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Page 29

by Summers, Eden

  “So he knocks her up and leaves her to fend for herself?” Luca crosses his arms over his chest and backs away an inch, scoping our surroundings like we’re being watched. “He’s not what I’d call father material.”

  I press my lips tight, half smirking, half scowling at the fucker who’s throwing me under the bus. “Cool your horses about the daddy stuff. Although it’s clear I’m an over-achiever, even I don’t believe my swimmers are that efficient.”

  Luca snickers. “You’re dead. You know that, right?”

  “Seriously, don’t go laying the blame on me.” I raise my hands in surrender. “That woman is a fucking force of nature. I’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to turn down her advances.”

  “You amaze me.” Torian speaks slowly. Softly. “I can’t believe you’d be careless enough to use your distasteful sense of humor to disrespect my sister. You really do have a death wish, don’t you?”

  Beneath the calm façade, he’s pissed.

  If the tick under his eye is any indication, he’s fucking furious.

  “Look, Torian, I’m just trying to cut through the awkwardness here.” I let my arms fall to my sides. “In all honesty, I care for Keira. I’d do anything for her.”

  He looks me up and down, his smile strong. “We’ll see.”

  Hunter remains ramrod, his statue status letting me know he’s tense as fuck. It’s also a great indicator that my conversation skills are lacking.

  “What are you doing here at this hour, anyway?” Hunt asks, diverting the conversation without subtlety. “Isn’t it late to be making a visit?”

  “Keeping a close eye on Richard. You two should come with us.” He starts for the doors. “I’m sure he’d appreciate the extra company.”

  “Maybe some other time.” Hunter steps back. “We need to get the girls.”

  “I’m not asking.”

  Shit. We don’t have time for this.

  I shoot a frantic glance at Hunt, and a whole heap of what-the-fuck-do-we-do silently passes between us. Keira could be running for her life while we stand here chatting. She could already be in custody.

  “Hurry up.” Luca jerks his chin. “Get moving.”

  The trill of a cell has Torian pausing inside the entrance, the sound increasing as he pulls the device from his jacket pocket and connects the call. “Yes?”

  I face Hunter, my eyes wide in silent communication. “What do we do?” I mouth.

  His shoulder hitches in the slightest shrug. “What the fuck can we do?”

  I rub a hand over my jaw, hoping to inspire a spark of brilliance that doesn’t come.

  Hunt creeps closer. “He doesn’t know anything at the moment. If we don’t follow, he’ll get suspicious.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “He knows something—”

  “He knows you’re banging his sister. That’s all.”

  There’s more to it. There has to be.

  “Thanks for the update.” Torian’s murmured words reclaim my attention. “I’ve already arrived. I’ll see you in a minute.”

  He’s meeting someone.

  Is it Keira? Sarah?

  I pivot back toward him, gaining no clues from his blank expression. “Is everything okay?”

  “That’s a good question.” He places the cell in his suit jacket and heads toward the elevators.

  My pulse pounds harder the further he walks. I’m not naive enough to think we’ve been dismissed. He expects us to tag along, like fucking puppies, or he’ll blow a damn fuse.

  Hunt obviously knows it, too, because he starts to follow. “We’re leaving the first chance we get.”

  “Yeah,” I mutter through clenched teeth. “First chance.”

  The elevator doors open on our approach, and all four of us enter. It isn’t until the steel doors close that the confined space begins to resemble a tomb.

  “That was the hospital on the phone.” Torian presses the button for the ICU and levels his eyes on me. “Richard passed.”

  The news flash hits like a heavyweight champion, the impact bringing more fear, but also pride. Keira didn’t fail. She accomplished what she set out to do, despite the stupidity.

  So where the hell is she?

  “What the fuck happened?” Luca asks.

  “They suspect a heart attack.” Torian’s eyes don’t lose their intensity as he waits for me to break. “But I’m sure I’ll find out more information soon.”

  “Shit.” I wince. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Same here.” Hunt shoves his hands in his pockets, all casual in his feigned surprise. “Do you want us to head out of here and start contacting the family?”

  “Yeah, good idea.” I nod. “We can get the process started.”

  “There’s actually something more important you can do here.” Torian turns to the elevator panel and presses the STOP button, the moving tomb jolting to a halt. “You can both cut the bullshit and tell me who killed Richard.”

  There’s no emotion in his statement. No malice or anger. No heartbreak or grief. His voice doesn’t even raise an octave, his words held inside this tiny space for no one else to hear.

  “You said they suspected a heart attack.” Hunter scrutinizes him. The act flawless. Believable. “Why do you think it’s murder?”

  “Because I received a call from hospital staff less than half an hour ago telling me Richard’s mistress was paying him a visit.”

  A mistress? That was Keira’s cover, a fucking mistress?

  Jesus Christ, sweetheart. Why the hell did you do this without me?

  “I have no clue who she is.” I shrug. “I didn’t know he had a mistress.”

  “Don’t play dumb.” Torian’s eyes narrow. “The fact that you’re here means you’re involved. And I’ll find out why later. For now, I just want to know who followed through with your manipulation.”

  “We didn’t manipulate a fucking thing,” Hunter growls. “Watch who you’re accusing, because that shit can’t be taken back.”

  There’s no reply. No reaction. Apart from the few inches Torian grows as he contemplates his options.

  Hunt has been his right-hand man for years. His enforcer.

  Burning that bridge with unfounded allegations is a huge deal.

  But it’s also a huge fucking gamble pretending they’re unfounded.

  “Why don’t we take a breather?” I raise my brows and look each man in the eye with a calm I don’t feel. “It’s been an eventful week. Let’s not make it a stupid one.”

  “Says the man who slept with Keira,” Luca mutters.

  Hunter clears his throat, the sound vaguely close to a chuckle.

  “I’m sorry, man.” I meet the Navy asshole’s gaze with fake sincerity. “Did I fuck your mother in a past life? Or are you threatened by me for another reason?”

  “You’re no threat,” he sneers. “You’re a fucking embarrassment. You never should’ve been entrusted with Keira’s safety.”

  The throat clearing happens again. This time there’s no linger of laughter. It’s a warning to stand down.

  A fucking warning to me.

  I clench my jaw and bare my teeth through the jealousy. He’s jonesing for Keira. And apparently, I’m supposed to let that fly. “Thanks for the constructive criticism. I’ll take it on board.”

  “Enough.” Torian glares at me, the ferocity finally deserving of a gold star. “We’ll discuss this later.” He slams his fist against the STOP button, making the carriage jolt back into movement. “Until then, neither one of you steps foot out of my sight.”


  Fucking perfect.

  We ascend surrounded in tension, all four of us a breath away from reaching for a weapon. The atmosphere doesn’t change when the doors open. One by one, we pile out, Torian in the lead, Luca in the back, as we walk toward the start of the silent ICU.

  The lights are dim, the late hours marked with desolate halls and gentle footfalls.

  A lone woman stands from behind the nurses
’ station as we approach and hustles to greet us in the middle of the corridor.

  “Mr. Torian?” She gives a sad smile. “My name is Carly. I spoke to you earlier.”

  All four of us come to stand shoulder to shoulder, forming a makeshift wall before her.

  “Thanks for your call.” He reaches out a hand for her to shake. “I appreciate you keeping me informed.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I just wish I hadn’t had to make contact under these circumstances.”

  Torian inclines his head and releases her hand. “It can’t be helped. My uncle has been fighting for a long time.”

  “Yes.” Her brows pinch, and for a heartbeat she pauses. There’s no mistaking her apprehension. “That’s something I need to discuss with you.” She glances along the barrier of muscle surrounding her and swallows. “Maybe in private.”

  “Privacy isn’t necessary.” He indicates the three of us with a wave of his hand. “These men know better than to betray my trust.”

  I cringe through yet another warning.

  He’s nothing if not repetitive.

  “My concern is the woman who was with your uncle prior to his death.” The nurse wrings her hands in front of her. “Like I mentioned on the phone, she wasn’t on your approved visitor list, and the timing of his passing is oddly coincidental. Normally, the death of a man in Richard’s position wouldn’t require a coroner’s investigation, but I think it’s best—”

  “No.” Torian shakes his head. “She had every right to see him.”

  “But the timing… And she admitted she wasn’t known to your family. Aren’t you—”

  “Her presence wasn’t a surprise.” He gives a sad smile. “She may have thought she wasn’t known, but I endeavor to make sure there are no secrets or surprises when it comes to those I care about.”

  It’s another warning.

  Another threat.

  “Not even the nursing staff have escaped my scrutiny,” he continues. “I know about all the employees on this ward, Carly. I’m aware of their shifts, their address, down to the details of who they live with.”

  She stiffens.

  It’s a smart move. She should definitely be on edge.

  “From memory, you’ve got a young daughter in prep-school, isn’t that right?”

  “Yes. That’s right.” She frowns. “But, Mr. Torian, what I’m trying to articulate is that I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t push for an autopsy. I think it’s necessary.”

  “No.” Torian slams down her request. “My uncle is finally at rest. I refuse to allow his peace to be disturbed.”

  “I understand, but—”

  “He said, ‘no,’” Hunter grates. “Take the hint or the consequences.”

  Her mouth gapes, her fear-filled gaze snapping to Hunt.

  “Carly,” Torian diffuses the situation by reaching for her hand, “I’d appreciate if you worked with me to ensure the wishes of my family are met. We don’t need to waste hospital resources here. My uncle fought for weeks, but now he’s gone.” There’s another placating smile. “Now I need you to do whatever necessary to ensure there’s no delay in laying him to rest.”

  She inches back, moving out of reach. “I don’t think…”

  “I’m no longer asking.” He doesn’t change his tone. That placating smile remains in place. “There won’t be an autopsy. Or any further investigation. Do you understand?”

  She glances over her shoulder, searching for help that’s nowhere in sight.

  I almost feel sorry for her. If only Keira’s innocence didn’t hang in the balance.

  “Your continued care for Richard will be compensated,” I offer, ready and willing to pay out of my own pocket. “This situation doesn’t need to get complicated.”

  “Yes,” Hunter adds. “Take the money and keep your daughter safe.”

  She exhales a shuddering breath, the depth of his threat delving deep.

  “Are we clear, Carly?” Torian asks.

  She nods, slow at first, then more definitive. “I understand.”

  “Good.” He turns and stalks for the elevators.

  There’s no farewell to the deceased uncle. No grief or emotional turmoil.

  Luca and Hunt follow, while I hang back with the woman frozen in place.

  “You don’t want to fuck with him.” I grab her arm and give a supportive squeeze. “Do what he asks, and you and your daughter will be fine.”

  She jerks back, her lips trembling, her eyes full of tears. “Get your hand off me.”

  I comply, letting my arm fall. “Just stick to the script.”

  I leave her to battle her demons and follow the guys down the hall then into the open elevator.

  We don’t talk as the doors close. The tension does enough of that for us.

  But once we’re trapped inside, Luca points a menacing finger in Hunter’s face. “You should’ve kept your mouth shut. You scared her.”

  “That’s the fucking point. And also my job, asshole.”

  “Not for much longer.”

  Hunter shoots a glance to Torian for confirmation. “Are you kidding me? You want this guy at your side over me?”

  “You haven’t been at my side,” Torian scolds. “You’ve been missing for two days.”

  “For good reason. I don’t need to give you a play-by-play of my movements. But you should know I’m doing my job regardless.”

  The elevator doors open at the lobby, and Torian walks out without reacting, continuing outside to the path leading toward the parking lot.

  “Don’t fucking walk away from me.” Hunter stalks after him. “I put my life on the line for you every goddamn day.”

  I jog to keep up and fall into step at his side. “Let him go. We’ve gotta get out of here.”

  “What’s the hurry?” Luca asks from behind us. “Have you got someplace more important to be?”

  “Yeah,” I mutter. “You’re mom’s house. She’s waiting for her daily dose of D.”

  “Keep talking, deadshit, it’s gonna get you killed.”

  I grind my teeth through the distance to Torian, who waits at the start of the parking lot.

  “I’ve got places to be.” I bypass him and head toward the Jeep. “I’ll check in later.”

  “I told you before, you’re not leaving my sight.”

  I swing around, walking backward away from him. “You also told me to protect Keira. And I can’t do that while I’m here holding your hand.”

  “Protect her from what?” He gives me a checkmate stare. “You said she was safe with Sarah.”

  My steps falter. “She is. But I’m not going to leave her for longer than necessary.”

  “Do you even know where she is? Could you take me to her?”

  I can’t answer. Not with the truth that will expose her secrets, or lies that will easily be uncovered.

  “Was it Keira or Sarah?” He doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t need to. I already understand the question.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He smiles, the curve of lips more threatening than a scowl could ever be. “This is your last chance. Keira or Sarah?”

  I keep my mouth shut, determined not to be disloyal to her.

  “It was Keira,” Hunt mutters. “She took him down.”

  My brain explodes.

  He betrayed her.

  He betrayed me.

  What the fuck?

  Torian’s mouth pulls tight. His nostrils flare. I watch every flicker in his expression as he begins to realize his sister is a murderer. “You convinced her to take action against her own family.” He continues to stare at me. “Why?”

  Hunter’s cell tone breaks the conversation, and he jams his hand into his pocket like a madman.

  “Leave it,” Torian demands. “I don’t want any interruptions.”

  “I need to answer this.”

  “How much do you need it?” Torian faces him. “Do you need it more than your next breath?”r />
  Hunt bares his teeth, his shoulders tense as he pulls his hand from his pocket and lets it rest at his side.

  Luca hangs on the periphery, slowly inching his way toward me, his arm behind his back and in close contact to his weapon.

  “Start from the beginning.” Torian approaches, cocking his head to the side, attempting to read me as the trill, trill, trill continues and finally dies. “Tell me exactly what you thought to achieve by brainwashing her.”

  “That’s not how this went down.” Hunter follows, all three of them approaching me like a death squad. “She did this on her own.”

  “I disagree. She’s not the violent type.”

  I smother a laugh. The knife she had at my throat proves otherwise, but I’m not going to argue.

  “You’re after power,” he accuses. “And you probably think me and Layla are the only ones left to deal with.”

  “You’ll have to get through me first,” Luca snarls at me. “And my brother, too.”

  “You’re fucking paranoid.” I drop the insult like a bomb. “Why the hell would I want to take over? I can’t handle the level of psycho you’ve already forced onto me. Why the fuck would I want more?”

  “My restaurant was targeted, my sister was discovered while in hiding. Now this.” He throws an arm wide, indicating the hospital. “It’s no coincidence you’ve been there every step of the way.”

  “Your sister has been there every step of the way.” Hunter increases his pace and steps in front of him, blocking his path as the ringtone reignites. “I don’t know the story like Deck does, but she’s the common-fucking-denominator here. Not him. Or me.”

  I glare at the back of Hunter’s head. I glare so fucking hard through the anger.

  I know he’s outing her because she’s the least likely to be punished. But it still feels like he’s being a bigger snitch than I’ve ever been.

  “What story?” Torian shoves by him. “Tell me.”

  I keep my trap closed. I don’t even open it when Luca settles behind me and the butt of his gun sails toward the back of my head.

  My vision blackens with the blunt impact. My knees give out.

  I stumble to the asphalt, falling at Torian’s feet while ringing resounds in my ears. This time it isn’t the cell phone, the trill noise having disappeared again.


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