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Monster SBMC Miami (Soulless Bastards MC Miami Book 4)

Page 11

by Erin Trejo

  “I said say it.”

  “I’m never leaving you!”

  “Tell me you love me Kyza,” he demands.

  His hand slides down my body to my clit. My insides explode as I come hard.

  “I love you. Fuck, Monster. I love you.”



  “Fuck that shit,” I grumble as the guys sit around outside. We’re discussing how we might handle Ortega.

  “Why not?” Viking asks looking at me.

  I watch Kyza as I drink my beer. She’s having fun with the girls. They have fucking water guns of all things and are playing with them.

  “I’m not puttin’ her in that position. We don’t know the layout of the house,” I remind him as I keep my eyes on her.

  “He’s right,” Grinder agrees.

  I grunt my appreciation at that.

  “What if she goes with us? We could just surprise attack the motherfucker,” Mason asks.

  I glance over at Viking now. He seems to be thinking it over. I told Kyza I wouldn’t shut her out. Whatever it is that’s happening, she will be a part of it. I don’t like it at all, but she’s hard headed and she knows how to handle herself. I’ve taken her shooting to see what she’s got, I was shocked to say the least.

  “It could work if we surround that shit.”

  “We should blow it,” Grinder adds as all eyes turn to him. “What?”

  “What the fuck do you mean we should blow it?”

  “I mean blow the motherfuckin’ house all to hell. That takes out him and his men.”

  “No. I want to see that piece of shit die,” I tell him.

  “So we kill him then blow it. The shock of seein’ Kyza should give us an element of surprise. We can move in, plant that shit, and move out. As soon as we get the all clear, we blow the fucker.”

  I jerk when a cold blast of water hits me in the side of my head. I turn in that direction and see Kyza stick her tongue out at me. I laugh, shake my head, and motion for her to come to me. She walks over and I pull her into my lap when what I really want to do is spank her ass.

  “What is it?” she asks looking around at the guys.

  “We want to blow up your dad’s place after we kill him. Wanted to see if you were opposed to that idea,” Viking says to her.

  Kyza shifts on my lap.

  “What about my sister?”

  “You want her in or out? I don’t give a shit either way darlin’,” he says. Kyza looks over her shoulder before she looks back to Viking.

  “I want her out. I know we aren’t on good terms, but I want her to know that she has the option to leave that life.” Viking nods and I kiss her neck. The other guys stand and move away, but Viking stays.

  “We’ll get her out. You just tell me how in you want to be.”

  “I want to be the one to kill him,” she snaps before he can even finish. I chuckle and reach around to caress her stomach with my hand. I start sucking on her neck and she moans.

  “Get a room,” Viking snorts before he rises up out of his chair. I continue my trek down her neck until I meet her shoulder, “I like you wet,” I whisper into her shoulder.

  “We were playing,” she moans.

  “Yeah? Is that the only way to get you wet?”

  Kyza grinds against me and my cock gets even harder. I want nothing more than to bend her over and take her right here, but I find I’m missing the smile that she usually has on her face, so I move her off of my lap. I stand her up before I move behind her. I steal the water gun from her, aim, and shoot.

  “Monster,” she squeals as she turns to run.

  I run after her and keep shooting. She laughs and the other girls join in. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in way too long.

  “Come on. I know you’ve got more than that,” I tease her.

  The guys laugh, but I don’t stop. Her laughter is infectious. I can’t get enough of it. I turn to Whit and spray her down with water, but when I spin back Kyza slams into me. Her arms wrap around my neck and her hips crash into mine. The gun falls to the ground long forgotten as I kiss her back. My tongue slides into her mouth. I’m caressing her tongue as she moans. My hands tighten on her ass as I pull her as close to me as I can get her. I can’t stand it anymore. I need to be inside of her again before this all comes crashing down around us. I need to feel her. I need to know that she’s real and she’s here. My entire life I’ve wanted something like this, but I never really knew what it was. Other women would look at me with fear or disgust, but never Kyza. She stood up to me. She took me as I am and I can’t think straight when I’m with her. She makes me feel and that’s all I’ve ever really wanted.

  I walk us inside as her legs tighten around me. Her lips are demanding of mine and it’s hot as hell. My heart thunders inside of me. As soon as I get to our room I kick the door closed and put her down. I move to the bed and she watches me with a confused look. I strip out of my clothes and sit on the edge of the bed. I’m looking at her, just taking her in.

  “Strip for me,” I tell her huskily.

  Kyza’s lips curve into a grin as she slowly pulls her shirt up her body. The wet material clings to her skin as she slowly pulls it off and tosses it to the side. She moves to her shorts next and my mouth starts watering watching her. Her bra comes off next followed by her panties and finally she’s standing there in nothing. I lie down and gaze up at her. She walks over slowly and climbs onto the bed.

  “Face that way. You’re gonna ride my face,” I tell her.

  Her cheeks flush, but she climbs up and faces away from me. Yeah, I’m about to bring back the old school sixty-nine. With her hips gripped in my hands I bring her pussy to my lips. I don’t take my time. I don’t tease her. I dive in. I’m devouring her. My tongue teases her. My teeth graze her. Kyza’s body jerks as she rocks her hips and moans for more.

  After a few minutes she leans down and sucks my cock into her mouth. I jerk my hips and grunt from the feel of her wrapped around me like this. We’re both fucking each other’s mouths, but it’s me that gets her off first. Her body begins to tremble and her knees shake around me. Kyza stops sucking, my cock merely resting between her lips as she moans and pants. Her warm breath dances over my skin and I thrust upward just as I bite down on her clit. Kyza comes in my mouth and I lap up everything she gives me. She screams and her body shakes and quivers, but I don’t stop until my face is drenched.

  “Turn around,” I demand of her.

  Kyza moves on shaky legs and straddles me. I reach down and guide my cock inside of her before I thrust upwards. Her tits bounce with each thrust, but she quickly takes over. I grab her hips in my hands and force her down my length. Her lips part as sounds flow from her.

  “So goddamn beautiful,” I grumble.

  She opens her eyes and looks down at me. They’re sparkling like the sun. Kyza bites her lip as she fucks me senseless. Her pussy begins to clench tighter and I smirk up at her. She reaches down and drags her nails against my flesh. That does it. My balls tighten right before I explode inside of her. She comes right after me and milks me for everything I have. My fingers dig into her hips and we both continue to fall apart. Kyza finally drops forward and rests on my chest as I run my hand down her back. She moans softly and I can’t help but smile at her.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with what we’re gonna do?”

  It’s eating at me. I don’t like that she even wants to be there let alone be the one to kill him. He’s her father. It just doesn’t sit right with me.

  “He wants me dead. I’m not going to let that happen,” she says softly.

  “Neither am I, but you don’t need to be the one to do it. I’ll gladly do it for you.”

  I’d do anything for her.

  “I know you would, but this is personal. He took my love away from me once before Monster. I’m not letting him do that again,” she sighs and so do I.

  “You love me Kyza?”

  “You know I do.”

nbsp; “I just needed to hear it.”

  “I love you Monster. More than you think I should. No one has been able to bring me back to me but you. I can’t thank you enough for that.”

  She props herself up so that she can look into my eyes. I reach up and brush her hair away from her face and smile at her.

  “You know what you do to me. I don’t need to tell you that part. I love you Kyza. I don’t say that easily. Nothin’ in my life has come easily, but lovin’ you does. I don’t understand it, and I’m not sure I want to understand it. I just want to love you.”

  She smiles and presses her lips to mine. In the fucked up world that I’ve lived in for so long I never thought that I would find happiness again. I never thought that I could trust anyone again, but Kyza proves me wrong. Every. Damn. Day. She shows me a side of herself that has long since been buried. She reached in and drug me through the ashes just to find my heart and bring it back to life.

  “Stop thinking. Just do,” she whispers.

  “Do what?”

  “Love me.”



  I’ve always known that Monster was different. From the moment he showed up at the clinic he was a mystery. I never thought I’d find myself in love with someone like him though. He’s so different, the complete opposite to how Ryan was. His entire demeanor screams danger. As much as I wanted to stay away from him, he just kept pulling me in.

  I thought I had my life in order pretending to be someone I’m not, but he proved me wrong. He brought out the old Kyza and embraced her. He welcomed her with open arms and took her under his wing. I think that’s what makes me love him so much.

  I swallow hard and look over my shoulder to Monster as I stand in my dad’s driveway. I’m nervous about seeing him after all of these years. I’m afraid of his reaction. I think I’m more excited than anything else though. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins like hot lava. This is it. It’s time to rectify my past. This is my chance at redemption.

  Monster gives me a nod and I nod back. I know that the guys are only a few seconds behind me. I turn forward and walk up the driveway. The guards are watching me. When one stops me I take a deep breath.

  “I’m here to see Mr. Ortega.”

  “Who are you?” The man’s eyes roam over me and I can see the confusion in them. I look a lot like Annie and I’m sure it’s throwing him off.

  “Tell him that his daughter is here,” I announce holding my head high. “Tell him the Soulless Bastards brought me here.”

  The man watches me for a second before he pulls out his phone to make a call. He mumbles a few things that I don’t really hear because my heart is beating so loudly in my ears. A few seconds pass before I see him. My heart nearly stops as he walks toward me. I can feel the guys getting closer to my back, and a sense of calm washes over me. My dad keeps coming toward me and adjusts his suit jacket.

  “Kyza. It’s been a long time,” he says casually with a smile on his face. It’s almost like we’re having a family reunion.


  “How are you? You look well.”

  “I’m alive,” I tell him.

  He chuckles and moves closer to me to draw me into an awkward hug. I knew it was all wrong. I knew he never was the hugging type. I know I’m right when he whispers, “Not alive for long.”

  He pulls back and my stomach lurches. I swallow hard and remember exactly what and who he is. I remember what he did and what he allowed to happen to me.

  “Viking. You did well. Please come in,” he says looking around me.

  He places his hand on my back and guides me up the rest of the driveway and around the house. The pool sparkles in the sunlight. The air is salty from the ocean nearby. I stop moving when I see her.

  “Annie love, we have a guest,” he says grabbing her attention.

  Annie sits up from her lounger and looks over to me. I can see her mouth fall open. She rises slowly and walks toward us on unsteady steps as she takes me in.

  “Why don’t you two chat for a moment while I take care of business?”

  I glance over my shoulder and see Monster give me a subtle nod. They move past me and follow my dad, but I stay glued in place and turn my head back to look at Annie again.

  “You’re here?” She whispers softly. Her eyes are darting over my face. I nod.

  “I’m here.”

  “How? Why? Where have you been? He’s going to kill you Kyza,” She hisses almost loud enough for the guards to hear her. I shake my head and hold it high.

  “Let’s go sit. You need to stay calm,” I tell her as I walk past her and sit on the lounger. She moves slowly. She’s watching me as if I might disappear before she sits down next to me.

  “Can they hear us?” I whisper.

  She shakes her head no.

  “What’s happening? Why would you come back?” She asks with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “We’re leaving soon,” I tell her.

  “What? How? He will kill you. I’ve heard him talking.”

  “Annie, please just listen. I know what he wants to do to me. It’s not going to happen. I’m here for you. Just you.”

  She looks shocked.

  “What? Why now? You never came back for me Kyza. You left me to this.” And there it is. That’s the pain that I buried deep that she still carries.

  “You were better than me. You listened and did what he asked. He didn’t let them hurt you,” I say as I look down at my hands.

  “Is that what you really think? That they didn’t hurt me? Are you crazy? That’s all they ever did was hurt me. I was the pliable one. I was the one that listened, yes, but that was just what everyone saw. Behind closed doors he let them…” she trails off and my stomach sinks.

  How had I never known this? I always thought she was okay because they came after me. My insides hollow out and I just feel empty. I try to suppress the rage I’m feeling, but I’m failing.

  “I didn’t know,” I say as a tear slides down my cheek.

  “You didn’t look. I get it Kyza. What happened to you was far worse.”

  I reach for her hand and she lets me grab it. I need it. It’s a fucking lifeline that I never thought I would touch, but here it is.

  “We’re getting out of here. Those guys are helping us out.”

  “What? They make deals with him all of the time,” she says as she inches closer to me.

  “I know. They don’t anymore. He set them up. Trust me. We’re getting out of here. Understand?”

  It’s strange to be here, being the older sister and trying to comfort my younger one. We haven’t been in this position before.

  “Are you sure?” She whispers as I nod my head.

  “Yes. We just need to take care of one thing,” I tell her as Monster motions for me.

  I hold her hand tightly as I stand and bring her up with me. We walk in silence. As soon as I step into the room my heart leaps into my throat. My dad is on his knees with a gun to his head.

  “You little bitch. Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” He hisses at me.

  I release Annie’s hand and move toward Viking. He pulls a second gun from his jeans and passes it to me.

  “I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m doing what I was taught to do. You let them hurt me so many times. You didn’t even care. You didn’t think about how anything would affect me, even when I killed Ryan. All you ever cared about was yourself,” I spit at him.

  He watches me. There’s no doubt he’s wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I used to wonder what was wrong with me too. Not anymore I don’t. Because I know exactly who I am.

  “You think my men will let you get away?” He laughs when Mason comes into view.

  “We’re all set,” Mason says with a smirk.

  “Grinder will you take my sister to go grab her things please?” I ask.

  Grinder smirks. I can see it out of the corner of my eye.

  “No,” Annie protests.

/>   “He won’t hurt you,” I tell her, but I can’t look at her as I need to focus on him.

  “Come on darlin’. She’s right that I won’t ever touch you. I’m just here for your protection, yeah?” Grinder tells her. She moves up next to me and cocks her head to the side before she asks, “How do you live with it?”

  “You liked it. You never had to work for anything. You laid out by the pool your entire fucking life,” he roars.

  Annie moves closer and I glance up to Monster. He nods once more and I know that his hands must be tied behind him.

  I watch as Annie leans down closer to him and says, “You are one sick bastard. I hope that during your time in hell that you are tortured just like we were in life.”

  With that she turns and walks away.

  “As much fun as I think it would be to torture you, I’m not going to do that. Without you I wouldn’t be alive today,” I tell him.

  Viking takes a step back as they all watch me.

  “You were nothing. You turned on me. You were helping Ryan get intel on me. Those men are fools if they think you wouldn’t do the same to them.”

  I shake my head and smirk at him.

  “You’re wrong. I never once helped Ryan. I didn’t know about him until you knew. Once I heard what he had planned for us, I fixed the problem. I took out the problem for you. You never saw me as your child. I was just a tool. I was a toy you could pass around, but that’s not the case anymore. Is it daddy?” I spit the word out like the venom it is. I catch sight of Grinder and Annie as they come back down the stairs.

  “Get her out of here,” Monster tells him.

  Grinder nods, but Annie doesn’t move.

  “You’re not like me Annie. Go with them.”

  “Come with me Kyza. Don’t let him win,” she cries begging me.

  I hold the gun aimed at my dad’s head as emotions run wild inside of me. When Monster steps closer to me the shaking in my hands stops. His warmth soothes me. Simply his presence makes everything okay.


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