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Taking It Slow (Code of Honor Book 4)

Page 10

by Reese Knightley

  Jesus fucking Christ. Spencer tracked Liam’s tall form as he walked across the mess hall. Anywhere they were, anytime he got the chance, he watched Liam. It got so bad, he couldn’t not watch Liam. He knew Liam noticed, of course, but the man had the graciousness not to point it out. In fact, Spencer was sure Liam liked that he looked at him a lot.

  A shoulder bumped his and he glanced over to find Maddox staring at him. His friend then deliberately looked over at Liam and then back to him.

  “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?” Maddox smirked.

  “It’s not like that,” he squinted.

  Maddox gaped and then growled, “Why the fuck not?”

  “What?” His mouth dried up.

  “You two are perfect for each other. It’s clear to the rest of us that you like and respect each other. So again, why the fuck not?”

  Spencer shoved back his tray and stood. He spun from his best friend and walked out of the chow hall. He only forgot how tenacious Maddox could be when his buddy followed him to the locker room.

  “I wasn’t done.”

  “I was.”

  “Fuck that, Spencer. Talk to me.”


  “Spencer.” Maddox’s voice sounded hurt.

  Spencer pinched the bridge of his nose and then turned. “Sorry.”

  “You were there for me when I needed you the most. If not for you, I wouldn’t have called River.”

  “You would have.”

  “Probably, but not that day. I might have let our misunderstanding go on for a lot longer if you hadn’t been there for me.”

  He swallowed and nodded. Okay, yeah, the misunderstanding between River and Maddox had been a fucking doozy.

  “So, talk to me. What’s the problem?”

  He’s rich! he wanted to blurt out. And suddenly, the silent words sounded so fucking vane, like he was a snob or something. “You know my living situation.”


  Spencer stared at him. Maddox’s face went from frowning in puzzlement to clearing.

  “It’s monetary differences,” Maddox said and rubbed his chin.

  “Yeah. I can’t meet him on even ground.”

  “Why even try?” Maddox frowned. “Why not meet him on even ground with something else. There’s more to life than money. What about your interests? You have the military in common. Everyone can see you’re attracted to each other.”

  Great, he groaned silently.

  “He’s my commanding officer.”

  “So? You’ll have to report to someone else if you make a go of it, but so what?”

  He licked at his lips, shoved his clothes into his duffle, and hefted it over his shoulder.

  Maddox jerked his head toward the door and Spencer followed his friend. They’d been through so much together. God, he’d be dead if it hadn’t been for Maddox and River.

  They stepped out the doors and headed to the parking lot.

  “Come over for dinner. Bring Wesley. You can observe being a couple from River and me,” the smart ass said with a grin.

  “Fuck you,” he laughed.

  “I mean it, though. Spencer, think about it? River and I haven’t always made more money than the other. We fluctuate. With my promotion, I now make more, but we’ve never let that get in the way of our love.”

  “I know. It’s just that Liam and I are from two different sides of the tracks.”

  “Yeah, and you’re basing the shit that happened in high school on your decisions now. That’s not good.”

  He squinted at Maddox.

  “Remember when you told me I sounded like my abusive old man?” Maddox reminded him.

  Spencer grimaced, remembering how he’d challenged Maddox. He basically told the guy he was taking away River’s choice by not telling him the truth.

  “That’s a bit different,” he pointed out.

  “Not really. You were blunt. You told me like it was.”

  “I remember.”

  “I’m going to be just as blunt. Don’t miss out on a good thing by letting what happened in the past keep you from living.”

  Spencer felt a burn at the edges of his eyes and blinked rapidly. He clenched his teeth to keep his emotions locked away.

  “You’re taking that shit out on Liam.”

  “What?” he said, shocked. “No, I’m not!”

  “Yes, you are. You’re letting your past get in the way of your future.” Maddox shook his head sadly.

  “What do I do?” He gazed helplessly at Maddox.

  “Take a chance. Take a risk. You just might find happiness.” Maddox gave him a tight hug, which he returned.

  Spencer stood in the parking lot watching his friend drive away.

  Was he capable of having a relationship with Liam? He knew one thing, he was placing too much importance on money. Maybe that was his way of keeping Liam at arm’s length. Not all relationships were like the one from his past. Not all rich men were the same.

  Suddenly, the thought of pissing away any chance he had with Liam brought a lump to his throat again.


  He eased open his truck door and then lifted and pulled it closed. It had stopped shutting a few days ago, so he’d fashioned a bungee cord to keep it shut. The cord blurred as he tried to get it to hook on the metal portion at the bottom of the driver’s side seat.

  He shoved the key in the ignition and the engine whined and then died. He turned it again and the engine caught, held, and then cracked with a loud boom. Black smoke billowed from the tail pipe and the engine died.

  “Come on, come on, come on,” he whispered through a tight throat and turned the key again.

  This time, the engine didn’t turn over at all.

  “Fuck my life,” he swore and plopped his forehead on the steering wheel. A moment later, he punched the steering wheel hard several times with the heel of his palm. His hand stung like a motherfucker.

  He sat up with a huff and pressed his head to the head rest and gazed out the window.

  Across the parking lot sat Liam’s big, shiny, silver pickup with all the bells and whistles. It was a man’s fucking dream truck. His mouth salivated just looking at it. But the fucking truck paled tremendously next to its owner.

  Even if Liam didn’t have a dime to his name, Spencer knew he’d carry the same calm, controlled authority. He knew that even if Liam had a modest income, the man would be the same guy who took care of his dead cousin’s children, slipped Wesley money every chance he got, and tried to pay for everything even if he had to make up lame stories to do it. Most of their arguments were over Liam footing the bill, and Spencer knew it was his fault. Liam wasn’t trying to buy his affection.

  Hell, he’d give it to the man freely. Why? Because Liam was an honorable man.

  And Liam wanted him.

  Fuck, had he fucked up by boxing Liam into a friend category? Was it too late to want more?

  Maddox was right. Maybe he couldn’t put away everything that had happened in his past, but did he need to have it affect his future?

  “Fuck this,” he said, suddenly filled with resolve.

  Snagging up his duffle, he got himself out of his truck and shut the broken door as much as he could before he made his way over to Liam’s truck.

  He tossed his duffle in the pickup bed and then leaned against the passenger side of the vehicle, his gaze trained on the doors to the base.

  The door he knew Liam would be coming out of. He checked his watch.

  Ten minutes to think about his next move and what it might look like. What exactly did he want? He couldn’t picture a future without Liam.

  Did Liam want the same? A future that, if Liam gave him a chance, just might include him.


  Liam shoved out of the officer’s quarters and into the bright sunshine.

  He couldn’t stop the grin from spreading when he spotted Spencer leaning against his truck.

  They’d been hanging out with each other for a few m
onths now, but never had Spencer been waiting at his truck. It was killing him to play it cool. Driving him insane, actually, but in a good way. Anticipation tightened his gut the closer he got to the sexy as all hell soldier.

  Wearing camouflage pants, boots, and a tight t-shirt, Spencer was a walking wet dream.

  “We need to pick up Wesley on the way,” Spencer said gruffly and slid into the passenger seat.

  Liam couldn’t stop the soft chuckle. He slipped behind the wheel.

  “And food.”

  “And food.” Spencer snorted a half laugh. “That’s a given. Those kids eat more than a family of five.”

  They made a quick stop at the grocery store, ran by and picked up Wesley, and they were home in no time.

  Home. He hoped Spencer was starting to think of his house as home. Hell, Spencer stayed there more than he did at his own apartment with Dillon. If Spencer wasn’t there at his place, then he was out on a mission. Or that damned second job. He kept his mouth shut about that.

  Parking the truck, Wesley jumped out and ran into the house.

  “Groceries!” Spencer shouted after his brother, but he might as well have shouted to the wind. Wesley was gone that fast.

  Liam chuckled and grabbed the bags. A muscled arm appeared and Spencer took half the load with a cocky smile.

  Fuck, he’d die for that smile and those lips. Last two times he’d made a move, Spencer had cut off all contact with him each time. The soldier had put the brakes on so fast, he’d left his head spinning. Was it any wonder he was gun shy?

  So, that left him waiting patiently for Spencer to make the next move, but other than a few long glances and that one kiss at the arcade, there had been nothing.

  Sometimes, though, he could swear Spencer was flirting with him, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask.

  He stepped inside with Spencer to a very noisy house. Setting the grocery bags on the counter, he leaned a hip on the counter and listened to the teenagers excitedly discuss a new movie release.

  “Can we, Uncle Liam? Please?” Jessica rushed to him, her big eyes wide and pleading. The boys turned to him and Spencer expectantly.

  “I can drive!” Adam said excitedly.

  “No, you can’t.” The boy only had his learner’s permit.

  Adam’s face fell.

  “I can take them,” Anna said. He hadn’t heard her come into the kitchen. “There’s a show starting in twenty minutes.”

  “Yes!” the twins squealed at the same time, causing Wesley to laugh.

  Everyone in the kitchen suddenly turned to him and he chuckled. “Okay, I guess we can cook what we bought tomorrow night.”

  “Woot!” Adam shouted along with Wesley. Jessica squeaked and hugged him tightly.

  “That’s okay, yeah?” Wesley gazed worriedly at Spencer.

  For some reason, Liam could imagine the wheels turning in Spencer’s head as he calculated how much the cost was for a movie and snacks.

  “Here, take my movie card.” He tugged out his card and a credit card and handed it to Anna. “Make sure they get everything.”

  Spencer slanted him a look.

  “What? I get points for everything they buy,” he grinned.

  Spencer laughed and ruffled Wesley’s hair. “Have fun.”

  Wesley hugged his brother hard and rushed from the room with Adam and Jessica to get changed into something movie appropriate.

  Spencer started taking groceries out of the bag and Liam stepped closer to help. It was a whirlwind of sound as the party left and when the door closed, silence dropped over the house.

  Everything was quiet except for Liam’s head. He stood staring down at the brick of cheese for the nachos in his hand when it was suddenly plucked out of his grasp. He glanced up and Spencer smirked and tossed it into the fridge and snapped the door closed.

  He smiled and turned to reach for the empty grocery bag when he was spun around and shoved back against the pantry door.

  Spencer’s eyes glittered like ice chips and Liam widened his stance. His hands came up to grip Spencer’s waist and he moved in when their mouths crashed together. The kiss was rough, wet, and everything he wanted. He closed his open mouth over Spencer’s and reached around to cup the man’s ass and bring him closer.

  Grinding their cocks together through tight jeans, Spencer panted into his mouth and then bit at his lips before tangling his tongue with his. Liam moaned and marauded Spencer’s mouth for several long minutes until Spencer jerked back with a gasping breath.

  Chest heaving, Spencer placed his hands on the counter and stared down at the surface. Liam, struggling to catch his breath, couldn’t take his eyes off of Spencer’s profile.

  Time seemed suspended and Liam suddenly held his breath waiting for Spencer to voice his regret when the soldier turned.

  Surprise held him mute when Spencer took his hand and pulled him down the long hallway to the master bedroom suite.

  He found his words at the doorway to his room.


  “Yeah?” The soldier turned and stared into his eyes.

  “What happened to friends only?” His mouth dried up at the question, but this was his life he was putting in jeopardy because if Spencer turned away this time, it would fucking kill him.

  Spencer let out a deep sigh and walked to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Liam moved closer and crouched in front of Spencer. Placing his hands on the man’s knees, he gazed into bright blue eyes.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I want so much,” Spencer rasped.

  “So much what?”

  “So much to just be normal.” A sheen hit his strong soldier’s eyes.

  “Oh, Spencer. None of us are normal.”

  “You are,” Spencer said harshly, lifting his fingers to brush his cheek.

  Liam steeled himself from closing his eyes and instead smiled.

  “I’m far from normal,” he said huskily.

  “Tell me one fucked up thing you’ve done,” Spencer said with disbelief.

  “I married a girl right after graduation from high school and lied to her. I wasted a year of our lives because I was afraid to face who I am.”

  He could tell he had Spencer’s complete attention.

  “You had no choice over your upbringing, Spencer. I had a choice and I made the wrong one.”

  “It’s like comparing apples to oranges.”

  Liam slid his palms up and down Spencer’s jean clad thighs.

  “My point is that none of us are normal.”

  Spencer’s hands came up to settle on his shoulders.

  “I don’t want normal, Spencer. I want you, but I can’t lose you again.”

  Several long moments of silence went with Liam barely daring to breathe before Spencer’s hands moved from his shoulders to cup his face.

  Then and only then did Liam close his eyes. “I think I’ve proved I’m not going anywhere.”

  Liam blinked open his eyes with a smile. “You have?”

  “What do you think I’ve been doing spending every off duty moment I have here at your house?”

  His smile grew and Spencer’s own lips curved. “Well, there is that,” he agreed.

  “Yes,” Spencer said huskily and leaned in to brush his lips.

  So help him, God, he wanted to take it slow, but the same fire that had caught him earlier exploded between them and he was fighting to get Spencer out of his shirt.

  At one point, he fell on his ass and Spencer took the opportunity to pull off his jeans. He tossed Spencer’s t-shirt to the floor and before he could get anymore distracted, he snatched up condoms and lube from his nightstand.

  Spencer’s husky chuckle filled the room. He reached for Spencer and hot muscled skin met hot muscled skin.

  Spencer groaned. It was muffled beneath his mouth as he stretched out over Spencer and took the man’s lips again and then again. Thrusting a thigh between Spencer’s legs, he pressed them open and reached down to cup the man’
s warm balls. His tongue plunged deep, tangling with Spencer’s tongue while he traced his fingers at Spencer’s entrance.

  Spencer groaned into his mouth and Liam stopped long enough to lube up a finger. He massaged it over and over on Spencer’s hole. “I want inside of you so bad, but I’ll take you in me as well. Just hurry the fuck up and decide which one you want,” he groaned against Spencer’s lips.

  Spencer chuckled and then moaned, “You first.”

  Words ended for them both when Liam pressed his finger deep inside Spencer. The man’s back bowed beautifully from the bed and Liam dropped his mouth to trace the small bird tattoo that graced Spencer’s left pec. He caught one nipple and sucked it deep before nipping at it. When Spencer growled, Liam slipped in another finger.

  “You better fucking hurry.”

  Liam smiled against Spencer’s nipple and slipped his fingers free.


  He gripped Liam hard just in case the overly concerned man decided he wasn’t stretched enough or that they weren’t going to fuck after all.

  He got that Liam didn’t want to fuck up their friendship with having sex, but fuck that. He’d been wanting to have sex with Liam since the first moment they met.

  When Liam settled between his thighs and the tip of his cock nudged at his entrance, Spencer wrapped his legs tightly around Liam’s hips and forced him deep.

  Liam groaned.

  Spencer answered as Liam’s thick cock slid hard and deep into his ass.

  “Fuck yeah.” He breathed out harshly, adjusting to its girth before turning his head and placing his open mouth on Liam’s neck.

  “Fuck,” Liam muttered.

  Spencer sucked the skin there and tongued the man’s jugular. Then Liam moved and Spencer let his head fall back when the hot, thick cock drove into him. Before he could think, his legs were lifted by the back of his thighs and his knees were pushed outward, spreading him wide. He gripped the bedsheets near his hands, tossing his head back and forth with each thrust.

  When Liam paused and pulled out, a growl welled up.

  Liam smiled, meeting his eyes, and scooted back. Hands brought his legs together and then he was rolled onto his stomach.

  Oh fuck…he moaned, pressing his face into the pillow when his legs were spread and Liam was there again sliding deep. He wouldn’t last long in this position.


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