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Cohn: The Teague Bride Experiment: Intergalactic Dating Agency

Page 8

by A. M. Griffin

  His mother and father had fallen for Daliya like Cohn had. When she picked a mate, they would be as upset as he was sure to be. Daliya wasn’t meant for him or for them. If he was lucky, one day, he would find a mate as intuitive, alive and as beautiful as Daliya.

  “Would you like to see the award Cohn received for good service? He saved a visiting—”

  “Mother,” Cohn warned. He’d already taken his mother aside as soon as he and Daliya had arrived and specifically told her not to show Daliya the award or do anything else embarrassing.

  His mom threw up her hands. “Fine! I won’t tell her how proud I am of you.”

  Daliya laughed. “You can tell me when he’s not around.”

  His mom smiled proudly. “I like her.”

  Cohn slapped a palm over his face.

  “This was such a wonderful meal, Mr. Achene. Thank you for inviting me,” Daliya said.

  Cohn’s dad blushed and chuckled. “Please, just call me Xilen. We were delighted to have you.”

  “And you can call me, Orila,” his mother said. “Mister and Misses is a human term. We don’t use that on Teague.”

  “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t sure,” Daliya said. “It’s a way we respect our elders.”

  “Respect,” his father said. “I like her already!”

  His mother and father smiled and bumped shoulders.

  “If I may ask you,” his mother said. “Why are you wearing such a flimsy coat? It doesn’t seem like it would protect well against the elements.”

  Daliya’s demeanor changed instantly. The easy smile on her lips dropped and her eyes lost the vibrant spark they’d had throughout the meal. “Well, um, I had a coat that Ahmil bought me. I had a snowsuit, boots, clothes and well…”

  His mom’s eyes got big. “They didn’t!”

  Cohn looked back and forth from his mother to Daliya. He hadn’t asked any questions about Daliya’s prior mate. “They didn’t what? Who are we talking about?”

  His mom narrowed her eyes and grumbled under her breath.

  “It’s okay really,” Daliya added quickly. “They were well within their rights.”

  Cohn tensed. Whatever it was, still bothered her. “I still don’t understand what we’re talking about.”

  “The Tempeshis’ took back all the clothing their son bought for her,” his dad grumbled.

  Daliya lowered her head in shame.

  Cohn leaned forward in his chair and gripped the arms. Rage boiling under his skin. How could the Bride Program officials allow this? On top of that, he himself hadn’t been understanding about her footwear. Now her comment about clothing items being taken from her made sense. Why hadn’t he made the connection before?

  Guilt riddled him. She’d been without a proper coat, clothes and boots, trying to make do about her circumstance. She was tougher than he’d originally given her credit for.

  “I’ll get this straightened out tomorrow,” Cohn told Daliya.

  Daliya lifted her head and protested. “Please, don’t. I’ll be fine. Can we forget about it?”

  “Say no more. I understand it’s a touchy subject for you.” Orila got up and began clearing the dishes and Daliya jumped up to help. “Oh, no! Sit down. You’re our guest.”

  “If you don’t mind I would like to help. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a good family dinner. I miss helping my mom clean up after meals.”

  Orila patted her chest, getting emotional. “In that case, you can help.”

  As they cleared the dishes, Cohn and his dad went into the living room. His mother and father had a routine that had been set before Cohn was born. His father would cook the meals and his mother would clean. It worked for them. His mother absolutely hated cooking and preferred to use the food processor over the manual work while his father never ate processed meals.

  His father settled on the couch and Cohn sat next to him.

  “You know that it was a bad idea to bring her here, don’t you?”

  Cohn let out a sigh. “I know.”

  “Your mother is taken with her and is going to talk about her non-stop until you bring another female home for her to meet.”

  “I know.”

  “And since you’ve never brought a female home to meet us, that means your mother is going to talk about Daliya for ages.”

  Cohn sighed yet again. “I know.”

  And he did. Why wouldn’t his mother like her? Cohn liked her. Daliya was very likeable.

  * * *

  Cleaning up after the meal took no time. They put the dishes in what was just a glorified alien dishwasher. Jasmine had one at her house but they never used it. Jasmine and Synit preferred meals prepared by the food processor. The dishes from the food processor were added back into a slot and the machine cleaned them automatically.

  “You’re the first female Cohn has ever brought to meet us.”

  Daliya smiled. “Really? You’ve never met any of his girlfriends?”

  Orila loaded the last of the dishes. “No, we’ve never met anyone. He’s been so busy with his career; I doubt he’s had a romantic partner in years.”

  Daliya couldn’t imagine a male like Cohn; handsome, good career, good kisser and great body couldn’t find a girlfriend. Any female in their right mind would drop their panties for him on command. The thought made her blush because she was one of those women.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be telling me this. I’m his client. We’re not friends or anything.”

  “Not friends?” Orila laughed. “I see the way you two look at each other. You are friends.”

  Daliya wiped her hands on a towel and slid into one of the kitchen chairs. “He has to be with me. In fact, he’s getting paid to be with me.” Which is why she didn’t read too much into the kisses. She wouldn’t allow herself to read anything into it. They were just kissing partners.

  She would love for the situation to be different and while she pretended in her head they’d had a great date today; it wasn’t a date. Daliya shook her head. “That’s not a friendship. That’s making the best of a bad situation.”

  “And what’s so bad about it?” Orila said, sliding into the empty chair opposite of Daliya.

  “What’s bad about my situation?” Daliya held up her hands. “Have I got a story to tell you. I left Earth thinking I was going on this grand adventure. Woke up mated to someone who wasn’t who he said he was. Got him killed and now I have to choose a new mate or the powers that be will pick someone for me.”

  Orila reached out and squeezed her hand. “Can I tell you what I see?”

  An onslaught of emotions overwhelmed her as Cohn’s mom held her hand tight. She hadn’t felt a mother’s touch in over two hundred years. Although she’d been sleeping the entire time, her body instantly recognized it for what it was and homed onto that feeling. Daliya nodded.

  “I see someone who wasn’t satisfied with her life and decided to change it for the better. I see someone who is strong and independent who needs a mate who can appreciate her and all of her glory. I see someone who controls her own life and destiny. Don’t mind what the Bride Program officials say or what they threaten. Do what’s right for you.”

  Daliya’s eyes welled with tears. Cohn’s mom said what her own mother would’ve said. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

  Orila patted her hand. “Would you like to see pictures of Cohn when he was a child?”

  “Um…I think that might be invasive…”

  Orila tapped her comlink and a holograph picture of a very naked and very young Cohn displayed over her wrist. “We were trying to teach him how to keep his clothes on. He liked to stay naked, that one.”

  Cohn walked into the kitchen. “I was just checking in on you both…Mother!”

  Daliya let out a peel of laughter. “Show me more!”

  * * *

  “Let me see if I understand this correctly.” Ibn, Cohn’s boss, leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers together. “You want to switch assignments and transfer this
case to another agent?

  Cohn stood with head held high and hands clasped in front of him. “That is correct.”

  After dropping Daliya back at Jasmine’s house, Cohn knew exactly what he would do this morning. Go into headquarters and end this assignment. He couldn’t do his job effectively anymore. How could he oversee Daliya in her quest to find a mate when his mind and body called out to hers? It was torture and one he didn’t have to endure.

  He could transfer the assignment to another agent and forget about Daliya. It might take a while, but he would.

  “There’s another assignment off-world that I want to be transferred to.”

  Ibn was his father’s age and good at what he did. That’s why he’d worked himself up to Director. Hardly anything passed the older male. “You never take off-world assignments.”

  “Today is a new day.”

  Ibn watched Cohn carefully. “Is that so?”

  Cohn held his head higher. “Yes.”

  Ibn dropped his hands but remained leaning back. “Request declined.”

  Cohn took a step closer to the desk between them. “Wait. Why not? I’ve never been turned down for a request.”

  “And you’ve never requested to end an assignment early either.”

  “There are extenuating circumstances.”

  Ibn leaned forward, forearms braced across his desk. “And those are?”

  Heat flashed across Cohn’s face. “I would rather not say. They’re personal.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Cohn let out a sigh. “Listen. I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can and you will. She only has two more weeks left to choose a mate. If you still want to go off-world then, I’ll grant the request. Stay with the human until then.”

  “This is hard, Sir.”

  “Life is hard.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jasmine helped Daliya fasten her new coat then held onto her arms, staring at her. “You know you don’t have to go back to that apartment, right? You can stay here with Synit and I.”

  Daliya nodded. “I know. But it’s time.”

  Daliya had checked her messages last night and this morning and there weren’t any from her anonymous stalker. She’d ignored every message he’d sent thus far and he’d finally gotten the hint. With that problem eliminated, she wanted to give Jasmine and Synit privacy to get to know each other.

  She was going to miss her new best friend, for sure, but she was also looking forward to some alone time. She hated feeling like a third wheel and ducking out of the room whenever Jasmine and Synit felt frisky or lovey-dovey. Daliya was sure that Jasmine would also appreciate a little privacy with her new mate.

  Jasmine gave Daliya a short nod then took a step back to appraise her look. “I’m loving this outfit. Cohn’s mom has style. Do you think she’ll go shopping for me too?”

  Daliya glanced down and rocked back on her heels. The outfit was nice. Not in the traditional sense, but the practical one. She’d awakened this morning to a box in her room that had been delivered via carrier. She was surprised that Cohn’s mom had sent her a gift and even more surprised to find winter boots, hiking boots, a genuine winter coat, snow pants and hats and gloves. She’d tried everything on immediately.

  The coat was smaller than her own but it held strong against the Teague elements. She’d stepped outside to test her new coat and boots and found that she was snug and cozy while still looking like she had a shape.

  She’d called Cohn and told him what his mother had done. He wasn’t surprised by the gift which made her think he was used to his mom being generous. He provided her with his mom’s contact details and Daliya called her, thanking her profusely. They ended the call with a dinner date set up for tonight. She really needed to keep her date with the next male on her list, but she wanted to have a normal outing with someone who didn’t want to put a female child in her.

  “I’ll ask her where she got everything from. Are you sure you don’t want to join us for our girl’s night out tonight?”

  A smile stretched across Jasmine’s lips. “Synit and I are having a date night in tonight.”

  Daliya waggled her eyebrows. Her plans to leave the newlyweds was firm now. “Oh, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Jasmine laughed. “I plan to do everything you wouldn’t do.”

  “The transport for Daliya Tempeshi has arrived.”

  Both of them glanced toward the communications speaker by the door.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait for Cohn to take you?” Jasmine asked. “He did say he wanted to assign you guards when you went back to the apartment.”

  Daliya shook her head and lifted her backpack, slinging it across her shoulder. “He’s my chaperone for dates. Not for regular stuff. I got this. Besides, I don’t want guards hanging around. I’m sure they have more important things to do.”

  Jasmine pulled Daliya into a hug. “Call me when you get home to let me know you made it.”

  Daliya hugged her back. “I will. Thank you for letting me stay here and tell Synit I said thank you as well.”

  They parted on sniffles then Daliya grabbed her suitcase and made her way out the door to the waiting transport.

  The ride to her apartment was bittersweet. While she welcomed the privacy, she was sad she wouldn’t have her friend in earshot anymore. She’d lived alone since her early twenties but facing an empty apartment weighed on her. She hadn’t unpacked anything and nothing personal was out or on display. She’d kept everything in her suitcase and backpack and that’s where it would stay until she knew her future.

  “Incoming call from Orila.”

  Daliya pushed her sadness to the side and accepted the call. “Hello, Orila!”

  “Hello! There’s a slight change of plans for our dinner tonight. Cohn was able to get us reservations at The Lodge. It’s fancier than the restaurant I was originally going to take you.”

  “Oh, no. You don’t have to go through all of this for my expense. I’m fine with wherever we go. I don’t want to put you out.”

  “Don’t you worry about that. I’ve been trying to get into this place ever since they opened their doors. I’ll pick you up at your friend’s house.”

  “Thank you, but I’m no longer at Jasmine’s house. I’m on my way to my apartment now. If it’s out of your way, I can ask Cohn to arrange for a driver for me.”

  “We won’t bother him tonight. I’ll get you.”

  “Thank you! I really appreciate it.”

  “See you later!”


  Daliya disconnected the call as they were pulling up to the apartment building. Some type of steel material made up the tall nondescript brown building. When the driver pulled into the parking garage, Daliya thanked the lord for small favors at not having to lug her suitcase through the snow to reach the main door.

  “Do you need help talking your things inside?” the driver asked.

  Daliya shook her head. “No, thank you. I have it.”

  With that, she exited the vehicle and made her way to her apartment. The door unlocked using her palmprint. Old and dusty air greeted her inside. It was hot and stifling. Apparently, she’d forgotten to turn the heat off before leaving.

  She set her suitcase by the door and dropped her backpack to the floor. She would move them to the bedroom later. She pressed the communications board and sent a message to Jasmine. “Made it home! Thanks again! I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Daliya made a beeline for the controls to turn down the heat. She turned the corner and bumped into a body. Startled, she stumbled back. A male Yatur stood in front of her.

  Broad body, tall, dressed in a one-piece body-hugging outfit. His hair was braided and hung at his shoulders. She’d never seen him before.

  Stepping away, her voice quivered. “Wh-who are you?”

  The unknown male tilted his head as he stared. His eyes were devoid of emotion, sending chills rippling down her spine. “Your new mate.”

  Daliya took another step back. Her hand shook as she reached out blindly, searching for something to use as a weapon. “All of my candidates are provided via a list by the officials. I-I’m sorry, but I can’t add to it. Everyone is vetted.”

  The male thinned his lips and snarled. “I am on the list! You were supposed to meet with me tonight but you cancelled!”

  Daliya recognized his voice. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. “You’re Adman?” that was the name of the next person on her list. “Y-you’ve been calling me and leaving me messages.”

  “I was getting you ready for our date and preparing you to receive me as your mate.”

  “Um…” She couldn’t clear her mind. Her fight or flight mechanism kicked into overdrive. As she turned and sprinted toward the door. The apartment was soundproof but if she could open the door and scream, one of her neighbors might hear her.

  Her run abruptly stopped and her feet skidded on the floor. Daliya cried out but he’d caught her hood and yanked her back roughly. The coat bit into her throat, applying pressure to her windpipe.

  Choking, she flailed and kicked. He wrapped an arm around her torso and lifted her off her feet. Daliya punched and scratched him but he swatted her fists away with no effort.


  She fumbled at her sleeve, trying to reach her comlink. If she could connect to Cohn, he would save her.

  The male glanced down and snarled. “No!”

  He reached up with one hand and crushed hers within his brutal grip. Daliya screamed as excruciating pain fired from her hand and up her arm.

  “I was hoping you would walk out of here and attend our date on your own, but I see you’re going to make this harder than necessary.”

  “You’re crazy! I’m not going on a date with you!” She continued to kick and struggled to free herself, ignoring the throbbing pain in her left hand.

  His laugh held a deep manic edge. “You’re right. We’re past the dating stage. We’ll have to go right to the mating stage.”

  Daliya reeled. The look in his eyes told her he was serious. “I. am. Not. Mating. With. You. The officials would never let you get away with this.”


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