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Scold's Desire

Page 15

by Marie Hall

  "It was not nice; I did not like it," Io complained then bit her lip to stop the moan.

  "You did not? Then why…" His hand pushed between her thighs to cup her sex. "Why are you so wet and hot?"

  The flush crept up her neck. "Fever?" she offered, only to have to again bite her lip when his strong fingers settled on her clit.

  "Fever? Perhaps then I should leave you to rest and—" He started lifting her back, and Io twisted to get back in place over his lap.

  "No," she cried, flopping down, realizing too late she might have indeed lost her mind as Xavier's hand smacked down sharply again. She hissed as the ache rose up, but again his rubbing dispelled it quickly enough.

  "No fever, then?" All she could do was shake her head and growl at the humor in his voice. "Good, I would not want to be too short on this lesson in obeying your husband."

  "Especially when he has commanded me to have fun?" Io asked, lifting up when his hand pulled away and meeting the blow as it came. She gasped but met the next and the next the same way.

  "Exactly," he whispered, pausing now to rub at the sting that lasted a little longer. "I should have my wife enjoy herself each time there is an opportunity." She felt his hand lift again.

  "What a fine and benevolent husband you are," Io said.

  "Perhaps I am too benevolent, perhaps I should ensure you know I can be a cruel man if I must," he said as his hand again slipped between her legs and cupped her sex. "Perhaps I should forbid you from spending?"

  As he said it, his fingers started working up inside her, and after just a few strokes, she'd already found a small release. "You make your harshness known too late, my lord," Io said, pushing back on his fingers as they began in earnest caressing those soft walls.

  "What is a man to do with such a vulgar, brash and unseemly woman?" Xavier asked, never stopping what he did to help her achieve bliss for a second time.

  "I think what you do is the only thing that might be done," Io purred at him, lifting when he reached around to set his free hand under her and play with her clit more.

  "Then best I do it properly. I should not want such a woman to think she might ignore my commands."

  "Heaven forbid it," Io agreed before again giving into the wonders of pleasures Xavier brought to her.

  Chapter 19

  Xavier ground his teeth again as Io's peals of laughter echoed around. It shouldn't be so damn hard to get a bag of sand through a hole. Again, he took careful aim and tossed the little bag, only to see it fly over the target. "It is rigged," Xavier cried as the man tending the game carried the bag back to him.

  "You try too hard, Xavier," Io said, perhaps trying to be encouraging even as she laughed more.

  "Do I?" he asked, handing her the bag. "Why don't you show me?" He stepped aside, allowing Io to take his place.

  "All right." She giggled. Then, putting a hand over her eyes, she tossed the bag. Damn him, if it didn't go right in the hole. The entire crowd erupted in laughter. Io's merriment was too much; she had to cling to him to stay standing.

  "For the love of peace," he griped as the man carried the bag back to them.

  "Care to try again, my lord?" he asked, holding out the bag.

  "No," Xavier snapped, and again, the whole crowd roared with laughter. Taking Io's hand, he pulled her away. The smell of food and the darkening skies said the feast would be starting soon anyway. Having partaken in all the events, he was more than ready for some food and then some rest.

  "I smell the meal," Io commented, leaning against him and clinging to his arm as they walked. "Perhaps you will be able to out eat me, at least."

  "Scold," Xavier grumbled. If he'd enjoyed this festival last year, then it was because he didn't really know what it was to enjoy something. Today was more fun than he could remember having. And the best part was having the chance to watch Io enjoy it, too.

  He again gave a message of hope for a prosperous future at the feast but this time included heartfelt words of thanks and gratitude for how well and dedicatedly everyone worked his lands. Then because he didn't want there to be any doubt in the minds of these people, but especially not in Io's mind, he pulled her to her feet to stand next to him.

  "I wish, too," he started, turning to look directly at Io, who was already coloring a bit for being called out, "to give my thanks to Lady Io. For without her intelligence, compassion, and willingness to work harder than anyone I have ever known, we would not all be able to celebrate such blessings as we have this year, nor would we be able to look forward to many more in the years to come." Raising his cup, he toasted, "To all of you." Then, taking Io's hand, he brought it to his lips before adding, "And to Lady Io."

  Cheers, applause and laughter soon gave way to a chant for them to kiss. He needed to pull her back up from the bench, but when she again tried to sit after a quick peck, boos rang out and Xavier, laughing, pulled her up and against him. "That was no kiss, my lady. Come, show them the brash, vulgar, and unseemly woman I have and love so well." He dipped his head closer.

  "I think it wiser to show them you have a lady," Io whispered, even as her arms came up around his neck.

  "But I do not; I have a goddess." He closed the distance and worked his lips over hers until she couldn't resist any longer and opened her mouth so his tongue could dive inside and taste all the wonder that she was. He felt her step closer, and he leaned into her so there was not even room for air between them. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and his hands slid down her back to the top of her arse. It was a war of teeth, tongues, and lips that ragged until his lungs burned for lack of breath, and only then, did they break away. Had he loosened his grip, Io might have collapsed as her knees buckled before she could take in air. The cheering was so loud, he wondered if it could be heard on the neighboring holdings.

  Sitting beside her, he leaned in and asked, "Are you all right?"

  "Mmm, I am, as long as you plan to finish what you did start with that kiss," she said, resting her head against his arm.

  "I see no reason why I cannot accommodate you, my lady," he boasted a bit, only to laugh more when she softly punched him in the gut. He laughed most of the rest of the night as the entertainments continued and he made good on his word to his wife when they returned home near sunrise. Spending the entire day in bed, simply enjoying time together, it was a good time to look back on the coming weeks as planning and packing began for the move to court. It just wasn't enough to sustain them as Io shifted from uncertain and wary of leaving to defiantly opposed to even considering it.

  "My lady, please do not," Lucas said as he tried to stop her from pulling the last trunk from the wagon. The other three already lay dumped out on the ground. Having the advantage of size and strength, Io was left to growl in frustration as the man managed to keep the thing from falling out. It didn't matter she had three out, now to take them back inside.

  Io turned and, grabbing the handle, started dragging the heavy thing back toward the house. She was nearly jerked off her feet when Roth grabbed the trunk from the other end and pulled it back. "Let go," she snarled at him, only to be knocked out of the way as he moved to take the end she held and carry it back to the wagon. Refusing to be so easily thwarted, Io grabbed a different trunk and again started dragging it back. How these were so heavy, she couldn't say. She'd watched as, for days, her maids carefully packed everything in the chambers she shared with Xavier, but it seemed they were careful to keep his items separate from hers. At one time, everything she called hers fit in a small bag she could carry in one hand; now she had trunks of things. And if anything, that made seeing it all packed worse. It made it clear how much she was about to leave behind.

  And no matter what Xavier and everyone else said, now she knew she was leaving it behind because why else would everything she had be packed?

  "My lady," Lucas said, stepping before her and blocking her way. "There is no time for this." He tried to pull the trunk free of her grasp, but she held on. "Io, the wagon must be loaded; we
leave in less than two days and—"

  "I am not leaving; I am not going," Io yelled and clawed at the back of his hand as he pulled the trunk away and carried it to the wagon. Roth had already collected the last trunk and returned it to the wagon.

  "Io, it will be all right. We will go, and then we will come back; we always do," Lucas told her.

  Well, they might always come back, but she never did. And this time, she was going to stay. "I am not going," she yelled, loud enough the people milling about the yards came to a stop and stared at her.

  "What is this?" Io cringed when lord Balbroke stepped up. "Why is this wagon again in such disarray. We leave soon, and I will not have any more delays."

  "You leave soon, and good riddance to you," Io said, pushing past the odious man and climbing back inside the wagon. One large basket was still tucked in the back corner. It held that single bag of her belongs she'd never been without and a few things she might want day to day, like soap and hair combs. Carrying it back to the opening, she set it down, hopped from the wagon, lifted it, and headed back for the house. "You leave, you bloated, stinking, fuck. You leave. No one wants you here. I cannot think anyone anywhere wants you."

  "Io," Lucas's warning wasn't quiet, but Io ignored it completely.

  "You are not but a stupid, useless—"

  "You address your betters," Balbroke raged.

  "If you are my better, then so are the rats that live along the jakes, and I am sure they are more my betters than you," Io shot back and watched the man turn so red, she wondered if he might not burst.

  "Lady Io," Roth stepped up and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Stop this," he said and tried to take the basket from her. She pulled away and managed to avoid him, all the while fuming as Lucas trying to make excuses and apologize to the vile pig who was responsible for her again being removed from a house.

  "I am not going; I am not leaving," Io told them all again, and again, she avoided Roth's reaching hands. Only this time when she turned, she smacked straight into Xavier. The look on his face said he'd heard more than enough of what she'd said to the higher ranking lord.

  "Enough," was all he said before snatching the basket from her and handing it back to Lucas. Only, it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough until she was allowed to remain behind. Before Lucas could move, she yanked the basket back and stepped out of reach. "Io, put the basket in the wagon." He enunciated each word, speaking slow and deliberate so she couldn't mistake the command.

  "No," it was out before she could think what it would mean for her.

  "Put the basket back in the wagon, Io," he said again just as slowly and deliberately. And as his form blurred before her, she could only shake her head. "Put it back."

  She clutched it tighter. "I cannot," she whispered. "I cannot. I cannot go." Putting the basket back meant conceding she'd be taken from this place in two days' time, and she couldn't let go of the little bit of hope she had left that she'd be allowed to remain here.

  "My lady, last time," Xavier said, even as Io became aware of the crowd starting to gather. "Put the basket back in the wagon." When she slapped a hand over her mouth to stop the sob, he grabbed the basket away, handing it to Roth who started toward the wagon set up for her comfort as they traveled.

  "No," she yelled, trying to pull Roth to a stop by the back of his shirt and then trying to reach around him. "No, I will not go," she yelled as Xavier's arm went around her and lifted her backward.

  "Shameful," Balbroke announced, and Io's fist only missed because Xavier was fast enough to swing her to the side.

  "I am not going, and this piss, puss sack of rotten guts cannot fucking make me," she cried as she struggled to get away from her husband. "I am not go—" Her words were cut off when her middle hit Xavier's shoulders. His fast stride didn't give her any time to right herself from the upside down position she was being carried back towards the house in. Beating on his back only earned her a painful swat to her seat, several, in fact, each one coming in rapid succession as the passed through the hall and made their way upstairs to their chambers.

  "Out," she heard Xavier command, though he kept walking until they were in the bedchamber, at which point, he flipped her off his shoulder and down on the bed. The moment he stepped back to look at her, she rolled to the other side and stood. If she needed to fight to remain here, she would. She wouldn't be driven or carried off this time.

  "Io," Xavier's warning was more than clear.

  "I will not go."

  "Io, we are going, you and I."

  "I am not." Though deep in her heart, she knew she'd be taken from here, right now, she didn't want to believe it.

  "Io, we have been called to court; we will go. The king has issued a command, and we will obey it."

  He'd already said the same thing several times. It was his reason, his excuse for making her do this, making her leave. As much as she tried to hear only what he said then and now, that small voice whispered again in her head, creating doubts she'd no cause to have. Turning, she wrapped her arms around herself and stepped away from the bed. "I will not go."

  "You will, Io." He was still on the other side of the bed. "The king commands it."

  "And you want it," she said, reaching the table where the remains of their last meal still sat. "You want it, me gone from here, do you not?"

  "Io, we will return. Whatever our king wants, it will—"

  "Your king, he is not mine. You serve him, not I. I will not go." She lifted the bowl from the table and sent it hurling against the wall.

  "Io," he called, making her spin around. He barely had time to duck away from the pitcher she sent hurtling in his direction. It hit the door and shards went flying. "Io," he yelled and stepped towards her. She found the strength to tip the large table over, sending more dishes and pottery to the floor with a racket sure to wake the dead. "Io, stop this." The command was issued with no room for dissent, but Io continued. Lifting a tankard which rolled to a stop at her feet, she threw that most violently at him.

  "You will not remove me from here; you can rot in fucking hell. Goddamn son of—"

  He was on her before she finished. Lifting her from the floor and holding her to his hip, he made his way toward his coffers. She kicked and swung her fists, cursing him, his house and his horse, but she wasn't in any position to do damage. She heard the door squeal as he opened it, and because she knew what he kept there, her struggle became more desperate. But as he took what he wanted and headed back toward the window seat, Io knew the fight was for not. He took a seat and wrestled Io over his knee, lifted her skirts and tossed his leg over both hers.

  "You will know this is fully brought on by your actions, Io," he said. Io looked back over her shoulder and her eyes went wide. She knew well what she was about to feel, having already once suffered it. The small paddle used to beat out clothes was no flimsy bit of wood, but a solid piece.

  Between the weight of the paddle and the force upon which he applied it, Io's scream was more than justified. And the next blow was of equal force. All fight vanished and she prayed with everything she had that he'd see her surrender and end this. But apparently, he'd other ideas.

  He laid down two blows to her right cheek then two to the left. One on each side where arse met thigh, and then angling downward, he made sure the two strikes he delivered to the backs of her thighs caught the tender flesh along the inside. Two more to the swell of each cheek and he tossed aside the paddle. Io's relief was short lived, though, as he reached for something else, and within a few heartbeats, the pungent scent of that vile unguent filled her nose.

  "If I did not fear you would choke to death, you would be eating soap for the next hour, my lady. But maybe this will remind you to watch that wasp's tongue you have." He pried apart the twin moons, exposing the small opening. "You will not use God's name in vain," he said then smeared the thick cream over the hole and, with little consideration, pushed into her, smearing a good amount inside.

  Io burned inside and ou
t. There was no telling where one discomfort ended and the other started. She gasped between the sobs and choking coughs. Even as he righted her, breathing remained difficult. All fight was gone. She'd go. She knew that. Because she had no choice. And if she was only going because it was the will of the king or because it was Xavier's will, she'd learn well enough.

  Xavier carried her to the bed, laid her out then sat down. She waited for him to leave, to give her some time to compose herself. Only he stayed, not saying anything as she worked to stop crying and to breathe through the raging pain and burn he'd inflicted on her. She was almost at the point of rallying back when he turned and looked at her.

  "You will not speak blasphemy in this house or around me. If I was not abundantly clear on this any time before, let me be so now." He shifted a bit so he better faced her. "You will also not wag that vile tongue at nobility so freely, as you did." It was far less the chastising words and more the disappointed one that renewed her sobs. Again, he waited until she only sniffed and gasped. "If you need to rage and protest, you come to me. You give me your discontent and resentment. I will hear it out. I will accept it because I know well enough you give it honestly. I know it is born from a place constructed over the whole of your life. And I know, too, while you are free from there, the weight of those chains that bound you can still be felt by you."

  "I-I cannot leave here."

  "You can, and you will."

  "I cannot. I need to stay. I cannot lose forever again."

  "You will not," he said, and she felt his hand stroke down the back of her head. "We will go, and we will come back. Together."

  "We will not. It does not happen that way. Not for me."

  "It did not happen that way; now it does. I will bring you back here, Io. This is your home."

  "There is no such place. It is a lie." A lie she so much wanted to believe in.

  "No, home is not a lie, not a fable. This is your home, and you will come back to it."


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