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Taking It Slow (Code of Honor Book 4)

Page 12

by Reese Knightley

  “My older brother. Spencer.”

  “How old is Spencer?”

  “Um…Thirty-one?” Wesley looked unsure.

  “Do you want to stay with him temporarily while we figure this out?”

  “I can’t, he’s overseas.” Tears welled in Wesley’s eyes.

  Spencer wasn’t overseas, but he didn’t take the time to clear that up.

  “I’ll take responsibility for Wesley.” Liam used his don’t give me any shit commander’s tone.

  “I can’t let you do that Mr. Cobalt,” Stew told him.

  “It’s colonel,” Liam growled.

  “Sorry, Colonel.” Stew threw him a hasty glance but continued. “Regardless, his mother had custody and I’m sorry Wesley, she’s passed away,” Stew said sympathetically.

  Wesley wiped at his nose with the sleeve of his dirty sweatshirt. That his mother was dead didn’t seem to affect the teen. Shock, perhaps?

  “Actually, my brother has custody of me,” Wesley told Stew.

  That caught Liam totally off guard. Why would Spencer have custody, and just how long had that been in effect?

  “Captain Spencer Turner reports to me,” he stated. “I’ll take custody of Wesley until he returns.”

  After a brief moment of hesitation, the detective finally gave in. “I’ll note that in the case file.”

  Zane gave their contact information to Stew.

  “Wesley?” Stew asked.


  “Did you see what happened?”

  Wesley hunched his shoulders and Liam shrugged off his jacket to slip over the boy’s shoulders.

  “I was in my room. I heard shouting. That was nothing new, they always fight. Then I heard gun shots and called Spencer. When my brother didn’t answer the phone, I called the base.”

  “How many shots?”

  “Four,” Wesley replied.

  “Are you sure?”


  Liam turned and leveled his gaze on Stew. “The rest is up to you, detective. I’ll expect a call when you figure it out.”

  Stew smirked, nodded, and left the vehicle.

  It was a quiet ride back to the base and from there, he dropped off Zane before heading to his house.

  “I don’t want to be any trouble. I could probably stay at home or Spencer’s apartment by myself without anyone knowing,” Wesley mumbled.

  “That’s not a good idea.” He thought of the blood-stained carpet and chair and the disrepair of the house. It churned his stomach thinking of Wesley living in those conditions. It didn’t sit right to have Wesley alone at Spencer’s apartment either.

  “Stay here with me. I know Adam and Jessica will be excited.”

  “Yeah?” Wesley lifted eyes filled with shadows.

  “I can guarantee it,” he promised and pulled the truck into the garage.

  They entered the house and Wesley stood as if lost for a moment.

  Liam guided Wesley into his study and ushered him into a chair. Turning to the small fridge, he poured a glass of orange juice and handed it to Wesley.

  “She’s really dead, isn’t she?” Wesley’s voice was flat and without emotion.

  Liam crouched down in front of Wesley’s chair. He gripped the armrests and gazed into the boy’s eyes.

  “Yes. I’m sorry, Wesley.”

  Wesley’s lips trembled. “She didn’t love me.”

  “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have had to live like that.” His heart ached for the boy.

  “Spencer was going to get me out of there when I turned eighteen. I just needed to hang on until then.” Wesley’s voice wobbled.

  Liam wrapped his hand around the glass in Wesley’s hand and encouraged the boy to take a sip.

  “I don’t know what we’ll do now.” Tears clung to the tips of Wesley’s lashes.

  “We’ll figure it out. Whatever we have to do, you’ll be with your brother,” he promised even though he didn’t have the right, but fuck it. Wesley needed some reassurance.

  Wesley sniffled and wiped at his mouth and nose after taking a sip.

  “Spencer is more like a dad to me.”

  “I could see that.”

  A light knock sounded on his door.

  “Come in,” he called out.

  Adam’s head poked through the crack. “I heard you were here. I’m just getting ready to start a game of Madden NFL 20. You down?”

  “Sure.” Wesley’s eyes lit up, but he looked at him first.

  “Give us a minute, Adam.”

  “Sure thing!” Adam disappeared, shutting the door.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said, watching Wesley carefully.

  “Yeah. I will be.” Wesley nodded.

  Maybe letting the boy get lost in an online game for a while would ease some of the stress of what had gone on.

  “Okay, but I suggest you take a shower first. When you’re done, Anna will bring you something to eat in the gaming room.”

  “Thanks, Liam,” Wesley said with a quick smile.

  Liam nodded, stood, and stretched out the kink in his knee from crouching so long. Wesley jumped up.

  “You know the way. Same room as last time. There are clothes in the closet that Adam keeps here. Tell Adam to wait for you.”

  Wesley suddenly dodged in and hugged him hard. Liam wrapped the boy up tight.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He winked when Wesley pulled back. “Go on now.”

  Once Wesley left the room, Liam spoke with Anna before he returned to his office and lifted the phone.

  Spencer’s phone went straight to voicemail.

  “Spencer, Wesley is safe with me. Get to my house as soon as you get this.”

  He sighed and sank into his desk chair and stared into space. Just when things were looking up for them, this shit happened.

  He wanted to call and get an update on where they took Spencer’s mother, but he reminded himself that it wasn’t his business.

  Not yet.

  Spencer was still skittish about their involvement and the last thing Liam wanted to do was fuck it up.




  “Someone’s here to see you.”

  He frowned. All he wanted was to get home, shower, collect Wesley, and get to Liam’s place.

  Looking toward the gate, he made an annoyed sound under his breath. Fuck. Donald Wheeler stood in the parking lot just outside of the base’s front gate.

  “Everything okay?” Eagle scowled.

  “Yeah. I’ll be right back,” he grumbled, mentally calculating the cash in his wallet.

  He nodded at the military guard on duty before he stepped through the gate and toward where Wheeler waited in the off base parking lot.

  “Wheeler,” he said, squinting at the agent. The only fucking reason the guy knew where he worked was because Spencer was Wesley’s legal guardian. His heart lurched.

  “Is everything okay?” He blinked back the bone crushing weariness from the last week.

  “No, it’s not. Since you can’t keep up with the payments, we’ve decided to take Wesley out of that environment.”

  “The fuck you are.”

  “We’ve already started the process,” Wheeler snapped.

  “He’s my responsibility.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “You fucker.”

  “The truth hurts,” Wheeler sneered.

  “What do you want from me?”

  Wheeler held out his palm, rubbing his thumb and fingers together.

  Spencer tugged out his wallet and counted two thousand dollars into Wheeler’s hand.

  “Where’s the rest?” The man scowled, shoving the money into his pocket.

  That was it. That was the straw that broke his fucking back. He was so fucking done.

  “You know what, Wheeler? Enjoy your job while you have it. You and Mayer are fucking done,” he said flatly and turned his back on th
e guy to walk away.

  Before he took three steps, pain exploded in the back of his head and he stumbled, hitting the ground. Rolling, he came up more out of instinct, but his balance was off.

  The insane light in Wheeler’s eyes flashed just before the guy lunged again, swinging the big black flashlight.

  Spencer let him come. When Wheeler grew closer, Spencer broke the fucker’s nose with one blow and then dropped him to his knees with a punch to the gut. The flashlight fell and rolled away.

  “Hey!” The gate guards came running.

  The guards were on him before he could take another swing. Wheeler came up from the ground and sucker punched him in the gut while he was being held.

  Eagle was there with a grip on Wheeler’s arm, keeping the man from hitting him again.

  “You’re done, Turner! You’re fucking done! You hear me?” Wheeler screamed and jerked away from Eagle. Wiping at his mouth, Wheeler grabbed up his flashlight and jumped in his car.

  “Fuck.” He rubbed at his forehead.

  “What the fuck was that?” Eagle snarled.

  “Nothing!” He yanked his arms from the guards and turned on them.

  They wisely held up their hands and backed away to return to the small guard shack near the base entrance.

  “You’re fucking lucky that was off base,” Eagle snapped back.

  “I need my stuff.” He ignored Eagle and turned toward the gate.

  Link held up three bags. “I got our phones from the office. Yours keeps buzzing.”

  He took the plastic baggie that contained all his personal shit and cell phone.

  “See ya,” he said.

  “Spencer?” Eagle barked.


  “Whatever the fuck that is? Fix it.” The older man pointed after Wheeler and spun away.

  Spencer turned from Eagle’s back and held Link’s gaze.

  “He’ll be okay. He’s just a grumpy bastard.” Link winked.

  Spencer couldn’t even muster a smile for Link. He gave a quick nod and got into the car he’d borrowed from Dillon.

  He squeezed the wheel, but he didn’t punch it like he would have in the past. Liam’s influence. He smiled just thinking of the man.

  Pulling out his phone, he saw he’d missed several calls. A few were from Liam and Wesley.


  The first message made his blood run cold. It was Wesley crying into the phone that he was scared that Mom and Carl were going to kill each other. The next call sent his knees weak with relief when Liam’s strong, calm voice assured him that he had Wesley safe at his house.

  He floored it to the onramp that would take him to Liam’s place. The traffic fucking sucked, but he made it in less than an hour.

  From the guard shack, Jason saw him coming and had the gate open for him by the time he turned into the estate. He sent the man a wave as he drove on past. Shoving the car in park, he jogged across the driveway and took the steps two at a time.

  Liam and Wesley were both there and Spencer didn’t stop until he had Wesley in his arms, a hand cupping the back of the crying boy’s head. He gazed worriedly at Liam over Wesley’s head.

  “Come on inside, you two,” Liam said quietly.

  Spencer guided his brother inside and turned when Liam shut the door.

  “What happened?” He turned to his brother.

  Wesley stared at him and seemed incapable of words.

  “Wesley?” He grew further concerned and gripped his brother by the arms.

  Wesley remained mute.

  “Wesley? Do you want me to tell your brother what happened?” Liam’s calm voice broke through his fear.

  He noticed the panic and then relief in his brother’s eyes when Liam spoke.

  “Yes.” Wesley’s voice wobbled.

  “Okay. It’s okay,” he soothed his brother and drew him close. “Why don’t you go find Adam and Jessica while I talk to Liam?”

  Wesley bit his lip and gazed at him. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure, go on.” Spencer mustered a smile and hugged Wesley hard. After a moment, Wesley pulled away and disappeared.

  “Come into my study.” Liam didn’t wait, he turned and strode into his office.

  Spencer reached the room more slowly to find Liam holding out two fingers of whiskey. “Here, take a sip.”

  He took a swallow and then lowered the glass. Liam shut the door and pulled him into his arms. Without hesitation, Spencer stepped closer to Liam and the man hugged him tightly.

  With his hand tightening around the glass, Spencer placed his cheek on Liam’s shoulder and closed his eyes. While the phone message had been vague, he was so fucking thankful that Wesley was safe.

  Liam drew him over to the small couch that sat along one wall of his office and Spencer took a seat.

  “What happened?”

  “Take another sip and I’ll tell you,” Liam ordered.

  Spencer took another slow swallow of the bourbon. When a colonel in the United States Army tells you to do something in their colonel voice, you fucking do it.

  He rolled the glass between his palms and held Liam’s green gaze.

  “Your mother was shot and killed today.”

  “What?” he gasped, the whiskey rolling in his stomach.

  Liam went on after a small nod. “Her boyfriend is in critical condition and with a bullet wound to his leg and graze to his temple. He hasn’t regained consciousness.”

  The words were measured and slowly said, but it took a moment for everything to register.

  “What happened?” Was that his voice, he wondered? It sounded dead, no emotion.

  “It appears they were fighting and got ahold of a gun. The detective on scene is investigating. When Wesley couldn’t reach you, he called the base.”

  “My mom doesn’t own a gun,” he said stupidly.

  “That’s good to know. Does Wesley?” Liam asked seriously.

  “What?” Spencer squinted at Liam like he was crazy. “No!” But after a moment, he admitted quietly, “I, um, I don’t know.” Another moment passed as he thought about it further. “No, he wouldn’t.”

  “We’ll ask him,” Liam said softly.

  “Even if he did get his hands on a weapon, Wesley wouldn’t shoot anyone. She may have been a shitty parent, but Wes wouldn’t kill his own mother,” he ground out.

  “What about the boyfriend? Think he might have a gun?”

  “Maybe.” He rubbed tiredly at his forehead and took a swallow.

  “I’m so sorry, Spencer.”

  He blinked, looking up from his glass. Sorry? For what? He wanted to say. For the loss of a mother that had never wanted him and hated him from the day he was born? He’d mourn her, but he’d mourn the idea of the mother she could have been, not the one she had been. He couldn’t mourn a mother who had never shown him any affection.

  He lifted the whiskey and his hand shook. Liam’s hand came up to steady his and he took several swallows, draining the glass. Feeling the warmth of the liquid took some of the sting away.

  Rather than say thank you, Spencer leaned against Liam. It seemed to be his go-to now that they’d taken their relationship to another level.

  “I told you, my family is all kinds of crazy,” he whispered.

  “I don’t fucking care,” Liam growled, holding him tight.

  The embrace drew a lump to his throat and Spencer could do nothing but hold on.


  “You’ll need to take time off to make arrangements,” he said gently and cupped Spencer’s foot. He massaged his thumb into the ball and Spencer closed his eyes.

  The week had been traumatic. Detective Stew had questioned Spencer during the investigation. To aid in the search for the missing weapon that killed his mother, Spencer had handed over his personal weapon for testing.

  Spencer and Wesley had stayed at his place more days than at Spencer’s apartment. And Liam had done everything he could to keep Wesley and Spencer’s minds off the violent

  It wasn’t even seven o’clock in the morning yet, but the sun had risen, sending the morning light over the coast.

  “I’ll make arrangements over the phone,” Spencer murmured, setting his head back on the arm of the couch.

  Liam stayed silent.

  “You think that’s a shitty thing to do?”

  He gazed up from where his hands caressed Spencer’s heel resting on his thigh.


  Spencer and Wesley had been through enough at the hands of their mother.

  Tiredness clung to Spencer’s eyes and lines bracketed his mouth.

  “I don’t think you’re capable of doing anything shitty.”

  Spencer snorted. “I’ve done my share of shitty things.”

  “Oh yeah?” That piqued his interest. “Like what?”

  “When I was a kid, I stole a root beer from the local store,” Spencer said quietly.

  “How old were you?”

  “Ten. I was so scared.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “I couldn’t sleep until I asked my dad for the fifty cents the following weekend and I went down and paid the woman back.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Nothing. I just placed the money on the counter, said thank you, and ran.”

  “Ahh… escaped without confessing?” He quirked a brow with a grin.

  “Damn right,” Spencer suddenly laughed. “Mrs. Metzler was a large German lady who put the fear of God into us little kids.”

  “I would have dropped the money and ran too.”

  The doorbell chimed and he lifted Spencer’s feet.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Spencer sat up and grabbed his sneakers.

  He reached the front door and through the large window next to the door, he saw two cop cars lined up in his driveway.

  That was weird. Why would Detective Stew bring the cops to deliver news? Unless they had found the murder weapon.

  Liam opened the door and felt Spencer by his side.

  One more cop car rolled through the gate with lights flashing.

  “What the fuck?” Liam muttered to Spencer as he stepped out of the house.

  “Mr. Spencer Turner,” the lead officer said.

  “No. I’m Colonel Liam Cobalt.”

  “I’m sorry, Colonel. I’m looking for Spencer Turner.”

  “I’m Captain Turner,” Spencer spoke up, his arms crossed.


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