care of the first week myself and then see what I absolutely needed help with.

  The first thing I did was pull on some old boots, a pair of cut off shorts and a light button down top. I knew it would cover me from the sun but keep me cool because it was so lightweight. I decided a sports bra underneath was best…well it was the only one I had. I need to make a trip to the store to get some more appropriate attire, I thought.

  As I walked outside the sun was coming up in the east, making everything shine brightly under its first rays of the day. I had made myself a list based on what I knew from growing up there. The first thing I needed to do was milk the cows. So, I headed towards them. Some of them were just waking up while others were already on the move. I led them one by one into the barn where they could eat happily while I washed their udders and milked them. By the time I was done with that I had so much milk I didn’t know what to do with it, and I still had another round to go later in the afternoon. Cows had to be milked twice a day generally. At least that’s what I learned when I was like four or five.

  I knew they had a deal with one of the local companies. I would have to find the phone number to call to make sure that service was continued. I left out a couple of gallons for myself and moved onto the chickens; feeding them and picking the eggs. Luckily we only had six chickens, so most of the eggs were used by my family. But now I would have to sell some. I thought about making a website for the ranch so people knew we had excess to sell, but I wasn't sure when I would find the time.

  For the moment being, I carried the eggs and two gallons of milk inside to put in the fridge which I had already cleaned out by sending half the food home with Lauren. It was finally time for me to have a little breakfast even though I was way too exhausted already to cook it. That was clearly why my mother did the cooking while my dad worked the land.

  So, I stuck my head under the cool faucet and sat down with a cup of instant coffee for a minute just to chill and cool off. One thing I had to say for the whole place is that the air conditioning was still working great. If it ever went out, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

  After I drank my coffee I was able to get up and make some eggs and bacon for myself. It didn’t taste as good as my mother's, but it was pretty wholesome considering. I actually felt proud of myself and energized when I was done and washed off my dishes. It was time to get back out there.

  I spent from nine until noon doing everything I could think of from checking and repairing fences to bathing and brushing the horses. I even planted some seeds in the garden and pulled some of the vegetables that were ready. I kept myself pretty busy so that I didn't have to think about how alone I was or how I was never going to get to brag about how good I was doing to my father. I would never cook another meal with my mother or go shopping with her.

  Those thoughts began to creeped back in as I slowed down, raking the manure and other items from the horses' stall while they ran around in their corral.

  I tried so hard not to sniffle or cry, but tears constantly began to sting my eyes and cheeks as I recalled the first time my father let me ride a horse or the first calf we helped birth together. It was getting to be too hard.

  Just as I was about to head in for lunch, when I saw a silver Mercedes pull into the long, dirt driveway in front of the gate that led onto the property. I really didn't want to see anyone at the moment, but considering the fact that the car was so expensive and had tinted windows, it made me curious as to who it could possibly be.

  I sighed and walked up to the gate to meet the person in the car. I had more work to do, and I didn't even look the part to be talking to anyone. I was sure I was covered in dirt and sweat among other things.

  I watched the driver get out and could see that it was a man in designer dark jeans and a polo, but his back was turned to me. I could not tell who he was. The light blinded me, and I tried to squint to make out his features as he turned around to face me. That's when I realized I knew exactly who the man was. It was Jonathan; the handsome, mysterious man from the funeral. For a moment I caught a look of surprise on his face that I wasn’t sure of the reason for. But then he caught himself and smiled as he approached the other side of the gate.

  "Well, it looks like we meet again “I said, trying not to feel too self-conscious about the way I looked. I was going to spend most of my days looking like that from then on. So, I'd have to get used to it and so would anyone who wanted to be around me.

  "Yes, it does. It's nice to see you again, Star, but I was almost entirely sure that you'd have moved on now and left town. But it looks like you're in the thick of it." He looked me up and down with a smirk, and I suddenly felt an odd chill run through me. I had always been pretty, but I wasn't used to being looked at by guys like Jonathan.

  "Yeah, I have been trying to do this whole ranch thing by myself. Hard work doesn't exactly look that attractive," I admitted with a shrug. "I've lived here on the ranch for a year now, though. I came back after college because I loved it here so much. The big city just wasn't for me. The ranch is actually being transferred to me, so as long as I pay the bills, I can stay here. This is pretty much my home now. As you can tell, I'm still sort of processing that." I nodded and tried not to stare at his hazel eyes or his yet again perfect hair. I could tell through his navy polo that he was probably ripped under there. I imagined that the guy paid for a personal trainer and a team of nutritionists to stay looking like that.

  A few strange and confused looks crossed his face, but I ignored it. I was happy to see him for whatever reason. It was probably because I was so lonely being on that ranch without my parents, but there was also something that drew me to the rich stranger. "Well, there's nothing wrong with a little hard work and getting a little dirty sometimes. Your father, I think, would have agreed with me on that." He winked at me when he said it, forcing me to hold back an obvious gasp. I wasn't sure why he was there, but something about being there with him kind of made my brain melt. It probably didn't help that it was hot enough out there to boil an egg.

  "I've still got a couple of things to do on the ranch, of course, but would you like to come inside for some tea? I'd like to think I make some pretty good southern peach tea," I suggested, trying to tempt him.

  "Yeah, that would be nice, actually. But why don't you let me try my hand at the tea so that you can finish what you're doing and get washed up. I'm sure it's been a long day for you already." I nodded and opened the gate to let him in, trying not to do something dumb like trip or bat my eyes at him.

  He walked past me and led the way into the house like he was in charge. He had clearly been by a couple of time before, but that confidence was what I noticed. Something about it made me like him even more even though I hardly knew more than his name.

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