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Hunter: Galactic Gladiators #12

Page 7

by Hackett, Anna

  Fiend was still fighting with the last few guards. One guard backed away from the canine, moving closer to her and Bren.

  This man was older, more battle hardened than the others. He raised his sword.

  “Kill them both,” Vark called out. The warlord was on his knees, cradling himself. His face was twisted with rage.

  Mersi tensed and felt Bren do the same.

  Suddenly, an arrow whizzed through the air and hit the older guard in the eye. Electricity skated over his body from the arrow, and his body toppled.

  The last few of Vark’s guards spun. One moved forward, lifting his spear, and found himself facing a swinging sword.

  Two quick slashes, and the guard collapsed.

  Bren’s arms tightened on Mersi, and she looked up into the stony face of a gladiator. He had a black eye patch over one eye, a hard, tattooed chest crossed by a leather harness, and a black cloak falling behind him.

  “Galen,” Mersi whispered.

  It was the Imperator of the House of Galen. Suddenly, Vark went flying past them, his body shuddering with electricity.

  Another tall man stepped into view. This one had an implant circling his neon-blue eye, and one of his arms was made entirely of metal.

  Mersi knew him, too. Magnus Rone—Imperator of the House of Rone.

  She looked past the imperators and watched a woman in fighting leathers, with gold-streaked brown hair, bringing down the last of Vark’s surviving guards with the help of several cyborgs.

  Mersi recognized Samantha Santos, Galen’s woman from Earth, and former Champion of the desert arena of Zaabha.

  Galen crouched in front of Mersi. “We were meeting an informant out in the desert, and Corsair got word to us that you might need assistance.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  She felt Bren’s body start to shrink, the darkness disappearing from his skin.

  Then she saw his beloved, rugged face again. She stroked his cheek. “Hey.”

  But when she looked down, the ragged wound remained in his gut. Drak. It looked like this time, his self-healing abilities weren’t working. There wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t covered in blood.

  She leaned down and kissed him. “Bren.”

  “Love…you.” His voice was so weak.

  “Please don’t leave me.” She pressed her forehead to his. “Don’t die.”

  “Never.” He pulled her closer. “Already healing. You’re…mine, Mersi. Stuck with me.”

  “He’s Tainted,” Galen said.

  Mersi shifted protectively to cover Bren. “He’s Bren and you know him, Galen.”

  The imperator’s lips quirked. “Easy, Mersi. We aren’t going to hurt him.”

  She relaxed a fraction.

  “You have a fierce protector there, Bren,” Galen said.

  “Allow my medics to help him,” Magnus said.

  Bren made a sound, his body tensing. “I’ll be fine.”

  Her arms tightened on him. “Let them help you.” She leaned in closer. “Please.”

  He sighed. “Okay.”

  She looked up. “Galen, there’s a young girl up in the ruins. She’s sick and needs help, too. Fiend will show you.”

  Galen raised a brow. “Fiend?”

  The canine trotted forward and licked Bren’s arm.

  “Fiend, don’t lick the blood.” Mersi tapped him on the nose.

  The imperator eyed the shaggy canine. “Very well.”

  The dog bounded off toward the ruins, Galen following him.

  Bren pulled Mersi closer and she held on, absorbing his warmth. A House of Rone cyborg with two metal arms knelt down beside them.

  “Please help him,” she said.

  The cyborg glanced at her with an impassive face and nodded. He lifted a pressure injector.

  Bren grabbed her hand. “Stay with me.”

  She let out a laugh. “You’re always such a big baby when it comes to getting meds.” She pressed against him. “But you couldn’t shake me if you tried, big guy.”

  * * *

  “Drak, Mersi.” Bren clamped his hands down on her hips.

  She was riding him, taking his cock deep inside her body.

  Pleasure was storming through Bren, and he couldn’t take his gaze off her. Off her skin that was slicked with sweat, or the way her breasts jiggled as she rode him.

  “Oh, Bren.” She tossed her head back.

  “Come, Mersi.”

  She moaned, her orgasm hitting her. It triggered his own release. He slammed her down, grinding into her as he spilled himself inside.

  She collapsed forward onto his chest and tucked her face into his neck.

  Bren stroked her back. She was his. He loved this woman inside and out, and, most amazingly, she loved him back.

  She knew all his dark secrets, all the ugliness of his past, and she still loved him.

  The tent roof gently fluttered overhead in the breeze. But outside wasn’t the blessed silence of the desert, instead, Bren heard the noises of the city—excited voices and the hum of transports.

  After they’d left the Creator ruins, they’d traveled with Galen and Magnus back to Kor Magna. They’d rendezvoused with the caravan just outside the city, and were now camped on the outskirts, near the stables of a former gladiator called Varus.

  Bren heard giggles near the doorway. He quickly jerked the sheet over his and Mersi’s naked bodies, just before two heads peeked in.

  “Corsair said you two need to come up for air sometime,” Aura called out with a smile. She glanced at her brother. “There’s air in here, so I’m not sure what he means.”

  Danan grinned at his sister. “I’ll tell you one day, sister mine.” The boy looked at Bren and Mersi. “Corsair says you’ve been in here long enough. It’s time to join the party, especially since it’s to celebrate your joining.”

  Under his breath, Bren muttered about bossy caravan masters and interfering friends. Mersi laughed softly.

  Aura bobbed her head. “Yes, and there’s all kinds of food. And dancing. Don’t miss out!”

  As Bren scowled at them, the pair left with more of Aura’s giggles. Mersi laughed out loud now.

  “I guess we’d better get dressed,” she said.

  Bren slid a hand into her dark hair. His Mersi. That afternoon, they’d been joined by Corsair, standing on a dune outside the city, on the desert sands they loved.

  Mersi had worn a vibrant, aquamarine dress that left her shoulders bare and matched her eyes. And now she was officially his.

  “I should be able to spend some time alone with my woman,” Bren complained.

  She leaned down and nipped at his jaw. “Later, big guy.” She shot him a secret smile. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


  She smiled. “Absolutely.”

  Together, they dressed, although it took longer than normal. Bren couldn’t help but touch her. Stroke the smooth skin of her belly, kiss the sweet curve of her neck, play with those pretty pink nipples before she’d smacked his hand away. Holding her hand, they joined the party outside.

  Before he knew it, Bren found himself standing with an ale, watching Mersi talking with the rescued Earth women from the House of Galen. They were talking about the Creator ruins. Apparently, Galen had authorized a trip back to examine them and the Earth women were all planning to go.

  Bren sipped his drink, wondering where the hell all the people at the party had come from. He barely knew any of them. There were people from other caravans, as well as gladiators, and other travelers.

  Everyone was having a good time.

  “Have you confirmed the rumor yet?” Corsair asked from beside Bren.

  He was talking to Galen. The imperator stood across from them with his woman, Sam, tucked under his powerful arm.

  Galen shook his head. “No. We’ve been busy chasing leads, but nothing solid, yet.”

  Sam turned. “Magnus’ cyborgs are heading the investigation. If there are more abducted
humans out there, we will find them.”

  Bren didn’t doubt it for a second. The glint in Sam’s eye said she wouldn’t give up. Ever. He’d seen what these people from Earth were capable of, and he knew if there were more of their brethren out there, somewhere, they’d find them.

  He looked over and spotted Fiend stealing food off one of the tables. He shook his head and gave a soft chuckle. Mersi had bathed the dog a few times, but no matter how much she washed him, Fiend remained a dirty, brown color.

  At the same time, Bren spotted the tiny girl pressed into the dog’s side.

  They’d learned that her name was Saskia, and Vark had killed her family. The healers had treated her, and she’d survived her transition. She still had some ways to go to get full control of the Taint, but Bren was helping her. She was getting stronger with every hour, and was now a member of the Corsair Caravan.

  Mersi rarely let the girl out of her sight, and if she did, it was because Saskia was with Bren. He wasn’t afraid to admit he had a soft spot for the sweet girl. He and Mersi hoped to adopt her and officially make her theirs.

  A teenaged girl was standing beside Saskia. Duna was one of Varus’ desert guides. The teen crouched down and spoke to the little girl. Whatever she said, it made Saskia give one of her rare smiles. Then she looked up and when she saw Bren, her smile widened.

  Bren waved. He knew in his heart that the girl would be okay. One day, she’d find happiness. Just as Bren had found it. He and Mersi would make sure of it.

  Mersi appeared and caught where he was looking. She smiled and leaned into him. “She’s having fun.”

  He nodded.

  “But you aren’t.” Mersi shook her head and lowered her voice. “A few more minutes, then I think we can sneak away.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I am a skilled desert hunter. I can get us out of here without anyone noticing right now.”

  Her smile widened, and she brushed against him. His cock stirred.

  “You are a very skilled hunter,” she agreed. “I don’t doubt your abilities for a second.”

  Bren cupped her face. “But you are the better hunter of the two of us.”

  Confusion creased her brow.

  “You didn’t give up on me,” he said. “You hunted me down until you caught me.”

  Her face softened. “Because I love you, big guy.”

  “And I love you, too. I’m never letting you go.”


  All of a sudden, Fiend slammed into Mersi’s legs. The canine knocked her into Bren’s arms. He scooped her up against his chest.

  Mersi grinned. “I think that’s Fiend’s way of claiming some credit for us being together.”

  Bren smiled. “I’ll feed the drakking furball fresh meat for the rest of his life.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. And there it was. The most beautiful sound Bren had ever heard.

  A sound he wanted to hear every day for the rest of his life.

  * * *

  I hope you enjoyed Mersi and Bren’s story!

  Read on for the short story, A Galactic Gladiators Christmas.

  A Galactic Gladiators Christmas

  A Galactic Gladiators Christmas

  Imperator Magnus Rone stood in the center of the rooftop garden at the House of Galen and wondered what the drak he’d stepped into.

  The trees and greenery in the garden were all festooned with strands of red, gold, and silver decorations. The shrub beside him was covered in large balls of mostly red and green. Several trees had stars on top of them.

  He shook his head. This Earth tradition of Christmas made no sense.

  His gaze moved over the stone walls. He saw the imposing Kor Magna Arena rising up toward the blue sky, and beyond it, the spires of the city. Kor Magna—capital of the lawless desert world of Carthago—was a mix of old tradition and glitzy luxury.

  But everything on the planet revolved around the gladiatorial arena and the spectacular fights that went on within its ancient stone walls. Magnus understood fighting and killing. They had been instilled in him by the cyborg program that had created him. When he’d escaped and come to Carthago, he’d fought hard to create the House of Rone. He provided for his gladiators, but fighting had still been at the heart of his life.

  Until one woman had changed everything.

  Across the top of the garden, strings of lights blinked merrily, long tables were laden with strange food he didn’t recognize, and there were several large, bare-chested gladiators standing around. Magnus guessed their bemused expressions matched the look on his own face.

  His woman, Ever, had been excited all week for this party. She’d talked nonstop about decorations, gifts, trees, and carols. He’d been happy to see her happy. Whatever his woman wanted, Magnus would go out of his way to get it for her.

  He strode across the space toward a tall, broad-shouldered man standing in the middle of the party wearing a black cloak. “Galen.”

  The imperator turned, inclining his head. A glossy black eye-patch covered one eye on his rugged face. “Magnus. Glad you could make it.”

  They clasped arms in a traditional warrior’s hold.

  “Glad I’m here to be moral support?” Magnus asked.

  A small smile tipped the corners of Galen’s mouth. “I’m surviving the festivities…so far. The women have been begging me for several weeks to hold this Christmas party.”

  The two imperators turned, hands clasped behind their backs, and watched the women and House servers bustling around. The women were all survivors stolen from the planet Earth—situated on the other side of the galaxy—by alien slavers. They’d all been rescued by the gladiators of the House of Galen and their allies. And all had captured the hearts of the gladiators.

  That included the love of Magnus’ life, Ever. A woman who’d made a cold cyborg feel.

  Working with the survivors from Earth, they’d defeated the Thraxian slavers. Then the women had changed the lives of the House of Galen gladiators irrevocably.

  Several children ran past. Magnus guessed they were the children of workers at the House of Galen. Nearby, Raiden—champion of the Kor Magna Arena—was handing out what looked like candy with his woman, Harper, by his side. Raiden’s red cloak flapped in the breeze and Harper’s smile was wide as the kids danced around them.

  Next to the couple was Raiden’s best friend and fellow gladiator, Thorin. The big man was hovering over his Earth woman, Regan. She was giggling at him, and when he smoothed a hand over her stomach, her face softened. So did Thorin’s. Magnus would never have expected a wild, hardened gladiator like Thorin to be entranced and tamed by one small woman. A woman who was now carrying his child.

  Suddenly Regan went pale and clamped her hand over her mouth. Thorin’s face turned panicked, and as Regan turned and ran off, Thorin was right on her heels.

  “Regan’s pregnancy is resulting in morning sickness,” Galen said. “I’m told it’s normal.” The man’s icy-blue gaze stared at the doorway where the couple had disappeared.

  “Ever had some of the symptoms as well,” Magnus said. “It’s unpleasant but normal.”

  Galen grunted. Like Magnus, he was a man used to getting his own way and having his orders followed. It was unsettling when a situation was outside his control.

  All of a sudden, another of Galen’s gladiators appeared in front of them. Kace’s hair was mussed, his leather harness askew, and a slight look of panic was on his face.

  Magnus raised his eyebrows. Usually, the military-trained gladiator was neat, orderly, and in control.

  “Kace?” Galen said.

  “Finley got away. Have you seen him?”

  Galen and Magnus shook their heads. Magnus hadn’t seen Kace and Rory’s offspring anywhere. They scanned around, and that’s when he spotted the bright red of Rory’s hair across the rooftop.

  “You come down now, you little monster,” Rory said in a sing-song voice.

  The Earth engineer had her arms
held up and was calling to the tiny child clinging to the uppermost branches of a tree. The child couldn’t even walk yet, but apparently, he could climb. His mix of human and alien genetics meant he was growing at a rapid rate. A mechanical bark sounded and that’s when Magnus noticed the robot dog perched on the branch beside the young child.

  Kace made a strangled sound. “Wherever Finley goes, so does Hero. Always in drakking trouble.” The gladiator strode over to help his woman rescue their son from the tree.

  Galen let out a low laugh. “That’ll be you before you know it.”

  Drak. Magnus stopped. His daughter was still tiny and not crawling around yet…the thought of her climbing things made him feel ill.

  The sound of a man’s low laugh reached them. Magnus’ gaze fell on a couple standing away from the main party. Lore had swept his woman, Madeline, up in one brawny arm and was holding his other arm above their heads. He appeared to be clutching a bunch of leaves.

  “What is Lore doing?” Magnus asked.

  “Apparently that’s mistletoe, or at least the Carthagoan version,” Galen said. “It’s a Christmas tradition to kiss beneath it.”

  Magnus frowned. He just kissed Ever whenever he wanted, he didn’t need a bunch of leaves. From what he could tell, Lore was always kissing his woman as well. Although, as Madeline leaned into her gladiator, love shining on her face, she didn’t appear to mind this strange tradition.

  Like his thoughts had summoned her, Ever appeared beside him. “Hey, babe.” She thrust their infant daughter into Magnus’ arms. “I need you to take care of Asha while I help Sam and the others with some party stuff.”

  Magnus was always happy to spend time with his daughter. He snuggled baby Asha into the curve of his arm. “Ever, this Christmas tradition seems very odd. Red balls, bunches of leaves…”

  “Christmas is packed full of fun things, Magnus.” She reached up and cupped his jaw. “Give it time. And this is Asha’s first Christmas, so I want to a make a big deal of it. Don’t be a Grinch.”


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