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Marked for Love

Page 7

by Hannah West

  "Plain water is fine," Noelle said, propping her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands.

  Sara turned to smile at her. "You can sit at the table, if you want. Shouldn't be much longer and I'll have this ready." She winked. "Sorry if you were expecting more elegant fare. I'm a simple country cook at heart."

  Noelle laughed. "It smells delicious to me," she said. Noelle stayed where she was, watching Sara for a minute or two longer, before she stood, getting off of the chair and moving to the table like Sara had suggested. Sara sat down several plates on the table - chicken, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy, and biscuits.

  "It's like Thanksgiving," Noelle said, amused.

  "You say that like it's a bad thing," Sara remarked, ensuring that Noelle had all the required utensils. "Dig in," she advised, settling into the chair across from Noelle's. It was a small, two-person table, obviously not meant for grand things. It felt oddly out of sort in the elegant, marble-clad kitchen.

  "One of my favorite meals," Noelle said, gently taking some of the chicken, mashed potatoes, and meat. She went for a few of the roast vegetables on the side, planning to incorporate them in with the chicken. "Where are you from?" She tilted her head as she cut some of the chicken off, scooped some mashed potatoes with her fork, and then piled the chicken and vegetables on top. Sara was serving herself, watching Noelle with a smile.

  "East Coast," Sara said pleasantly. "Near Baltimore."

  "I've never been there," Noelle said ruefully. "I hear it's busy." She scooped the food into her mouth, trying not to close her mouth as she did so. Sara was quite a good cook. "This," Noelle said once she had finished chewing, "is delicious."

  Sara grinned. "Thanks. I try," she said, mock-modest. She winked and Noelle laughed, relaxing. Dinner wasn't going to be that bad, it seemed. Sara wasn't expecting anything of her - she just wanted to have dinner. Maybe things would progress, but that was a later thing and not something Noelle needed to concern herself with at the current moment.

  The conversation meandered, from Sara's university (small, private) to Sara's interest in pediatrics (had a relative who had suffered abuse that landed them in the critical care unit), to lighter topics such as the weather. It was a type of small talk that Noelle had not been able to have in such a long time.

  Finally Noelle finished eating and set her fork down. She had been careful and ate tiny bites, ensuring that she didn't become overly stuffed. They still had a movie to watch, after all, and she didn't want to be too full from delicious food to watch the movie - and more importantly, Sara. She looked up to see Sara smiling at her and sipping her can of soda. "What do you want to watch?" Sara asked, her plate empty. She picked up Noelle's and took them into the kitchen, placing them in the sink.

  Noelle blanched. She hadn't exactly thought she would have to decide. What was the right answer? Was there a right answer?

  "What kind of movies do you like?" Sara inquired. Noelle blinked; Sara had come back from near the sink and was standing a few feet away from Noelle, watching her with a tilted head and curious eyes.

  "Little bit of everything," Noelle said, staunchly not admitting her weakness for romantic comedies. She had grown up watching them with her mother and had a soft spot for that genre. "I don't get much time to mindlessly watch TV, so I'm not really up to date on what's out."

  "Do you like romcoms?" Sara asked, tilting her head with a smile.

  Noelle leaned back in her chair, trying to look more relaxed than she felt. The chair was comfortable, but it was still a bit awkward, being in Sara's house and Sara's space. "Yes," she admitted. "I haven't watched any since -" She stopped herself. "In a while." Noelle tried to smile but failed. Lydia's memory still swam in her mind, her face empty and broken, her body slumped against that cupboard.

  "Let's watch something with action instead." Sara took a half-step closer and then stopped herself. Noelle both wanted her closer and wanted to keep her distance - she couldn't decide. It was a conflict raging within herself, the part of her that wanted Sara close but fought with the part of her that was still faithful to who destiny had placed her with. "It takes time," Sara said softly. "Sometimes the universe messes up. Sometimes, bad things happen and someone doesn't have a future with someone they're supposed to." She sank into the seat opposite Noelle, her eyes sad. "That's one of the hardest parts, when a kid dies. Knowing that this life has been snuffed out, that someone, out there, doesn't have a soulmate anymore."

  Noelle hadn't considered that, hadn't considered how often Sara must deal with her own loss whenever she was confronted with someone else's. “I’m sorry,” she said, not sure what else to say. Silence fell for a few moments, both women lost in thought. "So you said an action movie?" Noelle asked.

  Sara laughed. "Yes, I've got several." She gestured Noelle over and showed her the collection of DVDs, bumping shoulders agreeably as they picked a movie to put on. Sara had a large, comfy-looking couch and Noelle was relieved when Sara put the DVD in the player and then took a seat at one end. Noelle sank down onto the other, leaving some space between them. Sara turned to look at Noelle with a smile. "You can stretch out, if you want."

  Noelle smiled. "Thanks." She watched as Sara tucked her legs up underneath her, angling herself so she could easily see Noelle. Noelle mimicked the posture, angling herself so she could see Sara.

  "This is one of my favorite movies," Sara remarked as she pressed play on the remote.

  "I've never seen it before," Noelle admitted, wiggling a bit to get settled. Sara's couch was comfortable, that was for sure. Noelle would have a difficult time managing to make herself get off it and go back home to her much less comfortable couch.

  The movie started playing and Noelle found herself distracted by its intriguing opening. Her legs became cramped and she stretched them out, settling them on the sofa between her and Sara. It felt weird, having her feet on the sofa, but Sara had said it was okay, so she pushed it from her mind and leaned her torso on the back of the sofa. Her neck protested slightly at turning to watch the TV, but it was far better than the cramps that had been starting in her thighs.

  Sara shifted a few minutes later, her legs uncurling and ending up side by side with Noelle's. The sofa was wide enough that they didn't touch, not immediately. "If I'm bothering you, let me know," Sara said, her eyes on the TV. Noelle nodded, and then realized Sara wasn't watching.

  "I will," she said. Thanks, she didn't say. The fact that Sara seemed so intent on her comfort level was comforting in itself. Sara seemed to genuinely care, and no matter what else happened between them, Noelle knew that she had a good friend in her. As the movie continued, Noelle kept an eye on Sara for signs of anything else. Growing bolder, she tipped one of her feet over so that her toes were resting against Sara's thighs. Sara glanced at her with a faint smile and then turned her attention back to the TV.

  Noelle eventually became engrossed in the movie, barely noticing Sara moving her lips along with the actors on the screen. She glanced at Sara once the credits rolled, not completely surprised to see Sara singing softly along with the lyrics. "You've watched this a lot?" Noelle asked.

  Sara grinned, leaning more fully against the couch and looking at Sara instead of the TV. "You could say that," she answered cheerfully. "It is one of my favorite movies, after all."

  Noelle grinned in response. Sara's smile was infectious. "We both have to work tomorrow, don't we?" Noelle made a face.

  "I think so." Sara chuckled. "I know I do, at least."

  "I should probably go, then." Noelle sat quietly for a moment, then wriggled her toes, oddly amused by the way it scrunched her foot against Sara's leg. She looked up to see Sara watching her with amusement in her face.

  "We should do this again," Sara said simply, and there was a question there.

  "That sounds nice," Noelle said, and she meant it. Sara was kind and patient, and to Noelle, that was important. She swung her legs off of the couch, standing and adjusting to cramped muscles. "I haven't s
at that long since my week off," she said, scrunching up her nose. "Unless you count sitting at a desk. But even then I get up every half hour."

  "Lots of paperwork?" asked Sara as she stood, sympathetic.

  "Yup," Noelle answered, stretching out her arms. "Gotta document everything we do for when we go to trial, and all."

  Sara nodded, stifling a yawn behind her hand. "Do you want a drink before you go? Water, anything?"

  Noelle shook her head. "I'm good, thanks." She moved closer to Sara's door by a few steps. How did a good bye work in this sort of situation? Was it a hug, a kiss - what? She had already kissed Sara once, it wouldn't be that much of a hardship, but she didn't think that was the right thing to do.

  Sara moved closer, telegraphing her movements as she moved to gather Noelle into a hug. She wrapped her arms around Noelle and squeezed gently, lingering for a moment before she let go. It was longer than a friend hug, but not too long as to make Noelle uncomfortable. "Thanks," Noelle said quietly, smiling at Sara when she stepped back.

  "It's not a problem," Sara said, stepping forward to unlock her door. She left her hand on the handle and looked at Noelle, questioning. "Call me?"

  "I will," Noelle assured her. Sara smiled briefly and pulled the door open. "Talk to you soon."

  Sara nodded as Noelle stepped out of the door, closing it as soon as Noelle passed the threshold. Noelle chuckled to herself, shaking her head as she headed down the hallway towards the elevator. Maybe there was a reason Sara didn't like to say bye. Maybe there was a memory there, something painful, that Noelle simply didn't know about.

  She stored that thought away as she rode the elevator down to the first floor and walked out to her car. Sara was enigmatic, and was quiet and kept to herself. Noelle couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Sara to make her that way. Maybe she was just naturally reticent, but Noelle was skeptical. She got in her car and began the short drive home. Work was soon. There was time for thinking later.

  Noelle strode into the office, catching sight of Riley on the way to roll call and stopping in her tracks. "What's up?" she asked.

  "The officer had to turn away a suspicious person at Julia's unit last night," Riley said grimly. "Ty told me we're in charge of taking the mug book and a picture from the security camera to the little girl and see if she recognizes him."

  "Why us?" Noelle asked. "I mean, I know it's our case. But I have to prepare for the Winters trial, in case I get called, and that's early next week."

  "I told him that you have a rapport with the little girl and her doctor." Riley pretended to ruffle Noelle's hair. "Especially with little kids, you find out who has that rapport and you build on it. Might be the only way you can connect to them, especially in these cases."

  Noelle playfully whacked him with the case file she held. "I'm not a child. Besides, you'll muss up my curls."

  Riley looked mock-offended. "Elsy hit me with a wrench last time I messed her curls up. I was in the dog house for a week," he said mournfully.

  "Teaches you to mess with a girl's hair," Noelle told him smartly, grinning to take the sting out of it.

  He chuckled. "We're leaving right after roll call, so be ready."

  "Yes sir," she said with a mock salute before she headed back to her desk to prepare.

  Noelle was tasked with driving them to the hospital, Riley having instituted his previous junior partners do the driving rule. It helped that she knew the way, even from the police station. After spending so much time memorizing the layout of the town, it was difficult for Noelle to get lost when going somewhere she had been before. Riley had the case file and the pictures on his lap, and he was drumming his hands on the folders. "Is Dr. McClaire on today?" he asked, casting a curious look at Noelle.

  "How would I know?" she replied absently, turning on her blinker and turning into the hospital parking lot. Noelle paused once she had parked, her hands a bit fidgety on the steering wheel. "Yes she is."

  "Good," Riley said, pushing open his door and getting out. Noelle stepped out, closing the door behind her and locking the cruiser. Most people weren't brave or stupid enough to steal a police car, but it was better safe than sorry, she always felt. "Remember the room number?" he asked.

  "Room 4401, fourth floor," Noelle recited, following him as they strode inside. Riley made for the receptionist as he had last time.

  "Detectives Hanson and Richards, here to visit Julia Dawkins," Riley said. Both he and Noelle showed their badges, proving that they were who they said they were.

  It was the same receptionist as last time, and she smiled a polite smile. "I'll inform Dr. McClaire and her nurse that you're on your way."

  "Thanks," Riley said, nodding as he strode off towards the elevator. Noelle was right behind him. "You would think that a hospital would buffer their security," he muttered.

  "They didn't even have guards down at the front," Noelle murmured back, shaking her head. "No wonder he got up to the fourth floor."

  "I'll have a talk with the administrator," Riley said, sounding mild. "I can be very persuasive."

  "Something like that," Noelle said, amused. The elevator pinged and the door opened. Noelle stepped out first, glancing around and catching sight of Sara sitting at one of the computers in the middle of the pod, typing away furiously. "Over there."

  Riley ambled in the direction of the nurses' station. "Dr. McClaire?" he asked, catching Sara's attention. She looked up, glancing down again just long enough to log off her workstation. Standing, Sara immediately shook Riley's hand.

  "Detective Hanson, if I recall correctly?" she said, smiling warmly. "And Detective Richards." She nodded in Noelle's direction. Noelle was grateful for her work title. Otherwise it would have blurred lines, just a bit. She was here for work, after all. Not for fun.

  "Correct on both counts." Riley smiled. "We're here to visit Julia. We brought a picture of the man who attempted to approach her yesterday, and we would like to see if she recognizes him."

  Sara glanced around the workstation, catching sight of a small, brunette woman. "Laura?" she said. The small brunette woman looked at Sara expectantly. "This is Detective Hanson and his partner, Detective Richards." Both Riley and Noelle flashed their badges. "Is Julia up for visitors?"

  Laura's lips tightened the briefest amount before smoothing out. Noelle cast a glance at Sara, mildly concerned. "Her aunt is in there now," Laura said. "Julia’s due pain medication soon, but she is awake."

  It would be the first time Noelle had met the aunt. "We should probably talk to her, too," Riley said.

  "I'll take you," Laura volunteered.

  "Thanks," Sara told her with a tired smile. "Detective Hanson, Detective Richards." She nodded in farewell to both Riley and Noelle before turning and going back to the station, sitting in a chair and logging in.

  "She works a lot of nights," Laura told Riley and Noelle as they headed towards Julia's room. "Very dedicated. She’s one of our best doctors.."

  Riley hummed thoughtfully at Laura's remarks, and Noelle could feel his eyes on her. Sara was smart and amazing, that was undeniable. What was deniable was that there was currently anything going on between them - because there wasn't.


  "Interesting." Riley nudged her gently, disguising it as nudging her in the direction of Julia’s room.

  Noelle opened her mouth to say something back and stopped at the sight of the woman who had just pushed open the glass door. "Who are you?" the woman asked, her voice tired.

  "Detectives Hanson and Richard," Riley said, gesturing to himself and Noelle as he spoke. "We're in charge of the murder investigation of Julia's parents, and right now we're investigating who might have tried to get into her hospital room yesterday."

  "Someone tried to get into her hospital room?" the woman asked, distressed.

  "The police officer tried to call you several times," Laura said cooly, her voice just on the boarder between rude and detached.

  "It was dead." The woman, who Noelle pre
sumed was Julia's aunt, rubbed her temples. "God, I'm sorry. With my husband's chemo, things have just been crazy." She offered Laura a weak smile. "Please let me know if there's anything I can do." The woman paused. "Or need to do, since I'm her legal guardian." She extended a hand to the detectives. "My name is Amelia, or Mel for short."

  "Nice to meet you," Noelle said, shaking her hand. The aunt wasn't anything like what she had been expecting. Mel was small and blonde, with dark purple splotches underneath her eyes that spoke of long hours of sleep deprivation. She wasn't the evil human that Noelle had expected to have refused full custody of her niece. Instead she looked like a tired, overworked person who couldn't afford to take on more responsibility. Noelle didn't hate her, she pitied her.

  "My name is Detective Hanson, and this is my partner, Detective Richards." Riley nodded to Noelle as he introduced them. "With your permission, we'd like to show both you and Julia pictures of the man who was trying to get into her room last night." He tapped the case file he was carrying. "With any luck, we'll soon have him captured and off the streets. Right now, knowing whether or not Julia knows him would be helpful for our investigation."

  "Of course," Mel said, stepping back into the room. "She's awake. I don't know how much she'll talk." She seemed mildly flustered. "She doesn't really talk to me."

  "I'm sorry," Noelle said for lack of other things to say.

  "If she becomes distressed, I am going to ask you to leave," Laura warned them, checking the monitors and adjusting the dosage of Julia's medication.

  "Noted." Riley pulled up a few chairs next to Julia's bedside, gesturing for Noelle to take the one closest to the little girl. Julia was awake and aware, watching the adults enter her room with half-closed eyes.

  "Hi Julia," Noelle said after Riley nudged her leg. "Do you remember me? I was here a few days ago with Doctor Sara."

  Julia nodded. She looked tired, but less tired than Noelle had seen her last time. Her eyes were open now, and she was watching Noelle and Noelle alone. One arm was bandaged with two lines coming out of it, the other had two IVs held in with medical tape. The lines were connected to the myriad poles that stood just to the side of the hospital bed. "Hi," she said shyly.


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