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Scold's Desire

Page 6

by Marie Hall

  "Deux Saunds?" Xavier echoed and saw Thomas nod. A small thrill rushed through him, then so did a rush of guilt. Hadn't he just told himself he was content as a landlord? Yet if Deux Saunds was at his gates, it meant someone was seeking a battle, if only a mock one. One meant only to test the skills of newly trained men of arms.

  This was a game played at often enough, on friendly terms. Xavier and Andre Deux Saunds trained under the same man and stood back to back in their first real battle. There was an implicit trust, allowing one to bring a mass of soldiers, unannounced, to the other's gates and conduct a mock battle.

  But, the exercise also had a good natured rivalry including the kidnapping and ransoming of important members of the ranks and household. Xavier hesitated to invite this game on to them.

  "My lord?" Lucas stepped up.

  "Let us be safe in this matter," Xavier said. "Secure the women beyond the hall that they are not known as members of the house," he continued, straightening his tunic and allowing the remnants of the meal to be removed. "In case my friend had mind to add to his purse."

  "Xavier?" Io called, stepping up to the table. "What happens?"

  "It is no concern, I promise," he said and, taking her hand, brought it to his lips, "I will explain everything; only for now, please trust me. Go with Lucas and try to keep the cackling of your hens down."

  He heard the sharp intake of breath and prepared for the punch in the arm, which Io promptly delivered. "Cackling, indeed. Hens do not cackle, my lord."

  "No? Then I beg pardon of all hens," Xavier managed with a straight face until three others within hearing burst out laughing.

  "Come, my lady," Lucas offered his arm, "let me see you someplace you might ponder how to dispatch your husband."

  "Indeed," Io huffed but went out, followed by the women.

  Xavier waited until they were all clear of the room before waving to those blocking the doors. There was some shoving and some insults tossed, but through the crowd came two men Xavier knew from past encounters.

  "Lord Brice," Pierce Lafayette called as he approached the table. "Such a long delay, did you perhaps need to clear the hall of the old and weak in your ranks before they could be assessed?"

  Xavier snorted and leaned back in his seat. "All I had cleared was my food, that you shouldn't beg me feed you. As round as you are, I wonder if you are the example of all in Deux Saunds' ranks. Can you even fit in armor?"

  "My lord provides well for those who serve him, but alas, my days suited for battle are done. I, unlike my comrades, do not try to stay armor ready."

  "Why is this now? You have not gone lame, have you?" Xavier asked, a little true concern as they were all good friends.

  "Lame, if you consider a wife and four children hanging on me lame." He laughed. "It is more I am made to seek retirement. But, look at you, you look only slightly less fit to make war."

  This time, Xavier laughed. "I am more than fit to take on any who might wish it." It didn't seem the man knew of Xavier's own marriage. This played in his favor. Io wouldn't be a target for a kidnapping.

  "Good," Pierce proclaimed. And as the second man, Martin, stepped up and handed Xavier a rolled parchment, he went on loud enough all in the hall could hear, "The house of Deux Saunds challenges the house of Brice to a battle of wit and warfare, more wit, though, I should think it."

  Unrolling the sheet, Xavier glanced at it. It was much the same as any other. "Your challenge is accepted. Though, I will make the advance requirement it be met away from this house. We would suggest the shire and field of Paxtir."

  "I am sure it should suit, though you might tell me why?"

  He was asking, Xavier knew, as a way to glean if any rich targets were within the walls. There was a very valuable target, but Xavier didn't need to let him know. "Do you not notice some people missing, one person specifically?" Xavier hinted and watched the men look around. Neville was often a target for ransom.

  "Your chamberlain, Neville; he is usually right on top of us already," Martin said, looking around even more.

  "That blackheart betrayed this house, tried to murder my lord," Thomas shouted angrily. "We do not say his name in this house."

  "Settle, Thomas," Xavier warned. To the men now staring slack jawed at him, he added, "Neville and several who followed him were dispatched four months ago. The house is very much disturbed by the treachery, and I would not have them strained by a need to be alert for players in our games. Not when I have a current standing order to kill and then question any who act suspiciously." He didn't add the order was only for anyone who approached Io and was unknown.

  "Unbelievable," the man gasped. "I never would have—"

  "I would not have, either, which is why he managed to stab me, in the back, no less."

  "Good God," Martian said, clearly horrified. "You are fit, though? Capable of this? I am sure a forfeit would not be seen as unreasonable after such tragedy."

  "Forfeit, my arse," Sir Hamlin called out. "We can take you or anyone, any day, any place." The knight stepped clear the group he stood with. "And with one arm behind our backs." The boast was just that, a boast, but it rallied all to start shouting and cheering. Boredom wasn't to everyone's tastes.

  "We shall meet in the inn at Paxtir in a fortnight to discuss terms and boundaries," Xavier said, standing and holding out his hand.

  "A fortnight, my lord," Pierce said, shaking Xavier's hand.

  "And now the part I hate," Martin muttered as a dozen or so men charged them. They were lifted and hauled out of the hall to the sounds of hisses and jeers.

  Xavier knew they would be carried to the gate and set out, less than gently, but in good fun. Sitting back down, Xavier lifted the parchment and read more carefully. Each time they played at this, it was to test a different skill. The last was to train cavalry, before that, they pitted archers against each other. This time, it looked as if Deux Saunds wanted to test his scouts and infantry. It'd indeed be more a battle of wits than warfare, and Xavier gave a bit of thanks.

  It wouldn't happen anyone was greatly injured at such training and that'd give Io comfort. She didn't care for demonstrations of combat. Things like jousting and sword play upset her, though he wasn't sure why. Io, herself, could handle a weapon as she'd already proven. Then again, he'd never seen her use one to defend herself, only others.

  No matter, he could tell her what he and the men would undertake and reassure her with confidence everyone would return unharmed.

  Chapter 8

  Io shifted then pushed Xavier's hand away from her breast. His attention was making reading the declaration of war, which he swore was only a mock statement, hard. Three times, she read over exactly what Xavier said showed the challenge to be false. She still couldn't understand how the few lines at the bottom of the otherwise ominous letter undid everything threatening before. Again, she had to lean away when the large hand swept up her side and covered the flesh.

  "You are sure this is nothing more than a… game?" she asked and gave up trying to read. The feel of his hard cock pressing into her back as she sat between his legs was more distracting than his fingers.

  "One I have played often," Xavier spoke against her neck, nipping at her skin as his fingers softly twisted her nipple.

  "No one will be hurt, in this… game," she asked and shifted again, this time into his touches.

  "No one will be seriously hurt. I will tell you there have been times when tempers flared and fists flew, as well someone not skilled with weapons taking a cut, and once, someone was bitten by a dog. Injuries have happened, but the event isn't done to cause harm. In fact, it is done to prevent harm in a real battle. Learning now will save men later." Xavier tugged the parchment from her gasp and set it aside. His hands settled on her hips at either side and drew her back and up against his chest so he might more easily reach her shoulder, neck and face with his seeking lips.

  Io tilted her head so he could access that spot just under her chin that always delighted. "Saving
men later is always a nice thing," she mused, setting her hands on his thickly muscled thighs and rubbing. The hairs tickled her palms.

  "I agree," Xavier muttered as his fingers slipped between her thighs.

  "I think, more, it is better to slay a certain man now," Io told him then rolled to her stomach and slid backward a bit.

  "And you think yourself capable of slaying anyone?" he asked, even as he spread his legs, leaned back and stabbed his fingers through the hair at her temples.

  "I can already see victory for me," Io said, wrapping a hand around his cock, holding it and sweeping her tongue up the length.

  "Only with you, do I love my own defeat." His sharp intake of air told her that very thing.

  "Then let me not draw out this torture," she said with a smile, only to have his grip on her hair tighten so she was stopped from taking him in her mouth. A glance up found him looking at her with such intensity, a chill ran through her.

  "No, Io, draw it out, draw it out for as long as you like."

  "Ah, a command I will be most pleased to obey," she teased and slipped her lips over the head of his thick cock.

  "Naughty little goddess," he said on a moan.

  Io would've laughed, but she was too intent on getting her mouth down his length. From the start, Io knew this act put the power and control in her hands. Xavier might touch, stroke and grab her during, but he didn't direct. She went at her pace and for the duration she chose. And Xavier's appreciation for the pleasure she created for him was evident and equally, if not doubly, returned when it was his turn to return the pleasure.

  Lifting her mouth, she licked her way down the entire shaft, spending more time where a vein bulged. She wrapped her fist around him at the base then used the other hand to lift his sac. With a sure grip, she stroked up as slowly as she could then down with as much purpose as she could, given how Xavier's moans pushed her own anticipation higher. She once more covered the head with her mouth and continued to stroke with one hand and pet, pull and squeeze with the other.

  "Io," Xavier growled out, even as he lifted his hips to meet her movements.

  "Do you yield already, my lord?" Io asked, swirling the tip of her tongue over the very sensitive spot just below the bulbous head.

  "I do not. Do you have no more to bring me down?" Io's answer was to sit up and straddle his hips and position him just as she needed. "Ah, look at you." He chuckled and set his hands on her hips. "Already bringing a full attack."

  "Sometimes it is less about the kind of battle and more about finding victory," she said then was almost tossed off when he burst out laughing.

  "You have been speaking with my knights."

  "I have been speaking with their women," Io clipped as she seated herself on the rigid cock. His laugh turned into a moan as she let the weight of her body carry her down.

  "And you seek my defeat with their advice?" he ground out as she lifted and came down again.

  "I seek my victory." She left less time in between each rise and fall.

  "A practical woman is my wife," he said, taking a hard grip on her waist. "Let me ensure your complete and triumphant victory."

  Io set the pace but allowed Xavier to do the work. The sitting position they were in gave her the opportunity to wrap her legs around him, though she was in top position to lean into him, which allowed her breasts to rub against his skin.

  The full contact between them became more intimate and secure when Xavier slipped one arm under her arse and the other went around her back. He lifted and dropped her at her cue. When she set her head on his shoulder and circled his neck with her arms, he chuckled again.

  "I am the only man so fast to bring his own defeat," he whispered as he flexed his hips, taking more control.

  Io found the shift so natural, she almost didn't notice, and given the pleasurable sensations she was feeling, she didn't care. A few more thrusts, and Xavier rolled them over so he loomed over her. With her legs and arms still wrapped around him, he lay his full weight over her, pinning her so his thrusts didn't shift her up the bed.

  "Io," he called, disrupting her content musings. He pulled one of her hands from his shoulder and placed it between their bodies. "Help with this struggle."

  "I tell you, it needs no help from me," Io said then moaned as his strokes became stronger and deeper. "I think you want this more for you." She pushed her hand down over her stomach and watched him drop his head to watch as her fingers settled on her sex just above where his cock was working her.

  "All done here is done for you, my love. Your pleasures are all that matters," he told her then shifted again to give him even more leverage in his movements.

  "Because it is your duty to please me here?" she repeated what he'd said to her almost two years ago.

  "My most favorite duty," he confirmed before they both became serious in getting her where she couldn't tell where she stopped and he began and where she felt secure and wanted. He placed her there and kept her there a long while with overlapping peaks of raw, pleasure. She was long well sated before Xavier allowed his own release and slowly eased from her body.

  "Are you defeated?" Io asked, pressing against him as he settled down beside her.

  "Are you victorious?"

  "Gloriously so."

  "Then my surrender to you is complete," Xavier said with a yawn.

  "Perhaps in a bit, you might again raise your standards for battle?"

  "Did you not say you were the victor?" he asked, sitting up to look down on her.

  "Yes, but perhaps you might like a rematch, a chance to take the field as victor," Io teased, pulling his head down for a kiss. "After all, I have as husband the king's very own dangerous and feared executioner. It should not be heard he would leave a fight before he is the supreme victor."

  "I will not speak of this defeat, so there is no fear of my reputation being doubted."

  "Oh, but what if I speak of it?" Io teased.

  "If you speak of, it I will carry you back here, throw you down and wage this war again," he said as he bent and took her nipple between his teeth.

  "Alas, then you will again be defeated right here, just the same." Her giggles ended on a moan when he bit down.

  "But I will never give up." His hand smoothed over her hip until his thumb settled on her clit and began agitating the sensitive flesh.

  "It is good to be the wife of a warrior," Io said then gasped as he easily worked her back to that wondrous state.

  And it was, most of the time. Other times, it was not.

  Chapter 9

  Xavier gave the hastily sketched map one more look, stepping back so the other men could look at it as well.

  "They fall so easily into habits, how do they expect to not be defeated?" Lucas asked with a shake of his head.

  "It is because they haven't experienced the true chaos that is battle," Luther said, rubbing his chin.

  "And we are doing little better, I noticed," Xavier warned. "When I walked the perimeter yesterday and then again today, I saw the exact same movements being done the exact same time and place. We have done well in the head to head matches, but that is because Deux Saunds brought such a fresh group. But if we continue to engage as lazily as we are, they could find a break in our defenses and take the win."

  All eyes swung toward Cutler, who'd been the poor sod drawn as this match's 'king'. To claim victory, Deux Saunds had to capture him or take enough of Xavier's other men to force a forfeit. He could also take enough men, Xavier couldn't pay ransom and would have to surrender. So far, though, the captures were about even and Xavier knew if he counted his treasury, he'd have at least eighty gold left. Enough for between eight and fifteen men to end up hostage, depending on their value. He knew, too, a good number of his men had their own ransom money they could pay. The only one who had the most value and couldn't pay his own ransom was King Cutler, and of course, his set ransom was two hundred gold, which would force the surrender unless Xavier's men took more hostages to ransom back. An
d that was what they planned now.

  "Do not look at me," Cutler griped. "I have been sitting right here like a good little king."

  The men in the small tent all laughed. No one wanted to be king in these games. It meant sitting them out. Xavier shook his head at all of them but chuckled as well. These games gave him and the men a chance to do what they were created to do without risking more than a stiff back from sleeping on the ground. The thought made him give in and stretch his. More chuckles.

  "We can finish this by the end of the week if you want to return to your soft bed, my lord," Luther teased, and Xavier ground his teeth. It wasn't the bed he wanted to return to.

  "It is not a soft bed he is longing for," Lucas said, as if he'd read his mind. Xavier felt his face heat. The chuckles turned to boisterous laughter.

  "As much as I long for a soft bed and a meal," that word bent men with laughter and all he could do was roll his eyes, "not burnt black, I would have us remain in top form, even if we are all turning into fat farmers."

  "Speak for yourself," Cutler said then made to pat his stomach. His hand froze before it landed and the man shifted to suck in his stomach before bringing it down. "I'm as fit as I have ever been."

  "Ever been? I do not think you had that bulge under your shirt before you started courting that Kate girl," Luther said and shoved the man.

  "That Katie has made me bulge… in places," Culter bragged.

  Xavier cleared his throat and glared at the man. "Mistress Kate is a respectable woman and your lady's friend, I would not want to see her less than pleased with one of my honorable knights."

  "My lord, I swear, I have never left her anything but completely pleased," Cutler said, and again, laughter rolled through the tent.

  "Only the most capable men in my ranks," Xavier said, causing total silence to fall over the group, but only for a moment. The next round of laughter was accompanied with good natured shoves and punches. There was always more to be had between men who fought together. There was a brotherhood, a bond that made each man willing to fight and die for each other as much as the cause for which they fought. This foolishness was the other side of the coin with the first side being a bloodlust. They couldn't share this the same way within the walls of the house.


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