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The Flat on the 7th Floor

Page 5

by E. L Barry

  The gym was slightly out of the city in a small retail park. She had seen more and more of these types of units in the development advertisements she saw at work, with the square footage being large enough for a small grocery shop or a studio or two. The gym was good value for the few times she used it.

  As she pulled up, she spotted a 4x4 with blacked-out windows. It reminded her of Michael’s car, but, as she hadn’t paid attention to the number plate, she had no idea if it was his or not.

  I doubt that he’ll be chatty enough tomorrow to tell me. She wondered if he would actually call tomorrow with his decision on the property.

  Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Josie walked towards the gym, passing the drive-thru coffee shop on the corner. Such temptation before or after a workout surely wasn’t helpful. Josie had always tried to be good, but after a workout, the ice-cold drinks with sugar, caffeine and whipped cream could tempt her from a very long way away.

  No, no, no, she affirmed with each step as she passed by the shop. More than anything, she needed to release the pent-up frustration and to focus her mind on the repetition of squats, lunges and the sound of trainers pounding on the treadmill.

  It didn’t take her long to get changed and she was soon pressing the ‘up’ button on the treadmill display as the belt underneath her feet moved her into a steady walk. With the music turned up in her headphones, she closed her eyes and imagined being on a beach path like the one she walked on last time she was on holiday.

  Running in the gym paled in comparison to running outdoors but considering she couldn’t get to the beach it would just have to do.

  During the run, Josie’s knees started to twinge. She could have pushed herself further, but, as she had planned to do some lower body weights, she didn’t want her joints to give up completely yet.

  Opening her eyes she jumped, nearly falling off the treadmill. Nicholas was standing in front of her. Shocked, she turned off the machine and stood silently with her brow furrowed.

  “Nicholas!” she exclaimed, “what are you doing here?” Flustered, she grabbed her towel to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

  Nicholas smiled.

  “Just passing through. What are you doing afterwards?” he asked.

  “Err, nothing.”

  It was true, but she wished she had had more time to think it over. She didn’t really feel like socialising after the afternoon she’d just had, but then again it couldn’t hurt to distract herself a bit longer.

  “Great, I’ll meet you outside in half an hour and we’ll go for coffee.”

  He walked away without waiting for a reply. Josie watched him and couldn’t help noticing his muscles under the t-shirt he was wearing.

  He certainly is confident, and why not?

  She moved over to the weights to finish off her workout.

  Outside in the fresh air, after showering and changing Josie felt transformed. Her mind was clearer from the rise in her blood pressure and the focus on pushing her body.

  The second half of her workout could have gone better had Nicholas not shown up. It had rattled her. She felt self-consciousness that he had seen her sweaty. The gym was her safe haven. She didn’t know anybody there who she would care what they thought – that is, until Nicholas appeared. Despite that, Josie had done her best and now her confidence had returned.

  If Nicholas could see her at her worst and still want to go out with her then that was something to be grateful for. Josie smiled as she saw him walking towards her.

  His hair was damp from his shower, and she had a sudden urge to run her fingers through it as he leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. He’d changed into a tight polo neck t-shirt that showed his biceps trying to escape from the navy, stitched seams.

  Distracted, she caught herself as they both instinctively turned away from each other to walk over to the café across the road.

  “Don’t you want to put your bag in the car?” Nicholas asked.

  “No, thank you, do you?” Josie replied, continuing to walk past all the cars in the carpark.

  She noticed that the 4x4 was still parked next to hers. She didn’t really want to bump into Michael, if it was in fact, his car. Work and pleasure never mixed in Josie’s eyes, and this was pleasure, so she didn’t want to spoil it.

  Nicholas paused and replied, “Are you sure? It looks awfully heavy to be carrying around with you. It’ll be safe in the car.”

  “All fine, thanks,” Josie replied again.

  It’s not that heavy, she thought and looked both ways before crossing the road. She walked more quickly than Nicholas did, perhaps because she was energised from the run earlier.

  “Let me carry it for you then,” Nicholas continued, reaching across and expecting Josie to hand the bag over.

  She moved her bag further away and replied firmly, “Thank you, Nicholas, but seriously, I’m fine.”

  She then smiled sweetly so he knew that she appreciated the gesture. He shrugged his shoulders looking like he didn’t mind.

  He opened the door for her as they arrived, and they stepped inside to the sound of chatter filling the room. It was busier than usual; perhaps there was an event close by, as a few people were moving between tables talking to each other.

  Nicholas disappeared momentarily, and then she could see that he had found two tall chairs to perch on facing the window. It wasn’t the most comfortable place to sit, but perhaps one of the soft chairs would become free while they talked.

  Josie weaved through the people to join him. She took out her wallet and tucked her bag under the stool.

  “What can I get you?” Josie asked.

  “I’ll have a large cappuccino, extra hot, with a chicken panini, please, oh, and a millionaire shortbread if they have any left. I can afford one now I’ve had a good session,” he winked and nodded towards the gym over the road.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a minute,” Josie replied and moved back through the bustle to join the queue.

  She felt him watching her, but when she turned to look back, he was staring out the window towards the carpark.

  After what felt like forever, she made it back to Nicholas with the drinks and his shortbread. She put the tray on the table and said, “They’ll bring the panini over when it’s ready.”

  Nicholas took his things, arranged them on the bench and put the tray on the ledge by the window. Once arranged, he nudged his stool further over towards Josie, so his knee was close enough to brush against hers. She felt a rush as their legs touched.

  “How long have you been going to this gym?” Josie asked.

  “Not long,” he replied, but he didn’t give any further explanation.

  Josie laughed, “You don’t like to give anything away, do you? That reminds me, I wanted to call you the other day, but I don’t have your number.”

  He shifted position, shrugged off her comments and then turned towards Josie intently. “I’d rather hear everything about you.” Nicholas placed his hand on her knee and continued, “Let’s go out this evening and get to know each other better. What do you say?”

  Josie tried not to gasp. She felt as if she was going to melt as he gently stroked her knee with his thumb, and she replied immediately, “Yes!”

  Why do I agree to everything he says? she thought fleetingly.

  They were interrupted as the panini was brought over, breaking off Nicholas’ touch. He ate in silence and Josie thought about what she was going to wear later on.

  “Where do you want to go tonight?” Josie asked, as she realised she didn’t know what to get ready for.

  “How about The Mill? It’s local and we can get a taxi so we can both have a drink,” he said, as he put his hand back on her knee.

  “Okay, I may not drink much anyway. I fall asleep at the smell of alcohol,” she laughed.

  He moved his hand further up towards her thigh, and in a low voice said, “I’m sure I can keep you awake.”

  Josie laughed nervously and placed her hand on his be
fore it could get any further.

  Nicholas laughed too, “Hard to get and never been drunk I’m guessing? Well, if so I’m the man to change that.”

  “Don’t be too sure,” Josie replied quickly.

  “I’ll take that challenge!” he took his hand back, flashed her a smile then continued to eat.

  Josie rolled her eyes and finished off her drink. She didn’t like to eat straight after going to the gym like Nicholas did. What was the point of working it all off and then eating it all back on again?

  After Nicholas had finished off the last of his shortbread, they both got up to leave. The café had emptied since they’d arrived and it was much easier to get to the exit.

  Just as they reached the door, Nicholas seemed distracted, “You go on ahead, Josie. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Surprised, Josie didn’t ask why and replied, “Okay, see you later.”

  As she walked towards the car park, she realised she had forgotten to ask him again for his number. As she looked back, she saw he was now sitting down with someone else.

  The 4x4 with the blacked-out windows was still there when she returned to her car, and she started to think it was no longer a coincidence.

  Josie changed her mind about calling Kim. Her number rang for a while and then clicked on to her answering machine, “Hi this is Kim. I’m probably out, so leave me a message and I might call you back.”

  Josie laughed, typical Kim! she thought.

  Chapter 8

  “Have you seen the e-mail?” Kim asked as Josie put both coffees down on the desk.

  “Nope, I didn’t log on last night. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer.”

  “Oooh, were you out with Nicholas again? Sorry I was out.”

  “No, he had to cancel last minute.”

  “Oh no, what happened?”

  “I’d got ready to go out and went downstairs but he didn’t show. When I went to check if any messages had been left for me, Dave, our door attendant, said that a woman had come in to say that a family emergency had come up and that Nicholas wasn’t able to make it.”

  “Nothing else?”

  “No, and no apology either. I asked what the woman look liked and I’ve no idea who it could have been. But then again I’ve got no idea who Nicholas really is. I don’t even know enough about him to guess…” she tailed off.

  “Hmm, maybe she’s a colleague.”

  “I don’t know, Kim,” she sighed, “I hope he’s okay anyway. I wish he had left his number so I could get in touch.”

  “What’s the deal with that anyway? He knows where you live, but you’ve never exchanged numbers? Weird.”

  “I know! The other thing that is weird is I think I am being followed.”

  “Really?” Kim looked up with a shocked look on her face.

  “I know. Nicholas turns up out of the blue, but I’m sure I’m being watched.”

  “There’s no way. Must be a coincidence,” Kim reassured her.

  “Okay, probably just me then. Anyway, about this e-mail…”

  Josie picked up her coffee and walked over to her desk.

  Kim looked at her screen, “We’ve got a full staff meeting at ten. We don’t need to prepare anything for it so I’m not sure whether to be happy or worried.”

  Josie scrolled though her emails. “I’ve got a meeting request first thing – that’s new. Looks like it’s going to be an interesting day!”

  Kim went to prepare the meeting room, leaving Josie in the office with James.

  “Josie, sorry about the last-minute meeting request,” he said, indicating for her to take a seat.

  “Not a problem,” Josie said breezily and sat down.

  James sat across from her and moved into his serious pose with his elbows on the desk and hands folded.

  “Now Josie, I’ll get to the point. The shareholders and I have been looking at the accounts over the weekend and in the current market, we have found ourselves in an incredibly unique position. We’ve decided to make some decisions that we want to share with you and the team today.”

  Josie sat absolutely still, unsure of what to say as her mind raced through all the possibilities and thinking the worst. She nodded in reply as he continued.

  “I have been very impressed with your results and the way you work with the team. I’d like to offer you the role of Property Development Manager and within the next month recruit someone to take on your current role, allowing you to take on the management responsibilities and training. You will also have access to a small number of my accounts to grow your business. I know that is a lot to take in first thing on a Monday. What do you think?”

  Josie’s smile must have got wider as her cheeks started to hurt.

  “Wow,” she replied, “I’d love to, that’s amazing news, thank you so much, yes, definitely!” She could hardly contain her excitement.

  James smiled back, “That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say.”


  “So, before you get all excited, it’s going to be very hard work, and it’s not going to be easy to start with.” James paused and continued,

  “What we will need to do is set you up to go on the management seminars at the conference next week, so I will be announcing that in the team meeting. This coming week I will introduce you to some of my clients to grow your portfolio. Your salary will go up, as will your commission. I should have the final figures for you by the end of the day.”

  “That’s amazing, thank you, James.”

  James stood up and reached out his hand. Josie stood up and shook it.

  “Congratulations, Josie, you deserve it.”

  Josie smiled again even wider than before.

  “Thank you, I won’t let you down,” she assured him and then she left and returned to her desk. With pride and a sigh of relief, the worries from yesterday had almost disappeared. Almost.

  The phone rang. Kim picked it up and before she could get a word out, she looked up at Josie.

  “Okay,” Kim confirmed and put the phone down.

  “Everything alright?” Josie asked, concerned.

  “That was Michael. He said he will take the house and come to the office tomorrow to sign the paperwork. I couldn’t even ask him any details before he hung up.”

  “Maybe he’s on the road and can’t talk long.”

  Knowing that he could be sharp in his responses, Josie tried to cheer Kim up.

  “Well, the good news is that’s nearly another win for the board. We’re one away from the target this month and then you and I can go out and celebrate at The Tote.”

  Kim smiled as she picked up her pink nail file and rubbed it across her little fingernail.

  They were interrupted by Gareth coming in. Looking from Kim to Josie, he asked, “Morning! How was your weekend?”

  Kim replied first, “I had a good one, thank you.”

  Josie smiled, and side-stepped the question by saying, “It was great to see you yesterday.”

  Kim looked between the two of them and appeared jealous. Josie looked at her watch and indicated they needed to go to the meeting room. Some of the others were already in there. They must have arrived early while Josie was in her meeting with James. She sat down in an empty seat near the back. Kim joined her, and Gareth sat behind them both.

  An hour later, everyone filed out of the meeting room. Everyone congratulated Josie. They were all pleased that business was going well, and they would all have a healthier bank balance at the end of the month. Josie heard the passing comments of, “It’ll pay off a few bills,” and “I’ll be shopping this weekend.”

  Josie wondered what she would do with her bonus and her raise. Usually, she would go shopping first to get all the things she had been waiting for, but this time she would have to pay the bill from Jacques.

  With her father unwell and the possibility of having to find somewhere to live in the near future, it unnerved her that she hadn’t saved anything for a deposit. She wasn’t
even sure she had enough for a deposit on a rented property either. Considering that she was working in the property market, Josie suddenly felt overwhelmed with regret.

  What have I been doing for the last four years? she thought, as her brow furrowed. I should know better too!

  She berated herself for not following the advice she gave out to so many people as part of her job. Telling herself off wasn’t going to change anything though, so she quickly decided to put that behind her and see what was on the agenda for the day.

  She went back into the meeting room and started to tidy up. The distraction helped her stop thinking so much. She noticed that Gareth had followed her back in and started to help on the other side of the room. She thanked him for his thoughtfulness and returned to her desk to start the day’s work.

  Josie hadn’t got very far into her emails before she was interrupted by Kim who had a panicked look on her face.

  “Josie, I’ve run the background check on Michael and it’s unusual.”

  Josie looked up, puzzled. “Oh, in what way?” she enquired.

  “It’s too neat.”

  “Too neat? Is that even a thing?” she asked, smiling.

  “I can’t put my finger on it, but I’ve seen a lot of checks and this one doesn’t look right.”

  “Okay, if you’re worried, send it over and I’ll take a look at it.”

  “Thanks Josie, sorry to bother you.”

  “No trouble,” Josie replied as she looked back at her computer to try to pick up where she had left off. Working in an open plan office meant it was often a challenge to concentrate. Still, she preferred it to working from home. She liked the company, plus, she picked up a lot more information on what the clients were up to, even if it was only a ‘neat’ background check.

  By the end of the day, they’d managed to sign up two more clients and book another three appointments, leaving James even happier than he had been at the morning meeting. Josie and Kim were ready for a night out to celebrate promotions and bonuses. It wasn’t long before they were both heading towards the bar.


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