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Fries Before Guys

Page 15

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  I moaned, unable to contain my excitement.

  “Jesus Christ,” he whispered. “I can’t wait anymore.”

  I slowly opened my eyes, as if I was drunk off of the sensations that were pouring through me.

  I watched as he kicked his shoes off, lost his pants, and then searched for his wallet.

  He cursed when he came up empty-handed.

  I slowly sat up, being extra careful not to jolt my neck, and stared at him with need coursing through my veins.

  The way I was positioned, it would be the perfect height for him to just slide inside.

  All of his long, considerable length able to enter me so easily…

  I was so focused again on his cock that I didn’t pay attention to his face.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he breathed, his voice muffled from where it was pressed against the sensitive skin of my neck. “We can’t…”

  We shouldn’t. I knew we shouldn’t. I knew how babies were made.

  Yet… I just didn’t care.

  “I don’t care,” I told him bluntly. “I need you.”

  Derek’s cock jerked against my bare pussy, as if the very idea of entering me bare was too much of an enticement for him to deny.

  Our eyes met, and something serious passed between us. An acknowledgment that this wasn’t the smartest of decisions. Yet, neither one of us was stopping. Not now.

  “This is a bad idea,” he murmured.

  Yet he still fisted his cock.

  “I don’t care,” I repeated.

  He notched his cock at my entrance, his eyes once again coming to mine, and slowly started to press inside.

  I felt my mouth fall open as air started to rush in and out of my lungs, watching as he worked himself inside of me.

  One second, he was only halfway in, and the next, he’d lost what little control he managed to hold onto.

  Moments later, he was thrusting hard the rest of the way inside of me, forcing his girth and length inside of me to the hilt.

  I might or might not have screamed.

  I wasn’t sure.

  Because whatever he’d been building me up to, the fury that was pouring through my veins? That was now spilling over into a firestorm of epic proportions.

  I had no other choice at this point but to fall onto my back and writhe as I lost control of everything.

  My hands went up to clench onto the other side of the table I was on. Luckily, Derek’s hands on my hips held me in place because otherwise I would’ve slid right off the other side due to my lack of attention.

  Derek’s grunt of release triggered another one of my own, and I cried out.

  Sparks burst behind my eyelids, and feelings of euphoria rocketed through my veins.

  I had no idea that orgasms could be like this.

  I mean, I’d had some, sure. But nothing like what Derek had just given me.

  When I finally came to, it was to stare up at the white ceiling tiles with surprise.

  “I think I know why they call it the ‘little death,’” I admitted. “Because holy shit, I think I saw Jesus.”

  Derek chuckled and pulled out of me.

  I instantly felt bereft without him inside of me.

  “I think you’re going to be missed if we don’t hurry back out there,” he murmured.

  I thought so, too.

  But I couldn’t get my legs to work.

  “My neck is really sore,” I told him. “You’re gonna have to help me up.”

  He did moments later, once again clothed in his pants as he supported my neck and lifted me to sitting.

  “You should’ve worn the neck brace,” he murmured shortly.

  I rolled my eyes but agreed silently that I really should have.

  It was almost unbearable how sore it was.

  His eyes took in my wince of pain, then slowly started to massage the sore muscles of my neck.

  I leaned forward, uncaring of the stuff that was leaking out of me onto the counter, and placed my forehead onto his neck.

  “We’re gonna need to find some disinfectant,” I muttered.

  Derek snorted. “I saw some Lysol wipes by the door when I made sure it was locked.”

  I rolled my head in that direction and sure enough, there were wipes there.

  “Aces,” I teased.

  He snorted and kept rubbing my neck.

  “You’re mine, Avery Flynn.”

  I shivered at his words.

  “I know you don’t want to move back in with me,” he said. “But I want you to spend time with me. I want you over there. Just like I want to be over at your place.”

  I didn’t say anything for so long that he continued to talk.

  “I want it all. I’m not saying that we get married or anything, but I want you to acknowledge that I’m yours, too,” he rumbled.

  The vibration of his chest had me smiling.

  “What’s official mean?” I asked curiously.

  “Official means that I get to kiss you in public. Official means that when we’re out, I hold your hand and warn off any other assholes that try to get near you. Official means that you stop hiding and pulling away, because I’m not going to let you anymore,” he shared.

  I pulled back, uncaring of my sore neck, and stared into his eyes.

  “Official means that I get to say you’re mine,” I agreed. “When does that start?”

  His lips tipped up at the corner. “Now.”

  Chapter 13

  Will you be my player two?

  -Derek to Avery


  Derek squeezed my neck. “I’m going to run to the bathroom. When I’m done, we can go, okay?”

  I nodded at him as I packed away my camera, making sure to put it in just right so that nothing was damaged.

  “Yep,” I said.

  “Can you hold my shit? These pockets are ridiculously small,” he said as he handed me his phone and wallet.

  I took them, packed them into the side pocket of my bag, and then gave him a thumb up.

  “I’m going to start walking toward the front,” I said. “That way, we can meet when you’re done.”

  He winked at me, causing my heart to palpitate.


  Then he was gone, leaving me watching him stride through the throng of dancers.

  The prom had gone well for everyone.

  Prom king and queen had been announced, and no surprise, Rachel Howell had won. Even though it was ‘sorely disappointing that she couldn’t attend tonight’s festivities.’ That’d been the student council’s president who’d announced that.

  When she’d looked at me, I’d waved.

  There had been a few chuckles in the crowd, but the biggest one had come from the man beside me.

  Now, thank God, I was done taking photos.

  I was also done packing up.

  Once Derek disappeared through the people, I wasn’t surprised to see the attention turn back to me.

  It was more than obvious that Derek and I were an item. When we’d come out of the back hallway, I’d seen more than one pair of eyes land on us.

  Though it wasn’t obvious what we’d done, I was sure that a lot of the students were wondering about our absence.

  Not that I cared what they thought.

  I only cared about graduating in a week and blowing this popsicle stand.

  Head held high, and neck still aching, I made my way through the middle of the dance floor since it was the easiest.

  A hand came out to stop me, but I dodged it and kept walking.

  It was only when I heard my name being called out in the hallway that I stopped and turned to face Rachel’s boyfriend.

  “What do you want?” I sighed.

  He winced. “I’ve been trying to get you alone all night. I wanted to tell you that Rachel’s pissed. They’re charging her with attempted murder.”

  I rolled my eyes. I already kne
w that very well.

  I’d been the one to meet with the detective that was overseeing the case and explaining all over again what had happened, and what had happened up until that point, just this morning.

  “I know that,” I said. “I knew she’d be pissed.”

  “Well, there’s pissed, and then there’s pissed,” he said. “I just… watch out, okay? We’re not together anymore. After that happened that day, I finally saw the light. But… she’s vindictive. She won’t let this go.”

  I knew that, too.

  She hadn’t let it go for years now.

  What made me think she’d stop now?

  “Thank you,” I said just as Derek’s phone rang.

  I dismissed him and went to peek at Derek’s phone, seeing that it was his mother calling.

  Shoving it back into my bag, I waited patiently at the exit.

  Only, my phone started to ring, making me frown.

  I picked it up and looked at it, seeing Derek’s mother’s name on the screen.

  I frowned, answered it, and placed it to my ear.

  “Avery…” Reese whispered the moment I answered. “Oh, God. You need to bring Derek to the hospital. Katy was in an accident.”

  She explained everything she knew, ending with ‘Logan and Katy are both in surgery.’

  I cursed as I hung up, then looked up just in time to see the bathroom door open.

  I dropped my hand to my side as I felt tears welling in my eyes.

  “We have to go!” I shouted at him. “Your sister and brother-in-law were in a car wreck. They’re both in surgery and you have a new niece or nephew.”

  Derek’s face went blank.

  And the entire way to the hospital, he didn’t say a word.


  We arrived at the hospital to find Luke pacing the waiting room, Reese a fucking mess sitting in a chair, and Dax and Rowen sitting beside Reese on either side of her.

  Reese was crying.

  But the moment she saw Derek, she stood up and rushed over to him.

  “They’re okay,” she promised.

  “The twins?” he rasped.

  Reese patted his chest. “With a babysitter.”

  Derek visibly relaxed, and I left them to comfort each other and walked over to Luke, who looked like he was a nervous wreck.

  “Hey,” I said, touching his arm. “You okay?”

  He looked down at me and gave me a pitiful smile. “Fine, I guess.”

  I leaned my head on his shoulder, gave his forearm a squeeze, and just leaned there for a while giving him comfort.

  He allowed it for a time, then patted my arm before stepping away from me.

  He walked to where Derek was standing, just as Dax stood up and joined the huddle.

  I looked at Rowen and Reese who looked lost as fuck, then turned to survey the waiting room.

  If the baby was born, why wasn’t anybody with him or her?

  That question was directed at the old woman manning the desk seconds later.

  She blinked at me, surprised.

  “Well,” she said. “I don’t see why you can’t go where the baby is. I’ll call and ask just that.”

  Reese was at my side a moment later.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think to ask her that,” she whispered.

  I reached for her hand and squeezed it.

  “I think you have enough on your mind,” I said comfortingly. “Let’s…”

  “Do I have any family here for Logan…”

  I would’ve followed what was said by the doctor that had come out of the restricted door, but the old woman hung up the phone and said, “The baby is in the NICU. If you go up to floor two, you can see the baby.”

  I grinned at her and walked back to the huddle.

  “…Doing okay. We have him in recovery right now. But for the time being, he needs to rest and wake up from the anesthesia. We’ll let you know about him once we have an update,” the man was saying.

  Reese nodded her head.

  “And our daughter?” Reese pushed.

  “They were finishing up as I passed the OR they were in,” he said. “I can go check for you if you’d like.”

  Reese and Luke nodded.

  “Please,” Luke rumbled, voice hoarse.

  As they moved away, I told them what the lady had said about the baby.

  Reese’s eyes were wide as she looked at me, then Derek.

  “You two go,” she ordered. “We’re gonna need to be here when news comes. I also want to be able to see Katy and Logan as soon as they’re done. Keep your phones on, though. We’re going to want to give updates to them the moment they’re awake enough to ask.”

  I felt my belly shift with nerves.

  Me? Go to the NICU?


  “Sure, Mom,” Derek said, latching onto my hand. “You’ll let us know the moment that you hear anything?”

  Reese rolled her eyes, then went up onto her tippy toes. Still, Derek had to bend down in order for Reese to place a kiss on his cheek.

  “Yes, of course.” She patted his face. “Same goes for you.”

  We split after that, Derek and I heading to the elevators that would take us to the NICU.

  “I don’t know how to do kids,” he muttered. “At least not until they’re less breakable.”

  I snorted. “You know about as much as I know. It’ll be the blind leading the blind.”

  He latched onto my hand and didn’t let go until we were forced to outside the NICU.

  “Sierra!” Derek said, sounding excited. “Thank God.”

  I waved at my old nurse, a smile on my face.

  “Hello, you. Nice to see you without that halo.” She tilted her head. “How are you feeling?”

  I crinkled up my nose, then looked at Derek who was looking concerned all over again.

  Here he was, his sister and brother-in-law just in an accident, and a niece or nephew in the NICU, and he was worried about my sore neck.

  “It’s sore,” I admitted. “I got the halo off yesterday. They did say that it would bother me for a few weeks while my muscles adjusted to holding my head up.”

  She nodded, then turned to Derek. “You ready to meet the baby?”

  Derek looked at me, then at Sierra. “Can we both go in?”

  Sierra grinned. “Yep. We just have to get you to wash your hands here, gown up, and then you’re free.”

  Moments later, we were in, Derek and I both in a pink gown over our clothes, and we were standing in the middle of what felt like an advanced world.

  Sierra ordered us to follow her right up to a clear box in the back.

  There was another nurse standing next to the clear incubator and she was taking notes.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Derek asked.

  “Her,” the nurse standing at the side of the incubator corrected Derek. “And I’ll leave you here, Sierra. Temp is fluctuating. I think we need to get some warm blankets.”

  Sierra nodded her head as the woman disappeared, leaving us alone staring at a tiny little baby that looked as if she’d fit into the palms of Derek’s hands.

  “Ohh,” I whispered, pressing my hand against the clear plastic. “She’s so cute and small!”

  “For thirty-four weeks, she’s actually pretty darn big. She’s right at five pounds,” Sierra said as she gestured for us to get closer. “Her lungs are good. Her APGAR is perfect. Honestly, the only thing we’re worried about right now is her temperature. She’s not maintaining it as well as we feel like she should be.”

  I leaned closer and smiled down at the infant who was looking around her enclosure with a look of bewilderment.

  Derek was standing back behind me, staring at the incubator as if it was housing a baby lion and not a child.

  “Derek,” I said, snapping at him to get his attention. “What are you doing way back there?”

  He swallowed hard. “Is she okay?

  That was when I realized that Sierra and I were blocking the way.

  I backed more to the side, and his breath hitched at the little girl that was staring directly at him.

  “I think she knows your voice,” Sierra said, surprising him. “Come closer, dumbass.”

  Derek shot her a glare, causing me to giggle.

  He shot the same glare at me.

  “Hey, I wasn’t the one to say that to you!” I teased.

  He rolled his eyes and scooted until he was wedged between the two of us, looking down into the bin as if he was staring at a living, breathing miracle. Which he was.

  “She’s gorgeous,” he said. “I thought she’d be ugly. I’ve heard that all babies are ugly. But she’s pretty cute.”

  I grinned.

  “You’re right,” I found myself saying. “And all that dark hair. Who do you think she got that from?”

  “Not our side of the family, that’s for sure,” Derek rumbled.

  Sierra snorted and opened one of the little porthole thingies.

  “Touch her.”

  He reached inside as if he was sticking his hand into a piranha’s habitat and not a child’s.

  “You’re being a big baby,” Sierra snickered.

  “She’s so small,” Derek said. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “You won’t,” Sierra answered. “She’s made of tougher stuff.”

  Derek’s finger found the baby’s hand, and the baby wrapped her fist around it as far as she could.

  “You know,” I said to Sierra as we looked down into the box where Katy and Logan’s baby was struggling to maintain her body temperature. “I watched a TV show not too long ago that the man did Kangaroo Care. Where they let the baby lay skin to skin?”

  Sierra grinned widely.

  Then she looked at me.

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I’m not wearing a bra under here. And this is a dress, man. There’s no skin to skin to be had.” I turned to survey Derek. “Derek, on the other hand, can.”

  Derek scrunched his nose up.

  “What? No,” he immediately denied. “I can’t do that. Babies don’t like me.”

  “Actually,” Sierra said. “That baby was screaming her little head off before you got in here. She heard you and stopped.”


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