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Toxic Bad Boy

Page 10

by April Brookshire

  Cece got out, her smile trembling as she approached her boyfriend.

  “Hey,” he greeted gruffly.

  Her eyes darted to me. “Can we take a walk?”

  “Sure,” he answered, holding out his hand in a move to test her feelings.

  When she slipped her small hand into his, I felt his hope. I watched them for a long moment as they headed down a walkway. Then I turned my attention to my own love life.

  Gianna still hadn’t looked my way, probably praying I wouldn’t bother her. Instead of knocking on her window, I circled around her vehicle and hopped into the recently vacated passenger seat.

  I would’ve found her yelp cute if my emotions weren’t experiencing such turmoil. She recovered quickly. “Get out.”

  “No. We need to talk.” Did she have to look so fucking beautiful all the time? I wanted to both shake her and drag her into the backseat.

  “Jeez, Caleb. Not right now,” she huffed. Her face held a stubborn expression, but I saw her eyes briefly shift down to my bare chest. I’d gotten bigger in juvie, working out with Ian when he’d made it into a competition.

  My girl had just noticed. If she was still attracted to me, maybe I could use that to my advantage. “You broke my heart.”

  Her face fell and I spotted real regret. Regret for what, exactly? She opened her soft lips to say something, then her face went hard. “But not your dick.”

  Was she jealous of the drunk slut from the other night? Maybe I could use that, also. “You’re the one who cheated on me.”

  “I didn’t cheat on you!” she shouted in the small space.

  I tsked in disapproval. “Two boyfriends at once, Gianna. Shame on you.”

  Her mouth snapped shut, her eyes working in thought. “We weren’t really together, Caleb.”

  “You and Gage?” I pushed.

  “Me and you,” she corrected.

  “Could’ve fooled me,” I said. “With all the I love yous.”


  “But those were phony, right? Because you don’t love me anymore.”

  She turned her face to the windshield, her bottom lip quivering. “I still care about you a lot.”

  “Be still my broken fucking heart. She cares about me,” I muttered darkly.

  “You’ll get over it. From the sound on your end of that phone call the other night, you’re well on your way.”

  “I wanted to be with you!” I hissed. It would be easy to tell her it had only been a drunken fumble, a half-hearted attempt to forget her that had epically failed.

  But I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

  Her expression changed, becoming something I couldn’t name. “It can’t be me.”

  “Why Gage and not me?” I asked.

  She sighed, making me want to catch it with my own lips even though I was angry with her. “He’s just...” she trailed off.

  “Does he live for you?”


  “Would he die for you?”

  “Does it need to be that intense?” she asked, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

  It should be that fucking intense. She deserved nothing less and if he couldn’t give it to her, stealing her back would be no problem.

  I wouldn’t only live and die for her, I’d fight.

  Not giving her the chance to stop me, I dragged her onto my lap. “Don’t, Caleb!”

  The feel of her body under my hands felt like paradise. One hand traveled up to her jaw, holding her in place for my mouth. Fucking heaven. “Does he make you burn for him?”

  She was panting, her face scrunched up. “He doesn’t force anything on me.”

  I released my hold on her immediately, allowing her to escape back to her seat. The reminder of what she’d been through made me ache to make it better, at the same time it made me wary of causing her more pain. “I would never hurt you.”

  Her door opened and she stepped out without a word. Leaning forward, I rubbed my forehead roughly before following her.

  Always following her.

  Probably always would.

  Her blue eyes were focused on where Cece and Dante sat on a bench, with Cece in Dante’s arms. As much as I craved touching her more, I held back. “So she isn’t breaking up with him.”

  Gianna’s gaze moved to me. “Is that what he thought?”

  Tilting my head, I stared down at her, searching her shocked expression. “She’s been ignoring him and she just got into that ballet academy.”

  She bit her lip, hesitating before speaking. “It’s probably okay to tell you now that Dante knows.”

  “What?” At this point, I was braced for anything.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “What?” I had not expected that at all.

  “Yeah, I know. Surprise!” Her tone was sarcastic but her expression worried.

  “Holy crap. She’s gonna have it?” I asked.

  Gianna spun, facing me. “Do you think she shouldn’t?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just thought with her dancing and them being seventeen, she might be inclined in that direction.”

  “Well, obviously the academy is out.”

  Damn, Dante was going to be a dad. What a nightmare. Then again, if I could knock up Gianna maybe I’d get forever. “What would you have done?”

  She avoided my eyes, her cheeks turning the prettiest shade of pink. “If I got pregnant?”

  “With my baby,” I clarified.

  She waited so long, I didn’t think she’d answer. Finally, she said softly, “I would have kept it.”

  If that didn’t give a guy hope....

  “Are you fucking Gage?” I blurted, needing to know but at the same time dreading confirmation.

  “Jeez, Caleb! None of your business! I don’t ask about who you’re screwing.” She got back into her Jeep, locking the doors before I could do follow.

  She didn’t unlock them until Cece returned from her talk with Dante. They were all lovey dovey with smiles, but I saw the strain in my friend’s eyes as he kissed her goodbye.

  On our way to eat lunch as his house, he let me know how he really felt. “I almost wish she’d broken up with me instead.”

  “And I wish I’d knocked up Gianna instead,” I replied, reminding him that I still had it worse.

  “My parents are going to kill me,” he groaned.

  Yes, his mom would be especially worked up over the prospect of becoming a grandparent so early. “They may smack you around, but they’ll love your baby.”

  “I gotta get a job.” He sat up straighter, his dark eyes wild. “And buy a ring.”

  “First you have to ask her dad permission,” I joked, amused by his panic.

  His head snapped in my direction. “Her dad is going to kick my ass. I knocked up his baby girl and ended her dancing career before it even started.”

  “Jared will probably hold you down for him.”

  “I’m a dead man,” he whispered, making me laugh.

  “You could always ask for a job at their restaurant,” I suggested.

  “I like Mexican food,” he mumbled.

  “Obviously,” I drawled, earning a punch in the arm.

  To take his mind off dawning parenthood, I changed the subject. “I need you to find out something for me....”


  My dad inserted a key, turning the doorknob to let us into the house. “It’s small, but bigger than the condo.”

  I trailed him inside, taking a look around his new home. He’d sold the condo in Northglenn and closed on a three bedroom house in Englewood, near the high school I’d be attending in August. It’d be nice not to have to make the drive from my mom’s apartment.

  Everything was outdated inside, from the carpet to the kitchen. “It’ll do,” I told him, not caring that we’d be living in the ‘70s. “Can I have the master bedroom?”

  “No,” he answered, his mouth pulling up at one corner.

  “I had to try.” Taking the stairs two at a time,
I found my room upstairs. It faced the street and was surprisingly spacious. I’d still get my own bathroom, but it’d be down the hall. My dad informed me the third bedroom would be his office, but I could do whatever I wanted to the finished basement.

  I ventured down there next, deciding in my head where the television and couch would go. I’d find a couple armchairs and maybe a pool table off Craigslist. The couch would have to be new since I planned on having Gianna on it. In the far corner I’d set up an easel and shelving. The drive to paint wasn’t only about an outlet anymore. I needed the money to provide for Gianna in the future and I wanted to give my girl the world.

  Just had to get rid of Gage first.

  Remembering my task, I pulled out my phone to shoot Hailey a text. I know where Gage will be tomorrow night.

  This doesn’t make me a slut, right? Just a good friend.

  It totally made her a slut. Of course not. You’re an awesome friend.

  An awesome friend would do it for free. But then I’d be a shitty friend for asking in the first place. It was a good thing Hailey and I weren’t friends anymore.

  Feeling a little bit evil for my scheming, I put my phone away and met my dad in the kitchen upstairs. “So, are we moving stuff in tomorrow?”

  My dad slapped me on the back. “Tonight!”

  Great, manual labor on a Saturday night.

  His phone rang and he fumbled in his rush to answer it. “Hello?”

  My eyes narrowed on his back as he walked out the back door for privacy. Did my dad have a new woman? If that were the case I’d be damn happy. He came back inside a few minutes later with his face glowing.

  “Got a girlfriend?” I asked casually, hiding my amusement.

  “What? No!” He reached into his pocket and handed me a key. “That was just Julie. She asked me to pick up the balloons for Chance’s birthday party tomorrow.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re dipping in that again,” I told him, shuddering at the picture that came to mind.

  “Caleb, watch your mouth. I won’t allow you to be speak crudely about your stepmother!”

  “Stepmother?” I choked out. “Are you forgetting the divorce?”

  He appeared embarrassed. “Former stepmother.”

  That sounded a hell of a lot better. “So,” I drawled, “Chance’s birthday party is tomorrow? Am I invited?”

  A determined look came over his face and he began typing something into his phone. I laughed, walking out to my car. If Julie was trying to weasel her way back into my dad’s heart she’d be forced to play nice with his son.

  Between her contrived hospitality tomorrow and Gianna’s discomfort, the party could turn out to be fun.

  I only hoped I’d be invited.


  “What love we’ve given, we’ll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity.”

  -Leo Buscaglia


  Caleb was here.

  And I was freaking out.

  Helping with the party was a good excuse to ignore him, but wouldn’t last forever. My dad gave me strange looks as I ran around keeping busy. After a half hour, he pulled me aside. “Why is Caleb glaring at Gage?”

  “Because I broke up with him,” I answered with fake nonchalance. I was totally freaking out.

  His eyebrows shot up. “And he blames Gage?”

  “Maybe,” I prevaricated.

  “Tell me,” he commanded. Jeez, I liked having my dad around full-time, but he wanted to know everything.

  I lowered my voice, not wanting anyone to overhear. “I kind of told him Gage and I were together now.”

  “Are you?”

  “Together?” I asked, deciding how to answer. “Of course not, we’re just friends.”

  “Why did you feel the need to lie, Gianna?”

  As if I’d tell my dad the truth. Without getting too personal, I said, “I don’t think I’m in a place to have a boyfriend right now.”

  His face softened in understanding and I had the urge to call my therapist to yell at her. She needed to quit blabbing to my dad about me. “Just tell him the truth, Gianna.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I snapped, turning my attention back to the superhero piñata I was stuffing candy inside.

  “Dad!” Chance called from where he and his friends sat shoving pizza in their mouths. My dad’s attention returned to the birthday boy as he moved to see what Chance wanted.

  It was odd to have everyone here at my mom’s house. And I didn’t mean the Chance’s friends. My mom, dad, Scott and Caleb were all here for the party. How my mom was okay with Caleb’s presence I didn’t know. I suspected the way she kept acting sweet to Scott might have something to do with it.

  The backyard was decorated in an explosion of superheroes, with dozens of balloons tied to chairs. We’d set up games for the kids and my mom had made both a cake and cupcakes. Scott and my dad had met a few times, so they were cool with each other. My mom had thawed out in recent months toward my dad and they were finally on more amicable terms. Maybe after two failed marriages, she’d realized she might be doing something wrong.

  If I weren’t in the middle of it, I’d find it amusing that my mom was obviously making a play for her ex-husband. Scott, not my dad, thank god. If she’d tried the same thing with my dad, he’d run away back to Houston.

  “Need help?” Gage asked after joining me by the tree.

  “Sure,” I said, handing him the rope to throw over a branch.

  He tossed the end of the rope up, making it on the first try. “Do you think he’ll try to kick my ass again in front of all these kids?”

  “No, and I’m still sorry about that.” I glanced to where Caleb stood talking to my mom. My mom’s smile was totally fake, but she was trying to impress Scott. When she put another piece of pizza on Caleb’s plate I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or cry.

  Now she makes the effort to get along with him.

  Caleb was eating up more than the pizza, clearly amused at my mom’s insincere friendliness.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Gage assured me. “But there’s something I should tell you.”


  “I’m surprised he hasn’t yet, but I’m sure he’s just waiting for the right moment to spring it on us.”

  “Then tell me,” I urged.

  Gage avoided my eyes. “He and Ian paid me to be your friend.”

  “What?” I shouted, bringing attention to us.

  “It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “You’re not really my friend?” I asked, hurt and embarrassed.

  He grabbed my hand, squeezing. “Of course I’m your friend. I’d even do it for free.”

  “Ha ha,” I said humorlessly. “So that explains you popping up out of nowhere.”

  “I care about you, Gianna. As a real friend. Say you forgive me?” His face looked both remorseful but hopeful. He’d proved over the months we’d hung out to be a true friend. At least it seemed that way.

  “Okay,” I agreed, pointing a finger at him. “But don’t hang out with me unless you want to.”

  He grinned, returning to the carefree guy I knew. “Never have.”

  I chanced a look at Caleb. He looked ready to murder Gage, his eyes narrowed on my friend. But I was feeling just the opposite. I tried to keep the love out of my expression as I gazed at him. He’d been so worried about me while he was locked up that he’d paid someone to watch over me.

  Sneaky boy.

  My heart melted for the hundredth time since meeting Caleb.



  Norah waited at the gallery so I could drop off a couple paintings. The gallery was closed on Sundays, but when I’d called Jim he’d set it up so Norah could meet me.

  Seeing Gianna and Gage together at Chance’s birthday party today had put me in a foul mood. I’d wanted to bash his cocky face in, but he’d been lucky to have the buffer of eleven innocent children.

; My girl had looked gorgeous, wearing a blue summery dress with her hair pulled back in a headband. When Norah met me at the entrance of the gallery, holding open the door for me, she wore a tighter, shorter dress. I hoped it wasn’t for my benefit, even if her ass was almost as perfect as Gianna’s.

  Norah’s breasts were on display in the low neckline as they brushed against my arm. “You can bring them to the back.”

  I carried the carefully wrapped paintings to where she pointed in the storage room. “Tyler will move them where he wants tomorrow morning.”

  Placing them gently on an empty shelf, I turned around to find Norah standing close. “What are you up to tonight, Caleb?”

  I stepped around her, heading out of the backroom. “Hanging out with a friend.”

  “A girlfriend?” Her heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she strutted behind me. I’d noticed she had a good walk, proving she wore heels often, but she didn’t have Gianna’s dancer gracefulness.

  I stopped with my hand on the door to outside. “No, just a friend.”

  She bit her lip, scanning my body. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “Why?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “I thought we could get together.”

  Images of taking Norah to the backroom and fucking her against the wall flashed through my brain. I was on edge after watching Gianna and Gage while she did her best to ignore me.

  But I had an indiscretion to orchestrate tonight.

  “Call me tomorrow and I’ll let you know,” I told Norah before walking out.


  I’d been waiting outside the party off the CU Boulder campus for three hours. Hailey texted updates periodically, but still hadn’t completed her mission.

  Count on Boulder students to throw a party on a Sunday night. This one was at a frat house situated between other frat and sorority houses. The whole neighborhood was rented out to students. Anyone else would be crazy to live so close to one of the biggest party schools in the country.

  I’d thought about going in, but didn’t want Gage to suspect anything. He’d been hired to DJ the party so it could be awhile before Hailey got a chance to seduce him. She’d already messaged to tell me she’d do him for free, so I was a sucker for paying her. Money well spent if she succeeded.


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