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Cowboys Don't Come Out: A Coming Out, Must-love-kids, Two Step Dancing, Hawaii for the Holidays MM Romance

Page 7

by Tara Lain

  The beautiful, mellow Hawaiian light reflected off the water that had collected on the leaves and trees in an overnight rain. Rand breathed the sweet air coming through his car windows. He’d decided to rent his own car for the duration to give him more flexibility. When the stables came into sight, he stopped. Okay, he’d been stoked that Kai got a boner over him. Chuckled himself to sleep. But now he had to face Kai. How would he feel? Hell, not like getting that hard-on shocked him. He’d shone that flashlight on his own erection as much as Rand’s. What would Kai have done if those people hadn’t shown up? What would either of them have done?

  Whoa. A picture lit up his brain—him dropping to his knees in front of Kai and taking that big thing in his mouth. His foot pressed too hard on the accelerator, and the car leaped ahead. Whoa. Would I have? Not like he was Master of Head, but the idea made his mouth water.

  He parked in the gravel lot, then walked up the path to the stable. He saw plenty of black hair, but not his black hair. Pretty proprietary there, son. One of the black-haired guys came forward to meet him and stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Haku. You must be the riding teacher.”

  “Yeah. Short-term. I’m Rand.”

  “Let me show you the mounts. These are all for kids, right?”

  “Yeah, as far as I know. One’s Molly, a guest at the hotel. She rode the bay quarter horse the other day.”

  “Yeah, Pika. It means rock, and he is one. Solid and predictable.”

  “Good.” Rand glanced around as they walked into the stables, but no Kai. Another guy led out two quarter horses and a Morgan, already saddled and bridled. One of the quarter horses was Pika. Rand stroked the nose of the Morgan. “Who’s this?” He slipped a hand in his pocket for a carrot he’d snatched at dinner and got an immediate nibble.

  Haku said, “That’s Rosebud.”

  “Well, hey, Rosebud. She’s a nice size.” A bump on his back turned him around to look into the accusing eyes of a bigger gelding. “Getting jealous?”

  “Batman doesn’t like getting ignored.” Haku laughed.

  “Batman, huh? Okay, here’s a carrot for you.” He leaned over to Pika and presented his last carrot. “And for you.”

  Rand turned at the sound of tires on gravel and watched the hotel van pull in. The vehicle barely stopped before the back door flew open and Molly leaped out. “Hi, Mr. McIntyre. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited!” She ran over toward the horses. “Do I get to ride Pika again?”

  He grinned. “Do you want to?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Well, I consulted with him, and he agrees. He’s your horse.”


  Molly’s dad walked over. “Do you need me to sign the waiver or anything?” He smiled. “She really doesn’t want me or her mom here, so—”

  Rand glanced at Haku, who shook his head. “Nope. You can give her freedom for an hour. We’ll call the hotel to come get her.”

  Molly was patting her horse and ignoring her father completely.

  “I don’t have to tell her to mind. She’s so excited, I know she’ll do anything you say.”

  She glanced over and rolled her eyes. “Daddy!”

  “Okay, okay. I’m gone.”

  Rand smiled. “How’s Simon?”

  “So grounded he may never fly again. But no aftereffects, thank God.” He laughed. “Have fun.”

  Molly ran over and gave him a hug. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  As he rode off in the van, Molly produced an apple from her backpack and glanced at Rand for approval before offering it. Good girl.

  “Remember what we told you last time.”

  “Flat on my hand and approach from the front.”

  “Right. Pika’s cool, but it’s a good habit to get into. Some horses are easily spooked.”

  More tires on gravel. For a second Rand thought the van had come back, but Haku waved, and Rand looked up at an old, dusty truck pulling into the parking area. Much like with Molly, the passenger door opened quickly, and a lanky young boy with shiny black hair powered around the truck and ran toward the horses.

  Rand stepped in his path with a hand up. “Whoa. Never run at horses, unless it’s your horse and you’ve trained him.”

  The boy stopped and gave Rand a skeptical look, then did a slow once-over from boots to Stetson. “You the California cowboy?”

  “That’d be me.”

  Kai’s voice from behind the kid said, “Aliki, this is Mr. McIntyre. Do what he says, or no riding lessons for you.”


  Rand looked up slowly, which prolonged the treat to his eyes. Kai wore his usual cowboy-style shirt with a small plaid print, a black hat, and slim black jeans that enhanced the “man with no name” image. Sex on the hoof. But not one crinkle, smile, or frown revealed how Kai felt about last night’s mutual cock admiration. Cool customer.

  Rand gave a little shake and looked behind Kai at a pretty young girl, probably about Molly’s age, but there the resemblance stopped. Where Molly bubbled and glowed, this child stared at the world out of old eyes. She and the boy, Aliki, looked very much alike if you forgot his rampant, puppy energy. Funny, they didn’t look as much like Kai.

  Rand walked forward and gave her a smile. “Hello, I’m Rand McIntyre.”

  She nodded solemnly. “Hello, Mr. McIntyre. I’m Lani. My brother, Kai, has told us a lot about you.”

  Oh really? “Will you be riding with us today?”

  “Yes, please.” That did inspire a small smile.

  “Then I have the perfect horse.” He swept a hand toward the Morgan. “May I present Rosebud?”

  She stepped forward, then glanced at Rand. He nodded encouragingly. Slowly she walked toward the bay. The horse cocked her head, greeting her with a little nicker. The girl glanced back again and pulled a carrot from her pocket.

  Molly, standing by Pika a few yards down, said, “Oh yes, she’ll love that.”

  Lani glanced at the other girl, startled. She didn’t smile, but she did offer the carrot to Rosebud with a flat hand, so at least Kai had taught her that much. The horse nibbled it gracefully, tickling Lani’s hand, and finally she laughed. Molly joined in, and even Aliki gave a little hoot.

  Rand clapped his hands. “Okay, each of you take your mount by the reins and lead him or her to the paddock. We’ll work there for a while and then do a short trail ride, okay?”

  Of course, Aliki was out first, leading the pack. Fortunately, his gelding didn’t mind a bit of hauling, so Rand didn’t stop him. Molly waited for Lani and smiled as they fell in side by side with Rand behind them. “Hi. I’m Molly.”


  “Is this your first lesson?”

  Lani nodded and gently led Rosebud toward the paddock.

  “And Mr. Kealoha is your brother?”

  Lani stared at the ground but nodded.

  “Cool. Imagine having a real cowboy for a brother.”

  Lani looked surprised.

  “How come you never learned to ride before now?”

  Lani’s expression closed like a shutter. “Kai works a lot.”

  “Oh, I’ll bet. Wow, riding and roping and branding. That must be so hard—and so cool!”

  Rand glanced toward Kai. Cool for damned sure.

  Chapter Eight

  They got into the paddock, and Rand walked in with the kids while Kai draped himself on the fence. Talk about distracting. Rand got all the kids in a squat and taught them about the straight line from hip to knee to ankle; then he demonstrated mounting the horse from the mounting blocks. “Be sure to lift your right leg high so it doesn’t drag on your mount, otherwise the horse can get confused and move forward.” He flicked a hand toward Kai, Haku, and one of the other cowboys who had followed along. They all stepped forward and monitored the kids. Of course, Aliki flailed a bit, but he mounted well, leg high, then flashed his white teeth.

  “Good job. Molly, you’re next.”

  It took Molly two attempts to get her leg over smoothly, bu
t she managed without too much trouble on her second attempt. She giggled. “That’s higher than I thought.”

  Rand nodded. “Exactly. Good observation.”

  His compliment clearly took the sting out of the need for two attempts.

  He turned to Lani. Her somber face never changed as she grasped the reins, took hold of the saddle horn, and rose into her seat like the fucking Queen of Hawaii. Rand smiled up at her and said quietly, “Good genes.” He winked, and she flashed him that gift of a smile.

  Rand raised a hand, mostly to get Aliki’s attention. The kid clearly wanted to canter to Mexico across the water. “This is important.” He slid his hand between Lani’s calf and the side of the horse. “This part of your leg is not for holding on. All of the gripping is in your butt and thighs. Got it? What do you think this part of your leg is for?”

  Aliki and Molly both raised hands, waving them madly.


  “Uh, communicating.”

  “Good. Aliki?”

  “Yeah, like she said. Telling the horse what to do.”

  “Correct. Horses move away from pressure, so if you’re trying to get a better grip because you think you might tip over—” He laughed. “—and you grab on with your lower leg, what could happen?”

  Molly said, “The horse might go faster.”

  “Right. So, we’re going to start moving slowly. I want you to feel your bottoms.”

  Aliki gave him a look. “Bottoms?”

  “That’s butts to you, Aliki.”

  Aliki snorted, and Rand snorted back. “You know those two bones in your butt? Feel them flat on the saddle. When you want to stop the horse, you’re going to sit hard and deep on those bones and push your hips forward a little, like you’re closing a drawer or something. That’s developing your seat, and it’s the most important thing in riding.”

  “Seat.” Aliki laughed.

  “Hey, that butt’s gotta be good for something.” The words fell out, the kids laughed, and his cheeks burned as he saw Kai glance at him. Cool move, McIntyre.

  While Haku and the other cowboys went back to the stables, Kai stayed close. They started the horses in a walk, and Rand and Kai strode beside the mounts, making sure the kids remained positioned. Kai stuck close to Aliki. Good choice. Rand called, “The foot stays flexed and only the balls of the feet touch the stirrups. Keep your legs relaxed. Horses like that. It’s a reward when they don’t feel any pressure.”

  Aliki looked crazed to get going, even though his seat barely qualified as adequate. Molly smiled with wide eyes, while Lani never cracked a grin but sat like she’d been born up there. As they rode, he gave them instruction about turning the leg to turn the horse the opposite way. Maybe if they did one more lesson, he could get them all the way to a trot. Normally he’d wait much longer, but time they didn’t have. Kai could work with his brother and sister after Rand left.

  That thought produced a stab in the chest. He sucked a slow breath. Why should the idea of leaving give him a twinge? Fuck, wasn’t he dying to get home? He glanced at Kai, who was stalking his brother like an eagle tracing a rabbit, and just as gracefully.

  Had last night meant what he thought? Did Kai’s stiffy announce his interest in Rand? Did it mean Kai was gay? Or could it be some other code known only to Hawaiian cowboys? He needed to find out. He had one chance to have that master cock buried in his ass. Whew. That gave him chills down to his DNA.

  Maybe Kai’s not even interested.

  Maybe, but the possibility that something would have happened if those people hadn’t arrived on the beach——shit, it would make him crazy forever unless he knew for sure.

  “Hey, Rand, what’s next?” Aliki, of course.

  He dragged his brain and his cock from the edge of erection. “Funny you should ask. How about Kai and I mount up, and we go out on the trail and practice what we’ve learned?”


  Kai frowned. “Aliki!”

  “Sorry. Sorry, Mr. McIntyre.”

  The kid was plenty apologetic when he was getting his way. Rand grinned. Bet Kai was the same way.

  He untied Misty from the gate and mounted her, carefully demonstrating all the skills he’d told them. He looked over at Kai, who leaned forward on the pommel of his saddle, black hat tipped forward and shading his deep, dark eyes. Where was a camera when you needed one? “You want to lead?”

  Kai nodded once and set out on the path that stretched away from the stables and toward the beach. He walked his horse briskly but shy of a trot. Trotting was damned hard.

  Aliki rode behind Kai, with Molly after, and Lani in front of Rand. “You’re doing well, Lani. You’re really a natural horsewoman.”

  She looked back wide-eyed. “Thank you.”

  “Nothing to thank, ma’am. It’s just the truth.” He touched his hat brim and got her to grin, but she turned quickly like she didn’t want to lose touch with her horse.

  Wonder why Kai never taught her? Wouldn’t have taken much.

  Kai glanced back at Aliki. The kid practically floated above the horse. Pure happiness. Of course, give him an inch and he’d be a mile away. Kai let out a slow breath and tried to exhale the guilt along with it. Seeing Lani on that Morgan, like she’d been born there. Okay, so maybe he couldn’t have taught her, but there were other teachers. I should have tried.

  Beat yourself up over everything you should have given those kids, and you’ll be dead before they’re out of high school.

  Hell, watching Rand teach riding was like a spiritual experience. Pure skill. Every detail thought out and presented, and he was perfect with kids. None of that awkwardness most people had. In fact, Rand seemed less comfortable with adults than he did with kids. Truly a natural.

  But he’s gay.

  Don’t want to go there. Besides, I don’t know that for sure.

  Yeah, right. Flashlights turn him on.

  “Hey, Kai, look!”

  He glanced back as Aliki twisted his right leg and got Batman to turn left. He released his leg and had to work a little harder to get the horse back to moving ahead.

  Kai touched his hat brim. “Good job, man. You’re doing well.”

  That got every tooth in Aliki’s head on display. Shit, he’d need braces soon. Kai had gotten off easy with Lani’s straight teeth, but Aliki’s had come in every which way. Better try for some more shifts at the stables.

  Rand called from behind him, “Kai, let’s stop on the beach for a minute.”

  I’d like to stop on the beach—with no kids, the cover of darkness, a couple bottles of beer, and a whole lot of lube. Weird. Usually his hand did it for him well enough, but Rand made him antsy. He sighed and led his horse down the side path toward the water.

  Rand gave the kids great instructions on dismounting and tied the reins to a tree so the horses could graze. Aliki and Molly hit the sand with their usual enthusiasm, Aliki running toward the water. Lani dismounted more slowly and stood patting her horse.

  “Hey, Lani, c’mon.” Molly waved from halfway down the beach.

  Lani looked up and, for sure, some sun rose in her face. A little smile played across her mouth, and she tied her horse and trotted toward Molly. Well, hell, how much did Lani miss out on because of her weird life? She never brought friends home because she couldn’t. Did she have friends? How could anyone not like Lani? I want her to be happy.

  Lani ran toward a girl her own age—a potential friend—and heat filled Kai’s head. Too much. No way to juggle it all. No way. He staggered back a few steps and turned toward the trees.

  A strong hand gripped his arm. “Are you okay, Kai?”

  Damn. “Yeah. Of course.” But he couldn’t turn around.

  “Something’s wrong. Tell me, please.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry. Something about Lani and Molly being friendly just got me. She’s so serious all the time.”

  “An old soul, that one.”

  Kai didn’t turn and Rand’s hand stayed, warm an
d strong on his arm. “Why didn’t you ever teach her to ride? She’s a natural.”

  Shit! He shook off the hand. “Because I’m no fucking teacher, and there are only so many hours and so much money in a day.”

  Rand grabbed his arm harder. That brought him around—fiercely, but Rand tightened his fingers. “Stop. If nothing else, I’m your friend. You ride better than I do. She could learn just by watching you for a day. She’s smart. So what’s all this crap? What’s going on?”

  Kai gritted his teeth and stared up into Rand’s blue eyes. Blue. Fucking haole. What does he know?

  Just like that. No warning, no explanation, no request—Rand kissed him! Just pressed his mouth down, hard as his hand and much hotter. It only lasted a second. Almost like it didn’t happen, except Kai’s mouth flamed. He raised a hand—to hit him? To grab him back?

  “Kai, watch me!” Aliki’s yell came from some other planet—one where big California cowboys didn’t kiss paniolos, at least not in fucking public. Kai slammed his hands against Rand’s chest and trotted toward the sound of his brother’s voice. Shit, what if Aliki had seen them? Or Lani. Rand didn’t have to care. He was leaving. It was Kai’s life that’d get wrecked. He shuddered. The two girls walked ankle-deep in the surf, talking. He glanced around. No crazy little brother. “Aliki, where are you?”

  “Up here.”

  “What?” He looked up. From high up in a ficus tree, Aliki leaned down and waved. Shit. “Uh, how did you get up there?”

  “Climbed. Don’t see any jet packs nearby.”

  “How are you planning to get down?”

  “Same way I got up.”

  He sighed very quietly. He’d been up a lotta trees. “Okay, the trunks on that tree are slippery. Be careful.” He watched as Aliki grabbed a branch and stretched to get his leg on the next branch below, gripping some very wobbly leaves and small stems. He felt around with his foot but ended up pulling his leg back up. Bodies just don’t work the same way going down as up. Kai stepped closer to the tree. “Shall I come up?”


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