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Saving His Heart

Page 1

by Jennifer Youngblood

  Saving His Heart

  Jennifer Youngblood

  Agnes Canestri

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  Copyright © 2020 by Jennifer Youngblood and Agnes Canestri

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


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  Other Books by Agnes Canestri

  Other Books by Jennifer Youngblood

  About Agnes Canestri

  About Jennifer Youngblood


  Colton Myers hit the brakes and stopped the ambulance in front of Jackson Valley High School. His eyes wandered to the trees surrounding the premises, and he wondered why the lower branches weren’t trimmed properly. Teenage boys would see them as an invitation to climb the towering trees, and according to the details from dispatch, that was exactly what had happened.

  He jumped out and opened the rear doors. Let’s hope this is the last call for today. He’d hoped to get a minute between calls to run some errands and cruise over to his apartment. Amy would be arriving tomorrow, and he still needed to get her favorite snack—the weird one with those healthy pseudo-grains and nuts that should only appeal to hamsters. But when Ian asked Colton to jump in for him and take the 911 call at the school with Drew, he couldn’t refuse. For Colton, on duty or not, a call trumped everything, even his desire to impress Amy.

  Drew, one of the paramedics on his crew, came to help him get the gurney.

  A small brunette—likely the unfortunate victim’s teacher—stepped over to them. “I'm Ms. Garcia. Anything you need help with?”

  “Nope. We can manage. So where is the young Superman?”

  Drew’s comment was met with a worried look from Ms. Garcia. “He’s this way.” She pointed at a building to their left, then turned and hurried toward the schoolyard.

  Colton and Drew lifted the gurney and followed her.

  “Go easy with the jokes, Drew,” Colt whispered. “Based on the call, it isn’t a grave situation, but we can’t know it for certain until we get there.”

  “Sure. I just wanted to ease Ms. Garcia’s tension.”

  “I know, but what’s funny to us might not be to a civilian.”

  Drew shrugged, and his hands tightened on the gurney.

  Colton understood him, of course. Humor was Colton’s first weapon against stress, and it kept the mood light, despite the lack of sleep. But from Ms. Garcia’s perspective, the firefighters shouldn’t be joking about the boy’s bold action. Climbing a tree just to win a foolish bet was indeed slightly amusing, but there was little to smile about with broken bones, especially when the boy’s fall could have been far worse.

  They headed over to the boy who was sitting underneath the tree he’d tried to climb, a tall oak with slippery bark. Colton and Drew lowered the gurney to the ground and approached the victim.

  The boy leaned with his back to the large trunk. From the awkward position of his left leg, it looked like he had a fractured tibia. Blood was slowly seeping through his pants, and he had a few minor scratches on his arms. The rest of his body seemed intact.

  The young Superman has indeed been lucky with his fall.

  Colton ushered back the students, who were standing around their classmate in a tight circle, so that they had enough space to examine the boy’s injury. He blinked at the smooth bark again. It would be a tough climb even for a squirrel. “How'd you manage to get high enough to hurt yourself so bad?”

  Drew winked at Colton. “Maybe using a secret Wolverine power.”

  Ms. Garcia scoffed, but the boy grinned proudly as if Drew’s phrase was a great compliment. “I have pretty strong shoulders and a good grip. Only on the way back, my shoes slipped.” His face contracted as a spasm of pain ran through him.

  “Does it hurt a lot …?” Colton kneeled down next to him. “What’s your name?”

  “Jamey. And no … it’s okay.” He pinched his lips together.

  Colton could tell that he was lying through his teeth. His injury wasn’t life-threatening, but it had to be painful.

  Jamey flashed a quick side glance at a young redhead with a form-hugging top. She leaned her head on the shoulder of a bulky boy with a tattoo on his right forearm.

  Ah, so the bet wasn’t just a simple cockfight. Young boys could be such fools when it came to girls.

  Drew bent closer and examined Jamey’s leg. “It looks like a fracture. Not too nasty, but we’ll take you to the hospital for an X-ray and treatment.”

  “To the hospital?” the redhead squeaked, suddenly drawing away from her bulky pal. “Is it that bad?”

  Colton exchanged a knowing glance with Drew. They had witnessed enough adolescent injuries to know that, in some cases, describing the situation worse than it was could mean bonus points for the victim’s reputation.

  Colton pivoted to the girl and forced his brows into a concerned frown. “Your friend here made an extremely bold climb. Very high indeed. We need to get him to the hospital ASAP if we want to avoid major complications. After we give him some morphine.”

  “I don’t need any morphine,” Jamey protested.

  The girl's face softened. She sighed and pressed her hands to her chest. “Oh, Jamey. You’re so brave.”

  “What a fool,” Drew murmured under his breath.

  Colton struggled to keep a straight face as he helped Drew place the padded splints on the boy’s injured limb. “Remember when we were this young, Drew?”

  Colton grinned inwardly thinking there was a time when he would’ve done something stupid and tried to play Superman, hoping to impress girls. Amy would be right there, helping him scrape himself off the ground, then applying Band-Aids while telling him how close he was to pulling it off.

  His glance traveled to his watch. Darn it, they needed to hurry if he wanted any chance to buy Amy’s treat.

  When the splints were secured and Jamey’s foot and ankle immobilized, they gently lifted the boy onto the gurney. Ms. Garcia thanked them, then shepherded the kids toward the school building.

  “Did you see Maria’s expression? I think she was impressed.” Jamey’s freckles danced on his nose as he wrinkled it in dreamy adoration.

  Colton chuckled. “Oh, man. Somebody here is in love.”

  Drew laughed too. “Well, yes. Those feelings you get when you’re still in high school …”

; There was a strange edge to his voice, as though he was talking about something specific, but since he didn’t continue, Colton decided not to press. He’d been working with Drew for over seven years now, and they were practically brothers, but he wouldn't be comfortable snooping around in Drew’s intimate feelings. He didn’t even do that with Zach, and he and Amy were like real family to Colton.

  The hospital wasn't far. Colton hit the lights and siren as they left the school to give Jamey a little more cred with his classmates. The streets were deserted in the early afternoon hours, so once they were out of earshot, Colton shut the lights and siren down since it wouldn't save them any time.

  After Colton and Drew handed their young patient over in the emergency room, Drew asked, “Wanna get a coffee before we head back? I could use one.”

  Colton rubbed his forehead. His eyes were also glazing over from the lack of sleep. “Yeah, I’m game.”

  They went to the pediatric wing, which had the closest coffee machine. Under normal circumstances, Colton would have suggested Mel’s Coffee Stand, which served a much stronger espresso than the dispenser on the third floor, but judging by the way the shift had gone, he wasn't sure they'd make it that far before the next call came in.

  As they stepped out of the elevator, a few nurses passed by and greeted them with wide smiles. Colton and Drew grinned back. The place wasn’t bad for a quick caffeine shot. Soon, when Amy started working, Colton would be able to run into her here. A ripple of anticipation went through him. He couldn’t believe Amy was coming home!

  They put their coins into the vending machine and waited for their coffee. Colton’s was ready first. He grabbed his cup and downed it with a few eager gulps. The warm liquid infused his limbs, refreshing them. He waited for Drew to get some down, then patted him on the back. “Okay, ready to go?”


  The soprano voice made Colt stop in his tracks. He didn’t need to turn to know who this sweet jingle belonged to. How the heck did Amy get here already? He whirled around just in time to catch the dark-blond doll jumping into his arms. He lifted her from the floor and twirled her around twice.

  Amy’s arms slid around his neck, and her familiar vanilla scent wafted around him. “Oh gosh, Colt. It feels like an eternity.” She moved back and looked up at him, a wide grin spreading on her lips as he lowered her back to the ground.

  “I know, Amy-cakes!” He smiled back at her, his heart pounding from the joy of seeing his friend. It felt unreal to be face-to-face with Amy after so many years.

  Amy wasn’t that thrilled about the diminutive, and her forehead creased. “I thought we agreed on dropping the cakes … didn’t we? Unless you want me to start calling you Coleslaw again.”

  He pointed his finger at her chest, struggling to suppress a chuckle. “You wouldn’t dare. Remember what happened the last time you tried that.” The tickle fight they’d gotten into over the silly name flashed into his mind, and his stomach warmed. Jackson Central Hospital suddenly felt like a cozy holiday destination now that Amy was here.

  “Ahem.” Drew cleared his throat with emphasis.

  Oh, right. Colton had been so disarmed by seeing Amy that he forgot to introduce her. “Drew, sorry. Let me present you to Amy-cak—”

  Amy growled and feigned a menacing look.

  Colton corrected himself. “To Amy Powell.”

  Drew’s brows arched. “The daughter of Henry Powell?”

  Amy’s cheeks reddened, and her eyes filled with the well-known mixture of pride and nostalgia that Colton had seen so many times on her face when her dad was mentioned. “Yeah, the one and only.”

  Drew smacked his lips. “Your dad is a legend. I never worked with him, but I've heard some epic stories about that guy. It’s a pity that cancer got the best of him.”

  Amy’s lips trembled ever so slightly as she reached out for Colton’s hand. He felt a buzz of awareness, her palm spreading warmth on his skin. She was so petite and dainty, yet she was full of such vitality and strength. Dynamite comes in small packages.

  She tilted her head and shrugged with a wistful half smile. “Yeah, sometimes our end doesn’t match our life achievements. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name …”

  Colton was still gazing at his own hand, trying to assess why his fingers were tingling strangely. But at Amy’s comment, he glanced up. “Oh, my bad. I’m too distracted from seeing you here so unexpectedly. He’s Drew, one of our paramedics.”

  Amy and Drew shook hands.

  “Nice to meet you.” Amy smiled, then turned to Colton. “I got away earlier than I expected, so I thought I’d just drive to Jackson today. I came straight to the hospital to sign all the paperwork so I can start on Monday without having to do it then. But don’t worry, I’ll stay in a hotel for tonight. I know you weren’t expecting me until tomorrow, so …”

  Colton gave her a gentle nudge on the shoulder. “Come on now. Do you think I’d let you sleep in a hotel? I told you that you’re welcome to stay at my place as long as you need. Starting with tonight.” He rubbed his chin. “Though my shift doesn’t end until tomorrow morning.”

  Amy shook her head. “That’s no biggie. If you’re really cool with me staying tonight, just give me the keys. I already have the address. I’ll have breakfast waiting when you get home. Still in love with Spanish tortillas?”

  Colton winked. “Always.” He fished his house key from his pocket and dangled it in front of Amy. “But don’t start to cover every possible inch of the house with empty tea mugs, okay?”

  She stuck out her tongue. “I won’t. Promise.” She crossed her fingers in front of her chest, then grabbed the keys from his hand. “Okey dokey. It was nice meeting you, Drew.” She waved to the paramedic, then raised herself onto her tiptoes and leaned close to Colton. “See you later, gator!” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

  Her featherlight lips tickled his skin as Colton repeated the usual answer. “Catch you on the flip side.”

  Amy giggled as Colton recited their tribal code. Then she walked to the administrative office to their left and disappeared inside.

  “Wow, so the friend coming to stay with you is Amy?” Drew’s brows almost touched his black hair.

  Colton nodded. “She’s moving back from Portland. She’ll work here in the hospital as a pediatric nurse. She needs a place to crash while she gets everything settled and finds an apartment.”

  Drew put up his hand. “I didn’t mean to pry. She seems like a great girl.”

  “She is,” Colton murmured. Amy Powell was by far the nicest and wittiest person Colton knew. And she was the best friend and little sister that one could ever wish for.

  Drew and Colton walked to the elevator and descended to the ground floor.

  “How do you two know each other?” Drew asked.

  “She and her brother Zach are like family. They took me in when I moved here with Grandma. They made me feel like I belonged.” Without the Powells, Colton’s life in Jackson would have taken a very different turn.

  As they stepped outside, there was a new spring in Colton’s step. He took in an appreciative breath of air. The sun was shining exceptionally bright today, and the air was extra fresh. He opened the ambulance door and climbed into the driver’s seat.

  Drew got in the other side, picking right back up on their conversation. “Considering your history with Amy and her brother, it’s understandable that you would offer to let her stay with you.” He paused. “Does Theresa know?”

  Colton’s stomach lurched. “Know what?”

  “That a girl will be staying at your place.”

  “No, not exactly.” Colton scratched his head. “But it doesn’t matter. Amy’s not a girl. I mean, she is, but she’s … well, she’s Amy.”

  Crud! Colton had entirely forgotten to let Theresa know. Amy had been too spontaneous with her request. Probably because Colton had been her last resort. Or maybe her job confirmation had come too late. Whatever.

  His brows creased. Th
eresa had no business telling Colton who he could or couldn’t host in his house. They were just casually dating. He didn’t go around asking whether Theresa had visitors in her house. Then again, if she did have a guy staying there, he would likely be angry.

  Okay, maybe he should call her and invite her over to meet Amy tomorrow.

  He put the key into the ignition. “I’ll tell Theresa soon enough. She’ll understand. Amy and Zach are my best friends. I need to help Amy out. Period.”

  “I’d do the same, Colt,” Drew said. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his messages.

  Colton thought of the snack. “I just need to run in and buy something at the grocery store before we drive back to the station.”

  Drew glanced up briefly and nodded. “Sure, as long as it’s quick.”

  Colton smiled and steered the ambulance onto the road, foretasting the yummy tortillas Amy had promised him. Wasn’t it great that she still remembered what his favorite breakfast was? She’ll be impressed that I remembered her obsession with Crazy Nuts & More.

  It was going to be fun to have Amy as a roommate for a while. Just a few more hours at the station, and then he could finally go and be with Amy. They had so much to catch up on. And now that she was moving to Jackson and staying in his house, they’d have all the time in the world. The thought caused a slow smile to form on his lips.


  Amy inserted the key into her locker in the nurses’ room. It seemed to work well, which meant that for now there was nothing else she could do here.


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