Book Read Free

Built for Love

Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  “Bathroom is there.” He points to another door.


  Abel sits down on the bed, watching me as I head into the bathroom. “Are you serious right now?” I turn around and gawk at him. That has to be the most stunning bathroom I’ve ever seen. It’s a girl's dream. “Wait. Are you sure you’re not married? Maybe divorced?”

  “I don’t believe in divorce.”

  “I wish more people were like that. Many just give up.”

  “You fight for what you want and then you keep fighting to make sure it’s always yours.” He sends me a heated look. Now I’m talking about marriage with him. I dart into the bathroom and slam the door. I hear Abel chuckle.

  “Wait. Are these floors heated?”

  “They are. All the floors are. Can’t have your toes getting cold in the winter.” I run my hand across the sink, but my eyes never leave the giant tub. I bet it could fit four people. Or a bunch of little ones. I shake the stupid thought and use the bathroom. I need to get out of this place. It’s messing with my head. It’s too pretty and out of my league or comfort level.

  When I come back out Abel is still sitting there waiting for me. “Do you want a tour?”

  “No.” I lie. “But I think as a designer I should have a look around.”

  “Of course. You’re welcome anywhere. Nothing is off limits.” I follow him back out of the bedroom as he leads me through the house.

  “This is all really amazing.”

  “I think in my line of work it’s expected for my house to be. No?”

  “True.” I stand at the kitchen island that’s a chef’s dream kitchen. You could easily cater a small party here. “You don’t have many personal touches to it,” I point out. While it’s breathtaking, nothing hangs on the walls. There isn’t much furniture either. It doesn’t give you that warm and fuzzy feeling that a home should.


  “You like things simple?”

  “I wouldn't say that. I can build of course, but I know shit about decorating, and this is a family home so I’m just waiting.”

  “Waiting for what?”

  “My wife.”

  I stare at him. Did he really just say that? “Then don’t you think I really shouldn't stay here? Maybe this wife you get won’t like that you had other women in your forever home?” I know I wouldn't.

  “Probably not. Besides my sister and mom, you’re the only one who’s been here that’s a woman.”

  “See? Then I really shouldn't stay here.”

  “But this is work related. You want the job, don’t you? If you’re here I figure you’ll be able to get it done faster. The quicker it’s done the faster you get paid.” I bite the tip of my thumb thinking. Abel just stares at me. He’s always staring at me.

  A loud meow has me turning my head to see a fluffy white kitten coming into the kitchen. Abel bends down and picks the cat up into his arms, flipping it on its back to cradle it like a baby as he scratches the cat’s stomach. It purrs loudly as he continues to pet it.

  “You have a kitten?” I’ve always wanted a cat but didn't think it would be fair. I can barely manage to keep myself afloat. The cute little white fluffball can’t be more than six months old.

  “I’m not sure if I have him or he has me, to be honest.” He smirks. I didn't think he could get any more handsome. I was wrong. Very wrong. “Staying here means you can play with Bear anytime you want. Did I mention I cook?”

  “You’re really selling this.”

  “Is it working?” Yes.

  “What if we see how tonight goes? It’s already getting late.” I inch over closer toward Abel and the kitten. My fingers itch to pet the little fella.

  “We can do that.” Able takes a step toward me. “You can pet him.” I reach out and run my hand across his tummy. He lets out a loud purr, making me laugh.

  “Okay. I’ll stay,” I agree. One night isn’t going to hurt me. I mean, he promised me dinner, I’m in a beautiful home with a handsome man, and there’s a kitten. Give me a break. One night is not going to kill me. I hope.



  I should’ve ended the tour in the bedroom and not the kitchen, that way, Pepper could be lingering over the sheets and not the measuring cups. I’d be one step closer to getting her clothes off. Instead, I’m making steak fajitas and Mexican street corn—not that this shit isn’t delicious, but my mouth would rather be busy eating her pussy at this moment.

  “What’s your dream house?” I ask as I mix the cheese into the cooked corn.

  “Lots of natural light, warm woods, cozy feel.”

  I glance around the kitchen. It’s big with its two islands and double ovens, but the overstuffed sofas in front of the television in the adjacent family gathering area fits her description. Like I said earlier, it just needs finishing touches from the woman in my life.

  “Can’t wait to see what you do to this place then.” I pop a piece of seasoned steak into my mouth and then place one in hers when she parts her lips to protest. I know she’s not ready to slide the ring on her finger and say “till death do us part” but she also doesn’t need to manifest her “no”s so often.

  A mewling by my leg reminds me I need to get Bear a treat. “Hold whatever thought you have until after Bear gets some milk in his tummy. We don’t want to upset the baby, right?”

  While Pepper chews on that thought and the steak, I get the whole milk out of the fridge and pour some into a small stainless steel cup for Bear. Pepper finishes her piece of meat about the same time as Bear finishes lapping up the milk. She bends down and scoops the baby cat into her arms. It’s easy to envision her holding a real baby and not just a kitten. It’s as if this place was made for her. Maybe it was. I built it with a family in mind and now I’m going to fill it with a wife and kids and pets. Bear and Pepper are the start.

  “You have a very satisfied look on your face,” she comments between bites.

  I wash down my fajita with a half of a bottle of beer. “I’m imagining you here every morning. It’s a good fit.”

  She scrunches her nose. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Hey, give me some credit. I edited out the dirty bits.”

  “I think I’m done here.” She gets to her feet and starts gathering the plates.

  I make a zipping motion across my lips. “I promise to keep my mouth shut.”

  From the sink, she eyes me skeptically. “For how long?”

  “At least an hour.” I grin. The phone rings, saving her from a response.

  “Abel here,” I say into the receiver.

  “Boss, your new place is a wreck,” says my foreman Dale.

  “I know. It’s why I bought it.” I shove the plates into the dishwasher. “Good location and big upside.”

  “The only big thing happening here is a water leak. It’s flooding everywhere and there is some old electrical wiring here. I think you should come and take a look. The power company won’t shut the power off unless you give them a call and I’ve got a half dozen anxious residents.”

  “We need to move everyone out.”

  “I know. We’re working on it but short staffed because half the crew is working on the Brookline project. I’ve pulled as many as I can off the job but it’ll still be hours until the building is clear.”

  “Got it. I’ll be over in twenty to help out. Make sure that you get the kids out first.”

  “On it.” I hang up and motion for Pepper to leave the dishes. “Got you out just in time. There’s burst pipes over at your place and some exposed wiring. I’m going over to assess the damage and then help with the clean-up. Take care of Bear while I’m gone.”

  “Is everyone out and safe?” she asks with worried eyes.

  “Everyone will be.”

  She grabs a towel and wipes her hands hastily. “Let me come too. I can help.”

  I edge toward the door. “I’d rather you stay here where it’s safe.”

d rather come with you.” She doesn’t look like she’s taking no for an answer.

  I like the spirit, but I’m not happy with the results. Still, I get that you can’t have both. A strong woman is going to have strong ideas. “There’s water and power, which is a deadly combination.”

  “I’ll carry what I’m told to carry and stay out of the dangerous places.”

  I swallow a sigh and give in. “Okay, but if I tell you to get back into the truck you’re going to do so with no arguments.”

  She gives me a smartass salute. “Yessir.”

  I’m probably making a mistake here, but I help her into my truck. On the way into town, I call the power company, but they refuse to turn it off on my say-so because I’m not the registered deed owner. That’s still Chad Walker. The title transfer isn’t going to happen for at least a couple of weeks. I try to get the sucker on the phone but the call keeps going to voicemail.

  “Bad news,” I call and tell Dale.

  “The power company giving you the stiff arm, too?”

  “Yeah, so be careful.”

  “Roger that.”

  I tap my fingers on the steering wheel and then remember that Pepper had said something about Walker being a creep. Has he tried to ask her out? If so, she would have a number for him, and maybe it’s a different line than the one he gives out to business partners.

  “You ever get Chad’s number?” I ask.

  “My landlord?”

  “Ex-landlord, but yeah.”

  “Sure. Why?” She digs out her phone.

  “He’s still the owner on paper and the power company won’t terminate the power to the building unless he calls it in. For some reason, he’s avoiding my phone calls.”

  Pepper lifts the phone to her ear. “I’ll give it a try.”

  I hear the ring on the other end, and then a male voice picks up. I can’t make out what the bastard is saying, only that Pepper is saying yes way too many times. She exhales heavily as she mutes the call. “You’re not going to like this.”

  “I’m one hundred percent certain you’re correct, but lay it on me anyway.”

  “In order to get the power shut off, I have to go on a date with Chad.”




  “No? How can you say no? Wait. I don’t even have to ask you.” Abel tries to make a grab for my phone, but I lean away from him. “Deal,” I say before Abel is somehow able to stop me.

  “Tomorrow, and I want your word.” Even Chad’s voice grates on my nerves.

  “Tomorrow. You have my word.” When I dare to peek over at Abel, he looks as if he might explode. I hang up the phone quickly. Neither of us say anything for a long moment.

  “I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” Oh, that was not what I thought he was going to say. I’m immediately suspicious about this change in attitude.

  “We didn't really have much of a choice and it’s only one stupid date.”

  “One date with you is far from stupid, sweetheart.” Gah, he can say the sweetest things that catch me off guard. I know he’s trying to stay calm, but his hands on the steering wheel are giving him away. His knuckles are beginning to turn white from the tight grip he has on it.

  “My imaginary boyfriend is probably going to break up with me after this.”

  “Good, you can stop throwing him in my face then.” I giggle and finally get a small smirk from Abel. “We’ll deal with the Chad shit later. We’ve got bigger shit to handle right now.” I nod in agreement. I’m not sure what there is to deal with. All I have to do is go on a date with the man and hope there is at least good food. It won’t be as good as what Abel made because the man can freaking cook, but it will be free food nonetheless.

  “Oh crap,” I say when we pull up outside the building. A bunch of people are already standing out front. I’m not sure, but I think Chad followed through.

  “You do not go into the building.” I start to protest. “I need to be thinking clearly and if I think you’re in there I won’t be able to do that. I need you to calm the residents down. They know you. Reassure them that we’ll handle this and they will have a place to stay in a few hours.”


  “Okay? You’re agreeing easily.”

  I’m not going to fight with him about this. As he said before, there are more important things to handle right now. These families have nowhere else to go. I’m sure that they’re worried about their possessions also.

  “Yes, now get going.” He grabs my face, laying a quick kiss on me before he gets out of the truck and runs towards the building. He meets up with another man and they both go inside together. I hop out of the truck and do as Abel asked.

  I don’t know how long we’re there. The sun disappeared a while ago and now the moonlight is the only light we have. More workers have shown up, though, which should help. They brought some lights with them so that all of them could continue working.

  I sit down on the concrete stairs out by the sidewalk. I’m exhausted, but the last resident is finally off to their new place. My feet are killing me. I have no idea how Abel is doing. I’ve seen him a few times but not for long. I just like knowing that he is okay.

  “I can take you back to Abel’s if you’d like so you don’t have to sit out here.” I look up at Joel. He and I worked together getting all the details handled for the residents. Everyone started calming down once they realized not only was everything going to be taken care of, but they were getting put up in these swanky condos.

  They are usually for businessmen when they travel for longer stays in the city, but anything is better than this place. Anyone who lives here is doing so because we don’t have many other options. This is going to be like a vacation to most of the residents. That’s how I’ve been looking at it anyway.

  “No, I want to wait for Abel.”

  Joel smirks. “All right, Pepper. Thank you again for all your help. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again.”

  “It was no trouble.” He gives me a wave as he heads down the sidewalk toward his car. As crazy as all of this was, I enjoyed being a part of a team. Everyone worked with one purpose together to get done what we needed to. It felt good. I am used to always having to do things on my own, so this was a welcome change.

  I gasp when I’m lifted from the ground. “Abel?” I must have nodded off for a moment.

  “Yeah, we’re going home.” I don’t have the energy or will to tell him it’s not my home. He sets me in his truck, even putting my seat belt on for me. It’s incredibly sweet. I lay my head back on the headrest as he gets in the truck, unable to stop looking at him. “Thank you for tonight. You were incredible. Not that I ever thought you wouldn't be.”

  “Thanks for letting me come. I was glad to help. Even if it means I have to go out with Chad. Seeing the relief on those people’s faces made it worth it.” I let out a long yawn. Abel doesn't say anything, but I can feel the sudden tension in the air. “You can take me on a date.” I find myself wanting to soothe him. I don’t know why I’m enjoying his jealousy, but I am. “Or we could double!” I tease.

  “Good idea.”

  “I was joking.”

  “I wasn't.”

  I scrunch my nose. Then he’ll have to bring a date. That leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Now I’m the one getting jealous. We can deal with the mess tomorrow. I let out another long yawn as we pull up to the house. Abel comes around the truck as I’m opening the door and takes my hand.

  “You want a shower?”

  I nod my head.

  “Shower and bed.” He gives me a heated look as he opens the front door. “Use my bathroom. There are fresh towels in there. I’m going to check on Bear.” I nod, heading down the hallway into the dream bathroom. I’m almost too sleepy to really enjoy it. I’m going to need a do-over in the morning.

  I towel-dry my hair before wrapping another one around me. Where did I put my laundry basket? I hold the towel tight as I step out of the room. I sit down on
the bed, leaning back on the pillows waiting for Abel.

  I was out the second I closed my eyes. Not just in Abel’s bed but pretty much naked too.



  “It’s illegal to wiretap people,” Mark informs me. “We’re a two-party state so both parties have to consent to the taping.”

  “Man, I am not trying to make a record to withstand some legal shindig. I’m trying to protect my woman.” Impatiently, I tap my fingers against the counter. Upstairs, Pepper is getting ready for this farce of a date. I told her to wear something ugly. She gave me a look of disbelief and disappeared upstairs, but what was I supposed to do? She was naked in my bed all night and now she’s going out with another man. It makes me mad enough to want to break this marble counter in half.

  “I didn’t know you had a woman. When did this happen?” Mark sounds like he’s making notes on my life—which he probably is and that’s what makes him a good detective.


  “Yesterday? Wait, it’s that interior designer that works for you, isn’t it?”

  “That’s Beck’s woman.”

  “Oh. Okay. I knew one of you had a thing for her. When I went to your offices a few months ago, the security guard wouldn’t let me in because she was the only one in the building.”

  “Sounds like he was doing his job.”

  Mark makes a disgusted noise in his throat. “You’re way too overprotective.”

  “You shot out the taillights of a guy who said hello to your sister.”

  “He had a record!” Mark shouts.


  “Let’s move on,” he suggests. “We can’t wiretap.”

  “If it was Rachel…” I trail off.

  Mark sighs. “Fuck you. Fine. We’ll wiretap, but how are you going to pull that off unless she agrees to wear a wire?”

  “Don’t you have tiny things you can put in her lipstick?”


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