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The Flat on the 7th Floor

Page 12

by E. L Barry

  Josie’s smile disappeared as she remembered that they hadn’t left on the best terms and felt guilty that it was her fault. Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the 4x4 parked a few spaces down from her.

  Josie was frustrated now. Maybe I should just go over and see who it is? What’s the worst that could happen in a public car park? she reasoned.

  She shivered as she stepped out into the cool evening air, walking towards the restaurant.

  “Sod it, I’m going over,” she decided, changing direction and walking back towards the 4x4. She strode over confidently and was determined to speak to whoever was inside. Approaching, she could see there was someone in the driver’s seat but couldn’t make out any features. The blacked-out window gave nothing away as she knocked on it. No one opened the window, so she knocked again, louder this time. There was no reply, so Josie shouted, “I know you’re in there. I want to talk to you.”

  The engine started and Josie jumped back in surprise as the car drove away.

  “What the hell?” she shouted.

  Angry and shaken, Josie went into the restaurant. The welcome was friendly, and she was shown to their reserved table and asked what she would like to drink. As Nicholas wasn’t there yet, she opted for a hot drink to warm her up. She wouldn’t be drinking as she was driving but she realised she didn’t know if he was driving or being dropped off, as they’d arranged to arrive separately.

  Josie didn’t know what to order for Nicholas so she asked if they could come back when he arrived.

  Where was he? He’s not like Gareth who is always on time, she thought.

  She was thinking about Gareth a lot today.

  Her drink arrived in a beautiful mismatched cup and saucer. The hot chocolate smelled delicious and the brownie bite on the side was divine as it melted in her mouth.

  Perfect, now where is Nicholas? Josie wondered again as she looked at her watch, which she had remembered to put on this time.

  It was quarter past now and there was still no sign of Nicholas. Luckily, the half a packet of biscuits that Josie had eaten earlier meant Josie wasn’t ravenous, but as the plates came through from the kitchen, she was getting jealous of the tables they were going to. Josie checked her phone in case Nicholas had called.

  Nothing, not even the withheld number this time. She was hoping to see a missed call or text from Gareth or Kim saying she had been found and was okay.

  Nicholas had appeared in both Kim and Josie’s life out of nowhere and the least she could do was see if Kim and Nicholas had been in touch since they all had drinks at The Tote Bag.

  Where was he? Josie thought, now worried that maybe she was wrong and that something had happened to him too.

  A woman spoke at Josie’s side, “Excuse me.”

  “Yes,” she replied, and turned towards her.

  “Is everything okay? I’m the manager here and one of the waiters took a very strange phone call and was asked to give you this message. Is it a practical joke?” she said, passing her a slip of paper.

  “Thank you,” she replied curiously, as she took the note from her.

  Opening the sheet, she saw the words and felt faint. She understood why the waiter had told their manager.

  “I told you to stay away. Now you will pay.”

  It was in the waiter’s handwriting and no name was mentioned. Only Nicholas and the officers knew I was going to be here tonight. Josie panicked. Was Nicholas behind Kim’s disappearance? Or was it someone else and now Nicholas was missing too and that’s why he’s not here?

  “Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Josie muttered under her breath.

  The manager came back and asked, “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

  “Can you tell me who called? Was it a man or a woman?”

  “Apparently the voice was muffled.”

  Josie didn’t reply immediately, and the manager continued, “Do I need to call the police?”

  “No, it’s probably a practical joke and I’ve been stood up this evening too. Please can I have my bill?” she asked, brushing off the concern. She had to get home and find a way to speak to her father as soon as possible.

  The manager returned with the bill. Josie paid then she went back to her car. Whatever had happened, there was no sign of Nicholas. The 4x4 that had driven off earlier hadn’t come back either.

  The yellow streetlights flashed past, and Josie had to fight hard to concentrate on the road as she drove home. Her mind was jumping between different viewpoints of the facts, unanswered questions and what on earth she was expected to do.

  Her resolve was strong. She had to get to the bottom of her mum’s death, who Albere was, why her father hated her, who had taken Kim, why hadn’t Nicholas turned up, who was helping her and who was trying to stop her?

  I’m just an estate agent with a normal life and now it has been turned upside down. Maybe there is a spy in my family.

  Josie slammed on her brakes at the traffic light that she had almost missed turn red.

  Oh, my goodness. Josie’s mind suddenly became clear for the first time in weeks.

  Could that even be possible? She went through the list of questions again.

  On the trip when mum died, had there been a coverup? Had she been there before? Was she a spy? But why would someone want me to uncover the truth? And why would someone else be trying to stop me? Someone had something to lose and someone else had something to gain. And I’m stuck in the middle.

  Chapter 20

  A car horn blared, bringing Josie back to her senses. She’d missed the red light turning green that time and the driver behind clearly wasn’t happy about it. Pulling away, Josie stalled.

  Ugh no! Just what I need, Josie thought as she restarted the car and waved in her rear-view mirror apologetically.

  She wished she could hide from the world and start again in the morning. With no way to get hold of Nicholas to see if he was okay, her only option was to be optimistic and assume that he was fine and had forgotten or was running late.

  What could the police do anyway if I told them? I don’t have his surname, where he works or lives, so in truth I could have made him up completely!

  The underground parking garage was quiet when she got back to the building, so she kept her keys in her hand.

  She’d been taught by her friends at school to always hold the keys ready to unlock the front door in a hurry in case they were ever followed.

  Josie didn’t like that she lived in a world where she needed to think like that, but after today, with Kim going missing, she held on to her keys more tightly just in case. In the reception area Josie realised she had held her breath in the lift all the way up. She felt the tension release when she saw people milling around waiting for a taxi to pick them up. It was Saturday night after all. Josie didn’t know if she felt jealous or relieved that people were off out, and she was on the way back in. She had really looked forward to the evening, but now she felt a heaviness and overwhelming need to sleep. Josie smiled at the people in the foyer and went upstairs. At her front door, she slowed down, confused. It was ajar. Not by much, but definitely not closed and locked.

  I did lock it didn’t I? Josie questioned herself, thinking back to earlier and if she remembered doing it.

  Am I really that distracted? she thought as she pushed the door open.

  Josie stood as she took in the sight and then fell to her knees in a mix of shock and despair. Her world was being torn apart day after day and she couldn’t take any more.

  “NO!” she shouted, picking herself back up and stepping across everything that had been strewn across the flat.

  The books, the cushions, the drawers, the cupboards, everything – all empty.

  “What the hell?” she shouted. “Why me? Whoever you are, just leave me the hell alone and stop this!”

  Trying her best to calm down, she knew she had to call the police for the second time that day. She told them her name and address and told them that she’d had a break-in wh
ile she had been out for dinner. She then called Mr Mellors, who answered sternly, “Josie, what can I do for you? I hope you are staying out of trouble like I told you to?”

  Josie burst into tears and gulped as she told him, “There’s been a burglary at the flat, and they have trashed the whole place from top to bottom. I don’t know what has been stolen. I don’t have anything worth taking except the jewellery I was wearing tonight. I can’t stay here tonight.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry to hear that, Josie, but you won’t be able to stay at your father’s if that’s what you’re calling for,” he said.

  “No, of course not…” she paused and continued, “but why not?” she enquired.

  “He’s not taking visitors anymore.”

  Josie couldn’t contain her frustration as her voice rose, “But I’m his daughter! I’m not a visitor! I’m family!”

  “Sorry, Josie, there’s nothing I can do. Is there a friend you can stay with or a hotel you can stay at …?”

  “No, the hotels are fully booked with half term holidays and my colleague had her place broken into today and she is missing too…”

  “So much for you staying out of trouble. I did warn you not to try and find answers.”

  “What do you mean?” Josie asked quickly, “What aren’t you telling me? Has this got anything to do with my mum and Albere?”

  The call disconnected.

  What on earth? Josie thought and tried to call him back. It went straight to voicemail. It did the same the next few times she tried too.

  His phone must have run out of battery! she reasoned.

  The police arrived a few minutes later and took hours taking her statement and asking her all sorts of questions about what she did when she left the flat that evening, who knew where she was, and what she had that could be missing. They took photographs and fingerprints, then gave her a form with the crime number and said they would be in touch. Once the police left, Josie sat in the silent flat, feeling alone. She had no idea how she was going to sort out all the mess.

  Josie tried Mr Mellors again but there was still no answer. It was strange that he hung up at the mention of Albere’s name.

  She desperately needed to sleep and sort everything out but had no energy left physically or emotionally. The bed and sofa were unusable and there was only one person she could think of to call. It was past eleven now.

  Would he answer?

  She dialled Gareth’s number. It felt like time slowed down as Josie listened to the ring tone. She was convinced that the answer machine would click in at any moment or ring off.

  “Hello, Josie,” Gareth replied, with a slight huskiness to his voice.

  “Sorry, did I wake you?” Josie asked.

  “It’s late. Have you heard something about Kim?” he said.

  “No sorry, it’s about me. My flat has been broken into and I thought that…I hoped that…you could help me?”

  “That’s awful Josie, but have you called Nicholas? You should ask him.”

  Josie’s voice cracked, “No, he didn’t turn up tonight and I don’t have his number to call him…. I’ve made a real mess of things…”

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  Josie took a deep breath, “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  Gareth was firm and direct. “Right, here’s what I suggest. I’ll come and pick you up and bring you here and you can tell me everything then, okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “Hang in there. I’ll pull up at the front of your building in fifteen minutes.”

  “Thank you so much, Gareth. Bye.” Josie hung up and looked around for what she could take with her.

  She noticed that the bags and clothes weren’t just strewn across the room, but they were ripped, like they had been sliced by a blade in a jealous rage.

  Why would someone do that? It’s not like there could be anything hidden inside the linings or anything. What was missing anyway?

  She had a lot of stuff, but she really didn’t know what she actually had or how much it was worth.

  What about the letter and photograph? Josie suddenly realised she hadn’t checked that. She fumbled around the living room to find the books. She found them and opened them up to reveal the pictures were still there.

  So, they weren’t looking for that then? Or if they were, they didn’t look hard enough.

  She took a step, slipped on a book and fell backwards.

  “Ow!” she exclaimed and then swore under her breath.

  Her elbow stung as she pushed herself back up to a sitting position to assess the damage to both herself and whatever she had landed on.

  Not that this place can be any worse than it already is! she laughed, not sure why she suddenly found it funny.

  Getting over her giggles, she noticed that the panel under the window seat had come away slightly and she could see something inside through the crack.

  Curious, Josie cleared the way and knelt in front of it to get a better look. From where the books had toppled the day before and falling on it just then, the panel must have been jarred and it looked like it could be opened by sliding it. She hadn’t noticed it before. She looked more closely and noticed the paint had cracked around the edges indicating it may have been closed and painted over.

  Josie wiggled it from side to side and managed to loosen it enough to move it and put her hand behind the panel. She couldn’t reach, so with the torch on her phone she shone a light in and could see a small wooden box. She didn’t have long until Gareth was due to arrive, so she quickly shoved the panel in, which did the trick, and she took the box out carefully. With no time to look at it, she put on her jacket and grabbed her clutch bag, leaving everything else behind. Luckily, she could still lock the door behind her.

  So how did the burglars get in? Josie suddenly thought. Josie couldn’t bear thinking about the possibility that someone out there had a key and could let themselves in at any time.

  I’ll sort out a locksmith tomorrow, Josie reassured herself as she walked down the hall to the lift. Gareth would soon be here, and it would all be okay.

  The lift doors opened as she approached so she stepped inside. Josie was desperate to investigate the box and see if there was something in it, but she couldn’t risk looking at it now, so she tucked it away in the inside pocket of her jacket. She watched the illuminated floor numbers go down from seven to six, to five, and willed it to keep going all the way to the ground floor without stopping. No such luck, as at floor three the doors opened. Josie couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “Kim!” she exclaimed, “You’re okay!” as Josie rushed forward to give her hug.

  A deep, familiar voice just to the side of her warned her, “I don’t think so, Josie. Stand back.”

  “Nicholas?” Josie said, confused when she saw him appear at Kim’s side.

  “Thank goodness you’re both safe,” Josie smiled. She looked between the two of them. Neither of them was behaving like their usual selves though.

  Even more confused, Josie continued, “What happened to you, Kim? Are you okay? Nicholas where were you tonight? I’ve been so worried about you, and my flat was broken into tonight too, like yours was Kim…”

  Nicholas snapped, “Shut up!”

  Startled, Josie stopped talking.

  Was Nicholas behind all this? Kim hasn’t said a word. Is she still in trouble and now I am too? But who is Nicholas and what has he got to do with anything? If it’s work related there is nothing that Kim and I have access to. He’s never asked about my family…unless…

  A thought started to form but was interrupted by Kim being pushed into the lift next to her and then Nicholas squeezing in too.

  “You’re coming with us,” Nicholas told her as he pressed the carpark level button, “and don’t even think about doing anything stupid when it opens on the ground floor,” he ordered.

  “Why are you doing this Nicholas? What have we done to you?”

  She kept looking at Kim to se
e if she could catch her eye and see what was going on. If she could communicate with her, maybe they could both tackle Nicholas on the ground floor and get help. Kim didn’t reply and Nicholas ignored her. It was strange that Kim still looked perfectly manicured. She had clearly been allowed to take care of herself. She didn’t even look like she had been crying. Unlike Josie who looked a mess with all the emotion that had flowed through her in the last few hours.

  “Where are we going?” Josie asked.

  “I told you to shut up,” Nicholas growled.

  Josie thought he looked uneasy, despite his menacing voice.

  Had something gone wrong with the plan and now he was improvising perhaps? Maybe I can get out of this if I catch him off guard, letting herself think that there might be hope after all.

  She must have smiled just enough for Nicholas to see. She jumped when his hand flew round her neck and he pushed her towards the wall of the lift.

  “Don’t go making plans and being a hero Josie. You’re going to do exactly as I say, or she gets hurt,” he nodded towards Kim.

  In a split second, everything happened at once. Kim rolled her eyes in response to Nicholas and responded patronisingly, “Like you would hurt me.” She continued to look at her nails and muttered, “I told you she would be a difficult one.”

  “What the hell, Kim, you’re with him? I thought we were friends?”

  “Ha, I fooled you, didn’t I?” she smirked.

  Nicholas tightened his grip on Josie’s neck as he growled, “All we need you to do is come quietly and we get our money. As for you, who knows what will happen to you.”

  The lift reached the ground floor. The ‘bing’ sounded, and the doors started to open. That was all Josie needed to jump into action.

  Her mind screamed, Go! Go! Go! as Josie pushed Nicholas as hard as she could so he let go of her neck.

  Kim wasn’t paying attention and couldn’t do anything as Josie kneed him where it would hurt, and she stumbled out of the lift.

  “Let go of me!” she shouted as she felt Nicholas trying to grab her jacket. It slipped out of his hands, but she was pulled just enough to cause her to fall on her knees. She scrambled back up and ran as fast as she could.


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