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Broken Rich Girl: A Dark Academy Bully Romance

Page 8

by Bella King

  “My father is in jail because of me,” I admitted, washing down my shame with another sip of my beer. “Or maybe, I’m in jail because of him. It’s hard to say.”

  Trent was all over this. He leaned in so far that his straight nose nearly touched my lap. His blue eyes were opened wide in anticipation of my story.

  I laughed. “Jesus, you look like you’re on crack. Chill out.”

  He leaned back. “Sorry,” he said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

  “As I was saying, I got caught on a drug bust during a delivery, and both my father and I got convicted for it.”

  “How did he end up in jail if you got time at Bayside? It couldn’t have been that bad,” Trent said, his eyebrow furrowed in thought.

  “I didn’t know I was moving drugs. My father did. Plus, he’s a mafia boss,” I explained.

  “Hold up. Your dad is part of the mafia?” Trent said, his voice a mix of amusement and excitement.

  I nodded. “He was big into it, and I’m pretty sure he’s still involved.”

  I noticed an edge of worry on Trent’s face as I said that. He was probably trying to figure out how much trouble he was in after bullying the daughter of a mafia boss. He was lucky I didn’t have a way to contact my father yet.

  “What about your mother?” Trent asked.

  “Dead. Cancer is a bitch,” I said.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he said, sounding genuine.

  “It’s fine. It was a few years ago, and I’ve had plenty of time to get over it. It makes me think about my own life and how short it can be.”

  “True that. I’m living every day like my last,” he said.

  “They might be your last if I let my father know that you burned the money he gave me,” I said, gauging his reaction.

  Trent laughed nervously. “I can get that back to you if you want.”

  There it was. Trent wasn’t the bad boy he made himself out to be when he was faced with a genuine threat. He wasn’t all that dangerous. I felt myself grow more confident at his fear, although I probably shouldn’t have been.

  “I’d like the money back, but I’d also like you to stop being such an asshole to me,” I said.

  “That’ll be tough,” he replied, a cocky smirk running across his face again.

  I raised an eyebrow and took another sip of my beer.

  “You know what I mean, Samantha. You’re the rich girl. You don’t understand this kind of lifestyle,” he said, waving a hand around the room at the grungy people playing poker, drinking, and smoking.

  “I understand enough to know it’s not for me. That’s right,” I said, placing the half-finished can of beer on the floor at my feet.

  “You want to go outside for some fresh air?” Trent asked suddenly, springing up from the couch with a tiny cigarette butt still between his fingers.

  It was starting to get stuffy in this room full of smoke and chatter. Fresh air would be nice right about now, and my lungs would thank me for it. I nodded. “Let’s go.”

  “After you,” he said, gesturing toward the door.

  Chapter 13

  “You’re a bit of a daddy’s girl, aren’t you?” Trent asked as we walked down the slope next to the cabin toward the lake.

  I laughed. “I guess so.”

  His gaze was hot on me. I could feel it even though I wasn’t looking back at him. He was after something, and I knew where this would go if I wasn’t careful. Trent was probably used to getting what he wanted, but so was I. The problem was, he seemed to know what he wanted, and I still wasn’t sure. One thing was for sure, though. Things sure did get lonely here at Bayside.

  “The Killers said it’s nice to have you around,” Trent said as we got to the lake.

  “Your stupid gang is creepy. Admit it,” I said, looking at him. “You’re the one who likes me.”

  The sun was already falling behind the trees, and the rain had stopped. The air smelled like fresh grass and soil. I felt alive out by the lake, finally in a place where I didn’t fear the constant spying by the school and students alike.

  Trent shrugged. “I don’t hate you.”

  What a lame answer. I knew he was into me. Why else would he invite me out here with him? I cleared my throat. “Are you going to kiss me, or did you just bring me out here to stare at the water.”

  Trent looked surprised for a moment but quickly regained his cool composure. He waved a finger at me. “Don’t think I’m that easy.”

  I groaned. “I’m the one who’s supposed to say that,” I argued.

  “I don’t know if I trust you enough for that,” he said, sounding honest this time.

  “Really? DO you think I’m going to break your little heart or something?” I teased.

  “Maybe. It wouldn’t be the first time,” he said quietly.

  “Hey,” I said, lowering my voice. “I’m not the bad guy. That’s you, remember?”

  He chuckled, looking me up and down. “You are pretty, but you’re also trouble. Don’t you think your father would have my head if I fucked around with you?”

  I shook my head. “I’m an adult, Trent. I run my own life.”

  “That’s a good attitude to have,” he replied. “I’m just a careful guy, you know?”

  “You should be, but you can relax around me,” I insisted.

  He gave me a doubting look, but moved closer, his shoulder bumping against mine. I turned to face him, and he did the same, looking down at me with a blank expression. I was dying to know what was going on in his head, but I was afraid to ask. What if he said something stupid? I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  Trent’s eyes danced over my face, dipping deep into my eyes first before exploring my cheeks and my lips. Once his eyes met my lips, I felt a jolt like when he had touched me. Except for this time, he wasn’t touching me. I was inches away from him, but I felt such strong energy radiating from his body. It was making me nervous and excited at the same time.

  “You’re different from a lot of the other girl at Bayside,” Trent said, his eyes glued to my lips like he wanted a taste of them.

  “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, parting my lips and letting the bottom one hang as I spoke.

  “It could be,” he replied in a whisper.

  “For whom?” I asked, leaning forward a half-inch.

  His eyes crinkled at the sides as a smile formed on his lips. “Always so proper,” he said.

  “I was taught to be,” I said.

  Trent leaned in closer so that he was speaking into my mouth. “I’ll make you bad.”

  His words sent chills through my entire body. I could only imagine all the things that he could do to me. I was innocent on the inside, and for that reason alone, I knew that he would crush every part of me to make me his own.

  Never in my life did I think that I would even want to be with a man like Trent. He was so far from what I was used to, but that was also part of the appeal. He was exotic, raw, new, and I was curious to find out what he would be like. What would it feel like to have a man that large of muscular overpowering me and using me like he owned me? Was that even something I wanted?

  Too late. He was coming in quickly after the sultry words he had spoken.

  I closed my eyes, leaving my fate up to him. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have told him to go away, to leave me alone, but I didn’t. I took the gamble.

  Trent’s hot lips met mine with surprising softness, pressing into my flesh deep as he poured the passion from his soul into mine. I felt a rush of energy and emotions. I hadn’t known what I wanted before he made a move, but now, with his lips on mine, I knew what I needed. I had to have him, whatever the cost.

  I felt like I was spinning. My eyes were shut so tight that I saw stars. I must have looked ridiculous, but I felt like all the planets had aligned to bring me this, and I didn’t give a fuck what any thought. This was my moment.

  Trent’s tongue pushed into my mouth as he ran a hand up my neck, feeling along the delicate muscles and
cartilage. He came to a stop at the top of my neck, wrapping his fingers around my throat firmly, but not in a way that would cause me discomfort. His tongue tasted the inside of my mouth, and I melted into it, allowing him to explore in whatever way that he wished.

  I wasn’t a sandcastle, slowly succumbing to the water lapping at my feet. I was a tower of cards collapsing in on itself, surrendering to the outside forces. As Trent claimed my mouth with a firm hand to hold me in place, I felt the need for more growing deep within me.

  My eyes popped open as he pressed a hand between my legs. I hadn’t been expecting that, but then again, I hadn’t expected any of this. There was another significant jolt as the warmth of his hand leaked through my jeans and made me frightfully aware of how aroused I was for him. I was concerned that he would be able to feel it.

  “Relax,” he purred deep into my mouth as he began rubbing his hands against the denim of my jeans.

  How could I relax when he was feeling on me like this? My heart was drumming a primal rhythm beneath my sternum as the rubbing continued. My body begged me to give in, but I was still reluctant to go all the way. We were outside. Anyone could see us.

  Another hand clamped down on my ass, pushing my hips toward him. He pressed his body against mine, his powerful grip not allowing for an inch of space between us. I was pressed so tightly onto his hot body that I felt like I could melt right into him and become one person.

  A tingling feeling moved up from my feet to my groin, growing stronger by the second. With every movement of Trent’s body on mine, I was getting more desperate for his touch.

  “Take this off,” he demanded, pulling at the leather of my jacket.

  “It’s cold,” I said, but I didn’t feel very cold now that I was with him.

  “You’re not cold,” he said, tugging at it.

  I complied, pulling my jacket off from the back and letting it fall behind me onto the moist grass. The cool air felt good against my skin, but I pressed closer to his body to keep from getting cold.

  Trent removed his hand from between my legs and let go of my ass so that he could use his hands to undress me. He pulled my shirt over my head, revealing the simple black bra I had on underneath. “Beautiful,” he muttered as he gazed at my pale breasts pushed up against the dark fabric.

  I felt shy under his intense gaze, but I also enjoyed it. I didn’t know how to respond, so I didn’t. I let him admire my body as I stood, somewhat awkwardly, in front of him.

  “The bra. Take it off,” he said, waving a finger at the two cups that held my breasts.

  I reached behind and unlatched it, letting the straps fall from my shoulders and move down my arms. I dropped it carefully behind me on top of my jacket.

  My nipples stood at hard peaks of attention for Trent. He was quick to get his hands on them, pinching and playing with my sensitive nipples. I felt a shock as he toyed with them roughly. It was pleasurable, but on the brink of being painful as he explored the limits of my body.

  Trent’s eyes were burning blue flames as he explored me, eager to go further. His hands moved down my bare waist, a finger hooking over my belly button for a moment before running down to the silver button that fastened my jeans.

  “Are you going to have me naked while you’re fully clothed?” I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

  “I’ll do what I want,” he replied but stepped back to remove his shirt. He always wanted to have control, and this time I would let him, but he had to play fair. I wasn’t going to be out here naked all alone.

  Trent pulled the soft cotton t-shirt off his head, flinging it several feet away and flashing me a winning smile. His muscles were like those of a statue. They almost seemed to perfect to be real. I ogled at him, and my eyes grew even wider as he yanked down his pants.

  I followed the sharp cuts along his hips to his manhood, hanging freely in the open air, already stiff and ready for me. I was overwhelmed by the sight of him completely naked. He was perfect, but to the point where I felt unworthy next to him.

  I had to shake the thought from my head. I was the prize.

  Have some self-respect, Samantha.

  I undid the clasp of my jeans, pulling them down over my wide hips. I trembled as I undressed, trying to stay strong as his eyes burned through me. My cheeks flushed bright pink and prickling hot as I stepped out of my pants, standing only in my panties.

  “I’ll take those,” Trent said, barging toward me and hooking his thumbs under the waistband of my black panties. He tore them down, maintaining perfect eye contact as he did so.

  I gasped as the last piece of fabric left my body. My breaths went short and sharp, and I had to remind myself to breathe normally so that I didn’t faint. Trent looked down at my pussy, his cock rising even more now that I was completely nude. I felt the tip of it brush against my thigh, sending a rush of excitement through my lower half.

  My lower stomach felt like fire, and I could no longer feel the air around me. Every part of me urged me to pull Trent inside and never let him go, but I waited for him to make the first move. That didn’t take long.

  Trent grabbed my ass cheeks, squashing my body against his. His thick cock throbbed against my stomach as he kissed me again, his tongue finding the inside of my mouth again. He wasn’t as gentle this time, but he never really had been. He wasn’t that kind of man.

  I felt a sting as Trent slapped both his hands on my ass and squeezed my cheeks hard in his large hands, pressing me even closer against him as he kissed me. I moaned into his mouth, so he did it again, and again, and again until I pulled away.

  “That hurts,” I said, which was only met by a cocky smirk.

  “I was going easy on you,” he replied. “Now, lay down on the ground and spread your legs for me.”

  I hesitated. I could turn back now and forget this ever happened, but by the look in Trent’s eyes, he would never let me live the down. He wanted me, and I wanted him. Why, then, was this difficult for me?

  A quick glance at his cock was about all I needed to comply. I wanted him in all his arrogant glory. I wanted him badly, and I would have him, if only for this one moment. It was time to live a little.

  I backed up and got down on the grass. My hands met the cold, wet vegetation, warning the rest of my body to how chilly it was. The cool tickle of the grass against my backside was welcome after the hot sting of Trent’s slaps and manhandling. I was thankful that it was wet, even though I would have usually avoided it like the plague.

  Trent kneeled down beside me, not even flinching at the coldness of the wet grass as he climbed on top. I opened my legs for him, spreading them wide to give him access to a precious part of me. I hadn’t done this save for once before, and I was nervous about giving him a part of me like this. The last boyfriend I had ended up in tears and heartbreak. I hoped that it didn’t happen again.

  Trent smiled down at my body, taking his time to enter me. His hands worked their way up my thighs and over my stomach, running toward my breasts as he gazed at the pale flesh below him.

  I writhed in anticipation of his love. The stirring in my lower stomach was now a storm of pure lust. I needed him now, and there would be no going back. I could feel the heat and longing from his body already radiating through my own, as though our energies fed one another in an endless loop. It was invigorating.

  Trent held the base of his cock in one large hand and spread the lips of my pussy with the other, rubbing the head against my opening to test my wetness. He mused at it, examining my pussy long enough for me to think that there was something wrong. There wasn’t.

  Trent pushed his way inside, groaning deeply as he penetrated me. I felt myself stretching to accept his thick cock, my interior walls coming close to their limit as he moved inside. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but that feeling was quickly replaced with a rush of pleasure as he began to move in a familiar rhythm.

  He was in and out, in and out, the world slowly fading into a dream as pleasure coursed through my body.
I forgot that I was outside in the open and let out increasingly louder moans as Trent claimed me. His body was heavy on top of mine, but I loved it. I felt safe and secure under him like he was my shield from the horrors of the world.

  I wrapped my hands around his back, feeling down his bulging muscles until I reached his ass, and then I gave that a firm push to get him deeper. I gasped as he drove himself in hard, beginning to pick up the pace as his breathing became labored.

  “You’re my doll, my toy,” he chanted as he fucked me.

  “I’m your whore,” I said, claiming the title. I wanted it.

  “Yes, take this cock,” he groaned, pounding between my legs hard enough to slide me across the grass.

  I barely felt the prickle of the grass and stones in my back as Trent took me to the highest place I could be, pushing me over the edge. I was falling through the air, down like Emily had when she toppled over the edge. I dreamt of this, but never had I felt anything like it.

  I was disoriented for a moment, and then it happened. An explosion of pleasure ripped through my body like a category five hurricane. It ripped everything in my soul to shreds, rendering me helpless as I shrieked and squirmed in ecstasy as Trent continued his rough rampage. It was an orgasm that I never wanted to end.

  I felt warm fluid squirting into me. Trent was cumming inside of my pussy. He leaned down and bit my neck as he came, digging his teeth in just enough to make me yelp. He squeezed my body close to his, burying his cock all the way in as he finished. Then, all was silent.

  I could hear our hearts beating together, decelerating at a gentle pace. We were one at that moment, our body sticking together like wet paper. I felt complete, and I assumed that he did as well with how long he stayed on top of me.

  Eventually, the cold got the better of him, and he reluctantly climbed off.

  Chapter 14

  I needed a stiff drink after what Trent and I had done. Once we gathered up our soggy clothes and got dressed, we headed back to the cabin in silence, holding hands and feeling each other’s glow as we walked.


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