Tarot Twist
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Thus, the repetitive plan which is spoken of in Kabbalah, and the fact that each Sephirah "contains the other nine", is due to the fractal or recursive nature of the Kabbalistic system symbolized by the Tree of Life, and referred to often as the Orchard of Trees.
Another technological advance which resumes this idea is that of hologram images, which are produced by projecting the interference patterns made by light waves (lasers) about an object onto photographic plate.
Shining light on the plate from the same angle then produces the image of the object from the viewer’s location. As Itzhak Bentov explains, if one were to freeze such an interference pattern, for example, the ripples in water made by a stone being dropped, then one could, analyzing the pattern, discover where the stone had broken through the water. On a note of poetic whimsy, one could perhaps visualize the Tree of Life as the wave-front of the light of God.
One may realize that all the above modern ideas are actually pre-empted and summarized in a more ancient doctrine, which states, in the Tabula Smaragdina (Table of Emerald); "It is true without lying, certain and most true, that which is inferior or below, is as that which is superior, or above, and that which is superior as that which is inferior, to work and accomplish the miracles of one thing."
Patterns emerge at all levels and all scales, such as the spiral of a shell and the spiral of a fern branch, or the shape of a galaxy and the shape of a human cell. As Louise B. Young states in the Unfinished Universe, "the whole is imminent in all the parts, no matter how small". To those who work with such a self-reflexive system, then it becomes possible to model, and experience, states that often defy description in other, more linear systems. As Blake puts it in "Auguries of Innocence"
"To see a World in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour"
Such is the promise that the Tree of Sapphires (another translation of the word Sephirah) holds, as each facet of each sapphire reflects eternally upon each other in a labyrinth of light.
With that text in mind, we now look at how we can take advantage of this fractal nature in our Tarot, via the magic of correspondence. I first reproduce a table of the correspondences for the Major Arcana which we use in this one card reading method.
This table also shows the full spelling in transliteration of each letter.
Letter in full
Tarot Card
0 : FOOL
PhA, PhY or PhH
With this table you can now depth-charge your one card reading with a single Major Arcana card.
Select out the 22 Major Arcana. Consider your question or the Querent’s question and draw a single card. In this example, we will use the HERMIT. We read the first card as the literal or surface answer, so we interpret this as indicating the questioner needs to take time to themselves.
We then look at the corresponding letter, in this case, Yod. This is transliterated as “Y” but is spelt in full as YVD. Looking these letters up, we see that they are Yod – Vau – and Daleth.
We now select the cards corresponding to that spelling – Hermit (again), Hierophant and Empress. This gives us the next level of reading, which is the symbolic nature of the answer. In this case, we are not literal, we take the cards as symbols showing the person must allow the environment to take care of itself (Empress), must seek expert advice (Hierophant) and keep to their own path (Hermit).
Now we have the cards for YVD, we can see that Yod, Vau and Daleth each have their own spellings, so we can fractal downwards:
Y = YVD = Hermit, Hierophant, Empress
V = VV = Hierophant, Hierophant
D = DLTh = Empress, Justice, World
Now we have an extended answer, which is the deeper call or mythic nature of the situation. Here we see from the Hermit at the top we always come down to a deeper call about finding revelation and justice in the world. You will notice that the Hierophant is now represented three times in the eight cards at this level.
And of course, we can now see why this spread is called the infinity method. Each of the letters still has its own spelling in full. So we can further go down – just one more level to gain the secret answer - for our purposes – as follows:
VV = VV + VV
DLTh = DLTh + LMD + ThV
So those are the cards (from the letters on the right) … Hermit Hierophant Empress (YVD) + Hierophant Hierophant (VV) + Empress Justice World (DLTh) + Hierophant Hierophant (VV) + Empress Justice World (DLTh) + Justice Hanged Man Empress (LMD) + World Hierophant (ThV).
Something interesting has happened now at our secret level to the Hermit card – we have the same letters (and cards) recurring as our previous levels, with one exception – the HANGED MAN (Mem).
At a secret level, the Hanged Man is found four layers below the Hermit. Perhaps this signifies that when we turn to ourselves through the Hermit, we connect to our highest values and see the world differently as does the Hanged Man.
Radiance Method
A simple method to discover how you or your Querent will shine from a reading.
If the Sun card appears in a reading, consult the card or pair of cards either side of the Sun to indicate how the Querent or yourself might shine from receiving this reading.
If the Sun card has not appeared in the reading, go through the deck and discover the Sun card and consult the two cards either side of it.
You can of course do this with any other Major Arcana card, to discover how the Querent might reflect on the reading (from the Moon cards location and two cards either side), how the Querent might take control (Magician card) and so forth.
The Mason’s Spread
A secret spread of Masonic import which answers the question “How?”
In this spread, we look at answering the fundamental question proposed with “How do I …?” for example, “How do I go about getting my life back on track?” or “How do I
get the most out of the new job?”
The spread is a simple layout spread using the concept of the Masons Tools.
Illus. Mason’s Spread.
The Compass Card shows the way in which the persons spirit can be brought into action in this matter.
The Square Card shows the environment and how that can be manipulated to bring about change in the situation.
The Gavel Card shows the active will which can be brought to bear.
The Chisel Card shows where the passive force will bring results by letting things go in that particular area or delegating, giving control away.
The Gauge Card indicates the likely success or outcome of the action.
The Trowel Card shows the first step or action that must be taken.
Recommended Reading
Daniel Beresniak, Symbols of Freemasonry (New York: Assouline, 2000)
SNAP Method
Using Two Decks to get a Second Opinion or Confirmation Reading
Ever been unsure as to a reading? If you have a second deck you can try this simple confirmation method. Whilst the Oracles are sometimes tricky when you ask them time and time again, this method goes some way to providing a second opinion.
This works with 5-7 card readings. If they are smaller or larger, the figures just won’t work so clearly although you might find ways to take this into account.
Take your original spread (5-7 cards) and lay out the cards in a straight line. Then contemplate these cards and your original interpretation and shuffle the second deck. Lay out the same number of cards below the original spread.
For every card which is the same in both readings, in the same position, statistically unlikely, award yourself 10 points. For every card which is the same, but in a different position, award yourself 5 points. For every Suit or Number the same in both rows (whatever their position) award yourself 2 points. If you have the same Court Card in both lines that counts for 4 points.
If you have the same Major card in both readings, award yourself 20 points. If it is in the same position, the reading should be considered clearly confirmed in its original reading.
About 20 points of similarity are more than enough to confirm a reading, however, if there are no points at all, that might mean your original reading should be replaced by the second reading.
I did this recently with an online spread with regard to a relationship question. I got 14 points total similarity between two readings for the same question, however, 10 points of which was the 2 of Cups appearing in the same position (“How the other person considers the relationship”). I took this to indicate that whether I was sure or not about the reading or my interpretation, the other person certainly knew their mind.
The practice of Tarot reading is an imperfect science but a perfect art.
A straightforward evening review spread to accompany the Dawn Spread.
I (Marcus) designed the Dawn spread, which features in the Courtyard Course of Tarot Professionals and Tarot-Town, in September 1983, when I was 18, almost 30 years ago. I was shocked to see my original notes for it in my first Tarot journal recently!
So I decided to return to that original concept – a simple spread for the “Day Ahead” type practice readings, with a Sunset Spread, for reviewing the Day. This - like the Dawn Spread - is an ideal Journaling Spread.
Illus. The Sunset Spread.
The 3 Base cards:
Review – What is the basic lesson I can take from today?
Resolve – What do I need to do differently tomorrow?
Refine – What can I see now that I couldn’t see before?
The 5 Arched cards:
Others – What have I learnt about those around me?
Environment – What have I learnt about the world?
Me – What can I say about myself now?
Problems – What is the nature of the challenges I face?
Solution – Where shall I look for solutions tomorrow?
A spiritual visualization into the Alchemical plane using Tarot.
The introduction of Alchemy to the western tradition can be precisely dated to 11th February, 1144, when Robert of Chester’s “Book of the Composition of Alchemy” was published. This book was part of a new current of free-thinkers, bringing Islamic thought to the West, such as Adelard of Bath. As such, alchemy was already proving significant in cross-fertilising philosophies between east and west. Alchemy was also a publishing endeavor; more books on alchemy were published in England between 1650 and 1680 than before or afterwards.
Alchemy is concerned with both exterior and interior, hence the acronymic motto; VITRIOL, Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem which translates to: "Visit the interior of the earth by rectification you will find the hidden stone". In this it is identical to Asana, which is not merely physical position of the body, but the inherently associated and corresponding change in awareness that comes from physical changes. The word asana is derived from the Sanskrit verb 'Aas' which means existence and state of existence is Asana or Position. Here the position of Body as well as Mind is expected in Asana.
Alchemy is rife with complex and mysterious symbolism. As Norton wrote,
“Also they wrote not every man to teach
But to show themselves by secret speech.
Whereby each of his fellows were made certain:
how that he was to them a brother,
For every of them understood another.”[4]
Illus. The Stages of Alchemy.
It is not just the spiritual realm to which Alchemy significantly provides a bridge, but the psychological realm. Jung wrote, “Alchemy, therefore, has performed for me the great and invaluable service of providing material in which my experience could find sufficient room.”[5]
One of the most significant utilizations of alchemy in the western esoteric tradition is as a model of the initiation system. Although various alchemical authors describe different stages, steps, phases and orders of transformation and transmutation in their works, the significance of a perceivable pattern of progress is an essential underpinning to the organization of many esoteric orders. This progress is often measured in the ten ‘grades’ corresponding to the Tree of Life, although the alchemical process is more often than not modeled in 7, 9 or 12 steps. Here are George Ripley’s twelve stages:
• The First Gate - Calcination
• The Second Gate - Solution
• The Third Gate - Separation
• The Fourth Gate - Conjunction
• The Fifth Gate - Putrefaction
• The Sixth Gate - Congelation
• The Seventh Gate - Cibation
• The Eighth Gate - Sublimation
• The Ninth Gate - Fermentation
• The Tenth Gate - Exaltation
• The Eleventh Gate - Multiplication
• The Twelfth Gate - Projection
The first two stages of Alchemy according to Ripley are Calcination and Solution. The first is described as “the reduction of the matters used to a non-metallic condition” (usually by application of gentle, external, heat). In Richard Cavendish’s interpretation of this process, he suggests, “Calcination probably stands for the purging fires of aspiration and self-discipline … The work begins with a burning discontent with oneself and one’s life … Combined with a fierce determination to do better, the result is the disintegration of the natural self. The outer, surface aspects of the personality are burned away and what is left is the ‘powder’ of the inner man.” He also equates this process to the tarot card of “The Day of Judgment,” which when combined with its corresponding path on the diagram of the Tree of Life gives a constellation of guidance to the spiritual aspirant.
The Alchemical Garden
In this method we take a visualized journey and receive our Tarot in imagination. You should allow thirty minutes and be sat comfor
Close your eyes and visualize yourself dressed as an alchemist; imagine what you would wear to become an alchemist, working with the mysteries of nature, space and time. Perhaps you are robed like a magician, garbed as a chemist, dressed as an artist, or a worker of metals. Feel what it feels like to be dressed in this manner. Now visualize yourself creating another version of yourself, stood before you, facing ahead (so you can see this figures back). Imagine that as an alchemist you can create a slightly better image of yourself, perhaps only different in one slight detail, but making yourself a stronger image nonetheless. See how this figure stands, holds their head, moves slightly. When you are ready to take a deep breath, step forward and ‘stand into’ that new figure, immediately feeling what it feels like, seeing out through their eyes, hearing with their eyes.
Now look forwards in your imagination and create another figure - an even more transformed version of yourself, using your slightly improved skills as an alchemist. Perhaps this next version is even richer in detail, more confident, maybe they are even surrounded by flames or a shimmer of light.
Make the image as powerful as you now can and when ready, taking a deep breath, step forward and inhabit that even more improved version, looking out through their eyes and feeling now all the abilities you possess. You may wish to repeat this at least three or four times.
Use sound, taste and smell whilst you strengthen your image; you may taste the clear taste of peppermint, or hear chimes, or smell rich incense that makes you think of gold. Use all your senses!