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The Dynasty Club Box Set

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by Celeste Raye

  “I am going to go, Neil. I need to get some cash and check on some people before it gets too late. I am sure that Ben is already out looking for Audra. I will be back in a little bit, alright?”

  Neil waved his friend off and told him to take this time. “Your sister will be safe with me.”

  Audra looked at Neil, and he could tell that she wasn't sure about the last statement.

  “What? You don't think you'll be safe?”

  “I just hope you know what you're getting into.”

  Neil smiled at her and agreed. He hoped that he knew what he was getting into as well. Neil was thinking about how explosive things could come in tiny packages. He didn't have to know Audra to understand that she was that type. Audra was going to cause havoc in his life. He just knew it. The question was if she was going to be worth it or not.

  “I think I do. Why don't I show you to the extra room where you'll be sleeping? Maybe we can get some ice for your face.”

  “It's not that bad.”

  Neil couldn't look at her and not be enraged. He thought it was bad enough. He couldn't imagine someone like her being touched in such a way. She was fragile, and needed to be protected. He instantly hated her husband and wanted to burn him alive. The man obviously did not deserve her.

  “It's bad enough. You shouldn't have any marks.”

  Audra smiled, but she looked away after a moment. Neil could tell that she was shy, but also that it was too soon for him to show his attraction. For him, it was pretty much instantaneous. When he saw something that he wanted, he just took it. But this time was going to be different, had to be different. He was going to have to wait, no matter how bad the idea of it sounded.

  He walked up the staircase with her slowly, like she was going to break at any moment, and Audra turned and looked at him.

  “Really, Neil. I'm fine. This is nothing compared to what he has done before. You don’t have to treat me like I’m going to break. I am a lot sturdier than I look.”

  All Neil could think was that it was just another reason to hate the man. Sam had told him how dangerous Ben was, but Neil didn't care. He knew that before it was all said and done, he would take care of Ben himself. He believed in justice, and that seemed like something that needed to happen.

  Audra thanked him for the room after she sat down on the bed. He offered to show her around, but she said she was tired, and he took it as a clue for him to leave. She most likely wanted to spend some time thinking about how her whole life changed in an instant. Neil admired what she had done keeping herself safe, but at the same time, he wondered what Sam had brought him.

  It felt like change.

  Chapter Four

  It didn't hit Audra until she tried to go to sleep that night. It was the first time that she had slept anywhere but in her husband’s bed for a very long time. She felt strange sleeping by herself, and every sound in the house made her jump. At some point, Audra knew that she wasn't going to be able to sleep and she padded down the hallway trying to find the bathroom so that she could take a shower. Sometimes a hot shower would help her calm herself.

  “You can't sleep?”

  Audra jumped at the voice and struggled to see in the dark.

  “No, I guess not. It has just been a hell of a day and I thought I might take a hot shower. You don't mind, do you?”

  “No. Is a shower really what you need?”

  The question threw her for a moment because Audra had not been thinking about what she needed. She knew that she needed sleep, but it didn't seem like that was something that was going to happen at the moment. Sleep seemed as elusive as hope seemed to be.

  “Honestly, I don't know what I need. My whole life is changed now, and I don't know how much is going to be different. I am thankful that you are helping me, but how is this going to work? I can't stay here forever, and Ben is never going to stop looking for me.”

  The more she said it out loud and thought about it, the more upset Audra became. It was horrible when it was said out loud in such a way, and she had to take a moment to pull herself back together. If she wasn't careful, she was going to be a blubbering fool before she knew it.

  Neil could see that she was hurting, and he pulled her into his arms. There was the attraction that he had felt earlier, multiplied by a hundred, but he ignored it. Ignored the way her body called to him because it was not for him to take that call. Neil knew that Audra had to heal some, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Whatever the man had done to her to make the bruise on her face was nothing compared to what he had done to her heart.

  “It's all going to be okay.”

  “I don’t know why everyone keeps saying that. It doesn't feel that way, Neil. It doesn't feel that way at all. It feels like it's never going to get better. Ben is never going to stop looking for me, and I am never going to be able to stop moving.”

  “I promise you that he will never hurt you again.”

  “How can you be sure? You don't know what he's like.”

  Neil grinned at her, trying to get her to react the same way. “You don't know what I'm like.”

  She paused and searched his face for something before Neil turned away. He almost knew for certain what she was looking for, and he tried to quell his inner demons. Neil knew that it was not the time for such things. The woman had been through enough and she didn't need any more shocks for the night. That little secret was to stay his secret for a while longer.

  “I know that you are a very nice man, Neil. I already feel better being around you.”

  “Why don't I lay down with you for a little while? I'm sure that you just need some reassurances, that's all. You need to get some sleep, Audra, and you will feel better tomorrow.”

  As much as she wanted to tell him no, he seemed to know exactly what she needed. She wanted to feel his body next to hers. Then she would know that she was going to be safe and no one would come snatch her away as she slept.

  “Would you mind staying with me for a little bit? Just until I go to sleep?”

  He agreed immediately and started to walk with her back towards the bedroom. He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and all of them included situations that he shouldn't be thinking about. He was trying to help her, not mate with her, but his body was confused about his true reasoning.

  Neil pulled Audra into his arms and felt something come over him. It was just like the single touch when they had shaking hands, but now it was all over his body. He had to wonder if she could feel it as well, though it wasn't long at all before she was asleep for the night. He could hear her breathing getting even as she laid next to him. The more he tried to fight the feeling that came over him, the harder it was to do so. Neil had never felt such an instant connection with anyone in his life, and he had to wonder if it was fate that brought her to him.

  He stayed up much longer than he had anticipated. Sam had texted him earlier and told him that he was not going to be able to make it until the next day; it might even be later than that. Neil did not know how long Audra was going to be staying with him, but he did know that he wanted to spend every moment he could with her. Even sleep seemed to be a waste of time.

  After a while, he finally dozed off and his dreams were filled with a maiden who needed to be saved. It wasn’t hard for Neil to imagine who the damsel in distress was. He could never see the face of the woman in his dreams, but he didn't have to. He already knew who it was.

  Chapter Five

  “So, you have talked to Sam?”

  “He sent a text a little while ago. I don't think there is anything to worry about. He just wants to be extra cautious.”

  Audra sat back in the chair at the table and tried to assess what to do next.

  “So, what am I supposed to do?”

  She couldn't think of an answer, so she finally asked her host. Audra was finding it hard to even meet Neil’s eyes this morning. She wasn't used to being so vulnerable, and though Audra was used to rough men, she wasn't used to tender ones. He
had held her like she was glass, and Audra did not think she was going to be able to forget about it. There was something about Neil that melted her reserve and made her curious.

  “You should wait here and stay safe. You will not be found here.”

  “I wish that were true, Neil, but you don't know my ex.”

  Audra almost called him her husband, but that would have been wrong. She did not feel like he was her husband, and the only reason she had said yes so many years ago was because she did not know who he was. Audra had found out quickly though.

  “I know men like Ben. Your brother has told me enough to get the picture. You should not worry about him anymore.”

  Audra wanted to agree with him, but she didn't. There was no way that she could. If Sam said that he was tougher, then she wasn't going to question it, but Audra did not want Neil to underestimate Ben either.

  “Just know that he is not your typical kind of bad guy.”

  Neil found something funny with it and Audra was a bit confused at some of his reactions. She was starting to think that he found everything funny. Her life was spiraling out of control, and Neil was snickering through it all.

  “I know that you are afraid, but there is nothing to be afraid of. I will not let anything happen to you.”

  The way he said it, so assuredly, made her feel a little bit better. She didn't know if he would be able to hold to his promise, but it felt like he believed it anyway. Maybe that would be enough.

  “Thank you, Neil. I don't know what I would do without you helping me like this. My brother says that you owe him or something, so I know that it is not because of me, but I want to thank you anyway.”

  “What there is between your brother and me is not obligation. I respect him, and he needed my help. I will always be here for him and for you. I just want you to know that.”

  His dark brown eyes were too intense for Audra, and she had to look away. There was a glint that looked almost red for a moment, and it unnerved her. That or the flip-flop of her heart in her chest had been enough of a reason to look away. His square jaw shifted in a grin, and Audra knew that she wasn't able to hide her emotions as well as she would have hoped.

  “Just know, Audra, that I would do anything for you.”

  Audra didn't know what to think of the emphasis that he put on the word anything. Her mind went to naughty thoughts, and she knew that it was because of how they had been pressed against each other the night before. He had held her like they were lovers; their bodies were completely intertwined together, and it wasn't something that she could easily forget.

  “Well, you don't have to worry about that. I will not be asking for anything out of the ordinary, Neil. You are already doing so much that I couldn't possibly ask for anything more.”

  Neil's smile faltered a little bit, and Audra wondered if he was thinking about the same thing she was. All she could think about was his body on hers again. Audra had a feeling that she wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight without his assistance. Anything to get close to his muscular frame again.

  One minute, he was across the room from her, and the next, he was right in front of her. She hadn’t even seen him move, but suddenly Neil was right in front of her with this look in his eyes that she was finding impossible to glance away from.

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything that you need?”

  Audra was quick to tell him no and then broke eye contact. It was like he was reading her mind or something, and she was instantly embarrassed at the idea that he could. She calmed herself down after a moment. Of course, he couldn’t read her mind.

  “No, I am sure. You have done more than enough. Would you like me to do anything while I’m here? I can cook and clean or whatever you need done.”

  “Whatever I need?”

  She stopped at his wording but finally agreed. “Sure, within reason.”

  He pouted for a moment; a movement that made his face even more endearing somehow.

  “That isn’t whatever I need.”

  She skipped a beat before speaking. “I don’t know if I would be able to handle what you need.”

  He chuckled and poured her some more coffee.

  “When I agreed to help Sam’s sister, I never knew that it was going to be such a delight.”

  “When I ran away from my crazy husband, I never thought that it would be enjoyable.”

  “Ah, so you’re enjoying yourself?”

  She hadn’t quite known the answer until that moment, but Audra decided that she was enjoying herself rather well. It was a bit more than she should; she was sure of it.

  “In a way, I guess I am. I did not think I would meet someone like you, Neil. You have restored my faith in humanity.”

  For some reason, Neil found that last bit a little funny, and he chuckled. Like most of the other times he found things hilarious, Audra did not understand why. She felt like if she were to know Neil for a lifetime, it still wouldn't be enough.

  Their eyes met for a moment, and Audra was almost lost in their depths. Something was deep and dark, and she wondered what was hiding so far down away from light.

  “I don't know about restoring faith in humanity, Audra. I am probably the last person to do that, but I will be here to protect you. I am here to give you anything that you need. I take that vow very seriously.”

  Audra once again could not hold his gaze, and she looked away after a moment. There was just too much intensity in his eyes. They were hard to look at for an extended period of time.

  “I will keep that in mind, Neil.”

  Anything, he says…

  Audra could think of a couple things right off the top of her head that she needed. She was unable to say such things out loud, unfortunately.

  Chapter Six

  “How much does she know about me?”

  Sam was quiet on the other line for a moment and then told Neil that Audra did not know anything.

  “You know that I will not tell your secret. Not to anyone. Not even to her.”

  Neil didn't know if he should feel relieved or not. If she did know about him and what he was, it would have been easier to talk about it going down the line. He knew that the conversation would happen eventually, and he also knew that he was unable to stop the curiosity that brought everything about.

  “Thank you for that, Sam. I know that is what I asked of you.”

  “Then why do you sound disappointed?”

  Neil wasn't going to get into it with Sam. He was her brother after all, and that would not make any sense. But he did want to say something. He just didn't know what. How was he supposed to tell Sam that he felt drawn to Audra, that it went further than he thought it could? Neil did not understand it himself but he still wanted to remark on it.

  “I just want to make sure that your sister is safe. She has a way of making you want to help her.”

  Sam agreed and told Neil that his sister had always had that ability.

  “It was really a shame when she got with Ben. I think he saw the goodness in her and wanted it for himself. He tried to squeeze it out of her, but Audra wouldn't let it happen.”

  “Your sister is special, and I am glad that you brought her here to stay safe. I will do everything I can on my end; just be careful on yours. We have gotten through a lot worse shit than this, and it will just take time. We will get through this as well.”

  Neil didn't know if he was saying it for himself or for Sam's sake, but he wanted to believe his words. He wanted to believe that everything was going to work out somehow, even if it seemed impossible at the moment.

  Sam said his goodbyes and Neil shared with him again that he would keep his sister safe. There was no way that Neil was going to let anything happen to Audra. She had done something to him. Something he didn't understand, and did not want to end. Neil had heard rumors that this was how it was supposed to feel, but he had always been skeptical, but now he started to understand it.

  He hung the phone up and went back downstairs to find Audra
out on the front porch. She was sitting back in an armchair, letting the sun bake her. She had on only a tank top and a pair of shorts that he had lent her because she had brought nothing with her to wear. There were a few pictures that came along with her, but that was all.

  He was standing next to her before he realized that she was asleep. She had a slight grin on her face; whatever she was dreaming about seemed to make her smile. That made him smile as well.

  He wanted to will her to wake up. Neil wanted to talk to her, annoyed that their time together was going to be short, especially since there was a lot that he wanted to find out about her. Mostly, Neil was trying to figure out what made her so different than all of the rest.

  When she didn’t wake up right away, he decided that he was going to sit down next to her. If they couldn’t speak, at least he could soak her up in other ways. He could smell every bit of her, and it was a scent that he was unfamiliar with. He wasn’t unfamiliar with human females, but Audra was different. He didn’t know why, just that she was.

  His eyes closed to the bright sun, but he was unable to sleep. He didn’t want to. All he wanted to do was be near her. Neil worried about the sudden obsession he felt because it didn’t feel natural. This wasn’t like him, and any change in his demeanor took some thought.

  “Are you really not going to say anything? You stood there for ten minutes and nothing.”

  “I didn’t know that you were awake.”

  “I’m in that cozy place in between, where I’m just kind of floating. The sun feels marvelous.”

  “How can you be so optimistic at a time like this?”

  Neil was shocked at her attitude. It was certainly different than the night before.


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