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(3 Book Romance Bundle) "The Cowboy's Love" & "Sex with the Billionaire" & "Loving the White Billionaire"

Page 12

by Julie Allen, Carla Davis, & Monica Brooks

  Chapter Nine

  "I just don't really think that's appropriate to ask. I just found out I got the place," I continued, lashing out this time. Jonathan put his right hand up in surrender.

  "I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about that if you don't want to," Jonathan said, backtracking immediately. I was pretty sure he sensed my discomfort with the question. He seemed nervous at my reaction. "I was just trying to make conversation with you. I really didn't mean anything by it," he said, trying to cool me off. So far, it wasn't working, though. Something just felt so strange about the question. It sounded almost like there was a specific reason he wanted to know like something way too fast and creepy like him wanting to live with me. Or maybe there was something entirely more sinister than that.

  "Why would you even ask something like that?" I asked, feeling hostile as I pulled away from him. "I mean, we're lying in bed together; we just had sex. I don't know how that question even makes sense right now or ever really." I looked to him for a reaction, but to my dismay he simply shrugged as if he wasn't even sure himself if he knew why he had asked that question. He was so confusing to me at the moment, and I didn't know what to do. He was in my house. I couldn't just take off running. And I couldn't forget about the time we had spent together. My head seemed to be spinning and changing directions all the time when it came to Jonathan.

  "I really was just trying to make conversation, Star. I didn't mean to offend you or make you feel strange or angry. But I do understand how it sounds now," he admitted. I stood up and pulled my panties back on along with a clean button down shirt, but I didn’t button it yet. I passed him his boxers instead.

  "Yeah, it sounds strange," I told him, feeling desperate to be alone all of a sudden.

  "I know now that it sounded better in my head," he insisted as he slid his boxers back on in compliance. "I'm really sorry for starting something. I would really rather just lay here and cuddle with you instead of making you angry. I have been having such a good time, and I seem to have lost my mind momentarily. Is there any way that we can just let it go and you can get back in the bed with me?"

  His eyes pleaded with me. It was the first time Jonathan had ever let anything slip from his mouth that wasn't perfect. I could have just been cracking and chipping away at the surface only to find something bigger inside there that I didn’t like. The idea of that frightened me, especially after how far I had gone with him. If that was the case, though, pressing the issue could chip away at him so much that he exploded into some kind of monster. Or I could have been ruining a good thing with my sudden paranoia.

  I sighed and slid into the bed next to him again cautiously. Since he was letting it go and knew he had said something strange, it seemed like the best choice at the moment to let it go myself. It just wasn't worth the aggravation to continue to fight about it. Cuddling with him did sound like a pleasant thing to do. Plus, his company was the only thing in what seemed like forever that kept me feeling normal and like I wasn’t going to just lose it and break down every second. I wasn't about to ruin that over something that turned out to be silly.

  I flashed him a smile as he was trying to gauge my behavior and then leaned down to give him a soft kiss on the lips. Jonathan pulled me into him as the kiss became more passionate. If I wasn't exhausted I would have been willing to go for another round. Something about his touch just really got me going.

  His hands slid up my back, and he rubbed my nipples with his thumbs again. I climbed on top of him, and he took my hips in his hands to held me there as we continued to kiss. Finally, we allowed each other to breathe for a moment. Then, Jonathan started to tickle my sides, making me laugh and fall to the side of him, gasping for air.

  Once the laughter subsided, I had to apologize. "Jonathan, I'm sorry about snapping at you. I didn't really mean it. You know what I've been through the past few days, and I guess it just rubbed me the wrong way. Let's just relax and have a good time like we have been. I really have enjoyed spending time with you." I didn't know if it was too much information to tell him considering how suspicious I suddenly was of him. But it was pretty much the truth.

  "I'm sorry too, Star," he said with a sigh. "I should have realized how that might sound and been more sensitive. You only have to talk about what you're ready to talk about. I'll let you start the conversations from now on," he said, feeling my bottom lip with his thumb.

  I laid my head back on his chest for a moment, and he went back to playing with my hair. But suddenly, it just didn’t feel like enough. "I'm not as tired as I thought I was," I admitted to him, making his chest rumble with a loud chuckle.

  “Well, then let’s get up and do something,” he suggested, sliding out from under me then offering his hand. I looked down at myself skeptically, wondering what we were going to do with me dressed like that. But then I got an idea.

  “Let’s get dressed, and then you can meet me in the living room,” I told him excitedly.

  “You really want me dressed?” Jonathan teased. I laughed and flipped my hand at him to let him know I thought he was being silly.

  “It’s up to you, but I’m getting dressed.” I pulled on some jeans shorts and a shirt that had the American Flag on it; nothing fancy. It wasn’t like he hadn’t already seen all of me. There was no point for formalities anymore.

  I slid across the wood floor with my bare feet and dared to enter my parents’ bedroom. I knew there was a special gem from my great grandparents sitting in their bedroom closet gathering dust. If it still worked, I thought Jonathan might get a kick out of it. Sure enough, I found the old thing buried behind some books and worn boots. I carefully pulled it out and carried it into the living room where I found a shirtless Jonathan already waiting for me. “I opted for a compromise,” he joked as he approached me and I placed the phonograph on the floor. I began to dust it off carefully, revealing the shiny dark green paint.

  “I can see that,” I told him, trying not to show a reaction as he squatted down in front of me.

  “Is that what I think it is?” he asked as I tried to make sure the needle and everything was balanced before I wound it up. I wondered what kind of music it might play. I hoped it was something good.

  “It’s a phonograph,” I told him as I began to wind. “My great grandparents brought it with them from Germany when they came here to America. My grandmother told me all the time how they loved to dance even though they were just farmers. I have pictures of them somewhere,” I offered before letting it go. I instantly recognized the song that started playing. It was “Bei Mir Bist du Schön”. It was a popular Swing song during the rise of the Nazis in Germany. It was pretty catchy.

  Jonathan held out his hand, and I took it. He pulled me up on my feet and began to dance with me. I was shocked at how skilled he was. He swung me around and threw me in the air, leaving me breathless. What wasn’t this guy good at? “Do you know how to do everything?” I asked him with a smile as we danced around each other.

  “Nope, I don’t know the capital of every country,” he said, making me double over in a laugh so that I couldn’t keep dancing. It just proved to me that there was every reason to have ended that fight and had him stick around. My cloud of depression was lifting significantly, and I was feeling happy again. All my stupid suspicions must have grown from my anxiety over having too much to do and no clue how to get any of it done by myself. There was no reason for me to continue to be miserable, and I was almost certain my parents would have been happy to know that I was having a good time in the midst of all the chaos and tragedy.

  “Well, that’s good to know,” I replied, taking his hand again so that we could dance again. I didn’t know how long we did that. I ignored my screaming burning legs and the sweat pouring off of me. I just enjoyed the moment the way that I used to. In the back of my mind, I made a note to call Rachel about it considering how cute she had thought Jonathan was at the funeral.

  After some time, we stopped and sat on the floor. The clock told
me that it was nearly eleven thirty at night, and I still needed to get up early as usual to start the next day on the ranch.

  “I think I need to take a shower and get to bed. You’re welcome to stay the night, of course, in fact, I’d love you to. But I do have to get up early to get the work done on the ranch,” I told Jonathan, looking at him.

  “Sure, I’ll stay the night, but how about a bubble bath? I’ll even run it for you,” he offered. I nodded.

  There was no way I was turning down that offer. He got up and headed to my bathroom, and I pulled out my phone, wanting to get a quick text into Rachel while he was out of the room. She would kill me if I waited to tell her.

  Hey, I only have a minute. I hope you made it alright and are having a great time with your husband. Wanted to let you know Mr. Cute a.k.a. Jonathan showed up at the ranch this morning, and we have practically been together since. Thought you’d want to know. Getting in the tub now!

  I hit send and then laughed at how much like a teenage girl I sounded, but maybe that was a good thing. Shouldn’t a good relationship and life keep you young? My parents certainly had that going for them.

  My phone buzzed. Apparently she had answered me immediately.

  OMG Star! You deserve every moment of happiness you can get. You just snatch it up and go get in that bath. But do NOT forget to call me tomorrow. Oh, and things are great with the hubby. He’s so happy to have me here with him.

  I smiled at the message but almost jumped out of my skin when I heard Jonathan’s voice. He was a little closer than I had anticipated. “Should be done in a moment. The water is nice and warm, so you might want to get ready before you miss out,” he suggested with a wink, leaning up against the wall. I slid my phone back into my pocket and smiled at him as I stood up and walked past him into the bathroom. I pulled out a towel for him and a pink robe for myself. Bubbles were rising in the tub as I began to strip off my clothes.

  Suddenly, Jonathan’s arms were wrapped around me, he kiss my neck. I shivered as it both tickled and felt great at the same time. He slowly slid my shorts and panties down. It was a bit of de ja vu for me. Once he was done with me, he lifted me into the tub and turned off the water. It was nice and warm. I watched as he put on a show, taking his pants off again and then his boxers. His physique was so perfect I didn’t think I was ever going to get used to it.

  As he slid into the tub across from me, he pulled me into his lap and locked lips with me while he grabbed my loofa and sponged some soapy water over my back. It loosened all the muscles that had tightened up while I was working my butt off on the ranch all day. I began rocking my hips against him, feeling him get hard underneath me while he continued to soap up my body. Before I knew it, his hard member had slipped inside me once again and there was no resisting it.

  So, I rode him in the tub, splashing warm soapy water over the sides until we both reached climax once again.


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